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European Association of National Metrology Institutes

Calibration of Temperature
Block Calibrators
reviously EA-10/13
!uly "00#

Calibration Guide
!uly "00#
T$is %ocu&ent $as 'een pro%uce% to i&prove $ar&onisation in cali'ration of te&perature
'loc( cali'rators. It gives a%vice to cali'ration la'oratories to esta'lis$ practical proce%ures an% t$e
calculation of uncertainties.

T$is %ocu&ent )as originally pu'lis$e% 'y EA* +o&&ittee " ,+ali'ration an% Testing
Activities-. 'ase% on t$e %raft pro%uce% 'y t$e EA* E/pert 0roup 1Te&perature an% 2u&i%ity3. It is
revise% an% re-pu'lis$e% 'y t$e EURAMET Tec$nical +o&&ittee for T$er&o&etry.
&fficial language
T$e Englis$ language version of t$is pu'lication is t$e %efinitive version. T$e EURAMET
4ecretariat can give per&ission to translate t$is te/t into ot$er languages. su'5ect to certain
con%itions availa'le on application. In case of any inconsistency 'et)een t$e ter&s of t$e
translation an% t$e ter&s of t$is pu'lication. t$is pu'lication s$all prevail.
T$e copyrig$t of t$is pu'lication ,EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 6 Englis$ version- is $el% 'y 7
EURAMET e.8. "00#. It )as originally pu'lis$e% 'y EA as 0ui%e EA-10/13. T$e te/t &ay not 'e copie%
for resale an% &ay not 'e repro%uce% ot$er t$an in full. E/tracts &ay 'e ta(en only )it$ t$e
per&ission of t$e EURAMET 4ecretariat.
Guidance )ublications
T$is %ocu&ent represents preferre% practice on $o) t$e relevant clauses of t$e accre%itation
stan%ar%s &ig$t 'e applie% in t$e conte/t of t$e su'5ect &atter of t$is %ocu&ent. T$e
approac$es ta(en are not &an%atory an% are for t$e gui%ance of cali'ration la'oratories. T$e
%ocu&ent $as 'een pro%uce% as a &eans of pro&oting a consistent approac$ to la'oratory
No representation is &a%e nor )arranty given t$at t$is %ocu&ent or t$e infor&ation containe%
in it )ill 'e suita'le for any particular purpose. In no event s$all EURAMET. t$e aut$ors or
anyone else involve% in t$e creation of t$e %ocu&ent 'e lia'le for any %a&ages )$atsoever arising out
of t$e use of t$e infor&ation containe% $erein.
(urt,er information
9or furt$er infor&ation a'out t$is pu'lication. contact your National &e&'er of t$e
EURAMET Tec$nical +o&&ittee for *engt$ ,see ))).eura& -.

Calibration Guide
!uly "00#
+ection )age
+ontents ............................................................................................................................. 3
1 4+:E ....................................................................................................................... ;
" +A*I<RATI:N +AA<I*IT= .......................................................................................... ;
3 +A*I<RATI:N............................................................................................................. >
; UN+ERTAINT= :9 MEA4UREMENT ............................................................................... #
> RE:RTIN0 RE4U*T4 ................................................................................................. ?
ANNE@ A E/a&ple of an uncertainty 'u%get ........................................................................10
ANNE@ < roce%ure for t$e %eter&ination of t$e influence of a/ial te&perature
%istri'ution ....1;
ANNE@ + Reco&&en%ations of t$e EURAMET TE+2NI+A* +:MMITTEE
AT$er&o&etryA for
t$e use of te&perature 'loc( cali'rators ...............................................................1B

