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The Coconut Oil Miracle: Where is the Evidence?

By Bruce Fife, ND.

Christine Tomlinson, MD, director of the National Candida Society, in the UK
believes in the antibacterial roerties of coconut oil, and advises candida sufferers
!those "ith a yeast over#ro"th$ to include it in their diet. Mary Ne"ort, MD, director
of the neonatolo#y unit at Srin# %ill &e#ional %osital in Florida, is a firm believer
in the o"er of coconut for the treatment of neurolo#ical disorders, such as
'l(heimer)s and *ar+inson)s. She should, her husband suffered "ith 'l(heimer)s for
five years before she discovered coconut oil. ,ith the aid of coconut oil he)s ma+in# a
remar+able comebac+. -thers claim that it can hel "ith diabetes, cancer, +idney and
liver function, vitamin and mineral absortion, di#estive roblems, immune function,
and "ei#ht loss. From all the #lo"in# reorts coconut oil aears to be a suer food
"ith a multitude of nutritional and medicinal uses.

.n recent years coconut oil has shot to suerstardom in the "orld of health foods.
Celebrities are usin# it, nutritionists are recommendin# it, and atients are e/tollin# its
many virtues. 0et, desite the #ro"in# oularity, some eole are s+etical. %o"
could one thin# have so many health benefits1 .t sounds too #ood to be true. .n
addition, many doctors, dieticians, and other health care rofessionals have been
reluctant to accet coconut oil as a health food. Coconut oil contains a hi#h ercenta#e
of saturated fat. Saturated fats have been condemned for so many years, that they find
it hard to chan#e their oinions even "hen faced "ith evidence to the contrary.

The ob2ection they state is al"ays the same3 there is not enou#h evidence to rove that
coconut oil is harmless or that it has any health benefits. 4.f it has any health
benefits,5 they bello", 4sho" me the evidence65 They demand eer7revie"ed studies
ublished in resected medical 2ournals. By cryin# 4sho" me the evidence5 they are
imlyin# that there is little evidence and that there are no such studies available.

.n recent years doctors and editors of health 2ournals are fre8uently bein# as+ed about
coconut oil. Most don)t +no" anythin# about it and consider it 2ust another assin#
fad. Their ans"ers reflect this vie".

' letter sent to the editors of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association as+s3
4.s there science to suort claims for coconut oil15 The editor)s rely be#ins by
inferrin# that all the so7called health claims come from "ebsites sellin# coconut oil
and then states, 4'ccordin# to these sources, the health benefits of coconut oil hel to
revent or miti#ate a "ide ran#e of medical conditions. %o"ever9there is
insufficient evidence to suort the claims.5

' similar 8uestion "as osed to bestsellin# author 'ndre" ,eil, MD. 4,e don)t
have any evidence su##estin# that coconut oil is better for you than other saturated
fats,5 he states on his "ebsite. 4The benefits of coconut oil in the diet, if any, are
li+ely to be minimal, and until "e havemore and better evidence about coconut oil;s
effect9. do not recommend usin# it.

&eaders of Dr. =ohn McDou#all)s ne"sletter as+ed him the same 8uestion. 4Coconut
oil is the ne"est miracle food romoted on the .nternet and at health food stores for
re2uvenation and cure of >"hatever ails you,)5 resonds Dr. McDou#all. 4'dvocates
of coconut oil claim this sensational food has anti7microbial, anti7heart disease, anti7
cancer, and anti7obesity benefits. Furthermore, this fat is sold as a cure for lo"
thyroid function !hyothyroidism$. This is a hu#e turnaround for a substance that has
traditionally been thou#ht of as an artery7clo##in# saturated fat. Testimonials provide
most of the evidence for the miraculous effects these oils have on eole, rather
than well thought out and carefully designed experiments ?italics mine@. Thus, most of
these claims are based on a little truth overblo"n into a sales itch for sellers of
coconut oil.5

