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1. Input
+ 80.30 HT = 12.20 m
B1 = 0.70 m
B2 = 0.35 m
B3 = 0.40 m
+ 79.00 B4 = 1.20 m
B5 = 1.00 m
B6 = 2.80 m
BT = 5.00 m
H1 = 1.30 m
H1 max = 1.30 m
+ 75.00 H2 = 10.00 m
H3 = 0.40 m
H4 = 0.50 m
H5 = 0.40 m
+ 74.00 H6 = 0.30 m
H10 = 11.30 m
ho = 9.30 m
Abutment width BL = 5.00 m
+ 69.00 Support from Parapet = 0.35 m
Rh1 = 0.50 m
Rb1 = 0.35 m
Hw1 = 2.00 m
+ 68.10 Hw2 = 4.00 m
Slope = 0.0 slope 1:n
(in case no soil on toe side, input "0")
Design Load for Parapet
Unit Weight Wheel load of T-Load
Soil 1.30 t/m3 T = 7.0 ton
Soil (saturated) 1.60 t/m3 Contact width of T-load
Concrete 2.40 t/m3 a = 0.30 m
Effective width of road = 3.00 m
Reaction of superstructure Thickness of pavement = 0.05 m
Normal Vn=Rd+Rl 137.96 ton
Seismic Ve=Rd 71.27 ton With Impact Plate? Yes
He= 12.83 ton (He=2 kh Rd, for fixed bearing) (Input Yes or No)
Type of bearing Movable (He=kh Rd, for movable bearing) Width of Corbel Lp= 0.30 m
H6 B3
B6 B5 B4
B1 B2
Slope 1:n
(Input Fixed or Movable) Thickness of Impact Plate = 0.30 m
Surcharge Load 0.70 t/m2 Length of Impact plate 3.00 m
Soil depth above plate 0.40 m
q : surcharge load (t/m2) 0.70
q' : surcharge load (t/m2) (=0) 0.00
g : unit weight of earth (t/m3) 1.30
w : ground surface angle (degree) 0.00
f : internal friction angle (degree) 40.00
d 1: friction angle between earth and wall (degree) normal 26.70 (=2/3f)
d 2: friction angle between earth and earth (degree) normal 0.00
d E1: friction angle between earth and wall (degree) seismic 20.00 (=1/2f)
d E2: friction angle between earth and earth (degree) seismic 33.80
b : wall angle (degree) 0.00
c : cohesion of soil (t/m2) (do not consider) 0.00
kh : 0.18
Uc: Uplift coefficient 1.00
f : Friction Coefficient =Tan f b = 0.60
N-SPT : 60.00
Qa : Allowable bearing capacity normal t/m2 25.00 ( max. 25.00 t/m2 for soil foundation)
Qae: Allowable bearing capacity seismic t/m2 37.50 ( max. 37.50 t/m2 for soil foundation)
Normal condition Seismic condition
Concrete Design Strength sc kgf/m2 200 200
Creep strain coefficient (concrete) 0.0035 0.0035
Reinforcement concrete
Allowable stress
Concrete sca kgf/m2 70 105
Re-Bar ssa kgf/m2 2500 3750
Shearing ta kgf/m2 (concrete) 7 10.5
tma kgf/m2 (stirrup) 14 21
Yielding Point of Reinforcement Bar
ssy kgf/cm2 3000 3000
Young's modulus (reinforcement bar) 2100000 2100000
Young's Modulus Ratio n 24 16
2. Check
2.1 Stability Analysis
Overturning e= 0.30 m e= 0.84 m
BT / 6 = 0.83 m BT / 3 = 1.67 m
(e < BT/6) OK (e < BT/3) OK
Sliding Fs =Hu / H= 2.62 Fs =Hu / H= 1.39
Fs > 2.00 OK Fs > 1.25 OK
Settlement Qmax = 25.38 t/m2 Qmax = 38.34 t/m2
(bearing capacity) Qmax < Qa Check Qmax < Qa Check
Qa = 25.0 t/m2 Qae= 37.5 t/m2
2.2 Structural Analysis
(1) Body Section A-A Section B-B
Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Bar arrangement
Back face (tensile bar) f (mm) 25 25 25 25
(vertical) spacing (mm) 90 90 180 180
As (cm2) 273 273 136 136
Front face (compressive bar) f (mm) 25 25 25 25
(vertical) spacing (mm) 180 ok 180 ok 180 ok 180 ok
( As' > 0.5 As, cm2 ) 136 >=136.4 136 >=136.4 136 >=68.2 136 >=68.2
Hoop bar (horizontal) f (mm) 16 16
interval (mm) 200 200
Max interval (mm) 300 300
Design dimensions
Effective width (whole width) (cm) 500 500 500 500
Concrete cover : d1(cm) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
d2(cm) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Effective height (cm) : d-d1(cm) 92.5 92.5 81.7 81.7
Design load Mf (t m) 351.37 739.57 148.35 352.57
Nd (t) 254.41 187.72 225.62 158.93
S (t) 79.42 158.95 44.14 94.96