Calibration Guide
1 +C&)E
1.1 T$is 0ui%eline applies to te&perature 'loc( cali'rators in )$ic$ a
te&perature is realiCe% in a soli%-state 'loc( )it$ t$e ai& of cali'rating
t$er&o&eters in t$e 'orings of t$is 'loc(. A te&perature 'loc( cali'rator
co&prises at least t$e soli%-state 'loc(. a te&perature-regulating %evice for
'loc(. a te&perature sensor )it$ in%icator ,t$e 'uilt-in controlling
to %eter&ine t$e 'loc( te&perature. T$ese co&ponents are eit$er co&'ine%
for& a co&pact unit. or an una&'iguous assign&ent of t$ese co&ponents to
ot$er s$all 'e possi'le.
1." T$is 0ui%eline is vali% in t$e te&perature range fro& -D0 E+ to F1300
E+. T$e
te&perature ranges state% 'y t$e &anufacturer s$all not 'e e/cee%e%.
1.3 EA u'lication EA-10/0D ,previously EA*-031- s$oul% 'e applie% if
. CA$%BRAT%&' CA)AB%$%T/
".1 T$is 0ui%eline is only applica'le to te&perature 'loc( cali'rators t$at
&eet t$e follo)ing reGuire&entsH
"." T$e te&perature sensor an% in%icator use% to %eter&ine 'loc(
te&perature s$all &eet t$e reGuire&ents )$ic$ )oul% 'e necessary. if t$ey )ere cali'rate%
separately fro& t$e 'loc(.
".3 T$e 'orings use% for cali'rations s$all $ave a Cone of sufficient
te&perature $o&ogeneity of at least ;0 && in lengt$ ,in t$e follo)ing referre% to as
&easure&ent Cone-. )$ose position is e/actly specifie%. T$e $o&ogeneous
Cone )ill in general 'e at t$e lo)er en% of t$e 'oring. If t$e $o&ogeneous Cone is
situate% at anot$er place. t$is s$all e/plicitly 'e state%.
".; It s$all 'e ensure% t$at cali'ration is possi'le un%er t$e follo)ing
".;.1 In t$e te&perature range fro& 6D0 E+ to FBB0 E+. t$e insi%e %ia&eter
of t$e 'oring or 'us$ing use% &ay 'e at &ost 0.> && larger t$an t$e outsi%e
%ia&eter of t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate%I in t$e te&perature range fro& FBB0 E+ to
F1300 E+. t$is value &ay 'e at &ost 1.0 &&. As an alternative. an eGually
goo% or 'etter t$er&al contact &ay 'e esta'lis$e% 'y suita'le $eat-conveying
T$e i&&ersion %ept$ of t$e t$er&o&eter s$all at least 'e eGual to fifteen
ti&es t$e outer %ia&eter of t$e t$er&o&eter. 4o&e t$er&o&eter constructions &ay reGuire a larger i&&ersion %ept$. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age ;

3.0.1 9or t$e purpose of cali'ration. it is assu&e% t$at any reGuire%
a%5ust&ents $ave 'een perfor&e% 'efore t$e cali'ration is starte%.
3.0." J$en a te&perature 'loc( cali'rator is cali'rate%. t$e special
c$aracteristics of t$e te&perature %istri'ution in t$e 'loc( of t$e cali'rator ,%efine% in sections 3.1
to 3.>- are to 'e investigate% an% %ocu&ente%. in a%%ition to t$e %eviation of t$e
te&perature in t$e $o&ogeneous Cone fro& t$e te&perature in%icator of t$e
cali'rator. If previous investigations )it$ cali'rators of t$e sa&e type are use% for
t$e %eter&ination of t$e c$aracteristics or uncertainties of &easure&ent. t$e
investigation reports availa'le &ust 'e referre% to in t$e cali'ration
3.0.3 All investigations s$all 'e carrie% out un%er t$e &easure&ent
con%itions state% in section ".3.
3.0.; If a%apter 'us$ings are reGuire% to co&ply )it$ t$e reGuire&ent of
section ".;.1. t$ese s$all 'e &a%e of t$e &aterial propose% 'y t$e &anufacturer.
3.0.> If t$e te&perature 'loc( cali'rator $as one or several 'orings in )$ic$
a 'us$ing is use%. it is to 'e agree% )it$ t$e &anufacturer )$ic$ 'us$ing ,or 'us$ings-
is ,are- to 'e use%. If t$e 'us$ing is provi%e% )it$ several 'orings. t$e 'orings
in t$e 'us$ing are to 'e investigate% in t$e sa&e )ay as t$e 'orings in t$e
te&perature 'loc( cali'rator. Una&'iguous &ar(ing of t$e 'us$ings is reGuire%.
3.0.B T$e t$er&o&eter use% for t$e investigations accor%ing to sections 3.1
to 3.; ,test t$er&o&eter- nee% not 'e cali'rate%. as t$ese tests are perfor&e% to &easure
t$e te&perature %ifferences ,e/ceptionH &easure&ents un%er point ; in Anne/
A-. T$e sensitivity at t$e &easuring te&perature s$all. $o)ever. 'e (no)n )it$
sufficiently s&all &easure&ent uncertainty. T$e sensitivity can usually 'e
ta(en fro& t$e respective stan%ar% an% is to 'e c$ec(e% 'y a control &easure&ent
,possi'ly at a %ifferent te&perature-. T$e sta'ility of t$e t$er&o&eters use%
s$all 'e teste%.
3.0.# Unless ot$er)ise agree% )it$ t$e client. t$e follo)ing &easure&ent
con%itions are to 'e co&plie% )it$H
K All &easure&ents are to 'e carrie% out )it$ t$er&o&eters )it$ an outsi%e
%ia&eter dL B &&.
K All &easure&ents. )it$ t$e e/ception of t$ose &entione% in section 3.1.
to 'e carrie% out in suc$ a )ay t$at t$e t$er&o&eter touc$es t$e lo)er en%
of t$e 'oring.
3.0.D T$e follo)ing investigations are to 'e carrie% out in particularH
"1 A0ial temperature ,omogeneit- along t,e boring in t,e
measurement 1one
3.1.1 T$e influence of t$e te&perature %istri'ution in t$e &easure&ent Cone
along t$e
'oring ,a/ial te&perature %istri'ution- is to 'e %eter&ine% in suc$ a )ay t$at
it EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age >

