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Online application help guide

I. Step 1: Online application ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Complete and submit the online application form ............................................................................................... 2
Page 1: registration and ID information ............................................................................................................ 3
Page 2: personal information ............................................................................................................................ 3
Page 3: education .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Page 4: language sills ....................................................................................................................................... !
Page !: "uestions .............................................................................................................................................. !
Page #: $alidation .............................................................................................................................................. !
2. Pa%ing the application fee for the S&I international selection process ................................................................ !
3. 'ploading the re(uired application material........................................................................................................ #
Document pro)ing %our identit% *.+peg or .pdf onl%,......................................................................................... -
.esume .............................................................................................................................................................. -
&cademic degree*s, a/arded ............................................................................................................................ -
0nrollment )erification certificate ..................................................................................................................... -
&cademic transcripts ......................................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 03aminee Score .eport 4 5&20 6&20 score sheet ................................................................................... 1
7an transfer )oucher or ban card in)oice ...................................................................................................... 1
Photograph ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
0nglish le)el test score ...................................................................................................................................... 1
5/o academic recommendation letters ............................................................................................................ 1
II. Step 2: &ppl%ing to one of the standardi8ed tests .................................................................................................... 9
1. 26&5 .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. 2.0 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3. 5&20 6&20 ......................................................................................................................................................... 1:

5his application help guide /ill guide %ou step b% step to complete %our online application. If %ou ha)e (uestions;
contact us at: sai<

5he S&I international selection process is organi8ed around 3 steps. 5his guide /ill help %ou to fulfill step 1 and 2.

I. Step 1: Online application

5he online application for the S&I international selection process is an eas% procedure. >ou ha)e to :
1. Complete and submit the online application form
2. Pa% the application fee for the S&I international selection process
3. 'pload the mandator% documents

>our application /ill onl% be re)ie/ed once these 3 steps are completed.

?hen %ou start %our online application; %ou /ill need to hold a )alid email account in order to recei)e our
informati)e emails.
3 emails /ill be sent to %ou during %our online application process:

= 0mail 1 /ill pro)ide %ou /ith a personal application number. >ou /ill be able to access %our application b%
entering both %our application number and pass/ord in the space on the upper right corner of the
= 0mail 2 /ill confirm that %our online application has been submitted to the S&I international selection
= 0mail 3 /ill inform %ou /hether the upload of %our documents has been successful.

1. Complete and submit the online application form

5o begin the application process; please:
= go to ///.sai<
= select %our preferred language *0nglish or @rench, using the flag on the upper right corner of the screen
= clic on Application on the main menu to choose %our session

5he online application is di)ided into # pages:
Page 1 : .egistration and ID information
Page 2 : Personal information
Page 3 : 0ducation
Page 4 : Aanguage sills
Page ! : 0ssa%s
Page # : Submit


?e encourage %ou to tae the time to go through each section carefull% and thoroughl%. 5here is no time limit to
complete %our application. Once %ou ha)e started it; %ou can log off at an% point and return to it later to continue
filling it out.

Bo/e)er; %ou should ensure to respect the application deadline date /hen submitting it. Co application submitted
after the application deadline can be re)ie/ed.

5he deadlines for the 2:14=2:1! S&I international selection process are:
&utumn session 1#41:42:14
?inter session 1#41242:14
Spring session 1#4:242:1!
Summer session 1#4:442:1!

?e in)ite to submit %our application earlier than the deadlines to benefit from the best possible support.

Page 1: registration and ID information
On this page; %ou are re(uired to pro)ide the follo/ing information in order to create %our application:

= >our ID Information: @amil% Came; @irst Came and Date of birth.

= 0mail: it is important that %our email is correctl% indicated as /e /ill use it to contact %ou about %our
application. If %ou change %our email address after submitting %our application please contact us and let us
no/ accordingl%.

= Inter)ie/ center: this is /here %ou /ould lie to tae the inter)ie/ should %ou ha)e been declared
admissible pending re)ie/ of %our application and result at the 26&5 or 5&20 6&20 or 2.0.

