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The Impact of Ads on

Performance and
Improving Perceived
Julia Lee, Sr. Dir. of Engineering, Yahoo! Mail
Stevan Vlaovic, PhD, Ads Architect
Yahoo!, Inc.
June !""
Fast facts

Yahoo! Mail #" in $S

%&MM uni'ue users

".() *agevie+s,da-

Yahoo! Mail .ust +ent /A +ith ne+ *roduct

0 faster

1e+ ad i2*le2entation
My goal today

3ell -ou a4out our ads .ourne-

Share so2e 4road strategies to tr-

Dis*la- Advertising 5 1ot Search Advertising
Ad creative 5 Mar6u*, i2ages, assets, JS,7SS to sho+ the ad
Ad decisioning ti2e 5 3i2e to decide +hich ad to sho+ the user
Ad serving ti2e 5 3i2e to send the ad creatives,assets over the net+or6 to the
Ad rendering ti2e 5 3i2e to render the ad, including ani2ation
Text vs. Graphical Impact
Overall latency breado!n
89: latenc-
Due to ads
8: latenc-
"hat changed#
Ad Maretplace $ %cosystem &'())*+
Ad .et!ors
Ad ,erver
/0 O1O
Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad
Ad .et!ors
Ad ,erver
2ight Media
/0 O1O .P3 3omcast e4ay
Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad
Ad Maretplace $ %cosystem &'())5+
It6s complicated
<icher targeting=
relevant is fast!
)etter -ield
<eal ti2e 4idding
Local deals
Old ad flo!

1o redirection

Pre2iu2 ads
A**lication Server Ad Server
Latency Total:
100 ms
2 ms
10 ms
100 ms
100 ms
50 ms
>&?& 2s
100 ms
2 ms
.e! ad flo!
A**lication Server
Ad Server
Ad E0change "
Ad E0change
Latency Total:
100 ms
2 ms
10 ms
100 ms
300 ms
100 ms
>8"& 2s
300 ms
300 ms
50 ms
300 ms
100 ms
650 ms
300 ms
2 ms

Multi*le ad redirection

@ighest 4idder

Most relevance
Ad call se7-ence
A**lication 7lient Ad net+or6 Ad server Ad e0change Ad content hosting
@33P re'uest for *age
As-nchronous ad call
Page content +ith ads AtagsB
Ad creative,tags
Ad creative,tags
Ad re'uest to ad net+or6
Ad re'uest to 9rd *art-
Ad creative
Ad creative re'uest
Ad creative,tags
Ad infinitum
Ad infinitum
Server side
7lient side
"hat next#
Measure and monitor
Monitoring ad positions
Man- different *rofiles,*ositions
Profiles change +hen ca2*aigns
Latenc- transient
Chat should alert threshold 4eD
Chat triggered the alertD
8endor Ad 9atency Monitoring
: Axis; 8endors / Axis; Avg P5< Time&in ms+= sorted on Avg Median Time
Time periods belo! are rolling !indo!s &e.g. /ear>to>Date ? (@(A@)5 thro-gh (@(B@C)+
Monitoring 3hallenges

Chat is re*resentativeD

Is it re*eata4leD

Chat is actuall- slo+D DecisioningD ServingD 1et+or6D

Identif-ing ads EE finding needle in a ha-stac6

Is this the right level of granularit-D

Ad defensive strategies
,trategy DC; Ad handling library
AD content A@3ML, JavaScri*t, etcB is rendered in an IF<AME tag
IF<AME has a crossGdo2ain $<L , not s*ecific to *ro*ert- , *u4lisher
IF<AME is controlled 4- *u4lisher , *ro*ert-
I2*le2ents an API that *u4lishers,vendors can use for rich functionalit-
$ses crossGdo2ain 2essaging to co22unicate 4et+een a**lication and ad
)etter securit-
)etter sta4ilit-
More control
Faster *erfor2ance
Allo+s 2etrics gathering
,trategy D(; Do-ble b-ffering
". <e'uires ad handling li4rar- to hoo6 into events
. <e'uires sa2e ad *osition in sa2e +e4.! H*age vie+I to +or6
9. Load first ad into ifra2e
&. Load second ad into ifra2e underneath first ifra2e
J. Chen second ad is loaded, destro- the first ifra2e
?. Ad underneath gets sho+n, *ro2ote the second ifra2e KGinde0
,trategy DB; Fine grained ad loading

Server side vs. client side

7o24ine ad re'uests +ith a**lication re'uests

Leverage Ce4.! techni'ues

Dela- ad loading to avoid 4ro+ser contention

"ebC.) Ad Flo!

A**lication server inserts AD


S-nchronous,4loc6ed loading

Direct DLM access

7annot differentiate ad content

fro2 2ain content

Best perceived user experience

for premium ads in prominent
Ce4 )ro+ser
A**lication Server fetches a**lication
and Ad content
@3ML *rocessed
Page rendered
$ser 2a- no+ interact +ith *age
"ebC.)@(.) 3lient>side Ad Flo!

Fetch ad after a**lication has loaded

Fine grained adGrotation in

Ce4.!,AJAM *ages

Prioritizes user actions first

Requires extra roundtrip

A**lication Server generates content
@3ML *rocessed
Page rendered
$ser 2a- no+ interact +ith *age
7lient fetches and inserts ad content
"eb(.) Ad Flo!