can 'e ta(en into account in t$e uncertainty of &easure&ent of t$e
cali'ration. otential &et$o%s are represente% in Anne/ <. revious investigations )it$
cali'rators of t$e sa&e type can 'e use% for t$e %eter&ination of t$e
contri'ution to t$e uncertainty of &easure&ent. It is possi'le in agree&ent )it$ t$e client
to investigate only t$e influence of t$e a/ial te&perature %istri'ution on certain
types of t$er&o&eters.
T$e &easure&ent is to 'e perfor&e% in t$e central 'oring or in a 'oring
particularly &ar(e%.
T$e necessary investigations are to 'e carrie% out at t$e operating
te&perature s$o)ing t$e greatest %ifference fro& t$e a&'ient te&perature. 9or
te&perature 'loc( cali'rators )$ose &easure&ent Cone can 'e 'ot$ $eate% an% coole%.
t$e investigations are to 'e carrie% out at t$e $ig$est an% at t$e lo)est operating
te&perature. T$e influence of t$e te&perature %istri'ution at ot$er operating
te&peratures can 'e esti&ate% 'y linear interpolation ,cf. e/a&ple in section
". Temperature differences bet2een t,e borings
3.".1 T$e greatest te&perature %ifference occurring 'et)een t$e 'orings is to
'e %eter&ine%. To eli&inate t$e influence of te&perature variations )it$ ti&e.
t$e te&perature %ifferences )it$ respect to an a%%itional test t$er&o&eter in t$e
te&perature 'loc( cali'rator are %eter&ine%. T$e &easure&ent of t$e
te&perature %ifference 'et)een ,opposite- 'orings situate% at as great a %istance fro&
eac$ ot$er as possi'le is of particular i&portance.
" %nfluence upon t,e temperature in t,e measurement 1one
due to different loading
In t$e case of very s&all uncertainties of &easure&ent. &ore %etaile%
investigations into t$e influence on t$e te&perature in t$e &easure&ent Cone
%ue to %ifferent loa%ing are necessary. It is reco&&en%e% t$e co&pare t$e results
for loa%ing )it$ only one t$er&o&eter an% all 'orings loa%e%. *oa%ings )it$
t$er&o&eters can 'e si&ulate% 'y loa%ings )it$ &etal or cera&ic 'ars. T$e
&easure&ents are to 'e carrie% out at t$e te&perature )it$ t$e largest
te&perature %ifference to roo& te&perature.
"3 +tabilit- 2it, time
3.;.1 T$e &a/i&u& range of te&peratures in%icate% 'y a sensor in t$e
&easure&ent Cone over a 30 &inute perio%. )$en t$e syste& $as reac$e% eGuili'riu&. s$all
'e %eter&ine%.
Measure&ents are to 'e perfor&e% at t$ree %ifferent test te&peraturesH at t$e
$ig$est test te&perature. at t$e lo)est test te&perature an% at roo&
te&perature. If t$e $ig$est or lo)est test te&perature correspon%s to roo& te&perature. t$e
test te&perature s$all 'e selecte% in t$e &i%%le of t$e te&perature range
teste%. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age B

"4 Temperature de!iation due to ,eat conduction
3.>.1 In agree&ent )it$ t$e client. t$e te&perature error %ue to $eat
con%uction is to 'e %eter&ine% for suc$ t$er&o&eters )$ic$ are to 'e cali'rate% at t$e clientMs.
T$is %eviation is not part of t$e te&perature 'loc( cali'ratorMs &easure&ent uncer-
tainty. 'ut is to 'e ta(en into account separately )$en t$e te&perature 'loc(
cali'rator is use%. Te&perature %eviations %ue to $eat con%uction nee% not 'e
ta(en into account for t$er&o&eters )it$ outsi%e %ia&eters of dL B &&.
"5 6etermination of t,e de!iation of t,e indication of t,e
built-in controlling t,ermometer from t,e temperature in
t,e measurement 1one
3.B.0.1 T$e te&perature in t$e &easure&ent Cone of t$e te&perature 'loc(
cali'rator is %eter&ine% )it$ a stan%ar% t$er&o&eter. )$ic$ is tracea'le to national
"5"1 Measurements
3.B.1.1 T$e %eter&ination of t$e %eviation of t$e te&perature given 'y t$e
in%icator of t$e 'loc( cali'rator fro& t$e te&perature in t$e &easure&ent Cone is perfor&e%
in t$e central 'oring or in a particularly &ar(e% 'oring. Measure&ent at a &ini&u&
of t$ree %ifferent te&peratures ,cali'ration points- are to 'e carrie% out. )$ic$
are %istri'ute% as unifor&ly as possi'le over t$e reGuire% te&perature range. At
eac$ cali'ration point t)o &easure&ent series are carrie% out. in )$ic$ for a
perio% of at least 10 &inutes t$e average for t$e %eviation of t$e in%ication of t$e 'uilt-
in controlling t$er&o&eter fro& t$e te&perature in t$e &easure&ent Cone is
%eter&ine%. T$e seGuence of t$e cali'ration point is %one for one
&easure&ent series at increasing te&peratures an% at t$e ot$er at %ecreasing te&peratures.
Results o'taine% in tests carrie% out to %eter&ine t$e sta'ility )it$ ti&e &ay
'e use% )it$out repeat &easure&ent. provi%e% a cali'rate% t$er&o&eter $a%
'een use%. Measure&ents at increasing an% %ecreasing te&peratures are not
reGuire% for t$e $ig$est an% t$e lo)est cali'ration point if t$e te&perature coinci%es
)it$ t$e $ig$est or lo)est operating te&peratures specifie% 'y t$e &anufacturer.
2o)ever. at least t)o &easure&ent series are to 'e recor%e%. 'et)een )$ic$
t$e operating te&perature of t$e cali'rator )as c$ange%.
"5". E!aluation
3.B.".1 T$e values &easure% in t$e series at increasing an% %ecreasing
te&peratures are average% for eac$ cali'ration point. T$e cali'ration result ,%eviation of t$e
te&perature &easure% )it$ t$e stan%ar% t$er&o&eter fro& t$e in%ication of
t$e cali'rator- is %ocu&ente% in &at$e&atical. grap$ical. or in ta'ular for&.
;.0.1 T$e uncertainty to 'e state% as t$e uncertainty of t$e cali'ration of t$e
'loc( cali'rator is t$e &easure&ent uncertainty )it$ )$ic$ t$e te&perature
in a 'oring of t$e cali'rator can 'e state%. If t$e te&perature %eviation %ue to $eat EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age #