The ans"ers are all the sameB the health claims are attributed to eole sellin#
coconut oil and that there is little or no evidence to bac+ u their claims. -bviously,
these doctors did not bother to ta+e the time to research the 8uestion but simly #ave
their uneducated, biased oinions. That)s the roblem "ith those "ho refuse to
ac+no"led#e ne" advances in science and medicine. They don)t ta+e the time to find
out and belittle those "ho have.
Celebrity doctor Mehmet -(, MD, "rote an article a coule of years a#o lambastin#
coconut oil in the same vein as those above. %o"ever, recently Dr. -( reversed his
stance and ac+no"led#ed that coconut oil is a healthy food and admitted that he himself
no" ta+es it every day. %e even included several se#ments of his TC sho" to the
benefits of coconut oil. !0ou can vie" them
at htt3DD""".doctoro(.comDvideosDcoconut7oil7suer7o"ers7t7:$ .f these other
doctors "ere oen minded enou#h and had ta+en the time to do 2ust a little
investi#ation, li+e Dr. -(, they "ould have seen the over"helmin# evidence and
become believers too.
Show me the evidence. That)s the universal battle cry of the critics. .s there
sufficient evidence to 2ustify the safety and value of coconut oil1 There is actually
lenty of evidence, if you +no" "here to loo+. -n the .nternet there is a "ebsite
sonsored by U.S. National .nstitutes of %ealth called *ubMed !""".ubmed.#ov$.
This is a research tool that inde/es nearly E,FFF medical and biolo#ical 2ournals
ublished around the "ord. .f you +ey in the "ord 4coconut oil5 you #et a listin# of
all the studies in the database that involve coconut oil. Currently there are :,A:G
studies listed. -ver thirteen hundred studies, that)s a lot of evidence6 Ne" studies are
continually bein# added. ,e can say to the critics are these enou#h studies1 They
"ould robably say 4no, "e "ant more studies.5 -K, "ell you can find additional
studies by loo+in# u similar search terms li+e 4vir#in coconut oil,5 4medium chain
fatty acids,5 4medium chain tri#lycerides,5 4lauric acid,5 4caric acid,5 4carylic
acid,5 and so forth. ,hen you have done that, you "ill #et a listin# of over :H,FFF
studies6 %o")s that for evidence6 This "ould blo" their minds. Some of these studies,
ho"ever, "ill be listed t"ice. So if "e ta+e into account some dulication, that still
leaves about :F,FFF studies on coconut oil.
Ten thousand studies should be enou#h to convince any s+etic, esecially "hen you
consider that the FD' #rants aroval to ne" dru#s if only two ositive studies are
ublished. The arthritis dru# Cio//, had only four ublished studies before it "as
aroved. ,hen ne" dru#s are aroved for distribution to the ublic, "hy don;t
doctors stand u and scream for more evidence1 ,hen Cio//, Baycol, and Darvon
"ere aroved "hy didn;t the medical community rise u in rotest as+in# for more
evidence for their efficiency and safety1 They should have, since each of these dru#s
"ere later ta+en off the mar+et because they "ere crilin# and +illin# eole.
,hen the 'l(heimer)s dru#, 'ricet, "as aroved by the FD' in :IIE there "ere
less than :F studies available, not all of them ositive. The effects of the dru# have
been less than imressive. ' fe" of the studies su##ested that some atients may
benefit from ta+in# the dru#, "hile others failed to sho" any benefit. .n #eneral, less
than half of those ta+in# the dru# demonstrate any benefit. ,hen imrovement does
occur, it lasts only a fe" months and is not #reat enou#h to have any "orth"hile effect
on the atient)s symtoms or day7to7day functionin#. The results have been #enerally
disaointin#, nevertheless, the dru# "as aroved and is currently the most "ildly
used treatment for 'l(heimer)s.
,hat rice does the atient ay for the ossibility of a fe" months of minor
imrovement1 The rice can be measured in terms of the adverse reactions from
ta+in# the dru#, "hich may include any number of the follo"in#3 diarrhea, di((iness,
muscle crams, nausea, fati#ue, insomnia, vomitin#, "ei#ht loss, sei(ures, and death.
.s it "orth it1 ,hile the benefits are only e/ected to last a fe" months, atients often
continue the dru# for years. ,here are the voices callin# for more studies on
'ricet1 ,here are the voices challen#in# its safety1 .s it because it is a chemical
created in a laboratory that #ives it accetance amon# the medical community, "hile
coconut oil bein# a roduct of nature is loo+ed uon "ith susicion1
Death and Inur! Caused "!
Dru#s$ %S Coconut Oil &'S(
Deaths)*ear +rom ,rescri-tion
Dru#s$$ . /012000

Deaths)*ear +rom
Coconut Oil . 0

Serious Inuries)*ear +rom
,rescri-tion Dru#s$$ . 3 million

Serious Inuries)*ear +rom
Coconut Oil . 0

JThese fi#ures are for rescrition dru#s only. They do not include over7the counter
or street dru#s. -ver7the7counter dru#s also cause many deaths. Kvery year, more
than :G,FFF eole die in North 'merica from ordinary asirin and iburofen !'dvil,