If %ou choose the inter)ie/ center of 7eirut; %ou can also appl% to 0S& 7e%routh.

If the inter)ie/ center %ou are looing for is not indicated in the drop=do/n menu; %ou can as for the opening of a
ne/ one b% email at sai< Indeed; in some situations the S&I international selection process can open
ne/ inter)ie/ centers.

= Standardi8ed /ritten test: please choose the /ritten test %ou /ish to tae *see Part III: &ppl%ing to one of
the 3 /ritten tests,: 26&5; 2.0 or 5&20 6&20

Clic on Apply to create %our application and to mo)e to the ne3t page. & creation email /ith %our application
number /ill then be automaticall% sent to %ou.

Please note that once %ou ha)e sa)ed the information of the first page; %ou /ill be automaticall% taen to the
second page. >ou /ill not be able to go bac to this first page.
Page 2: personal information
In this page; %ou are ased to pro)ide %our personal details. &s %ou /ill see on the online form; some fields need to
be filled in using capital letters onl%.

>our personal information /ill be used to process %our application onl% and can be communicated onl% to:
&'D0CCI& Cantes; 06A>OC 7usiness School; 0SCP 0urope; B0C Paris and SD06& 7usiness School. >our personal
details remain confidential to the S&I international selection process and the member schools. 5he% /ill not be
shared /ith an% third part%.


= Date of birth: please enter %our date of birth in the re(uired format.
= Cit% of birth: is the cit% /here %ou /ere born as indicated in %our passport or %our birth certificate.
@or Chinese applicants; please indicate %our birth cit% and in bracets the pro)ince.

= Countr% of birth: please select %our countr% of birth using the drop do/n menu.
= Cationalit% 1: please choose %our first nationalit% using the drop do/n menu.
= Cationalit% 2: if %ou hold a dual nationalit%; please indicate %our second nationalit% using the drop do/n
= 2ender: please select onl% one.
= @amil% status: please select onl% one.

>ou /ill also be ased to pro)ide a )alid address /here %ou /ish to recei)e all correspondence; and 2 phone
numbers *if applicable, in order to allo/ us to contact %ou if needed. @or all telephone numbers outside @rance;
please indicate the countr% code.
Should an% of %our details change *e.g. %our @amil% name; %our postal or email address, please let us no/

Clic on Save to sa)e %our information and to mo)e to the ne3t page.
Page 3: education
5here are 3 sub=sections:

1. 6ost recent (ualification obtained outside @rance
Please use the drop do/n menu to inform us precisel% of %our academic (ualifications:
= Countr% /here %ou ha)e obtained or /ill obtain %our degree: select the countr% using the drop do/n menu.
If the countr% is not listed; please select O5B0. and inform us accordingl%. ?e /ill add %our countr% to this
= 'ni)ersit%: select %our uni)ersit% using the drop do/n menu. If %our uni)ersit% is not listed; please select
O5B0. and enter the name of %our uni)ersit% in capital letters in the te3t bo3 pro)ided.
= Degree le)el: select %our degree le)el in the drop do/n menu.
= Degree title: select %our degree title in the drop do/n menu. 5his menu is @rench40nglish. If %our degree title
is not listed; please select O5B0. and inform us accordingl%. ?e /ill add %our title to this list.
If %ou are graduating from a Chinese uni)ersit%; please select 70CD0.

= Speciali8ation: select %our speciali8ation title in the drop do/n menu. If %our speciali8ation is not listed;
please select O5B0. and enter %our main speciali8ation in capital letters in the te3t bo3 pro)ided.
= 2raduation %ear: if %ou ha)e graduated; enter the %ear in /hich %our degree /as a/arded. If %ou are still
stud%ing; enter the e3pected %ear of %our graduation. Please do not indicate the matriculation %ear.
= 2P& *grade point a)erage,: enter %our 2P& as it is indicated on %our transcript or grade report. If %our
uni)ersit% does not use a 2P& s%stem; enter %our a)erage grade or honours. If %ou do not ha)e a)erage
grade or honours; %ou should indicate C4& *non applicable,
= I ha)e graduated: Chec this bo3 onl% if %ou ha)e alread% graduated.
>ou can add additional (ualifications b% clicing on Add a degree.