con%uction &ay 'e neglecte%. t$is &easure&ent uncertainty is to 'e eGuate%
)it$ t$e &easure&ent uncertainty a user can e/pect for a t$er&o&eter )$en $e
cali'rates t$is t$er&o&eter )it$ t$e te&perature 'loc( cali'rator an%
conscientiously co&plies )it$ t$e operating instructions an% t$e provisions
in t$is +ali'ration 0ui%eline.
;.0." An e/a&ple of t$e calculation of t$e &easure&ent uncertainty is given
in t$e Anne/.
;.0.3 T$e follo)ing contri'utions to t$e uncertainty of &easure&ent s$all 'e
ta(en into accountH
3"1 6e!iation of t,e temperature s,o2n b- t,e indicator of
t,e block calibrator from t,e temperature in t,e measure-
ment 1one
;.1.1 T$e contri'utions are essentially to 'e attri'ute% to t$e cali'ration of
t$e stan%ar% t$er&o&eter. t$e &easure&ent perfor&e% )it$ t$e stan%ar% t$er&o&eter. t$e
resolution of t$e %igital %isplay unit an% %ifferences 'et)een t$e
&easure&ents at %ecreasing an% increasing te&perature ,$ysteresis-. T$e &easure&ent
uncertainties are %eter&ine% 'y analogy )it$ t$e proce%ure use% for t$e
cali'ration of a t$er&o&eter.
3". Temperature distribution in t,e block
;.".1 A%%itional %eviations of t$e in%ication of t$e 'uilt-in controlling
t$er&o&eter fro& t$e te&perature in t$e &easure&ent Cone use% 'y t$e client ,)$ic$
&ig$t 'e %ifferent fro& t$e Cone use% for t$e &easure&ents %escri'e% in 3.B- are
cause% 'y t$e not e/actly (no)n te&perature %istri'ution in t$e 'loc(. t$e loa%ing of
t$e 'loc(. an% t$e sta'ility )it$ ti&e. T$ese a%%itional %eviations are not
correlate%. T$e resulting contri'utions to t$e &easure&ent uncertainty can 'e esti&ate%
fro& t$e &easure&ents accor%ing to 3.1 to 3.;.
T$e contri'ution u to t$e &easure&ent uncertainty is %erive% fro& t$e greatest
te&perature %ifference &easure% , t 6 t - H u N , t- L , t 6 t -N/12if at least
&a/ &in i &a/ &in
t$ree in%ivi%ual &easure&ents )ere carrie% out. If t$e contri'ution u to t$e
uncertainty of &easure&ent is %eter&ine% fro& only t)o in%ivi%ual
&easure&ents. t$e follo)ing relation is to 'e use%H u , t- L ,t 6 t - /3.
" "
i 1 "
;."." T$e contri'utions to t$e uncertainties accor%ing to sections 3.1 to 3.;
are to 'e linearly interpolate% 'et)een t$e cali'ration points. Near roo& te&perature.
$o)ever. t$e contri'ution to t$e uncertainty in a te&perature range )$ic$
sy&&etrically e/ten%s aroun% a&'ient te&perature can 'e assu&e% to 'e
EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age D

