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Finding Your Soul Mate

The Difference Between Twin Flames & Soul Mates

by Dawn Eve of the International Academy of Mastery
If you have downloaded this free Ebook, I assume you are sincerely interested in
finding your "Twin Flame" or "Soul Mate". It is a legitimate desire in all of us, often
there from birth. There is a natural drive inside of us to find our complement, our
perfect twin, our life partner, our soul mate. This is because the whole idea of
separation is uncomfortable. We have an intuitive sense that we are part of a greater
whole and/or that part of us is not fully available to us.
I have listed the most common questions I receive on the subject of Soul Mates, and
added a few which might provide a more expanded perspective.
For the ease of discussion in this Ebook, I will assume that you are interested in
finding a partner that blends, harmonizes, uplifts, and expands you to your full God
experience and potential. I assume you are REALLY interested in finding your Twin
Flame. And not just another Soul Mate who can lead you around the block a few
times as you heal some deep emotional wounds and fears. Soul Mates can be
marvelous companions along the way, and most of us have met several of them
both male and female.
We will cover some of the differences between Soul Mates and Twin Flames later in
this Ebook.
As an aside I have created a CD which expands upon this topic - giving additional
insight into Soul Mates and Twin Flames.
Soul Mates and Twin Flames: Attracting Your Perfect Mate
It also includes a guided meditation to experience the original separation and
determining what you and your Twin are intending to share with others so you can
return together as soon as possible! There is a step by step process to understand
more of your TRUE SELF and thus recognize and attract your Twin Flame. Enough
about this CD - let's give you some answers to your questions!!
Before I go into the HOW TO of finding him/her, I am going to briefly address the
need for PREPARATION FOR this event. This is important because if you are to be
matched with your prince charming (or charming princess) and you are currently
behaving as an ill tempered, victimized, disempowered chimney sweep, your Twin is
not likely to recognize you anyway.
So why not examine now what areas you expect your Mate to make better or the
holes you expect them to fill and take care of that yourself. The more self sufficient
you become, the more magnetic will be your attraction to someone who matches
your current state of energy. So, make sure you have "cleaned up" any behaviors or
beliefs that could be keeping you from attracting the one you really want. If you
don't do that, you will continue to attract karmic partners who will show you (often
painfully) what you still have to work on.
Lets talk a little more about that wonderful magnetism that draws us to other people.
We will focus on romantic attraction at this point rather than fascination for other
The initial appeal between individuals is often sexual and compels (okay, encourages)
us to share physically with one another. Sexual sharing can be a beautiful and sacred
aspect of the relationship for ANY couple - but it has special significance for those
who are Twin Flames. The experience of uniting bodies can be one of opening Twins
to an experience of their true God natures.
Sexual attraction in the early stages can often be so strong as to create a magnetic
force which presents somewhat of a barrier to thinking clearly - other than reliving
delightful thoughts of the attractive individual. It can be dizzying. It can be
stimulating. It can be uplifting. It can also become an obsessive experience that
leads to a compulsion to control another. To be clear, just because the sexual
attraction is powerful, or the sexual experience delightful, does NOT indicate you
have found your Twin.
Sexual chemistry alone does not a Twin Flame make.
On the other hand sexual sharing can be quite healing. It can be a way to release
deep emotional wounds. It can help you discover your true destiny. It can also be a
beautiful way to unfold the "god-like" potential in your partner - especially if you are
properly matched.
The initial magnetic attraction comes from many things. Often the diversity in your
individual natures draws you together so you can learn from each other and expand
in different directions. And, through sexual union and intimacy, you may find that
many of these differences unite - become one - merge together, just like your body.
You become open to experiences or to sharing things you never would have
otherwise. This is called growth!
The powerful magnetic attraction may also come from a desire to complete old
karmas. I promise you that nothing is more magnetic to the soul than an
opportunity to complete something from the past; to right a wrong, to support
someone you left behind, to forgive someone who has wronged you before, or to
bear a child together that you BOTH have karma with.