2. Secondar% education

Please indicate the name of the high school %ou attended; the (ualification obtained *e.g. 7accalaurEat; &=le)el;
&bitur; 2aoao, as /ell as the high school graduation %ear.

3. Professional acti)ities and internships

Please describe all rele)ant /or acti)ities in chronological order. 5his (uestion has a limited number of characters.
>ou /ill not be able to include more than 1::: characters *not /ords, spaces and hard return included.

Clic on Save to sa)e %our information and to mo)e to the ne3t page.
Page 4: language sills
In this page; %ou ha)e to pro)ide accurate information about %our language sills. Please indicate the le)el *fluent;
)er% good; a)erage or /ea, of %our reading; /riting and speaing fluenc% in a gi)en language.
Please note that %ou must indicate %our le)el in 0nglish in addition to %our le)el in other languages. If %ou do
not fill in %our le)el in 0nglish %ou /ill not be able to sa)e this page.

Clic on Save to sa)e %our information and mo)e to the ne3t page.
Page !: "uestions
Please ans/er this section as sincerel% as possible. 0ssa%s (uestions are:
= ?hich personal achie)ements are %ou most proud ofF
= Describe a situation /here %ou failed. ?hat lessons did %ou learn from itF
= ?h% is %our application an added=)alue for the S&I international selection process member schoolsF
= Describe %our e3tra=curricular acti)ities o)er the last fe/ %ears *leisure time; social life; clubs; )olunteer
/or; etc.,F

>ou ma% prepare the essa%s responses in ad)ance and simpl% cop%4paste %our ans/ers into the appropriate space.
Please also respect the character limit of !:: characters *not /ords, spaces and hard return included.

Clic on Save to sa)e %our information and mo)e to the ne3t page.
Page #: $alidation
>ou are no/ going to submit %our application form and send it to the S&I international selection process. >ou /ill be
ased to choose the language of %our inter)ie/ *@rench or 0nglish,. Please note that onl% admissible applicants /ill
be in)ited for the inter)ie/.

?hen %ou are read% to submit %our application; chec the bo3 GI declare ha)ing read; understood and accepted the
terms of the S&I international selection process rulesH

Clic on Submit my application. 5his action sa)es %our data into our s%stem and taes %ou to %our applicant space.

&fter submitting %our application form; %ou /ill recei)e an email confirming that it has been submitted correctl%. >ou
/ill not be able to change an% information in %our application after submitting it.
>ou can chec all the information in %our application file b% clicing on Preview in My application tab.

2. Pa%ing the application fee for the S&I international selection process

Once %ou ha)e submitted %our online application form; clic on sub=tab Payment page in My application tab on the
menu. 5his /ill bring %ou to the page /here %ou can pa% the S&I international selection process fee.

&pplication to the S&I international selection process is sub+ect to the pa%ment of the application fee of 11:I.

5his fee is pa%able either b% ban card or b% ban transfer.
&pplication fee is not reimbursed.

Please read the follo/ing information carefull% in order to a)oid dela% in processing %our pa%ment:

= If pa%ing b% ban card; upload the in)oice obtained once %our pa%ment on line is complete *%ou /ill recei)e a
confirmation email /ith a lin to do/nload %our in)oice,.
= If pa%ing b% ban transfer; upload the cop% of %our ban transfer )oucher.