Upon initial cali'ration of a te&perature 'loc( cali'rator in t$e te&perature
range -30 E+ O tO F"00 E+. carrie% out at an a&'ient te&perature of "0 E+. t$e
follo)ing is foun% as t$e greatest te&perature %ifferences in t$e
$o&ogeneous ConeH 0.3 E+ at t L -30 E+ an% 0.B E+ at tL F"00 E+. In t$e te&perature range of
"0 E+ P >0 E+. i.e. fro& -30 E+ to F#0 E+. t$e greatest te&perature
%ifference occurring can 'e assu&e% to 'e 0.3 E+I in t$e te&perature range fro& F#0 E+
to F"00 E+. linear interpolation 'et)een 0.3 E+ an% 0.B E+ is to 'e carrie% out.
3" Uncertaint- as a result of t,e temperature de!iation due
to ,eat conduction
;.3.1 Uncertainty contri'utions )$ic$ are t$e result of te&perature
%eviations %ue to $eat con%uction of t$er&o&eters )it$ outsi%e %ia&eters dL B && can 'e
neglecte%. If t$er&o&eters )it$ dQ B && are use%. t$is contri'ution to
uncertainty s$all 'e separately analyse%.
4 RE)&RT%'G RE+U$T+
>.1 T$e cali'ration certificate in )$ic$ t$e results of &easure&ents are
reporte%s$oul% 'e set out )it$ %ue regar% to t$e ease of assi&ilation 'y t$e user3s
&in% to avoi% t$e possi'ility of &isuse or &isun%erstan%ing.
>." T$e certificate s$all &eet t$e reGuire&ents of EA u'lication EA-;/01
,previously EA*-R1-.
>.3 It is reco&&en%e% to enclose )it$ eac$ cali'ration certificate t$e
RReco&&en%ations of t$e EURAMET TE+2NI+A* +:MMITTEE
AT$er&o&etryA for t$e use of te&perature 'loc( cali'ratorsS ,see Anne/ +-.
>.; T$e results of t$e investigations carrie% out un%er points 3.1 to 3.; are to
'e %ocu&ente% in t$e cali'ration certificate.
EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age ?

A''E7 A E0ample of an uncertaint- budget
A1 Calibration of a temperature block calibrator at a
temperature of 18# 9C
A.1.1 T$e te&perature )$ic$ $as to 'e assigne% to t$e te&perature sensing
area of at$er&o&eter inserte% into one of t$e cali'ration 'orings of te&perature 'loc(
cali'rator )it$ a 'uilt-in te&perature in%icator is %eter&ine% 'y co&parison
)it$ a cali'rate% platinu& resistance t$er&o&eter as a reference stan%ar% at 1D0
E+. T$e te&perature in%icate% 'y t$e reference stan%ar% is %eter&ine% 'y a
&easure&ent of its electrical resistance in an ac resistance 'ri%ge.
A.1." T$e te&perature t . t$at $as to 'e assigne% as t$e te&perature of t$e 'oring )$en
t$e rea%ing of t$e 'uilt-in te&perature in%icator is 1D0 E+ is given 'yH
t L t 6 % t F % t 6 % t F % t F % t F % t F % t F % t ,A1-
@ 4 4 T i R 2 < * 8
t te&perature of t$e reference t$er&o&eter %erive% fro& t$e ac
resistance &easure&entI
t te&perature correction %ue to t$e ac resistance &easure&entI
t te&perature correction %ue to %rift in t$e value of t$e reference
stan%ar% since its last cali'rationI
t te&perature correction %ue to li&ite% resolution of t$e 'uilt-in
te&perature in%icatorI
t te&perature %ifference 'et)een 'oringsI
t te&perature correction %ue to $ysteresis in t$e increasing an%
%ecreasing 'ranc$es of t$e &easuring cycleI
t te&perature correction %ue to a/ial in$o&ogeneity of te&perature in
t$e 'oringsI
t te&perature correction %ue to %ifferences in t$e loa%ing of t$e 'loc(
)it$ t$er&o&eters to 'e cali'rate%I an%
t te&perature variations %uring t$e ti&e of &easure&ent.
A.1.3 Te&perature corrections %ue to ste& con%uction are not consi%ere%I
t$e platinu& resistance t$er&o&eter use% as reference $as an outer %ia&eter dL B
&&. rior investigations $ave s$o)n t$at ste& con%uction effects can 'e
neglecte% in t$is case.
A si&ilar e/a&ple )ill 'e foun% in EA u'lication EA-;/0"-4" )$ere infor&ation is given on t$e %ifferences 'et)een 1 t$e t)o e/pa&les. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 10