Checking of minimum reinforcement bar
Required bar (cm2) 175 82 74 9
Checking of allowable stress as rectangular beam as column as rectangular beam as column
Compressive stress sc kgf/cm2 47 ok 101 ok 32 ok 77 ok
Bending stress ss kgf/cm2 1613 ok 1331 ok 1485 ok 1829 ok
ss' kgf/cm2 - 1381 ok - 947 ok
Mean shearing stress tm kgf/cm2 1.99 ok 3.83 ok 3.84 ok 2.59 ok
Normal condition Seismic condition
(2) Footing Toe side Heel side
(Normal / Seismic) Normal Seismic
Bar arrangement
Upper (tensile bar) f (mm) 25 25
(bridge axis) spacing (mm) 150 150
As1 (cm2) 32.72
(compressive bar) f (mm) 25
(bridge axis) spacing (mm) 300 ok
As2' (cm2, >0.5 As2) 16.36 >=8.18
(distribution bar) f (mm) 19 19 19
spacing (mm) 300 ok 100 ok 100 ok
Aso (cm2, >As /3) 9.45 >=5.45 28.35 >=4.50 28.35 >=10.91
Lower (tensile bar) f (mm) 25
(bridge axis) spacing (mm) 300
As2 (cm2) 16.36
(compressive bar) f (mm) 25 25
(bridge axis) spacing (mm) 300 ok 300 ok
As1' (cm2, >0.5 As1) 16.36 >=4.50 16.36 >=16.36
(distribution bar) f (mm) 19 19 19
spacing (mm) 150 ok 200 ok 200 ok
Aso (cm2, >As /3) 18.90 >=5.45 14.18 >=5.45 14.18 >=5.45
Design dimensions
Effective width (unit width) (cm) 100 100 100
Concrete cover : d1(cm) 7.5 7.5 7.5
d2(cm) 7.5 7.5 7.5
Effective height (cm) : d-d1(cm) 42.5 42.5 42.5
Design load Mf 16.41 30.10 84.98
Nd 0.00 0.00 0.00
S 26.51 16.86 59.40
Checking of minimum reinforcement bar
Required bar (cm2) 9.19 16.85 30.63
Checking of allowable stress
Compressive stress 19.98 ok 28.51 ok 92.92 ok
Bending stress 1,332.96 ok 1,262.70 ok 3,495.12 ok
Mean shearing stress 3.52 ok 2.31 ok 8.00 ok
(3) Parapet With Impact Plate Without Impact Plate With Impact Plate
Normal Normal Seismic
Bar arrangement
Back face (tensile bar) f (mm) 12 16
(vertical) spacing (mm) 250 250
As1 (cm2) 8.04
(compressive bar) f (mm) 16
(vertical) spacing (mm) 250 ok
As1 (cm2, >As3/2) 8.04 >=8.04
(distribution bar) f (mm) 12 12 12
(horizontal) spacing (mm) 250 250 ok 250 ok
As2 (cm2, >As1/3) 4.52 >=4.50 4.52 >=4.50
Front face (tensile bar) f (mm) 16
(vertical) spacing (mm) 125
As3 (cm2, >As1/2) 16.08
(compressive bar) f (mm) 12 16
(vertical) spacing (mm) 125 ok
As3 (cm2, >As1/2) 16.08 >=4.50
(distribution bar) f (mm) 12 16 16
(horizontal) spacing (mm) 250 ok 250 ok
As6 (cm2, >As3/3) 8.04 >=5.36 8.04 >=5.36
Design dimensions
Effective width (unit width) (cm) 100 100
Concrete cover of fronf face (cm) 7
Concrete cover of back face (cm) 10 10
Effective height (cm) 28 25
Design load Mf (t m) 3.348 0.920
Nd (t) 0.000 0.000
S (t) 0.000 1.073
Checking of minimum reinforcement bar
Required bar (cm2) 6.07 1.65
Checking of allowable stress
Compressive stress 17.07 ok 10.21 ok
Bending stress 942.86 ok 513.06 ok
Mean shearing stress 0 ok 0.48 ok
(4) Impact Plate and Corbel
Impact Plate Corbel
Upper Lower Upper Lower
Bar arrangement
(main bar) f (mm) 16 19 19 16
spacing (mm) 300 ok 150 300 300 ok
As1 (cm2) 6.70 >=4.50 18.90 9.45 6.70 >=4.50
(distribution bar) f (mm) 16 12 12 12
spacing (mm) 300 ok 250 ok 250 ok 250 ok
As2 (cm2, >As1/6) 6.70 >=4.50 4.52 >=4.50 4.52 >=4.50 4.52 >=4.50
Design dimensions
Effective width (unit width) (cm) 100 100 100 100
Concrete cover (cm) 5 5 7 7
Effective height (cm) 25 25 23 23
Design load Mf (t m) 4.097 2.147
Nd (t) - -
S (t) - -
Checking of minimum reinforcement bar
Required bar (cm2) 7.57 4.31
Checking of allowable stress
Compressive stress 34.42 ok 25.85 ok
Bending stress 1018.96 ok 1120.83 ok
Mean shearing stress - -
0.70 0.35
D16@200 D25@180
+ 80.30
+ 79.00
+ 69.00
+ 68.10
D25@300 D25@300
1.00 2.80

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