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Tense changes in reported speech

PRESENT SIMPLE____________________PAST SIMPLE: I live in La Linea-------She said she
lived in La Linea.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS_______________PAST CONTINUOUS: Im watching television
------He said he was watching television.
PRESENT PERFECT__________________PAST PERFECT: Ive already seen the film------ He
said he had already seen tha film.
PAST SIMPLE_______________________PAST PERFECT: I missed the concert------- He told
me he had missed the concert.
WILL_______________________________WOUL : Ill phone you soon---------------She
promised she would phone me soon.
These !oda" #er$s a"so change:
CA!!!!!!!!C"#L$ : I can understand %erman -------------------------He said he could
understand %erman.
&A' !!!!!!!&I%H(: I may give th )oo* to +ane------------------------(he teacher suggested he
might give the )oo* to +ane.
&#S( !!!!!!HA$ (" : I must coo* dinner ---------------------------------Lidia said she had to coo*
The %o""o&ing !oda" #er$s do not change in reported speech : C"#L$, -"#L$ ,
SH"#L$, &I%H( , "#%H( (" , #S.$ (".
&#S( usually changes to HA$ (" )ut doesnt change when its negative: 'ou must tell our
secret--------------He said we mustnt tell our secret.
when it e/presses a deduction : She must )e
in th house---- He said that she must )e in the house.
"(.: If the reporting ver) is in a present tense , no tense changes are necessary : Ill help you
with your homewor*
She says she will
help me wih my homewor*.
&a*e the following changes:
0.- Change the word order in the 1uestion to the same as a normal sentence.
2.- &a*e the same trense changes as a)ove
3.- #se the same 1uestions words 4 when, where, how,......5
6.- #se a full stop 4 .5 not a 1uestion mar* 4 75
How long ha#e *o+ $een "i#ing in London7--------------------He as*ed me how long I had $een
"i#ing in London.
-hen can I phone you7-----------------------------------------------Lisa as*ed (om when she co+"d
phone him.
, The a+-i"iar* #er$s do. does and did are not +sed: (he 1uestion has the same form as a
normal sentence:
-hat time does the lesson start7-----------------Lisa as*ed me what time the
lesson started.
8 /es 0 No 1+estions +se IF or W(ET(ER:
Can I come to your party7-----------------------Lisa wanted to *now if she could
come to our party.
As* 9 -onder 9 -ant to *now 9 en1uire
-e usually ma*e the following changes :
0.- '"#------------------------------------------------H.9SH.9(H.': I spo*e to you earlier--------------He
said he had spo*en to her earlier.
2.- '"#:---------------------------------------------HIS9H.:9(H.I:: Ill come to your house later-------He
promised he would come to her house later.
3.- (HIS 9 (HA( 4pronouns5 -------------------I( : 'ou should give this to +ohn.--------He told him he
sould give it to +ohn.
6.- (HIS9(HA( -":; 4etc5-------------------(H. -":;
(H.S.9(H"S. CA:S---------------------(H. CA:S : (his wor* is very good------------She told
him the wor* was very good.
<.- ("$A'9(HIS &"(H9 (HIS '.A: 9 (HIS -..; -----------------------(HA( $A' 9 (HA( -..;9
(HA( &"(H...
=.- ("&"::"- 9 .>( &"(H 9 .>( '.A: -------------------------------(H. .>( 9 (H.
?"LL"-I% $A' 9 &"(H 9 '.A:.
@.-'.S(.:$A' 9 LAS( -..; 9 &"(H 9 '.A:-----------------------------(H. $A' A.?":. 9 (H.
B:.CI"#S $A'9 (H. B:.CI"#S -..;9&"(H9'.A:D
(H. -..;9&"(H9'.A: A.?":..
2OCA3ULAR/ : The !edia .
Camera man Sccop
Sound engineer &edia
:eporter Circulation
&icrophone +ournalist
Cele)rity Headline
Camera crew Bu)licist
Negati#e pre%i-es:
il: illegal , illogical , illiterate
un: unaware , un)alanced , un)iased , unimportant.
dis: dissatisfied .
im: immoral
in: inappropiate.

WRITIN5 : A cele)rity interview
SPEA6IN5: Li*es and disli*es

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