JJThese dru#s have all been throu#h the eer revie" rocess and have been
evaluated and aroved by the FD'.
The number of studies that have involved coconut oil is far #reater than the vast
ma2ority of rescrition dru#s currently on the mar+et. Coconut oil has a lon# history
of safe and effective use. .t is ridiculous for eole to cry out for more studies on the
safety and effectiveness of coconut oil yet say nothin# about investi#atin# the safety
and effectiveness of ne" dru#s, "hich have the otential to do #reat harm as evidenced
in the data above. Source3htt3DDcommon#round.caD<F:<DF:Drescrition7dru#7deathsD
Coconut oil has caused no deaths or harm of any tye. .t)s been used safely for
thousands of years. There is no ris+ in usin# it. Thousands of studies have roven its
theraeutic "orth and tens of thousands satisfied users can attest to its health
romotin# roerties. Coconut oil has roven to be far more effective at treatin#
'l(heimer)s than 'ricet.
0et, critics still call for more studies on coconut oil.
'dmittedly, not all of the :F,FFF studies involvin# coconut oil are of e8ual value,
some rovide little or no useful information. %o"ever, the same is true for dru#
studies as "ell, not all of them are useful either. Nevertheless, there are amle studies
on coconut oil to clearly demonstrate its many nutritional and medicinal roerties.
Met)s ta+e a brief loo+ at the evidence behind the modern medical uses for coconut oil.
The basic chemistry of coconut oil "as fi#ured out bac+ in the :I<Fs and :IAFs. Bac+
then it "as discovered that coconut oil "as distinctly different from other fats and
oils. Coconut oil "as found to be comosed redominately of a uni8ue family of fats
called medium chain fatty acids. .n coconut oil these fatty acids are in the form of
medium chain tri#lycerides !MCTs$.
.n the :IAFs and :ILFs, it "as discovered that "hen coconut oil "as added into the
diet it imroved the absortion of various nutrients. For e/amle, ,.D. Salmon and
=.N. Noodman at the 'labama *olytechnic .nstitute !no" 'uburn University$ studied
the effects of vitamin B7: deficiency in animals #iven different tyes of fats. Citamin
B7: deficiency leads to a fatal disease called beriberi. The fats and oils evaluated
included olive oil, butter, beef fat, linseed oil !fla/seed$, cottonseed oil, and other oils.
,hen rats "ere #iven a vitamin B deficient diet, coconut oil "as by far the most
efficient in reventin# the disease and e/tendin# lifesan. .n fact, those receivin#
coconut oil actually #ained "ei#ht, indicatin# continued #ro"th even thou#h the diet
"as nutritionally oor.
None of the tested oils, includin# coconut oil, contains
vitamin B7:. %o"ever, coconut oil ma+es "hat little of the vitamin that is in the diet
more biolo#ically available, thus reventin# the deficiency disease.

' number of studies over the years have found similar effects. Coconut oil imroves
the absortion of not only the B vitamins but also vitamins ', D, K, K, beta7carotene,
CoO:F, and other fat soluble nutrients, minerals such as calcium, ma#nesium, and
some amino acidsPthe buildin# bloc+ for rotein.
!*lease note that for readability
only a very fe" references "ill be included in this article. .f all available references
"ere listed, this article "ould s"ell to "ell over AF a#es in len#th.$

The fact that coconut oil imroved absortion of a "ide variety of nutrients led
researchers to investi#ate its use in treatin# malnutrition and malabsortion syndrome
in children and infants. Kventually it "as included in hosital feedin# formulas for the
sic+ and in infant formulas, esecially for remature and lo" birth "ei#ht babies.
,hen comared to other dietary fats, coconut oil roduced faster #ro"th, "ei#ht #ain,
and imroved nutritional status.
Coconut oil became a standard in#redient in all
commercial infant formulas and still is today. Coconut oil or MCTs are also still used
in hosital .C and feedin# formulas to treat sic+ atients of all a#es. 'ddin# the oil
reduces the atients) recovery time and imroves nutritional status.

.n the :IGFs researchers be#an investi#atin# the nutritional and medicinal uses for
MCTs. %arvard researcher Ci#en K. Babayan, *hD is credited "ith develoin# the
rocess of distillin# coconut oil do"n into ure MCT oil. %e called the urified
oil fractionated coconut oil or MCT oil.
' #reat deal of research follo"ed and it "as
soon evident that MCTs ossessed uni8ue biolo#ical roerties "ith a number of
imortant nutritional and medical alications.