Powerful magnetism yes. Some type of mate to your soul yes. But quite possibly
still no true Twin Flame here.
To get back to our point, sexual magnetism alone even if it is all consuming and
the best sex you ever had is not a sign of the cosmic perfection which is intended
to develop when Twin Flames come together.
And, often after the initial integration is complete even Twin Flames MAY find that
the power of this aspect of attraction subsides a little.
Do not become concerned if this happens. When there is less polarity there MAY be
less magnetism, because you have already begun the process of merging. You are -
to SOME EXTENT - already ONE unit. Do not allow this stage to cause you to believe
you have lost the magic. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unless this is just a
karmic relationship - and nothing more the sexual experiences will change and
grow with you. With as much variation as there are people on this planet. And, the
richness of the spiritual dimension of experiencing GOD during sexual activity is still
a very real likelihood for both of you. The uniting of Twins is a beautiful, rich,
satisfying experience that changes you forever. With a great power to stay with you -
to sustain itself for a long period of time.
In general with Twins, what is often referred to as romantic attraction remains lively
and the various little communions that life provides throughout the day tend to
ignite that GOD EXPERIENCE, and a continuing experience of orgasm with life.
Orgasm was never intended to be limited to the bedroom.
But that is a whole other story.
With solely karmic partners, the magnetism will come and go primarily because there
is often little or no basis upon which to build a spiritual communion. Oftentimes with
karmic partners the strong physical desire and resultant conjugal sharing is the only
time where harmony and integration is realized. It may enough to keep them
together, but the rest of their lives there may be agony as their karmas are
Q. Do soul mates really exist?
A. Again, I am assuming you mean Twin Flames - Of course they do. I will pass on a
simple measure for determining what is "true". It comes from a great spiritual
teacher with whom I studied for many years. He said that if there is some concept or
idea a great many people are inquiring about, searching for, looking into, trying to
understand, it is usually because there is some truth in it to begin with. He said if it
has lasted over the years "We can smell some truth in it."
Often the search for your Twin Flame is an intuitive knowing that won't be quieted
inside. We KNOW there is someone out there. SOMEWHERE. Why doubt your inner
knowing? And why allow someone with less inner conviction than your own to dictate
your truth? You KNOW your Twin is out there. Allow yourself to accept that as your
truth, and it will help you navigate through lives many challenges.
Q Can you give me your definition of Soul Mate? I s it the same thing as a
Twin Flame?
There are "Soul Mates" and there are "Twin Flames". They are a little different. A
Soul Mate is one who has a deep connection to you, to your growth process and
therefore indirectly to helping you find your life purpose. I have referred to them
above as karmic partners. You often have to complete karmas before your true
destiny will become clear to you. And, before you can assume your full measure of
your designated divine plan. You have a spiritual mission and you are here to fulfill
that mission or you would not have been attracted to this website or to this Ebook.
Finding your Twin Flame is a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. Nothing less. Always remember
You are a precious child of God who is ever so close to embracing your true identity
and fulfilling an amazing role to benefit mankind. What seems to be just a small
contribution at this point in your life is already having continuous affects on the
energy and life force of this planet. YOUR LOVE IS DOING THAT. YOUR
We would not be likely to use the adjectives crabby, inconsiderate, manic depressive,
stubborn, selfish in connection with a spiritual leader. You ARE a spiritual leader and
in order to embrace that role you may have some work on yourself to complete
thus, the various karmic partners who may dance in and out of your life.
If there are any fears, doubts, angers, or resentments to let go of, you can be sure
that the universe will send you someone to help you do that. Enter the Soul Mate or
karmic partner.
Karmic lessons are amazingly magnetic.
Sometimes that connection is romantic and sometimes it is not.
Again, I reiterate, even though the term Soul Mate is far more popular than Twin
Flame, I am assuming you are interested in attracting your Twin and completing or
perfecting the various Soul Mate relationships that may come and go in your life.
