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9. The most mineralised part o dentine is!
A. Peritubular dentine
Peritubular dentine forms a 1 umthick layer around each tubule, and usually heaviliy
Calcified.Dentine Intertubular is generally less heavily calcified than peritubular
"". Internal resorption is!
A. Radiolucency over unaltered canal
. !sually in a response to trauma
C. Radiopacity over unaltered canal
Ans A
Internal resorption is an unusual condition of a tooth "hen the dentin and pulpal "alls
begin to resorb centrally "ithin the root canal. #he first evidence of the lesion may be the
appearance of a pink$hued area on the cro"n of the tooth% this condition is referred to pink
tooth of Mummery, represents the hyperplastic, vascular pulp tissue filling$in the resorbed
#he cause can sometimes be attributed to trauma to the tooth, but other times there is no
kno"n etiology
"#. On replantation o an a$%lsed tooth &o% 'o%ld see!
A. &urface resorption, e'ternal resorption
. Internal resorption
C. Inflammatory resorption
D. Replacement resorption
(. A, C and D
). All of the above
Ans (
"(. The per'enta)e o total dentine s%ra'e * dentinal t%+%les ,.-mm a.a& rom p%lp is!
A. *+,
. -+,
Ans ...................
Diameters of the dentinal tubules near the dentine enamel /unction is less than *um,
along the length is *.- to 0um and nera the pulp are "idest 0$1um
"/. The 0%n'tion +et.een primar& and se'ondar& dentine is!
A. A reversal line
. &harp curvature
C. A resting line
D. A reduction in the number of tubules
Ans C
2orphologically , secondary dentine is recogni3ed by an abrupt 4sharp5 change in the
course of the dentinal tubules.Also there is a slight reduction in the number of dentinal
tubules &econdary Dentine matri' is more calcified than the primary dentine matri'.
"-. 1hat is the 'orre't se2%en'e o e$ents
A. Differentiation of odontoblast, elongation of enamel epithelium, dentine formation then
enamel formation.
. Differentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then enamel formation, elongation of
enamel epithelium.
C. (longation of enamel epithelium, differentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then
enamel formation.
Ans C
(llongation of the cells of the inner enamel epithelium4pre$ameloblats5, odontoblasts
cytodifferentiation, dentin matri', enamel matri' production.
"3. The ner$e s%ppl& o the p%lp is 'omposed o .hi'h t&pe o ner$e i+res4
A. Afferent 6 sympathetic
"5. 1hi'h dire'tion does the palatal root o the %pper irst molar %s%all& '%r$e to.ards4
A. )acial 7 buccal7
. 8ingual
C. 2esial
D. Distal
Ans A
#he lingual4palatal5 roots is the longest of the three, e'tend lingually and apically usually
curved buccolingually, being concave on its buccal surface.It has only one root canal.
Ans"er A.
"9. 1hat is the 'ommon appearan'e o $erti'al tooth ra't%re4
A. Perio abscess like appearance
. Displacement of fragments
Ans A
#". tra%ma to tooth! the ne7t da& there .as no response to p%lp tests &o%
A. Revie" again later
. &tart endodontic treatment
C. ('traction of tooth
Ans A
##. 1hat is the main p%rpose o perormin) p%lp test on a re'entl& tra%matised tooth4
A. 9btain baseline response
. 9btain accurate indication about pulp vitality
Ans A
#(. 1hat is the main %n'tion o EDTA in endodonti's4
A. Decalcification of dentine
. Cleaning debris from root canal
Ans A
(D#A is mildly acidic , opening the tubules partially by dissolving the hidro'iapatite.,
"hereas for :itric Acid , "hich is a strong acid , there is a e'tensive opening of the
dentinal tubules.. oth modify the smear layer of the dentine. Ans"er A.
98. .hi'h one o the statement is 'orre't!