.t "as soon discovered that MCTs di#est differently than other fats. ,hen s"allo"ed,
most fats travel do"n the esoha#us !throat$, throu#h the stomach, and into the small
intestine "here they are bro+en do"n by di#estive en(ymes and bile into individual
fatty acids !lon# chain fatty acids$. These fatty acids are then absorbed into the
intestinal "all "here they are reac+a#ed into bundles of fat, cholesterol, and rotein
called lioroteins. These lioroteins ass into the bloodstream. 's they circulate in
the bloodstream they release little articles of fat and cholesterol that are utili(ed by
the cells or stored as body fat.

The rocess is comletely different "ith MCTs. ,hen MCTs are consumed, they
di#est very raidly and be#in brea+in# do"n immediately. ,hen they ass from the
stomach into the small intestine, they are already comletely searated into individual
fatty acids !medium chain fatty acids$ and, therefore, do not need ancreatic di#estive
en(ymes or bile for di#estion, thus relievin# stress on the di#estive system. Since they
are already in the form of fatty acids "hen they enter the small intestine they are
immediately absorbed into the ortal vein and sent directly to the liver. .n the liver
they are metaboli(ed into ener#y.

The difference in the "ay MCTs are di#ested is very imortant because it rovides a
means to treat a number of medical conditions. K/tensive research and clinical "or+
in the :IEFs and :IHFs led to the use of MCTs for the treatment of a variety of
malabsortion syndromes

includin# obstructive 2aundice
, cystic fibrosis
, troical
, a7beta7liorotenaemia
, intestinal lymhan#iectasia
, ancreatic
, and to seed recovery after intestinal sur#ery

Because of the uni8ue "ay in "hich MCTs are di#ested and metaboli(ed they roduce
an increase in ener#y and boost metabolism. For this reason, MCTs are used by
athletes to imrove erformance. MCTs or coconut oil are commonly found in
commercially roduced ener#y bars and sorts drin+s mar+eted to eole "ith active

This metabolic boostin# effect diminishes fat deosition. This led researchers in the
:IQFs to be#in investi#atin# the use of MCTs as a means for "ei#ht
&esearchers from McNill University in Ouebec, Canada and else"here
is no" recommendin# the use of MCTs as a means to treat obesity.

.n the :IEFs =on =. Kabara, *hD, a rofessor of harmacolo#y at Michi#an State
University, discovered that MCTs ossess otent antimicrobial roerties. .n his
search for a safe means to rotect foods from fun#al and bacterial contamination he
found that MCTs fit the bill. -ver the years he and other researchers found that MCTs
can +ill a "ide variety of disease7causin# bacteria, fun#i, viruses, and
MCTs "ere not only useful in reservin# foods, but could be used
toically and internally as antimicrobial a#ents to revent and fi#ht off infectious
disease. Many common disease7causin# microbes as "ell as otentially deadly ones
li+e %.C and dru#7resistant bacteria are vulnerable to MCTs.
This asect of MCTs
is e/tensively researched. There are literally hundreds of studies on this toic and even
entire boo+s describin# the antimicrobial effects of MCTs.

Because coconut oil is comosed redominately MCTs, it ossesses the same
antimicrobial o"er, as evidenced in many clinical and laboratory studies.

.n the :IHFs it "as discovered that "hile the liver burns some MCTs immediately to
roduce ener#y, others are converted into +etones. Ketones are a suer otent form of
ener#y that are used secifically by the brain, but can be used by all the tissues in the
body e/cet the liver.

Ketones not only rovide a hi#h 8uality source of ener#y for the brain but tri##er the
activation of secial roteins that function in brain cell maintenance, reair, and
#ro"th, thus rovidin# a theraeutic effect on the brain. Since the :IHFs MCTs have
been used in +eto#enic diets to treat eilesy. Today modified +eto#enic diets, usin#
MCTs, are the standard dietary treatment for dru#7resistant eilesy.