We have many Soul Mates throughout our lives. Individuals who influence our lives
deeply. Those with whom we share ideals, children, and as mentioned before, those
who provide us with the most profound opportunities for growth. Sometimes these
opportunities for growth can be VERY uncomfortable; as we have all found. The
growth process can be quite difficult. So the relationship with a "Soul Mate" may not
always be easy.
They have been put into our lives to help us to grow in tolerance, in love, in faith, in
understanding and ultimately in self mastery. Often they are there to help us to say
NO to our small unconscious self and to say YES to our life path.
The criterion for "Soul Mate" can best be delineated as the following:
Soul Mates are usually close to us - involved with us - for some period of time.
Parents, siblings, teachers, lovers, employers, friends may all fall into this category
for one reason or other. These are usually emotionally charged relationships.
(Pleasantly or unpleasantly so).
A parent who leaves when you are an infant is probably not a good example of a Soul
Mate. Although the influence from an absentee parent is real, unless they maintain
some continued involvement with our lives they may not be the most useful
examples of Soul Mates. Giving you birth may have been the completion of the
karmic responsibility in itself.
Usually there is a prolonged or profound EXCHANGE OF ENERGY with Soul Mates.
One which encourages, uplifts, unfolds, pushes or prods us into thinking, feeling, or
becoming more (or different).
They always influence us deeply. When you look back on your life (even in the
last 5 years) there will be individuals who have caused you to grow, or change. Or
tried to prevent you from doing the same.
A Soul Mate is someone you have connected with. Usually there is a fair
amount of "energy exchange". If you think back you will find remember those
individuals who have caused you to learn love, compassion, self esteem, forgiveness
etc. Sometimes the "hard way".
Often you will have a deep involvement with each other's lives. Sometimes
romantic, sometimes not. The idea is that Soul Mates share some part of their lives
together in an emotionally influential way.
Soul mates may have romantic entanglements - some of which may be
short lived. Because the attraction may be profound at the beginning, we are often
inclined to misinterpret the MEANING of that attraction as PROOF of permanence.
Proof of Twin Flame.
Proof of Soul mate - yes. Proof of Twin Flame - no.
Q. How is the role of a Soul Mate valuable to us?
A. Soul Mates are actually souls who really love us. Even if you have a very hard time
seeing evidence of love in their actions toward you. Soul Mates have been with us
life time after life time. We have married and re-married many of these Soul Mates.
You have come into this lifetime with an intention of meeting and sharing deeply with
them. The purpose of this meeting and sharing is learning together, and letting go of
behaviors from the past that no longer serve you.
Q. You talk about karmic completion and lessons. Can you give some
Lessons which are learned with a Soul Mate may be lessons of patience, tolerance,
forgiveness, or self mastery. Sometimes it is to wake us up to what we really want in
a mate (by presenting us with an amazing display of behaviors we do NOT want!).
Sometimes it is help you stand up for yourself and to learn to say no, rather than
to be conveniently compliant.
Sometimes it is necessary to learn how to be self sufficient within the context of a
relationship where you share without dependence.
Perhaps it was prearranged for YOU to help your karmic partner learn the importance
of honesty, and THEY agreed to help you to learn how to communicate kindly, (or
perhaps to set up a condition where honesty is not painful).
Sometimes these lessons are uncomfortable. And yes, you might even attract an
abusive soul mate relationship. This may be intended for you to help your current
soul mate to learn that violence is not a solution, or for you to self empowered and
self directed enough to say NO to them!! If you find that YOU are the abusive,
volatile one, you may have been meant to learn that you are never to try to control
or unduly influence another's behavior with any type of force!
----All evolving souls have to learn about "abuse of power" one way of other. ----
You may learn all about love from a Soul Mate. And all about loss too.
Some Soul Mates are great in teaching others the skills that are needed for their
future "mission". Sometimes, we require exposure to some thought process, topic or
group of people in order to finally ATTRACT our Twin and complete our destiny. It
might take being in a karmic relationship in order to be introduced to your Twin.