A. #he remnants of Ameloblast contribute to the primary enamel cuticle
. the last secretion of the odontoblast is cementum ;
C. #he last secretion of the ameloblast is the ac<uired of enamel cuticle
D. #he remnants of odontoblast form the primary enamel cuticle
After enamel apposition ceases in the cro"n area of each primary and permanent tooth,
the ameloblasts place an acellular dental cuticle on the ne" enamel surface. In addition ,
the layers of the enamel organ are compressed 4outer enamel epithelium, stellate
reticulum,stratum intermedium and ameloblasts5, forming the reduced enamel
epithelium4R((5 , then it can begin to erupt into the oral cavity.Ans"er A.
93. The prin'iple m%s'le responsi+le or the openin) o the mo%th is!
A. 2ylohyoid
. Anterior temporal
C. Posterior temporal
D. Anterior belly of digastric
Ans D
"#(. A '%sp ra't%re immediate to Class II inla& 'an +e dete'ted +&!
A. =istory
. >isually
C. Radiograph
D. Percussion
(. #ouching the tip of the cusp 7 Pressure on the cusp7
Ans (
"#3. In re)ard to Ele'tri'al Vitalometer9
A. #o test recently erupted teeth
. Check response for an electrical stimulant
C. Reveal potential necrosis
"#9. In .hi'h sit%ation is the transl%'en'& o a tooth lost9
A. Death of the pulp
. Complete calcification of pulp chamber
C. =yperaemia
D. Pulp stone
(. All of the above
Ans (
"(#. Ho. do &o% prepare the loor o p%lp 'ham+er in molars9
A. &"ab and dry "ith cotton "ool and e'cavate
. !se round bur to flatten the floor
C. !nder cut "alls
D. !se flat end fissure bur to make it levelled
Ans A
"85. The most 'ommon 'a%se o RCT :Root Canal Treatment; ail%re is9
A. #he canal not filled completely 4&hort obturation5
. 9ver filled canals
Ans A
"3,. Lateral 'anals are %s%all& o%nd at9
A. #he middle of the root
. )irst third of the root close to the cro"n
C. #he apical third
Ans C
"3/. Ater replantation o an a$%lsed tooth # < ho%rs ater in'ident= the most li>el&
dia)nosis is!
A. ('ternal resorption
. Internal resorption
C. Pulp stones
Ans A
"3". The 'a%se o de$elopment o lateral 'anals is9
A. Cracks in =ert"ig?s epithelial root sheath
"3-. The emer)en'& treatment or painless ne'roti' p%lp is9
A. Drainage through canals
. :one
"38. S.ellin) ater RCT is mainl& 'a%sed +& ?@ein) as>ed as9 1hat is the most
re2%ent 'a%se o pain .hi'h o''%rs se$eral da&s ater o+t%ration4! tooA9
A. (ntrapped acteria, or the presence of bacteria in the periapical region.
. !nderfilling the root canal system
C. 9verfilled root canal
Ans A
"5(. To remo$e the p%lp tiss%e rom a narro. 'anal! &o% 'an %se9
A. arbed broach
. &mall @$#ype file
C. &mooth broach
D. Reamer
"9". The ideal len)th o RCT is!
A. At the ape'
. As far as you can obturate
C. +.- $ 1.- mm before the ape'
Ans C
"9-. Internal resorption o RC %s%all& is
A. Asymptomatic
. Painful
Ans A
"93. Ledermi7 is %sed in RCT to relie$e pain +e'a%se o!
A. Antibiotics
. Corticosteroid
"95. In ine'ted root 'anals! the t.o most 'ommon mi'roBor)anisms are9
A. &treptococcus and &taphylococcus
"99. The te'hni2%e o pla'in) )%ttaper'ha 'ones a)ainst the root 'anal .alls
pro$idin) spa'e or additional )%ttaper'ha is termed9
A. 8ateral Condensation
. 9ne ma/or Autta Percha point
C. 8aterally above condensed
Ans A
#,". On appl&in) h&pertoni' l%id on the dentine! the transmission o l%id thro%)h
t%+%les .ill +e9
A. )rom inside to outside
. )rom outside to inside
Ans A
#,#. Transmission o l%id in dentinal t%+%les is +&9
A. =ydrodynamic pressure 49smotic5
. 2echanical
Ans A
#,(. Cate theor& a+o%t pain 'ontrol is9
A. 9ne hypothesis of pain modulation is based upon the inhibitory$e'citatory
interaction of afferent fibre synapses.