5o pa% online b% ban card:

Clic on the h%perte3t lin a)ailable on the pa%ment page. 5his lin /ill lead %ou to our secure online pa%ment
ser)ice. @ollo/ the steps belo/ until %ou obtain an in)oice:
= &dd to cart the product G&pplication to the S&I international selection process selectionH
= Process %our order
= Clic on Click here to create (uicl% and simpl% %our accountJ
= Onl% fill in the mandator% fields *mared /ith an K,.
= Submit %our form
1. & ne/ page is displa%ed: Choose %our deli)er% and pa%ment terms
2. &n automatic email is sent to %ou /ith %our login and pass/ord details.
= .ead and accept the terms and conditions of sales.
In order for us to identif% %our pa%ment; please indicate %our S&I international selection process application
number in the comment bo3.
= Clic on next
= Select %our ban card t%pe.
= @ill in %our credit card details and clic on submit
1. & confirmation page is displa%ed.
2. &n automatic email is sent to %ou /ith a confirmation of %our order.
= Clic on the lin Gconfirmation of your orderH in order to do/nload and print %our in)oice.
Please note that applications are not considered complete until full pa%ment of the application fee has been
recei)ed b% the S&I international selection process.

3. 'ploading the re(uired application material

In order for %our application to be re)ie/ed; %ou /ill need to prepare re(uired documents in support of %our online
application form.
&t the same time %ou prepare these documents; be a/are that %ou need to choose and tae one of the
/ritten tests *step 2: appl%ing to one of the /ritten test,.

>ou can upload documents using the uploading portal. Simpl% go to My application and to Upload documents page
once %ou ha)e submitted %our online application.
>ou must upload official documents onl%. Please mae sure to ha)e at hand a digital4scan cop% of all re(uired
documents. Please refrain from uploading an% other documents than those re(uired as these /ill not be considered
in %our application.
Ba)e each document sa)ed separatel% and clearl% label all documents e3actl% as the% appear on the checlist.

If the official document is not in 0nglish or in @rench; %ou should ensure to upload an official translation b% a s/orn
translator. 5he official stamp and signature of the translator should appear on the document. Please upload the
officiall% translated document onl%.
>ou ma% upload documents up to 1 6o and in the follo/ing formats: .+peg and .pdf onl% for all documents.
Illegible; in)alid or incomplete documents /ill not be taen into consideration thereb% dela%ing the re)ie/ of %our

?hen %ou tic on Save; %ou /ill see a message on the top of the page informing %ou:
= that some documents are missing and that /e cannot re)ie/ %our application; the message /ill be: G>ou
ha)e uploaded application documents. 5hans for uploading all re(uired documents for the re)ie/ of %our
application. L
= or that %ou ha)e correctl% uploaded all re(uired documents and that %our application is under re)ie/; the
message /ill be : G>our documents ha)e been sent to the S&I international selection process; %our
application is under re)ie/. >ou /ill shortl% be informed b% email about %our status. L

6oreo)er an uploading email /ill inform %ou /hether the upload of %our documents has been successful or not.

.e(uired documents to be uploaded
Document pro)ing %our identit% *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5his document must sho/ clearl% %our last name; first name and %our date of birth.
>ou ma% upload *one choice onl%,: %our birth certificate O. %our ID card O. %our passport. If %ou upload %our
passport; please upload OCA> %our biographic data page. 5his is the page of the passport /hich sho/s %our name
and date of birth; passport number; issue and e3pir% date; and photograph.
Do not upload the cop% of %our dri)erMs license or uni)ersit% ID card.

-esume *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5his one=page onl% resume *C$, must be /ritten in 0nglish or in @rench. It must also include a passport=si8e
photograph on the upper right of the page.
5he resume *C$, should highlight :
= %our academic bacground and achie)ements
= %our /or e3perience *if applicable,
= %our e3tra=curricular acti)ities

&cademic degree*s, a.arded *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5his official degree certificate:
= must be a/arded b% a nationall% accredited higher education institution
= must be a/arded after at least 3 %ears of higher education outside @rance. If the applicant does not fulfill
this condition; his case /ill be submitted b% the S&I international selection process to its member schools.
Please note that all applicants ha)ing studied in China must upload a translated cop% of their official 7ene.

If %our degree*s, has not been a/arded but that %ou ha)e completed all academic re(uirements leading to %our
(ualification; %ou must upload an official statement b% %our admissions or registration office or b% the student
ser)ices in %our uni)ersit%.