A.1.; Reference standards : t ;<T$e cali'ration certificate of t$e resistance
t$er&o&eter use% as reference stan%ar% states for t$e &easure% te&perature
value 1D0.10 E+ t$e e/pan%e% uncertainty of &easure&ent UL 30 &U ,coverage
factor kL "-.
A.1.> 6etermination of t,e temperature b- resistance measurement: %t ;<T$e
te&perature of t$e resistance t$er&o&eter use% as reference stan%ar% is
%eter&ine% as 1D0.10 E+. T$e stan%ar% uncertainty associate% )it$ t$e
electrical &easure&ent converte% to te&perature correspon%s to d . ut,- L 10 &U
A.1.B 6rift of t,e temperature of t,e reference standard : %t ;<9ro& general
e/perience )it$ platinu& resistance t$er&o&eters of t$e type use% as
reference stan%ar% in t$e &easure&ent. t$e c$ange of t$e te&perature %ue to resistance
ageing is esti&ate% to 'e )it$in t$e li&its of P;0 &U.
A.1.# Resolution of t,e built-in controlling t,ermometer :d t ;<T$e 'uilt-in
controlling t$er&o&eter $as a scale interval of 0.1 U. giving te&perature
resolution li&its of P >0 &U )it$ )$ic$ t$e t$er&o%yna&ic state of t$e
te&perature 'loc( can 'e uniGuely set.
NoteH If t$e in%ication of t$e 'uilt-in controlling t$er&o&eter is not given in
units of te&perature. t$e resolution li&its s$all 'e converte% into eGuivalent
te&perature values 'y &ultiplying t$e in%ication )it$ t$e relevant instru&ent
A.1.D Temperature difference bet2een borings :d t ;<T$e cali'rators $as B $oles.
T$e largest te&perature %ifference &easure% at 1D0 E+ 'et)een t$e $oles )as
1;0 &U. lea%ing to an assu&e% te&perature %istri'ution 'et)een t$e $oles
)it$ li&its of P #0 &U
A.1.? =-steresis effects : %t ;<T$e te&peratures in%icate% s$o) a %eviation %ue to
$ysteresis in cycles of increasing an% %ecreasing te&peratures )$ic$ is
esti&ate% to 'e )it$in P >0 &U.
A.1.10 A0ial in,omogeneit- of temperature : %t ;<T$e %eviations %ue to a/ial
in$o&ogeneity of t$e te&perature in t$e cali'ration 'oring $ave 'een
esti&ate% fro& rea%ings for %ifferent i&&ersion %ept$s to 'e )it$in P ">0 &U.
A.1.11 Block loading :%t ;<T$e influence of &a/i&u& loa%ing on t$e te&perature of
t$e central $ole )as foun% to 'e >0 &U. ,4ee 3.3-
A.1.1" Temperature instabilit- : %t ;<Te&perature variations %ue to te&perature
insta'ility %uring t$e &easuring cycle of 30 &in are esti&ate% to 'e )it$in
P 30 &U.
A.1.13 Correlations< None of t$e input Guantities are consi%ere% to 'e correlate% in t$is
A.1.1; Repeated obser!ations< Tue to t$e finite resolution of t$e in%ication of t$e 'uilt-in t$er&o&eter. no scatter in t$e in%icate% values $as 'een o'serve%. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 11

A.1.1> Uncertaint- budget<
?uantit- 6escription Estimate +ensiti!it- Uncertaint-
+tandard 6istribution
coefficient uncertaint-
u x ,-
x c
i i
Te&p. of reference
1D0.10 E+ 1> &U nor&al 1.0 1> &U
t$er&o&et er
+orr. for resistance 0.00 U 10 &U nor&al 1.0 -10 &U
% t
Trift of resistance
0.00 U "3 &U rectangular 1.0 "3 &U %
t$er&o&et er
% Resolution of in%icator 0.00 U "? &U rectangular 1.0 -"? &U
i @
t Te&p. %iff. 'et)een 0.00 U ;0 &U rectangular 1.0 ;0 &U
2ysteresis effects 0.00 U "? &U rectangular 1.0 "? &U
% t
A/ial in$o&ogeneity 0.00 U 1;; &U rectangular 1.0 1;; &U % t
*oa%ing effects 0.00 U "? &U rectangular 1.0 "? &U %
4ta'ility in ti&e 0.00 U 1# &U rectangular 1.0 1# &U
% t
1D0.10 E+ 1B1 &U
A.1.1B E0panded uncertaint-
T$e stan%ar% uncertainty of &easure&ent associate% )it$ t$e result is
%o&inate% 'y t$e effect of t$e un(no)n te&perature correction for t$e a/ial te&perature
in$o&ogeneity in t$e &easure&ent 'oring an% ,to a s&aller e/tent- 'y t$e
ra%ial te&perature %ifference 'et)een t$e &easure&ent 'orings. T$e resulting
%istri'ution is not a nor&al %istri'ution 'ut essentially trapeCoi%al. 9or
cf. EA-;/0"-E" section 410.13. 9or t$e e/a&ple a'ove an e%ge para&eter L
0.>B3 is o'taine%. )$ic$ for a coverage pro'a'ility of ?>V lea%s to a
coverage factor kL 1.#;.
UL ku,t - L 1.#; . 0.1B1 U 0.3 U
A.1.1# Reported result
T$e te&perature to 'e assigne% to t$e te&perature sensing area of a
inserte% in one of t$e cali'ration 'orings )$en t$e 'uilt-in te&perature
in%icator s$o)s 1D0 E+ is 1D0.10 E+ P 0.3" E+. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 1"

T$e reporte% e/pan%e% uncertainty of &easure&ent is state% as t$e stan%ar%
uncertainty of &easure&ent &ultiplie% 'y t$e coverage factor kL ". )$ic$ for a
nor&al %istri'ution correspon%s to a coverage pro'a'ility of appro/i&ately
?> V.
EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 13

