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Chapter 5

#13 A computer uses a memory unit 256k words of 32 bits

each. A binary instruction code is stored in one word of
memory. The instruction has four parts : indirect bit an
operation code a re!ister code part to specify one of 6"
re!isters and an address part.
a. #ow many bits are there in the operation code the
re!ister code part and the address part$
b. %raw the instruction word format and indicate the number
of bits in each part.
c. #ow many bits are there in the data and address inputs of
the memory$
#1" &hat is the di'erence between a direct and an indirect
address instruction$
#ow many references to memory are needed for each type of
instruction to brin! an operand into a processor re!ister$
#15 &hat are the two instructions needed in the basic
computer in order to set the ( )ip*)op to 1$
#16 %raw a timin! dia!ram simi+ar to ,! 5-./refer morris
mano0 assumin! that 1C is c+eared to 2 at time T3 if contro+
si!na+ C. is acti3e.
C.T3 : 1C42
C. is acti3ated with the positi3e c+ock transition associated with
Chapter 5
#1. A bus * or!ani6ed C78 has 16 re!isters with 32 bits in each
an A98 and a destination decoder.
a. #ow many mu+tip+e:ers are there in the A bus and what
is the si6e of each mu+tip+e:er$
b. #ow many se+ection inputs are needed for mu: A and mu:
c. #ow many inputs and outputs are there in the decoder$
d. #ow many inputs and outputs are there in the A98 for
data inc+udin! input and output carries$
e. <ormu+ate a contro+ word for the system assumin! that the
A98 has 35 operations.
#15 1pecify the contro+ word that must be app+ied to the
processor of ,! 5-2/refer morris mano0 to imp+ement the
fo++owin! microoperations
a. =1 4 =2 >=3
b. =" 4 ="
c. =5 4 =5 * 1
d. =6 4 sh+ =1
e. =. 4 input
#1? Con3ert the fo++owin! arithmetic e:pressions from in,: to
re3erse po+ish notation.
a. A@; > C@% > (@<
b. A@;>A@/;@% > C@(0
c. A > ; @A/C@% > (@/< >B0C
d. A@A; >C @ /% >(0C
<@ /B >#0
#22 Con3ert the fo++owin! arithmetic e:pressions from re3erse
po+ish notation to in,: po+ish notation.
a. A ; C % ( >@-D
b. A ; C % ( @D->
c. A ; C % ( < B >@>@>@
d. A ; C @D% * ( < D>
#21 A computer has 32-bit instructions and 12-bit addresses.Ef
there are 252 two address instructions how many one *
address instruction can be formu+ated $
#22 &rite a pro!ram to e3a+uate the arithmetic statement:
FG A * ; > C @ /%@( * <0
B > # @H
a. 8sin! a !enera+ re!ister computer with three address
b. 8sin! a !enera+ re!ister computer with two address
c. 8sin! an accumu+ator type computer with one address
d. 8sin! a stack or!ani6ed computer with 6ero-address
operation instructions.
#23 A two-word instruction is stored in memory at an address
desi!nated by the symbo+ &. The address ,e+d of the
instruction /stored at & >1 0 is desi!nated by the symbo+ I .
the operand used durin! the e:ecution of the instruction is
stored at an address symbo+i6ed by 6. An inde: re!ister
containsthe 3a+ue F. 1tate how J is ca+cu+ated from other
addresses if the addressin! of the instruction is
a. %irect
b. Endirect
c. =e+ati3e
d. Ende:ed
#2" A re+ati3e mode branch type of instruction is stored in
memory at an address eKui3a+ent to decima+ .52 . the branch is
made to an address eKui3a+ent to decima+ 522.
a. &hat shou+d be the 3a+ue of the re+ati3e address ,e+d of
the instruction /in decima+0$
b. %etermine the re+ati3e address 3a+ue in binary usin! 12
bits ./why must the number be in 2Ls comp+ement$0
c. %etermine the binary 3a+ue in 7C after the fetch phase
and ca+cu+ate the binary 3a+ue of 522. Then show that the
binary in 7C p+us the re+ati3e address ca+cu+ated in part b
is eKua+ to the binary 3a+ue of 522.
#25 An instruction is stored at +ocation 322 with its address
,e+d at +ocation 321 . the address ,e+d has the 3a+ue "22 . A
processor re!ister =1 contains the number 222. (3a+uate the
e'ecti3e address if the addressin! mode of the instruction is
/a0 direct /b0 immediate /c0re+ati3e /d0 re!ister indirect /e0 inde:
with =1 as the inde: re!ister.
Chapter -?
#26 En certain scienti,c computations it is necessary to perform
the arithmetic operation /Ai >;i0/Ci > %i0 with a stream of
numbers . 1pecify a pipe+ine con,!uration to carry out this
task . 9ist the contents of a++ re!isters in the pipe+ine for iG1
throu!h 6.
#2. %raw a space-time dia!ram for a si:-se!ment pipe+ine
showin! the time it takes to process ei!ht tasks.
#25 %etermine the number of c+ock cyc+es that it takes to
process 222 tasks in a si:-se!ment pipe+ine.
#2? The nonpipe+ine system takes 52 ns to process a task . the
same task can be processed in a si: * se!ment pipe+ine with
c+ock cyc+e of 12ns . %etermine the speedup ratio of the
pipe+ine for 122ns task . what is the ma:imum speedup that
can be achie3ed$
#32 consider the four instructions in the fo++owin! pro!ram .
suppose that the ,rst instruction starts from step 1 in the
pipe+ine used in ,! ?-5 . specify what operation are performed
in the four se!ments durin! step ".
9oad =1 4 MA312C
A%% =2 4 =2 > MA313C
Enc =3 4 =3 >1
1tore MA31"C 4 =3
#31 Bi3e an (:amp+e that uses de+ayed +oad with the three-
se!ment pipe+ine of sec ?-5 /refer morris mano0
#32 Consider the mu+tip+ication of two "2 N"2 matrices usin! a
3ector processor .
a. #ow many product terms are there in each inner product
and how many inner products must be e3a+uated$
b. #ow many mu+tip+y-add operations are needed to
ca+cu+ate the product matri:$
#33 1how the contents of re!isters (AO and 1C /as in ,! 12-
12 refer morris mano0 durin! the process of mu+tip+ication of
two binary numbers 11111 /mu+tip+icand0 and 12121
/mu+tip+ier0 .the si!ns are not inc+uded.
#3" &hy shou+d the si!n of the remainder after a di3ision be
the same as the si!n of the di3idend $
#35 1how the contents of re!isters (AO and 1C /as in ,! 12-
12 refer morris mano0 durin! the process of di3ision of /a0
12122211 by 1211P /b0 22221111 by 2211./use a di3idend of
ei!ht bits.0

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