Besides eilesy, +etones have been successfully used to treat a number of other
neurolo#ical disorders such as 'l(heimer)s disease, *ar+inson)s disease, %untin#ton)s
disease, 'MS, stro+e, narcolesy, brain trauma, and brain cancer. The consumtion of
coconut oil can increase blood +etone levels to theraeutic levels that can successfully
treat all of these conditions. Many atients "ith 'l(heimer)s and other forms of
dementia are currently bein# treated "ith coconut oil and are achievin# far better
results than the medications currently aroved for these conditions. Studies sho" that
MCTs can effectively miti#ate the effects of 'l(heimer)s and a dietary sulement
desi#ned for this urose "as aroved by the Food and Dru# 'dministration !FD'$
in <FFI for the treatment of 'l(heimer)s.

Coconut oil is +no"n to aid those "ith diabetes by balancin# blood su#ar levels.
MCTs imrove insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, thus reversin# the underlyin#
cause of diabetes.

Coconut oil has very otent anti7cancer roerties. ,hen cancer is chemically
induced in lab animals the addition of coconut oil into their diets can comletely
ne#ate the carcino#enic effects of the chemicals.

Coconut oil can revent and even reverse liver disease caused by a variety of to/ic
a#ents such as alcohol, bacteria, dru#s, and chemicals.
.t does the same for other
or#ans in the body such as the intestines, colon, +idneys, and ancreas.

Kven heart health is imroved "ith the use of coconut oil. ,hile much criticism has
been cast on coconut oil because of its saturated fat content, the evidence suorts its
heart friendly nature. MCTs are readily used by the heart as fuel. .n fact, it uses MCTs
in reference to #lucose or olyunsaturated fatty acids as a source of ener#y. Ketones,
as "ell, "hich are roduced from MCTs act as a suerfuel for the heart, increasin#
o/y#en delivery by AI ercent and heart function by <Q ercent. .n fact, researchers at
University FranRois &abelais in France are no" recommendin# the use of MCTs for
the treatment of heart diseases.

They have sho"n that the diseased heart is ener#y deficient and by imrovin# o/y#en
and fuel delivery, heart function and survival is dramatically imroved.
The fact that
that coconut oil is not harmful to the heart and may even be theraeutic is
substantiated by numerous studies on coconut eatin# oulations "here heart disease
rates are amon# the lo"est in the "orld.
Many other de#enerative diseases are also
much lo"er in these oulations such as cancer, diabetes, colitis, liver disease,
#allbladder disease, and dementia. Could it be due to the coconut in their diets1

Coconut oil has the otential to aid in the rotection and treatment of a number of
health roblems due to its documented antimicrobial, antio/idant, anti7inflammatory,
antiulcero#enic, antimuta#enic, anal#esic, and antiyretic activities.
Scientists and
harmaceutical comanies have reco#ni(ed the imortance of MCTs and have filed
numerous atents for their theraeutic use in the treatment of 'l(heimer)s disease,
cancer, dental caries, eriodontal disease, s+in diseases, and various bacterial, viral,
and fun#al infections. 'arently the researchers at these comanies feel there is
amle scientific evidence to invest their time and money in rocurin# the le#al ri#hts
to use them theraeutically.

The health benefits of MCTs are so "ell documented that the critics cannot ar#ue
a#ainst their nutritional and medicinal value or safety. %o"ever, some "ill ar#ue that
many of the studies "ere done usin# fractionated coconut oil or MCT oil, not coconut
oil, and therefore, are not reresentative of the effects of coconut oil. This ar#ument is
2ust a smo+escreen to 2ustify the demand for 4more evidence.5

Since coconut oil is redominately a medium chain tri#lyceride oil !EAS$, 4the
biolo#ical effects of coconut oil are a conse8uence of the resence of these acids,5
says %ans Kaunit(, MD, rofessor of atholo#y at Columbia University Medical
School and lon# time MCT researcher.
Because coconut oil is comosed
redominately of MCTs, it influence on the body is characteri(ed by theses fatty acids.

,hile critics may 8uestion if coconut oil has the same theraeutic effects as MCT oil,
they "ill ac+no"led#e that soybean oil is characteri(ed by linoleic acid because it
contains G: ercent of this olyunsaturated fatty acid, or that olive oil is a
monounsaturated oil because it is HH ercent oleic acid !a monounsaturated fatty acid$,
or that fish oil !salmon oil in this case$ is characteri(ed by ome#a7As because it
contains AQ ercent ome#a7A fatty acids, yet it also contains saturated fat !<< ercent$
and cholesterol !LQG m#D:FF#$. Mi+e"ise, soybean oil and olive oil also contain
saturated fats, so they are not ure either, but their character is defined by their
redominate fatty acids and their saturated fat content is i#nored as inconse8uential.
Conclusion3 coconut oil is an MCT oil and its effects on the body are characteri(ed by
these fatty acids. This has been observed time and time a#ain in studies and in clinical