If %ou are currentl% in %our last %ear of stud%; please lea)e this field blan.
Bo/e)er; /e /ill need %ou to upload an enrollment )erification certificate *see belo/,.

/nrollment )erification certificate *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5his is %our official enrollment )erification certificate. 5his document is pro)ided b% %our admissions or registration
office or b% the student ser)ices in %our uni)ersit%.
It must clearl% indicate %our identit% *@amil% Came; @irst Came and Date of birth,; the (ualification for /hich %ou are
currentl% registered; the beginning date of %our degree as /ell as the e3pected date for the completion of %our

If %ou ha)e alread% graduated; please lea)e this field blan.

&cademic transcripts *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5hese are %our official transcripts for all academic courses %ou attended including the transcripts obtained during an
academic e3change. 5ranscripts should clearl% indicate the name of the course or sub+ect %ou ha)e follo/ed as /ell
as the grade or credit earned.
If %ou are currentl% in %our last %ear of stud%; please upload a scan of %our transcripts alread% obtained.

0-/ /1aminee Score -eport 2 3&0/ 4&0/ score sheet *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
5he 2.0 03amine Score .eport is deli)ered after ha)ing taen the 2.0 test: %ou can do/nload it on
'ploading %our 03amine Score .eport is not enough. >ou must as 05S to report %our official score to one of
the S&I international selection process member schools.

5he upload of the 5&20 6&20 test score sheet onl% concerns applicants /ho too the 5&20 6&20 test before
September 2:14. >ou can do/nload it on http:44///

5an transfer )oucher or ban card in)oice *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
If %ou are pa%ing the S&I international selection process application fee b% ban transfer; this )oucher; pro)ided b%
%our ban; is mandator%. It /ill allo/ us to chec and process %our pa%ment.

If %ou are pa%ing the S&I international selection process application fee b% ban card; this ban card in)oice;
pro)ided b% our secure online pa%ment ser)ice; is mandator%. It /ill allo/ us to chec and process %our pa%ment.

Photograph *.+peg onl%,
5his is a passport=si8e photograph *3! mm /ide b% 4! mm high, for administrati)e use.

/nglish le)el test score *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
If %ou are taing the 5&20 6&20; %ou must pro)ide an I0A5S; 5O0@A or 5O0IC *Aistening N .eading or Speaing N
?riting, test score.

It is compulsor% for all admissible applicants ha)ing taen the 5&20 6&20 and must be uploaded no later than:
= 2: Co)ember 2:14 for &utumn session applicants
= - @ebuar% 2:1! for ?inter session applicants
= 21 6arch 2:1! for Spring session applicants
= 11 6a% 2:1! for Summer session applicants
If %ou are taing the 26&5 or the 2.0; please do not pro)ide an 0nglish le)el test score.

3.o academic recommendation letters *.+peg or .pdf onl%,
>ou ha)e to upload 2 academic recommendation letters.
>our referees must print; sign; scan; and send %ou b% email his recommendation letter.
5he 2 recommendation letters must then be uploaded. 5he% must meet the follo/ing re(uirements:
= 5he recommendation letters must be /ritten on an institutional letter head.
= 5he recommendation letters must be signed b% %our referees.
= 5he academic referees must indicate his4her position and full contact information at the academic
institution; as /ell as the first name; last name; birth date and S&I international selection process file
number of the applicant.
= 5he academic referees /riting the recommendation letter on %our behalf should gi)e details on %our
academic achie)ements; leadership abilities; interpersonal sills and personal achie)ements.

II. Step 2: &ppl%ing to one of the standardi6ed tests

@or this step; %ou ha)e to:
= &ppl% directl% through the institutions organi8ing these /ritten tests *26&5; 2.0 or 5&20 6&20,
= &rrange for the standardi8ed /ritten test score to be sent to the S&I international selection process before
the application deadline.

If the S&I international selection process does not recei)e %our /ritten test score before the application deadline;
%ou /ill be declared absent to the /ritten test and /ill not be considered for admissibilit%.

