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Nutrition Research, Vol. 15, No. 9, 1377-1410, 1995 pp.

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K. H. Thompson, Ph.D. and D. V. Godin, Ph.D.*
Western Human Nutrition Research Center, ARS, US Department of Agriculture
The Presidio of San Francisco, CA, USA 94129-0997
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 123
Evidence for changes in trace mineral and vitamin metabolism as a
consequence of diabetes pathophysiology is reviewed. Emphasis is on those
micronutrients which have a recognized antioxidant or prooxidant function in
viva, with consideration of the relevance of these changes to current
hypotheses regarding the onset of secondary complications in the progression
of diabetes. Prospects for re-defining micronutrient requirements specific to
diabetic individuals are discussed.
KEY WORDS: Diabetes Mellitus, Micronutrient, Zinc, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E,
Diabetes mellitus represents a spectrum of disorders, whose primary clinical
manifestation is an absolute or relative lack of insulin, or insulin resistance. It has been
estimated that diabetes mellitus afflicts 30 to 35 million people worldwide (1). The etiology
of diabetes, which is treatable but not curable, is incompletely understood, although it is
known to have an underlying genetic component. Progression of diabetes often leads to
kidney failure and heart disease, as well as to haemotological abnormalities, nephropathy
and a constellation of metabolic abnormalities which are in some ways analagous to signs
of aging (2). Diabetic retinopathy, a frequent secondary complication of diabetes, is the
leading cause of vision impairment and blindness in the developed world (3).
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Investigation of the pathophysiology of the secondary complications of diabetes is
focusing increasingly on the role of oxidative stress in their initiation and progression.
Micronutrients may exert protective or scavenging effects, as well as being essential
components of several key enzymes in intracellular antioxidant defense. Their deficiency,
or excess, may contribute to derangement of the pro-oxidant/anti-oxidant balance, and hence
to the progressive appearance of secondary complications as the disease advances (6). A
cyclic process wherein glycation of proteins causes oxidation of associated lipids, which in
turn stimulates autoxidative reactions of sugars in a continuous positive feedback loop may
be in operation (4).
In this review, we will focus less on assigning a definitive order of events in the
development of secondary complications and progression of diabetes than on the evidence
for potentially useful therapeutic interventions to interrupt this destructive cycle.
Two general types of diabetes mellitus can be distinguished: type I (insulin-dependent,
juvenile onset, or IDDM), and type II (insulin-independent, maturity onset, or NIDDM), the
latter comprising 80% or more of clinical cases (7). In the type I form, P-cells of the islets of
Langerhans are totally or partially destroyed, possibly as a result of autoimmune and/or
environmental factors (8). Insulin replacement therapy is the hallmark of this condition. Type
II diabetes, which generally involves both environmental and genetic factors is quite
heterogeneous, with two major abnormalitities being inadequate insulin release in response
to glucose and/or insensitivity of target tissues (such as liver, adipose tissue and muscle) to
the action of insulin (7).
Type I diabetes is usually diagnosed in the mid- to late-teens or early twenties of a
persons lifespan. Because juvenile-onset diabetes requires exogenous insulin for control
of hyperglycemia and other diabetic symptomatology, oscillation between conditions of hypo-
and hyperglycemia is common in this disorder (9). Type II, maturity-onset diabetes may
sometimes be controlled by diet alone; however, many type II diabetic individuals also require
exogenous insulin for adequate blood glucose control. Oral hypoglycemic agents may also
exert beneficial effects, but do not completely prevent hypo- or hyperglycemic episodes on
a daily basis, Hyperinsulinemia is frequently an additional metabolic abnormality in type II
diabetes (10).
Both type I and II diabetes are accompanied by alterations in micronutrient absorption,
tissue uptake, and excretion, some in a time-dependent fashion (1 l-14). A major effect of
these changes may be a worsening of the oxidative balance, with declining capability to
combat endogenously produced free radicals.
Proaression of diabetes
In a diabetic individual, several organs of the body are affected by a chronic instability
of blood glucose levels and increased oxidative stress (15). In the eyes, this results in
cataract formation and retinal microvascular disease. In the kidney, increased filtration rate
and filtration fraction, excretion of urinary albumin and other proteins, synthesis of mesangial
actomyosin-like material, hypertrophy, glomerular capillary damage and eventual renal failure
are frequent sequelae to both types I and II diabetes (6). Accelerated macrovascular
disease, possibly related to lipid abnormalities, platelet hyperaggregability and abnormalities
in arterial wall function, leads to atherosclerosis and/or arteriosclerosis in a significant
majority of diabetic individuals (6,16,17). In addition, diabetes is associated with
osteoporosis, increased incidence of birth defects, and reduced elasticity of connective tissue
Free radical oroduction and antioxidant defense
A common feature in most, if not all, of these complications, is the involvement of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) (4,19,20). In general mechanistic terms, common diabetic
complications such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and ischemic tissue injury
associated with microangiopathy may be due to increased or uncontrolled oxidative activity,
given the wealth of evidence implicating reactive oxygen-derived substances (ROS) in the
pathogenesis of both micro- and macro-angiopathy (6,16,20,21).