A''E7 B )rocedure for t,e determination of t,e
influence of a0ial temperature distribution
Te&perature 'loc( cali'rators for t$e cali'ration of t$er&o&eters are usually
use% in %ifferent set-ups. sensors of %ifferent lengt$ 'eing locate% in %ifferent areas
of t$e &easure&ent Cone. As a result. t$e a/ial te&perature %istri'ution along
t$e 'oring in t$e &easure&ent Cone &a(es a contri'ution to t$e uncertainty of
cali'ration ,)$ic$ freGuently %o&inates all ot$er contri'utions-. T$e
%eter&ination of t$e a/ial te&perature %istri'ution is %ifficult. as a test t$er&o&eter itself
influences t$is te&perature %istri'ution. T$is influence can 'e co&ple/. as.
for e/a&ple. a t$er&o&eter i&&erse% to %ifferent %ept$s lea%s to %ifferent $eat
con%uctions. )$ic$ &ay. $o)ever. act on t$e transient 'e$aviour of t$e 'loc(
T$is is )$y a proce%ure for t$e %eter&ination of t$e influence of t$e a/ial
te&perature %istri'ution is to 'e selecte% )$ic$ &eets t$e clientsM
reGuire&ents as closely as possi'le. 4uc$ proce%ures &ay. for e/a&ple. 'eH
<.1.16etermination of t,e temperature in t,ree points using a sensor of s,ort
A t$er&o&eter )it$ a &a/i&u& sensor lengt$ of > && is use% to %eter&ine
t$e te&perature at t$e lo)er en%. in t$e &i%%le an% at t$e upper en% of t$e
&easure&ent Cone. T$e t$er&o&eter &ay 'e provi%e% )it$ a protective tu'e
an outsi%e %ia&eter dL B &&. In t$e te&perature range fro& 6D0E+ to ">0E+. t
resistance t$er&o&eters an% in t$e range fro& ">0E+ to 1300E+
t$er&ocouples ,also t-% t$er&ocouple- are to 'e prefera'ly use%.
E/a&pleH 9or a te&perature 'loc( cali'rator )it$ a &easure&ent Cone ;0
&& inlengt$ at t$e lo)er en% of t$e 'oring. &easure&ents un%er t$e follo)ing
con%itions are necessaryH
,1- t$er&o&eter touc$ing t$e lo)er en%.
,"- pulle% out "0 c&.
,3- pulle% out ;0 c&.
,;- t$er&o&eter touc$ing t$e lo)er en%.
<.1."6irect determination of temperature differences b- means of a
differential t,ermocouple
2ere t$e te&perature %ifference is %irectly &easure% in one or several points
in t$e 'oring to t$e lo)est point of t$e 'oring ,touc$ing t$e lo)er en%- using a
%ifferential t$er&ocouple.
9or t$is purpose. a co&pletely con%itione% t$er&ocouple can. for e/a&ple.
'e use%.
t$e &easure&ent points 'eing space% a'out "> &&. In a 'at$ or in a $eat
pipe it EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 1;

s$oul% 'e c$ec(e% at regular intervals )$et$er t$e te&perature %ifference of
0 U is correctly &easure%.
It is also possi'le to intro%uce t)o s$eat$e% t$er&ocouples )it$ a s&all
outsi%e %ia&eter toget$er into t$e 'oring. J$ile t$e first t$er&ocouple re&ains at t$e
lo)er en%. t$e te&perature %ifferences fro& t$e secon% t$er&ocouple are
%eter&ine%. )$ic$ is at a (no)n %istance fro& t$e first t$er&ocouple ,for e/a&ple. "0
&& an% ;0 &&-. If 'ot$ t$er&ocouples are i&&erse% to t$e sa&e %ept$. an
a%5ust&ent for t$e te&perature %ifference 0 U is possi'le.
<1.3 6etermination of t,e temperature in t2o points
If t$e te&perature %istri'ution is %eter&ine% )it$ t$e ai% of a t$er&o&eter
)it$ a relatively long sensor. s$ifting of t$e t$er&o&eter 'y ;0 && ,t$e usual
lengt$ of t$e $o&ogeneous Cone of t$e 'loc( cali'rator- )ill not 'e reasona'le. It $as
turne% out for so&e cali'rators t$at a &easure&ent at t)o %ifferent i&&ersion
%ept$s ,for e/a&ple. stri(ing t$e 'otto& an% pulle% out "0 &&- can furnis$ sufficient
infor&ation a'out t$e influence of t$e te&perature %istri'ution on t$e
contri'ution to t$e uncertainty of &easure&ent.
It is to 'e note% t$at in accor%ance )it$ section ;.". t$e contri'ution to t$e
uncertainty of &easure&ent is %eter&ine% in t$is case accor%ing to
u N,t- L ,t 6 t -N/3.
i 1 "
<1.; 6etermination of t,e temperature 2it, calibrated t,ermometers 2it,
different sensor lengt,
If infor&ation a'out )$ic$ t$er&o&eters are cali'rate% in t$e 'loc(
cali'rator is availa'le. t$e influences of t$e a/ial te&perature %istri'ution on t$e
t$er&o&eter type can 'e %eter&ine% %irectly. 9or t$is purpose. &easure&ents )it$ t$e
in%ivi%ual t$er&o&eter types $ave to 'e carrie% out. If infor&ation a'out t$e
t$er&o&eters to 'e cali'rate% is not availa'le. t$e &easure&ent s$oul% 'e perfor&e% )it$ t)o
t$er&o&eters of %ifferent type. if possi'le.
It is to 'e note% t$at for t$ese &easure&ents as state% un%er point ; all
t$er&o&eters use% &ust $ave 'een cali'rate%.
EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 1>