Some of the nutritional and theraeutic benefits of coconut oil come from the
saturated fats in the oil, such as its resistance to o/idation, lon# shelf life, and suerior
coo+in# roerties. Some come from MCTs such as the antimicrobial effects and its
uni8ue mode of di#estion and nutrient delivery. %o"ever, most of its medicinal
benefits undoubtedly come from the +etones roduced from the MCTs. The rotective
effects on the heart, brain, +idneys, colon, ancreas, and other or#ans, its metabolic
boostin# and ener#i(in# effects, and its anti7cancer, anti7diabetes, anti7'l(heimer)s
and other effects come rincially from +etones.

.f you do a search on *ubMed for +etones, as they relate to MCTs and diet, you "ill
find about <G,FFF studies. Combinin# these studies "ith the :F,FFF on coconut oil and
MCTs, "e have a total of over AG,FFF studies describin# the effects of coconut oil on
health. .s that enou#h evidence1 There is far more evidence demonstratin# the safety
and efficiency of coconut oil than there are for most FD' aroved dru#s.

-f course, additional studies are "elcomed and encoura#ed, but to state that there is
little or no evidence demonstratin# the safety and value of coconut oil is simly not
true. Coconut oil has been used successfully in traditional medicine for thousands of
years, and in "estern medicine for at least EF years "ith no adverse effects. .t)s been
#ranted N&'S !i.e. #enerally reco#ni(ed as safe$ status by the FD'.
&e#ardless of the number of studies available, the real test for the value of coconut oil
is ho" it affects eole)s lives. Coconut oil is helin# thousands of eole "ith
various health roblems. %ere is a tyical e/amle. 4. "as once dia#nosed "ith luus,
lichen lanus !lost all <F nails$, 'DD, deression, C-*D, aller#ies, atherosclerosis
"ith chest ain, metabolic syndrome, raidly ro#ressin# to full blo"n diabetes, hi#h
C&*, hi#h cholesterol, hi#h tri#lycerides, chronic fati#ue, and fibromyal#ia,5 says
*e##y M. 4. "as livin# on inhalers, antibiotics, rednisone, antideressants, sleein#
ills, aller#y meds and more9. be#an to try alternative thin#s. . am sooooo than+ful
to say, . have been usin# or#anic coconut oil for several years9My thyroid meds
continue to be decreased, and . no lon#er have to ta+e any aller#y meds besides shots.
.)m afraid to 8uit them. My breathin# roblems are totally #one. . have healthy nails,
no fibromyal#ia, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes.5 0ou can access similar stories
,hile testimonies li+e this may not rovide 4scientific5 roof, tens of thousands of
eole can attest that coconut oil has chan#ed their lives for the better. Medications
may #ive #ood results in laboratory settin#s, yet in real life rove disastrous !i.e.
Cio//$. Coconut oil has roven its "orth in real life. ,henever someone says, 4Sho"
me the evidence,5 #ive him a coy of this article and say 4here is the evidence chec+ it
out if you "ant to learn the truth.5 .f they demand more evidence, refer them to boo+s
such as Coconut Cures or Stop Alzheimers !ow. Kvery health claim made in re#ard to
coconut is bac+ed u by ublished research and historical facts. Kach boo+ includes
hundreds of references to medical studies.
0ou can also send them to """.coconutresearchcenter.or# and have them loo+ under
the headin# 4Medical Studies5 to access a <G a#e listin# of some of the :F,FFF
studies on coconut oil.
:. Cunnin#ham, K. .s there science to suort claims for coconut oil1 J Am Diet Assoc <FF:B:::3HQE.
<. htt3DD""".dr"eil.comDdr"DuDidDO''A:ELHI
A. McDou#all, =. The ne"est food7cure3 coconut oil for health and vitality. The McDougall
L. Ne"ort, M. Case study3 dietary intervention usin# coconut oil to roduce mild +etosis in a GQ year
old '*-KLT male "ith early onset 'l(heimer)s disease. <G
.nternational Conference of 'l(heimer)s
Disease .nternational !'D.$, March :F7:A, <F:F, Nreece.
G. Salmon, ,.D. and Noodman, =.N. 'lleviation of vitamin B deficiency in the rat by certain natural
fats and synthetic esters. Journal of !utrition :IAEB:A3LHH7GFF.
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