7lient runti2e ad strateg-

AD content is si2*l- data

AD content render occurs after initial *age


Prioritizes user actions first

Saves one roundtrip for client side ad

Ce4 )ro+ser
Ce4 server fetches AD @3ML
AD @3ML transfor2ed into data,
e2its +ith *age content
Page @3ML *rocessed
AADs not renderedB
Page rendered
JS *rocess AD DA3A,
and e2its sand4o0
ADs rendered
$ser 2a- interact +ith *age
NLld AD still visi4le until ne+ one arrives
Mail In4o0
Message <ead
Fetch Message
Fetch AD 7ontent Process Message
Message <endered
Process AD 7ontent
AD <endered
%xample E Message 2ead Flo! Attempt DC
NLld AD still visi4le until ne+ one arrives
Mail In4o0
Message <ead
Fetch Message
Fetch AD 7ontent Process Message
Message <endered
Process AD 7ontent
AD <endered
%xample E Message 2ead Flo! Attempt D(
NLld AD still visi4le until ne+ one arrives
Mail In4o0
Message <ead
Fetch Message
Fetch AD 7ontent Process Message
Message <endered
Process AD 7ontent
AD <endered
%xample E Message 2ead Flo! Attempt DB

Dis*la- advertising landsca*e is co2*le0

Measuring and 2onitoring ad *erfor2ance is su4tle

E0ercise defensive strategies to 2itigate ad i2*act

End user e0*erience is 'ualitative

Aren6t many ADs already rendered this !ay#
Ce4 *age

Man- ADs alread- use their o+n IF<AME

@o+ever, in this case the IF<AME is *art of the AD itself

3his is 4oth GOOD and 4AD

ad content
,andbox library reso-rces

2s or less of server ti2e added to transfor2 AD into DA3A

Adds clientGside @33P re'uests at 2ost

" JavaScri*t file to 4uild sand4o0 and receive calls fro2 vendors

" @3ML file for the sand4o0

3-*icall- 2a6es ! @33P re'uests, as 4oth JavaScri*t, and

@3ML files are cachea4le

3-*icall- less than J! 2s of run ti2e, client side i2*act in 4ro+ser,

due to 4est *ractices in JavaScri*t
< SCRIPT type= "text/plain" _pos= "LREC" _en= "ISO -8859-1"
< !-- Ot"e# $ eta-%ata att#i&'tes $ ay &e a%%e% --
"< I(R)* E SRC= +""ttp,//a%-%o'& O-CO* /85144555-119 - - - +: / ;
< !-- O #i<inal )= 7T* L a&o>e? @S saAe st#in< --

Lriginal AD @3ML is transfor2ed into ne+ @3ML

Is a HdataGislandI

1ot e0ecuted , rendered 4- 4ro+ser

Metrics gathering

Ad li4rar- can 4e configured +ith a variet- of Hcall4ac6I functions

=)RL)_CO 0(IB =
/D - - - O t"e# .onAi< options "e#e - - - D/
onSta#tPosRen%e#, A'n.tionEF
/D Lo< t"e ti$ e oA an )= sta#tin< #en%e# p#o.ess D/
on(inis"PosRen%e#, A'n.tionEF
/D Lo< H "en an )= "as Ainis"e% #en%e#in< D/

3his level of detail +as not availa4le +ithout li4rar-

Allo+s *ro*erties li6e Yahoo! Mail to decide +hat info is i2*ortant

Metrics gathering

Such as an AD ta6ing too long to 4e rendered

JavaScri*t Errors found in ADs

Lr to trac6 and re*ort H4adI ADs

Pro*erties li6e Yahoo! Mail i2*le2ent these call4ac6s

to collect their o+n statistics

AD <e'uest 3i2e

AD <ender 3i2e

Lther data relevant to rendering

Cas JavaScri*t used

Cere IF<AMEs used

Cas the EAS used

/ahoo0 Mail Gsage of ,ec-reDA29A E 4-siness 2-les

<ender ti2e of L<E7 AD in Mint- , 1eo

,erver side ad integration
Ad 3all Flo! E ,erver side
A**lication Server
Ad Server
" J
?= Ad calls invo6ed fro2 7lient
Ad net+or6
Ad call should 4e called as-nchronousl-
Ad call 2ust return 4efore content needs to
4e flushed
Ad call should 4atch 2ulti*le ads
Ad decision ti2e increasing to 4etter target
>9!s to ?!!2s
7lient <e'uest
7lient <es*onse
Ad 7all
Ad <es*onse
Ad <es*onse
7lient <es*onse
Acceptable ,erver>side Ad 9atency
Ma6e ad call
Ad call 2ust return 4efore
content needs to 4e
Ad call should 4atch
2ulti*le ads
Ad decisioning ti2e
increasing to 4etter target
>9!s to ?!!2s
I2*acts server ca*acit-
"ebC.) vs. "eb(.) Ad Impact
HBI faster
BHI faster
Cith Ads
Cith Ads
Cithout Ads
Cithout Ads
Global challenges

Are ads locall- decidedD

Are ads geoGtargetedD

Chat t-*e of account is thisD

Chat is the right user e0*erienceD

Are ad creatives served glo4all-D

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