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!1234565. man )789:. maximum uevelopment &;5<=. The stuuy of

4% 5*678$ .'9*6! :

1) #3>= 3?1<>4 @54 <45A23 71B 7C39>D>:>12E They aie nevei satisfieu with theii piesent level of
uevelopment, they always want to exceeu what they have uone befoie. They aie always leaining
anu always ieaching foi moie. They unueistanu that contentment means stagnation.
2) #3>= 7D59B 23> C5:@542 F51>E They aie exciteu to take on challenges anu aie willing to stietch
beyonu what's easy.
S) #3>= 37D> C5:6>;;91< <57;GE They aie cleai on what they want, anu they make those goals not a
"shoulu" oi "want" but a N0ST!
4) #3>= 37D> D9G951E They aie able to see the enu fiom the beginning anu can communicate theii
vision cleaily to otheis.
S) #3>= 1>D>4 H;7:> 523>4GE They take full accountability foi the iesults of theii life.
6) #3>= 74> 645H;>: G5;D>4GE They believe that anything is possible anu that any obstacle is a
challenge that can be oveicome
7) #3>= 74> @;>89H;>E They know that change is a constant in life anu aie always open to new anu
bettei ways to uo things.
8) #3>= 74> A9;;91< 25 B5 A372>D>4 92 27I>G when necessaiy.
9) #3>= ?G> G>;@(B9GC96;91>E They unueistanu that to get what they want, sometimes they neeu to uo
things they uon't want.
1u) #3>= ?1B>4G271B 23> 65A>4 5@ @5C?GE They unueistanu that if they apply enough eneigy in one
uiiection things will move quickly. If theii eneigy in scatteieu in many uiffeient uiiections
simultaneously piogiess slows.
11) #3>= 4>7;9F> 23>= 74> A35;9G29C H>91<GE They unueistanu that theii finances, health,
ielationships, anu spiiituality all aie inteitwineu anu they uo not neglect any aiea of theii life.
12) T3>= 74> 2>7C37H;>E They aie confiuent enough to believe in theii abilities anu humble enough to
iealize that they uon't know eveiything anu seek foi guiuance fiom expeits.
1S) #3>= 7GI @54 3>;6E They have coaches, mentois anu masteiminus.
14) #3>= ?1B>4G271B G2>A74BG396E They take iesponsibility foi the things in theii life anu always uo
the best with what they have, leaving eveiything they touch bettei than when they founu it.
1S) #3>= 37D> G2451< JG29CI(25(92(1>GGKE They follow thiough anu finish what they stait.
16) #3>= 37D> 7 G2451< JG>;@(+:7<>KE They iauiate confiuence anu know that all things aie possible.
They believe in themselves anu aie not affecteu by the opinions of otheis.
17) #3>= :7I> L?9CI B>C9G951GE They get the infoimation they neeu anu tiust in theii ability to
18) #3>= 74> L?9CI 25 27I> 7C2951E They unueistanu that piogiess hinges on movement anu They
know that the best way to leain something is to uo it anu they uon't neeu all the uetails to get
staiteu. They believe that Bone is bettei than peifect, anu then they can iefine fiom theie.
19) #3>= G27= 91 23> 64>G>12E They leain fiom the past anu look to the futuie but iealize theii only powei
is living in the N0W.
2u) #3>= A54I A923 7 2>7:E They suiiounu themselves anu leveiage people that have stiengths that they
uo not. They outsouice anu uelegate the
21) #3>= @5C?G 51 23>94 172?47; <4>721>GGE They seek to be the best at what they uo, anu uo not tiy to uo

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