Helping you find your path may be the very karmic completion required for your
current partner!
It is all about learning/growing. Soul Mates get you into school with them in two
general ways. It begins with some family/guardianship/teacher role - or some
attraction (physical or mental) which stirs the energies inside both of you. Nature's
way to "trick" you? Not really. Nature's way to direct you to the classroom that has
the best instruction for you at this time. Being with a Soul Mate (romantic or
otherwise) is a natural method of preparing ourselves to attract our Twin Flame.
Have you been wrong about your choice to be with them? No. You might have been
wrong about what you were intended to LEARN or EXPERIENCE together that is all.
That is why SOUL MATE is different than TWIN FLAME.
Understand that once "what we really want" in a mate becomes clear and refined
over the years, YOU naturally become more in tune with who YOU really are. And, it
is worthy of mention that what you want in a mate should match almost exactly,
what you expect of, or want from, yourself.
You infer correctly from this that your later involvement with your Twin is intended to
support the unfoldment of your spiritual nature.
Q Then, how do I find a suitable Soul Mate?
As we discussed above, finding a Soul Mate is rather easy. You probably have known
at least one Soul Mate. And when it comes to growth, the universe is set up for us to
grow and to evolve. We don't have to look for one. (or them) They come to us. If our
lives are about one thing - they are about growth. We are intended to become MORE.
We are intended to use more of the gifts and talents both creative and physical,
which God has given to us, and our various SOUL MATES - as the term implies - are
mates or teachers of the soul.
Q Are all Soul Mate experiences painful?
No! Soul Mate relationships can be very fulfilling. Even the romantic ones. It depends
on your willingness to be present, to be real, and to grow or learn from it. Just like in
ANY experience that is useful to you. You may stay with a Soul Mate for your entire
life and enjoy a tremendous amount of growth. If you are INTENDED to move on to
connect with your Twin, that will be a driving force within you that you won't have to
artificially promote.
Q So what do I do about a difficult Soul Mate?
You examine what it is you are intended to learn. Even in the most difficult of
circumstances, there is some opportunity to excel. To change. That might mean you
are learning to forgive. You are learning to share. You are learning to stand up for
yourself. You are learning that you need to rely more on yourself instead of the
praise of others. You might be learning to listen to your inner voice and not depend
so much on the opinions being expressed by others - even if their opinion mimics the
Q. Why can't I j ust find my Twin Flame? Won't that make me happy?
A. Actually not. In order to FIND your twin flame, you need to be fulfilled first!! A
certain amount of inner strength and self esteem need to be present FIRST. I know
that is not often a welcome thought.
A TWI N FLAME is not intended to fulfill you.
The original purpose of the SEPARATION of Twin Flames was to gather knowledge, to
learn, to grow. As Twins return together periodically throughout time, they share that
research and go out again into the world and grow more until they can unite
permanently in the interest of doing true COSMIC work.
Although Twins are likely to share many lifetimes together, the ultimate REUNION of
Twin Flames comes when the Twins have completed their evolutionary process and
can feel/hear/sense each other, know each other, even when they are nowhere in
the proximity of the other. When they are complete in themselves.
Read that line again. When they are complete in themselves.
Twin Flames in their final cosmic coupling, do not come together based upon NEED.
They come together to share their perfection. While there may be some human
needs still in play.
Twin Flames do not NEED each other as a source of their j oy, or as a means
to feeling complete.
True joy in Twin Flame relationships and final convergence comes when a good
deal of the work has already been done on the small self. Then the final union
It is only when two whole beings come together,
they are prepared to do cosmic work.
Q. How do I find my Twin Flame?
The same way you create or attract anything of value. Stop looking and start being
present and attentive with your current life. That does not prevent you from
becoming more aware of the qualities and attributes your Twin is likely to have (and
to NOT have). It is great fun to just listen for his/her voice. To sense his/her
presence. To feel his/her thoughts. Your Twin is part of you remember, and always
present nearby. You have a beautiful channel of communication which is always
available to you or that soul would not correctly be called your Twin.