##(. 1hi'h o the is not %se%l or api'al ine'tion9
A. Chlorhe'idine
. =*9*
C. (D#A
D. (thyl alcohol
(. (ugenol
Ans D
##8. Ele'tri'al p%lp testin) is least %se%l in *or Ddoes not dete't $italit&E in some
papers* !
A. #raumatised teeth
. Bust erupted teeth
C. 2ulti$rooted teeth
D. Capped teeth
(. :ecrotic pulp
Ans D
##3. The palatal p%lp horn o ma7illar& molars is lo'ated9
A. In the pulpchamber under mesiolingual cusp
. In the pulpchamber opposite the mesio distal fissure of the buccal cusp
C. !nder the disto lingual cusp
Ans A
#-". Ho. .o%ld &o% dia)nose a periapi'al a+s'ess9
A. Pain on percussion
. Pain "hen eating hot food
C. Pain "hen eating cold food
D. #he thickness of periodontal ligament on ;$Ray
Ans A
#89. The pro)nosis o teeth .ith api'al resorption is 9
A. Poor
. Aood if ape' can be sealed
C. Dependant upon periapical surgery
D. Contingent upon systemic antibiotic therapy combined "ith treatment of the
#3,. The term T%)@a'>44 is related to ? :1hen %sed in 'onne'tion .ith a master
C%tta Per'ha 'one in endodonti'sA; 9
A. #ensile strength of the gutta percha
. Consistency of gutta percha
C. &i3e of the cone
D. )it of the cone in the apical 1 or * mm
(. 8ength of the cone
Ans D
#3". In root 'anal therap& it is )enerall& a''epted that the ideal root illin)!
A. &hould e'tend to the level of the ape' to minimi3e irritation
. &hould e'tend slightly through the ape' to ensure a complete seal
C. &hould e'tend to the dento cemental /unction for healing
D. #he e'tension of the filling is not critical
Ans C
#3#. Fesio+%''al root o ma7illar& irst molars FOST COFFONLG ha$e9
A. 9ne canal "ith one foreman
. 9ne or t"o canals "ith one foreman
C. #"o canals "ith one foreman
D. #"o canals "ith t"o foremen
#35. The )in)i$al portion o nat%ral teeth diers in 'olo%r rom the in'isal portion
+e'a%se the 9
A. 8ighting angle is different
. Aingival and incisal portions have different fluorescent <ualities
C. Aingival area has a dentine background
D. Incident light is different
Ans C
("/. The method &o% .ill %se to ill root 'anal o ma7illar& lateral in'isor is9
A. 9ne ma/or Autta Percha cone
. 8aterally condensed
C. 8aterally above condensed
(#3. Treatment o )an)reno%s tooth9
A. Pulp capping
. Root canal therapy
C. Pulpotomy
((5. 1hat is NOT 'hara'teristi' o root 'anal ilin) materials ?:o+t%ration
A. #acky adhesive to "alls
. Radio opa<ue
C. :ot irritating
D. Cuick in setting
Ans D
(83. The most prominent eat%re o a'%te api'al periodontitis is9
A. #enderness of tooth to pressure
. ('tra oral s"elling
C. Intermittent pain
Ans A
/(". 1hi'h o the a'tors 'an ae't the shape and siHe o the p%lp 'anal9
A. Chemical irritation and caries
. #rauma and function
C. Attrition, "ear and aging of the patient
D. All of the above
Ans D
/53. 1hi'h is the onl& dental tiss%e that loses its ormati$e 'ells as it mat%res9
