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A. Structure of wheat
B. Types of Wheat
C. Types of Flour
D. Processing of Wheat Flour
E. Uses of Flour in Foo Prouction
F. Coo!ing of Flour "Starch#
E$a% raw the structure of wheat grain. Briefly e$plain ifferent parts. &
E$plain 'arieties of flour.
E$a% escri(e the processing an %anufacturing of wheat flour. &
E$a% e$plain the %illing process of wheat. )*
Source: it is the %ost co%%on cereals prouct in western worl an grown in %ost te%perate region. +arge ,uantities are ho%e
grown an great eal particularly in the for% of strong flour.
Protein present is wheat flour is gluten. -rain rich in gluten are strong flour an 'ise 'ersa. Strong flour use in use in (rea an
soft flour for (iscuit. coo!ies etc.
Food value/ wheat is the one of the (est energy foo. Whole grain cereals pro'ies 'ita%in B therefore protecti'e foo
Storage of wheat/
The store roo% shoul (e ry.
0t shoul (e !ept a(o'e the floor le'el.
Flour shoul (e re%o'e fro% sac!s an !ept in wheele (ins.
Flour (in shoul (e a type that can (e easily cleane.
Flour is pro(a(ly co%%on co%%oity it for%s the founation of pastry. (reas. ca!es. an also use soups. sauces an (atter.
Structure of wheat:
). The bran is the har outer co'ering of the !ernel.
1. The germ is the part of the !ernel that (eco%es the new wheat plant if the !ernel is sproute.
2. The endosperm is the starchy part of the !ernels that re%ains when the (ran an ger% is re%o'e.
Types of wheat/
The characteristics of flour epen on the 'ariety of wheat fro% which it is %ille. the location in which the wheat is grown.
There are hard wheat and soft wheat.
3ar wheat contains greater ,uantity of glutenin and gliadin. which together for% gluten. when the flour is %oistene an
Soft wheat is less in gluten content.
roduction of flour:
The enosper% of the wheat contains all the %aterials use (y the (a!er. 0t consists of nu%erous large cells of net li!e for% in
which starch grains are tightly pac!e. 0n aition the cells contain an in solu(le protein !nown as gluten. When flour is %i$e
with water. it is con'erte into stic!y ough. This characteristic is ue to gluten which (eco%es stic!y when %oisture is ae.
The relati'e proportion of starch an gluten 'aries in ifferent wheat an close with a low percentage of gluten are not suita(le
for (rea %a!ing. For this is reason what is (lene. Soft flour is 'ery useful for pastries. coo!ies an (iscuits.
The wheat grain has to (e %ille in orer to e$tract all the co%ponents of the grain an to %a!e it reay for the (rea
%a!ing process. There are 1 %ain %ethos e%ploye to o this 4o(. which are5
a#Stone %illing.
(#6oller %illing.
Stone 7ille flour is the %ore pri%iti'e %etho of %illing flour an it consists of 1 hea'y stones. on top of each other.
The (otto% one re%ains stationary while the top one %o'es in a circular fashion. There is a s%all opening on top of the stone
through which the grain is passe. 3eat is generate (y friction uring %illing part of which is a(sor(e (y the stone. A part of
the heat goes to the ger% an %elts the ger% oil an %i$es it throughout the enosper%. This %etho is %ainly use to %a!e
whole wheat flour an when refine flour is to (e prouce. the flour is sie'e through Sil! Bolting cloths to re%o'e the coarse
(ran particles. 3owe'er all the particles are not re%o'e (y this %etho.
So%e of the cerealin or aleurone cells also pass into the flour which causes a slight softening of the flour8gluten.
6oller %illing is a %ore %oern %etho of %illing where there is a graual reuction of the si9e of the grain fro%
coarse %eal to fine flour. The %ill consists of two hori9ontal rollers. one rotating faster than the other. This rolling has a tearing
effect on the grain which is rippe open. 3ere the ger% is separate fro% the enosper% (efore %illing an hence the ger% oil is
not release into the flour. Also the aleurone cells are release into the flour to such a large e$tent. gi'ing a stronger flour. The
only isa'antage that this %etho has is that the heat generate (y the grining process is transferre to the flour as there is no
stone to a(sor( it causing a slight enaturing of certain particles.
!utritive value:
Wheat an wheat proucts ha'e (een i%portant econo%ically an graual replace%ent of other cereals grains (y wheat is ta!en
place in hu%an iet. Besies (eing a goo source of energy. it:s a goo source of protein.
Types of flour:
). White flour / contains ;&< = >* < of grains" enosper%#
1. Whole %eal flour/ contain )** < of whole grain
2. Wheat %eal flour/ contains >&<= ?*< of whole grain
@. Self rising flour/ it is white flour in aition of crea% of tartare an soiu% (icar(onate.
&. Se%olina/ it is granulate har flour prepare fro% central part of wheat grains
A. Duru% wheat flour/ use for pasta prouct5 %acaroni. 'er%icelli
;. 3ar or strong flour/ flour which yiel a large a%ount of gluten with pronounce. elastic an cohesi'e properties an
water a(sorption power.
>. Soft or wea! flour/ contain less gluten.
?. All purpose flour/ the flour where gluten content is %eiu% an can (e use (oth for (rea an coo!ies.
)*. Seasone flour/ %i$e with salt an pepper an fine her(s
"ses of flour:
Ca!es an pastries
As thic!ening agents " rou$#
Coo!ies an (iscuits

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