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Emman Jemuel R.

Velos PSYCH 1 BJ

1. What is your stand on hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a type of an altered state of consciousness where a person under a trance is
highly suggestible and may do something that he may normally take too long to do or
even neglect to when not under a trance. I do believe, however, that hypnosis can be used
as a tool to alter certain facets of ones behavior. Suggestions may also be of use to cure
certain addictions including smoking, caffeine, alcohol, etc.. I do also believe that even
though one is under a trance, unless it is a persons desire to do so, he will not act it out
and obey. One is highly suggestible while under a trance but may never be forced to
something that is beyond his moral fiber. Therefore, my stand is I am neither for it nor
would be strongly against it.

2. Where do dreams come from?
Several theories have been formulated as to where our dreams come from. Some suggest
that dreams come from the brains reflex to interpret external stimuli which leads to
incorporating them into our dreams. Others suggest that it the brains way to rest and
prepare for the next day. A fairly consensual view, however, is that dreams come from
the Pineal gland near the spine and that its activation creates loose connections between
thoughts and ideas, which are then guided by the persons emotions.

3. Do you agree with Sigmund Freuds Dream Analysis?
No, I do not agree with Freuds dream analysis. Freud suggests that all dreams are sexual
in nature, which, I believe is absurd. While I do admit that some of my dreams are overly
sexual, those dreams are sexually explicit, meaning those dreams are clearly sexual
without extreme analysis being involved, while others are not. When I dream of a pencil,
it means Im dreaming about school. There is a clear boundary for dreams that are sexual
and those that are not.

4. Examples of Anxiety Disorders:
a. When one is inside an elevator and that it suddenly stops, one might panic, palpitate,
and may hyperventilate.
b. When one avoids going outside of the house because he is afraid of being judged for
his appearance and that upon going out, he suddenly gets nervous.
c. Cold, sweaty palms and extreme feeling of nervousness while riding a vehicle.
d. One, upon seeing something out of place, feels the urge to go and arrange it, with a
more regular pattern.
e. When someone spends time together with someone the whole day simply because he
panics when that person is separated from them.
f. Having a panic attack when standing in line.
g. Extreme feelings of nervousness and panic attacks occurring when going over bridges
them simply avoiding going over bridges altogether.

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