A. (namel
. Dentine
C. Pulp
D. Cementum
Ans A
/9-. 1hile doin) RCT &o% )a$e dressin) .ith a paper point .etted .ith CHIF
?'amphorated and mentholated 'hlorophenolA sol%tion. The patient arri$es
the ne7t da& .ith se$ere pain. There is no s.ellin) +%t the tooth is tender to
per'%ssion. Go% .ill9JJ
A. Replace "ith similar dressing and prescribe antibiotic
. Replace "ith corticosteroid past
C. Retrieve paper point surgically
D. Remove the dressing and leave for several days before replacing it.
(. Provide incision and drainage
/99. Periapi'al a+s'ess is dierentiated rom periodontal a+s'ess +&9
A. Pulpal radiology
. =istory and vitality test
C. ;$ray and history
-"9. A patient s%ers a +lo. to his ma7illar& 'entral in'isor .itho%t res%ltin) in
ra't%re. The p%lp ma&9
A. &ho" immediate necrosis
. ecome non$vital but only if treatment is delayed too long
C. ecome non vital irrespective of treatment
D. :o changes are seen later if fracture does not occur
Ans C
-/,. 1here is the narro.est part o the p%lp9
A. At the radiographic ape'
. At the dentino$cemental /unction
C. At the orifices
-/". 1hi'h o the is FOST %se%l in dierentiatin) +et.een api'al
a+s'ess and periodontal9
A. Percussion
. >itality tests
C. Cold tests
D. =eat tests
-/#. 1hat is the ideal len)th or a post in postB'ore in an endodonti'all& treated
A. *70 of the tooth length
. D of the tooth length
C. 1.- times that of the cro"n
D. &ame as the anticipated cro"n
Ans D
-/8. The siHe o the p%lp 'ham+er .ithin the tooth is inl%en'ed +&9
A. Age
. Parafunctional
C. =istory of the tooth 7abrasion, erosion, caries7
D. All of the above
Ans D
--(. 1hat is tr%e in re)ard to lateral mandi+%lar in'isors
A. *+, have * canals "ith one foramen
. *+, have * canals "ith t"o foramina
C. 1+, have t"o canals "ith 1+, ending in t"o foramina
D. 1+, have t"o canals "ith only 1, ending in t"o foramina
Ans D
-5-. Cemination is9JJ
A. Division of single tooth, t"ining
. )usion of t"o or more cro"ns of teeth
C. )usion of t"o or more roots
Aemination occurs "hen there is a partial development of t"o teeth from
one single tooth germ.Ehen the division is complete , the condition is called
t"inning.Ans"er A.
8"8. A patient has improperl& ormed DEK! red%'tion in siHe o p%lp 'ham+er!
'hippin) and attrition o enamel that .o%ld FOSTLG +e9
A. )luorosis
. Amelogenesis imperfecta
C. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Ans C
833. Health& dental p%lps respond to in0%r& +&9
A. #he formation of reparative dentine at the pulpal surface corresponding to
area of irritation
89-. 1hi'h mi'roBor)anisms in periapi'al lesion .o%ld &o% ind mi'ros'opi'all&9
A. Aerobes
. Aerobes to mainly anaerobes
3,5. The transmission o RNA into DNA 'alled9
D:A to m$R:A is #ranscription
m$R:A to Proteins is translation
R:A to D:A is Reverse #ranscription
Ans F Reverse transcription
3(3. Dentino)eneses impere'ta de$elops in9
A. Initial stage
. Proliferation stage
C. =istodifferentiation stage
D. 2orphology stage
Ans C
3--. In re)ard to the enamel s%ra'e9
A. It is a perfect substance for bonding
. It does not conform to the bonding re<uirements
C. It is the most inorganic, rough part
D. It is free from contamination and roughness
(. :one of the above
3-9. The s%ra'e o enamel rod prisms in permanent teeth is9
A. Perpendicular to the outer surface of the tooth
. Parallel to the outer surface of the tooth
C. Parallel to enamel contour
D. Parallel to enamel$dentine contour
Ans A
35(. To. s%''essi$e ne)ati$e '%lt%res are9
A. Absolutely necessary for successful endodontic treatment
. :ot al"ays necessary for successful endodontic treatment
C. :ot <uestioned today as a dogmatic re<uirement in endodontics
D. !n<uestioningly it adhered for successful endodontic treatment
(. :one of the above