A''E7 C Recommendations of t,e EURAMET
TEC='%CA$ C&MM%TTEE @T,ermometr-@ for
t,e use of temperature block calibrators
+1.1 Results reporte% in t$e cali'ration certificate $ave 'een o'taine%
follo)ing t$e EA 0ui%elines EA-10//3. J$en t$e cali'rator is use%. t$e follo)ing points s$all
nevert$eless 'e ta(en into consi%erationH
+1." T$e cali'ration of te&perature 'loc( cali'rators &ainly relates to t$e
te&perature of t$e soli%-state 'loc(. T$e te&perature of t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate%
in t$e 'loc( can %eviate fro& t$is te&perature. J$en a t$er&o&eter of t$e sa&e
type is use% un%er &easure&ent con%itions i%entical to t$ose %uring cali'ration. it
can 'e assu&e% t$at t$e errors of &easure&ent %uring t$e cali'ration of i%eal
t$er&o&eters are not greater t$an t$e uncertainties state% in t$e cali'ration
certificate. Unless ot$er)ise state% in t$e cali'ration certificate. it s$all 'e
ensure% t$at
K t$e &easuring ele&ent is in t$e $o&ogeneous te&perature ConeI
K t$e insi%e %ia&eter of t$e 'oring use% in t$e cali'rator ,possi'ly of t$e
'us$ing- is in t$e te&perature range fro& -D0 E+ to FBB0 E+ at &ost 0.> &&
an% in t$e te&perature range fro& FBB0 E+ to F1300 E+ at &ost 1.0 &&
larger t$an t$e outsi%e %ia&eter of t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate%I
K t$e i&&ersion %ept$ of t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate% is at least eGual to
1> ti&es t$e outsi%e %ia&eter of t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate%I an%
K t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate% $as a %ia&eter of dL B &&.
+1.3 lease c$ec( in particular )$et$er a $eat-conveying &eans ,for
instance oil- )as use% for t$e cali'ration of your te&perature 'loc( cali'rator. If so. t$e
cali'ration is vali% only if t$e cali'rator is use% )it$ a correspon%ing $eat-conveying
+1.; J$en t$er&o&eters )it$ outsi%e %ia&eters of dQ B && are cali'rate%. an
a%%itional error of &easure&ent %ue to $eat con%uction s$all 'e ta(en into
account. If suc$ &easure&ents are to 'e carrie% out. your cali'ration
la'oratory can %eter&ine t$e a%%itional $eat con%uction for t$e t$er&o&eter type
investigate% 'y you. A goo% test for potential te&perature %eviations %ue to
$eat con%uction is to c$ec( )$et$er t$e %isplay of t$e test t$er&o&eter c$anges
)$en t$e t$er&o&eter is lifte% up 'y "0 &&. +ontri'utions to t$e uncertainty of
&easure&ent %ue to t$e t$er&o&eter to 'e cali'rate% 'y you ,e.g.
in$o&ogeneities of t$er&ocouples- are not inclu%e% in t$e &easure&ent
uncertainty of t$e cali'rator eit$er.
+1.> T$e %ata given in t$e cali'ration certificate are %ecisive for t$e
cali'ration. not t$e
&anufacturerMs specifications. <efore starting cali'ration. please %iscuss 'y
&eans t$e cali'ration an% operating con%itions )it$ your cali'ration
la'oratory. EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 1B

+1.B Unless ot$er)ise state% in t$e cali'ration certificate. it s$all 'e ensure%
,in%epen%ent of t$e &anufacturerMs specifications- t$at
K t$e cali'rator is operate% in t$e vertical positionI
K no a%%itional t$er&al insulation is use%I an%
K t$e environ&ental te&perature is ,"3 P >- E+.
+1.# To c$ec( t$e te&perature 'loc( cali'rator it is reco&&en%e% to carry
out c$ec( &easure&ents at regular intervals using a cali'rate% t$er&o&eter. If suc$
c$ec( &easure&ents )it$ a cali'rate% t$er&o&eter are not &a%e. it is urgently
reco&&en%e% to recali'rate t$e te&perature 'loc( cali'rator annually.
EURAMET/cg-13/v.01 age 1#

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