--Think about your Twin. Allow images to float in and out of your mind about your
Twin and FROM your Twin.
--Don't LOOK for him/her. Feel your Twin NOW so you will know that energy
-- Listen for his/her voice so that when it is heard in the physical world you will
recognize the intellectual/spiritual content in a minute.
-- Know who you are. Tell your Twin NOW what is most important to you in life.
Don't hide it. Don't prepare to adjust it so it is more palatable. Be certain that your
Twin will be ready to help you be YOU. You NEVER have to hide your real Self from
your Twin.
--Meditate. Pray. Keep yourself clean inside. Keep your mind and heart clear by not
including substances or behaviors that dull or hurt you in any way. You KNOW what
that means.
What you should NOT do is sell yourself short. Just because Mr/Ms. Wonderful has
not shown up yet, it is not a great idea to become romantically involved with
someone just to have someone, if real attraction and compatibility is not there. You
only become involved in more karmas and draw to you experiences that will muddy
the clarity of your perception. Be real with yourself. Be honest with others. Be
Once you know that your Twin is already here,
They will be.
Perhaps not visibly, but energetically, your Twin is with you always.
Q How do I know it is really him/ her?
Remember always that you will be able to communicate using the spiritual senses
rather than just the 5 physical ones. That is why I have suggested practicing with
your subtle methods of communication NOW. Immediately! Expect answers, images,
ideas, words, feelings, scents, and experiences to come. They will. And so will
he/she. The more you focus on the energetic communication, the more you will
recognize it (your Twin) when the special moment arises.
It is also worthy of note, that you might not even recognize him/her right away. The
attraction between you might be on a whole different level.
Don't worry. You cannot miss meeting your Twin.
Nature would never allow that.
Because your Twin is your Divine Self in another form.
You can delay this meeting with unsavory choices or behavior, or your own
reluctance to let go of behaviors that don't suit you. But you can never, never
prevent your own enlightenment. Twin Flame reunions are actually about
Also, you can gain tremendous insight into this and begin the process of attuning to
and attracting your Twin Flame, in my CD entitled:
Soul Mates and Twin Flames: Attracting Your Perfect Mate .
In the meantime. There is a natural, easy, softness to this relationship even though
you may still experience differences in the way you do things. Spiritual growth
unity soul development willingness to change considerate behaviors, and a
deep soul compatibility are usually the important signs. Spiritual or soul compatibility
being the most definitive.
If you are reading this you are likely to be involved with spiritual growth. You may
want to change yourself, and contribute to the world. Because of where you are in
your spiritual growth, your Twin is not likely to be someone who chews tobacco,
drinks heavily, thinks it is funny to be rude to others, and who could care less about
engaging in spiritual practices.
Even if they are great in bed...
In closing, remember, we are, after all, one big beautiful being and the essence of all
of us is God. As we evolve, we become better able to reflect back to the person in
front of us, the exact qualities that he/she needs to see or feel. The search for one's
Twin Flame is based ultimately on fulfilling one's destiny. Although they are not
always synonymous, that deep inner longing comes directly from the "Father within"
prompting us always to evolve, to grow and to become or to remember that we are
one. The human experience of WE ARE ONE is often best exemplified in a true Twin
Flame relationship.
We seek a Twin only to discover that we are really One.
Your Twin will awaken this reality within you.
We call this Enlightenment.
I reiterate what I said in the very beginning:
Although you may not know it, the drive to find your other half, your Mate or your
Twin is there because you desire to regain union with God. A union that you have
never really lost.
Copyright 2007 International Academy of Mastery. All rights reserved.
This ebook may be sent to your friends as long as it is sent in its complete form and
not altered in any way. Thank you!
Note from Dawn:
I have created a CD with further information and a guided meditation to aid you in
attuning to and attracting your Twin Flame. Follow this link to read more about this
heart and mind expanding experience here: Soul Mates and Twin Flames:
Attracting Your Perfect Mate
International Academy of Mastery | email:

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