35-. In re)ard to e7ternal resorption9JJ
A. Continues after successful endo treatment
. &tops in most cases follo"ing successful endodontic treatment
C. Continues only in mandibular incisors after successful endo treatment
D. &tops in ma'illary lateral incisors after successful endodontic treatment
(. :one of the above
358. The 'on'omitant perioBperiapi'al lesion as the 'a%se o endodonti' ail%re9
A. Cannot be discovered prior to endo treatment
. 2ay be discovered prior to endo treatment
C. Is most commonly found in ma'illary teeth
D. Is most commonly found in mandibular teeth
(. :one of the above
353. L ra&s are %sed in endodonti' treatment to9
A. Aid in the diagnosis of periapical hard tissue lesion
. Determine the number, location, shape, si3e and direction of roots and root
C. Confirm the length of root canals
D. (valuate the ade<uacy of the complete root canal filling
(. All of the above
Ans (
355. To a'hie$e optim%m 'a$it& preparation! .hi'h o the a'tors o
internal anatom& m%st +e 'onsidered in root 'anal treatment9
A. 9utline form
. #he age and shape of pulp chamber% in addition to the direction of individual
root canals.
C. Internal e'ternal relationship
D. Intra$coronal preparation
(. :one of the above
359. Irri)ation in root 'anal treatment sho%ld +e %nderta>en at re2%ent inter$als
d%rin) instr%mentation to9JJ
A. Remove cementum falling from the canal
. Remove no'ious material since it may be forced to the apical foramen
resulting in periapical infection
C. Destroy all micro organism in the canal
D. &top instruments from going beyond the apical foramen
(. :one of the above
39,. The len)th o the tooth is esta+lished +&9
A. Aood undistorted pre$operative ' ray
. Ade<uate coronal access to all canals
C. Ad/ustable endo millimetre ruler
D. Definite repeatable plane of reference to anatomical landmark on tooth
(. All of the above
Ans (
399. A $er& 2%i'> and .ide separation o teeth 'a%ses9
A. Aingival inflammation
. >asodilation
C. Eider spaces
D. :ecrosis of bone
Ans D
5,,. A patient .ho has lost se$eral teeth in an other.ise health& mo%th! 'an )et9
A. #2B dysfunction
. Changes in the vertical dimension
C. Change in the interocclusal dimension
Ans A
5,#. The oral epitheli%m %ses .ith the red%'ed enamel epitheli%m to orm9
A. Bunctional enamel epithelium
58". 1hat is the reason that a p%lp 'al'iies ater tra%ma9
A. #he intensity of the blo" "as too lo" to cause pulp death
58(. A patient presents .ith e$er o (9MC! pain! s.ellin) o %pper lip and nose.
Radio)raph sho.s an enlar)ement o periodontal li)ament spa'e o "" .hi'h
has a lar)e restoration .itho%t a +ase. 1hat .o%ld &o%r treatment +e9
A. Recision and antibiotic
. Antibiotic, analgesic follo"ed by root canal treatment after remission of
acute phase.
C. Complete debridement of root canal, analgesic and antibiotic
D. Remove restoration, apply a sedative dressing "ith corticosteroids
Ans C
53,. Ho. do &o% remo$e the smear la&er in root 'anal treatment9
A. !se of +.-, hypochlorite sodium
. =edstrom file
C. (D#A
Ans C
53-. In a $ital p%lp therap&! .hat is the optim%m depth or a pin hole in a tooth9
A. 1$-mm
. Appro'imately *mm
C. 8ess than *mm
D. 1$1.-mm
539. The FAKOR disad$anta)e o C%tta Per'ha is9
A. &oluble in chloroform
. #oo "eak for narro" canals
55#. 1hat 'ontrol tooth or teeth sho%ld +e %sed .hen testin) a s%spe'ted p%lpall&
in$ol$ed tooth9
A. Ad/acent tooth and contralateral teeth
. Contralateral and opposing teeth
C. 9pposing and ad/acent teeth
D. #est only suspected tooth7teeth
(. All of the above
Ans A
595. Ho. lon) .o%ld it ta>e to noti'e si)nii'ant red%'tion in radiol%'en'& ater
inishin) a root illin) in a tooth .ith a periapi'al lesion9
A. G months
. 1 month
C. 0 months
Ans A In most caes almost 1 year.
