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Total readings done: 3 readings + preweek

How I study:
o When it came to study materials, the most important thing for me was that
I only had one material to study. Thats why I made all those reiewers !
to consolidate eerything that I had to know in one material. Haing "ust
one reiewer made it easier for me to memori#e and faster for me to study.
Its really hard haing different $ooks in front of you when studying. Its a
clutter and I found it cluttered my $rain as well. %Thats why I had such a
hard time studying &i, since eerything was scattered $etween different
o (o my goal for my first reading was to read different materials, determine
which one I was most comforta$le with, and consolidate my notes in what
I called my )final* reiewer %if you check the chart I made $elow, the
materials with the most readings were my )final* reiewers. +ll my notes
were consolidated there'. ,or e-ample, in my first reading in .oli, I read
/ernas and 0achura, and then consolidated the my notes in /ernas
%meaning, I put stuff that were in 0achura, $ut not in /ernas, in my /ernas
$ook'. (o when it came to my 1
, 3
, and pre2week reads, I "ust had to
open one $ook %e-cept &i, which I swear had a thing against me.'
o I also made it a point to "ust study +teneo reiewers. %+lthough Id consult
with some /eda reiewers if some points were missing in the +teneo
How I scheduled my readings:
o 3
reading: feel free to follow any order for your first reading4 I started
with .oli and 5a$or first since I didnt take 5a$or 5aw reiew %I coupled it
with .oli for no reason'. I studied Ta- and 6thics the last, since I was
pretty confident with Ta-.
o 1
reading: I started following the order of the e-ams, $ut in a mirror
fashion. (o, I studied 7em first, and ended up with .oli. I made it a point
to finish my 1
reading $efore (eptem$er ended %although I dont
remem$er if I was successful. Hehe'
o 3
reading: I told myself that Id start with my third reading in (eptem$er.
I did the mirror techni8ue again, $ut gae myself only one week to study
the two su$"ects coupled together. What I didnt finish in one week, I
finished during pre2week. I "ust marked where I left off on my notes.
(o, in the first week of (eptem$er, I studied 7em and 6thics.
(econd week, I studied &omm and &rim. Third week, I studied &i
and Ta-. ,ourth week, I studied .oli and 5a$or.
I found this )one week to study eerything* techni8ue useful for
two reasons: first, it $uilt my confidence since getting three
readings in was my goal to $egin with4 and second, $y the time I
started with .oli and 5a$or, the /ar e-ams for those su$"ects were
two weeks away. (o its like I had two weeks for my )pre2week* in
.oli and 5a$or.
Subject Materials Read Lectures Attended
Political law Bernas Reviewer (3)
Nachura Reviewer (2 for
the non-Consti stuff like
admin, etc; for the
consti stuff)
!teneo Poli reviewer (3 for
the non-Consti stuff, "
used this as m# $final%
reviewer for non-consti
stuff; &rief read-throu'h
for the consti stuff, mostl#
for u(dates on cases)
)imene*%s u(dates on
+uris(rudence (3; )ack%s
notes are definitel# a
must , eas# read and
u(dated, availa&le in the
-ean Candelaria%s
.ecture on Pu&lic
"nternational .aw
(found this e/tremel#
useful es(eciall# when
it came to treaties)
!tt#0 )ack%s (re-week
lectures (a&solute must
for me, he 'oes
throu'h (racticall# all
the case doctrines,
which stuck with me
durin' the e/am)
!tt#0 !'ra%s (re-week
lecture on non-consti
.a&or .aw !*ucena%s 1ver#one%s
.a&or Code (3)
!lcantara (2 for 2ocial
le'islation; for la&or)
!teneo .a&or Reviewer
3icke# notes on
+uris(rudence (3)
!teneo u(dates on
)uris(rudence ()
!tt#0 3anuel%s Pre-
week lecture ('ood
review for la&or
relations, &ut don%t
for'et to stud# la&or
" think " attended a
lecture on u(dates on
+uris(rudence as well
Civil .aw Persons4
o Re'ina Reviewer
for -ean -el%s
Class &# 5urrea
and 3anie'o (3)
o Codal (3)
o 2em(io--# ()
o Re'ina Reviewer
for -ean -el%s
Class &# 5urrea
and 3anie'o (3)
o Codal (3)
o 3icke# Reviewer
o )urado (2)
o Cham( Reviewer
o Codal (3)
o )urado ( or 2,
don%t remem&er)
!tt#0 2ta 3aria%s Pre-
week on Persons
)ustice 7ofilena%s Pre-
week on Pro(ert# (&ut
ste((ed out once in a
while, and " think "
ski((ed some stuff0 -id
it mostl# for u(dates
on +uris(rudence)
-ean !n'eles% Pre-
week on .and 8itles
2ec 8rans
o 9uni'a notes (3)
o 3icke# notes ()
o Codal
!'enc#, Partnershi(, 2ales
o C.:%s outline (2)
o !teneo reviewer
o Codal
.and 8itles
o -ean !n'eles%
notes (3)
8a/ation .aw 3icke# Notes (3)
Co ;ntian (2)
3amalateo (, &ut onl#
for certain to(ics)
!teneo reviewer (2, for
&asic (rinci(les of ta/ation
which aren%t in the 3icke#
!tt#0 3ontero%s lecture
on u(dates on
!tt#0 5eronimo%s (re-
week lecture (&ut onl#
attended the first few
da#s; mostl# for &asic
(rinci(les of ta/ation)
Commercial .aw 2undian' (3)
!&ad Ne'o 3ade 1as# (3)
C.: ( for Cor(oration
and "nsurance .aw case
)ack notes on Bankin' and
other related laws, etc (3)
)ack notes on u(dates on
+uris(rudence (3, availa&le
in the admin)
5lenn 8ua*on notes on
)ack%s lectures (2 for
!tt#0 )ack%s Pre-week
lectures (a'ain, su(er
hel(ful; !tt#0 )ack is a
reviewer 'od)
Criminal .aw 3icke# Notes (3)
Boado on 2(ecial .aws ()

Remedial .aw 3icke# Notes (3)
!teneo Reviewer (3, &ut
+ust for 1vidence and 2(ec
!teneo u(dates on
+uris(rudence ()
<estin (2, for 2(ec Pro)
Riano%s Books for
Remedial .aw , Civ Pro,
Crim Pro, 1vidence ()
!tt#0 8ran=uil%s Pre-
1thics !teneo reviewer (3)
Codal (3)
!teneo u(dates on
+uris(rudence ()
)ustice 7ofi%s Pre-week

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