&lll the /ritten tests are )alid for all the sessions.

5he 26&5; 2.0 and 5&20 6&20 scores are )alid for ! %ears.

1. 04&3

5he 26&5 *2raduate 6anagement &dmission 5est, is organi8ed b% 26&C. >ou ha)e to appl% directl% through:

@or the tests taen from Oul% 1!
; 2:13; sections P &nal%tical /riting L and P Integrated reasoning L are mandator%.

>ou ha)e to report %our score to the program Service des Admissions Internationales. 5o report %our official score
please )isit http:44///.mba.com4global4the=gmat=e3am4gmat=e3am=scoring4%our=score=report4send=%our=

It is %our responsibilit% to ensure that /e recei)e %our 26&5 score before the application deadlines *October 1#
December 1#
; @ebruar% 1#
; &pril 1#
5he reception dela%s of 26&5 scores can change from a 26&5 center from another.

?e encourage %ou to tae %our test and report %our scores no later than:
= 1
October 2:14 for &utumn session applicants
= 1
December 2:14 for ?inter session applicants
= 1
@ebruar% 2:1! for Spring session applicants
= 1
&pril 2:1! for Summer session applicants
Con=official scores *test taer cop%, /ill not be accepted b% the S&I international selection process.

2. 0-/

2.0 *2raduate .ecord 03amination, is organi8ed b% 05S. 5he applicant must appl% directl% on the /ebsite

@rom 1! Oul% 2:13; the G&nal%tical /ritingH section is mandator%.

It is %our responsibilit% to ensure that /e recei)e %our 2.0 score before the application deadlines *October 1#
December 1#
; @ebruar% 1#
; &pril 1#
>ou also need to upload %our 03aminee score report in the appropriate field in %our applicant space.

5he dela% to recei)e the score can be )er% long. 5o ensure that /e recei)e %our score in due time; /e encourage %ou
to tae and report %our 2.0 test no later than:
= 2! September 2:14 for &utumn session applicants
= 2! Co)ember 2:14 for ?inter session applicants
= 2! Oanuar% 2:1! for Spring session applicants
= 2! 6arch 2:1! for Summer session applicants


3. 3&0/ 4&0/

5he 5&20 6&20 is organi8ed b% the @C020. >ou must appl% directl% on the /ebsite: ///

If %ou tae the 5&20 6&20 test /ith the @C020 after September 2:14; your official score will be directly sent to
us by FNEGE.

Please inform us by email as soon as you can if you take your TAGE MAGE test with another organization than

Please tae %our 5&20 6&20 test not later than:
= 1# October 2:14 for &utumn session applicants
= 1# December 2:14 for ?inter session applicants
= 1# @ebruar% 2:1! for Spring session applicants
= 1# &pril 2:1! for Summer session applicants

Co 5&20 6&20 results taen after the application deadline /ill be accepted.

If %ou too the 5&20 6&20 test /ith the @C020 before September 2:14; %ou must upload %our 5&20 6&20 score
sheet report in the appropriate field in %our applicant space.

Ce/: @rom 1
Oul% 2:14; the 5&20 6&20 test can be taen t/ice in a same %ear.

%our application form is completed and submitted
%our /ritten test score is reported to the S&I international selection process
%our application fee is paid
all %our application material is recei)ed
>our application /ill be for/arded for re)ie/. Once %our application has been re)ie/ed; %ou /ill be sent an email
confirming %our eligibilit% or not to the S&I international selection process.
If %ou do not recei)e this email; please contact us at sai<

7eing GeligibleH means that %our application is completed and fulfills the eligibilit% conditions. It does not
mean that %ou are in)ited for an inter)ie/.
>ou /ill ha)e to /ait for the admissibilit% results to no/ if %ou are in)ited to tae an inter)ie/ in the center chosen
in %our application form.

Please note that no other documents *e3cept the 0nglish le)el test score, can be added or modified once %ou
are declared eligible b% the S&I international selection process.

Thank you for taking the time to read these instructions.
We wish you all the best with your application!

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