9,,. 1hen treatin) a nonB$ital tooth .ith a ist%la presented! the ist%la sho%ld +e
treated +&9
A. &urgical incision
. Antibiotic coverage
C. #he usual root canal procedures for non$vital teeth and no special
procedures for fistula
Ans C
9(5. Ho. .o%ld &o% treat h&peraemia ?h&peraemi' toothA9JJ
A. Hinc 9'ide and eugenol cement
. Calcium hydro'ide
C. Corticosteroid paste
Ans C
9(9. A patient 'omes to &o% 'omplainin) o pain in a tooth! the tooth .as illed
.ith 'omposite lon) time a)o= .hat .o%ld &o% do9
A. ; ray, remove filling and restore "ith temporary filling
9-#. On an L ra& &o% ind the C%tta Per'ha 'one e7tendin) "mm +e&ond the ape7
.itho%t an& s&mptoms! .hat .o%ld &o% do9
A. Remove restoration material until you are able to "ithdra" the Autta Percha
. Apiectomy
C. 8eave as is until any complications occur
Ans C
9-(. On an L ra& &o% ind the 'ement o the pre$io%s root 'anal treatment is
e7tendin) "mm +e&ond the ape7 .itho%t an& s&mptoms= .hat .o%ld &o% do9
A. Remove restoration material and retreat
. Apiectomy
C. 8eave as is until any complications occur
Ans C
9-/. 1hat is the main p%rpose o %sin) 'orti'osteroids in p%lpal o+t%ration
A. )or their antibiotic action
. )or their antiinflammatory action
C. #o relief pulp pressure
98#. @one is 'hara'terised +&9JJ
A. =aversian canal around bony canals
. Irregularly arraigned tubulae
Ans A
958. Common 'a%se o ail%re in a$%lsion replantation9
A. ('ternal resorptive defects
99(. The FOST %na$o%ra+le root ra't%re9
A. Cervical third
99/. The CREATEST relia+le indin) to 'onirm a ne'roti' p%lp is9
A. Area of radiolucency surrounding the ape' of tooth
995. A p%lp .ith m%ltiple mi'roa+s'esses .ill 'a%se e$ent%all&9
A. :ecrosis
999. An endodonti' therap& .as 'ompleted on a tooth .ith a periapi'al
radiol%'en'&. Far>ed red%'tion in siHe o radiol%'en'& is e7pe'ted in
A. 9ne year
. G months
C. 0 months
Ans A
",,/. The reason that endodonti'all& treated teeth are .ea> is9
A. 8oss of blood supply
. 8oss of coronal tissues
",,5. P%lp 'appin) in mat%re tooth ma& +e ollo.ed +&9JJ
A. Pulpalgia
. Internal resorption
C. =ypercalcification "ithin root canals
D. All of the above
Ans D
",,9. The FOST 'ommon o''%rren'e ater dire't p%lp 'appin) is9
A. &igns of reversible pulpitis
","8. A patient 'omplains o sensiti$it&! on e7amination &o% ind a 'omposite illin)
restorin) a )ood 'a$it& preparation .itho%t an& se'ondar& 'aries= .hat is
&o%r ne7t step9
A. ('tirpate the pulp that is obviously inflamed
. Place H9( dressing to sedate the pulp
C. Ask patient to come back in si' months
D. Repeat restoration
",(#. In re)ard to periapi'al lesions! .hat is TRUE9
A. Are predominantly anaerobic
. 2ust be treated by antibiotics
C. 2ust al"ays treated by surgery
D. Change from aerobic into anaerobic
",/". End prod%'t o amino a'id meta+olism is9
A. !rea
. !ric acid
C. Allantoin
Ans A

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