ROS may cause cell damage by attacking membrane lipids or proteins, interacting with
thiol groups, inactivating enzymes, or inducing modifications in ribonucleic acids (22). Some
ROS, such as superoxide and hydroxyl radical, are free radicals, defined as molecular or
ionic species characterized by an unpaired electron (23). Other ROS, such as hydrogen
peroxide (and probably lipid peroxides), can lead to the formation of a variety of more
reactive ROS in the presence of transition metal ion catalysts (24). Under physiological
conditions, the primary source of ROS is the mitochondrial electron transport chain, with the
region between quinones and cytochrome b, on the internal mitochondrial membrane,
constituting the main production site (25). Partial reduction of mitochondrial oxygen by
electrons that escape from electron carriers in the respiratory chain results in the low level,
but continuous, production of ROS. Additional autoxidizable components on the inner
mitochondrial membrane include NADH and thiols (26).
Although production of oxygen-based free radicals is an inevitable consequence of
oxygen metabolism, safe disposal or deactivation of these metabolites is essential to aerobic
life. Thus, there is an entire cell machinery devoted to detoxification of free radicals (27).
The enzymatic components include copper,zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) and
catalase in the cytoplasm, manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in the mitochondria,
and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) in the mitochondria and cytoplasm (22,23,27).
Superoxide dismutases catalyze the dismutation of superoxide ions to hydrogen peroxide and
bimolecular oxygen (28); catalase is the enzyme which catalyzes degradation of hydrogen
peroxide; and glutathione peroxidase scavenges lipid hydroperoxides, requiring the
tripeptide, glutathione (GSH) as a cofactor (5). Glutathione reductase (GRD) reduces
oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and is thus linked to GSHPx activity.
The nonenzymatic components of antioxidant defense are, most notably, ascorbic acid
in the cytoplasm, a-tocopherol in the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, GSH both intra- and
extra-cellularly, and uric acid (20,22,29,30). GSH is in dynamic equilibrium with all cellular
sulfhydryl groups. Decreased tissue levels of GSH can be considered an indicator of
oxidative stress in vivo (31). In detoxifying cellular oxidants, GSH becomes oxidized itself (to
GSSG), and is then reduced back to GSH by GRD, which requires NADPH as a cofactor.
Other dietary and metabolic substances may act in an antioxidant or pro-oxidant capacity,
depending on micronutrient interactions and pathophysiological state (5,22).
It is important to emphasize that both enzymatic and nonenzymatic components of
cellular antioxidant defense systems function in an interactive and interdependent fashion.
Thus, no one of these metabolites, nutrients or enzymes acts in isolation from the others. A
reduction in glutathione may tip the balance towards lipid peroxidation (32) or it could be
covered for by supplemental vitamin E in the cell membrane (33). Conversely, increased
levels of dietary iron (e.g., from indiscriminate use of supplements) may promote autoxidative
processes in vivo (34) but this may be vastly enhanced by concomitant excess of ascorbic
acid in the diet, due to enhanced release of free (decompartmentalized) iron (29, 35). A more
thorough understanding of how these interactions occur on a quantitative basis is necessary
before any nutritional recommendations can be made.
Evidence for increased oxidative stress in diabetes
Oxidant stress is said to be increased in a system when the rate of free radical
production increases and/or the antioxidant mechanisms are impaired, Increased oxidative
stress in diabetes could be the result of an increase in ROS production, an impairment in the
activity of endogenous antioxidant components or a combination of the two. There are
numerous examples of both in diabetic subjects as well as in experimentally diabetic animals.
Increased oxidative stress has been implicated in the etiology of type I diabetes and
of spontaneous or chemically induced diabetes in experimental animals (for review and
description of animal models, see 36) as well as in the development of complications in all
types of diabetes (4,6, 27, 37). Autoimmune processes, notably macrophage and
lymphocyte infiltration of the pancreatic islets, play a key role in the induction of type I
diabetes (38). Prevention of diabetes in nonobese diabetic and multiple low-dose
streptozotocin (STZ)-injected mice by treatment with a synthetic antioxidant (MDL 29,311)
supports the hypothesis of a crucial involvement of free radicals in this process (39).
Cytokines produced by activated macrophages (e.g., interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor)
and T-lymphocytes (y-interferon) may also initiate oxidative processes resulting in the
destruction of pancreatic P-cells (38). Pretreatment with superoxide dismutase can prevent
damage to pancreatic B-cells by STZ in vitro or protect against the diabetogenic effects of
STZ administration to rats in vivo (40,41). Vitamin E, a nonenzymatic antioxidant, also
prevented induction of diabetes by both STZ and alloxan (42). Direct evidence of the free
radical basis of diabetes induction comes from recent studies showing an increased rate of
oxygen radical secretion from macrophages isolated from diabetes-prone BioBreeding (BB)
rats, a spontaneously diabetic rat model (43). This hyperseceretion of ROS by infiltrating
macrophages may contribute to S-cell destruction.
Increased lipid peroxidation seems to be associated with the development of
secondary complications of type I or II diabetes, underlining the crucial role of oxidative
damage. Numerous reports have documented elevations in peroxide levels in plasma, red
blood cells and tissues of animals with chemically-induced diabetes (44-47). Increases in
blood peroxides (or other indices of oxidative stress, such as diene conjugation products)
have also been reported in human diabetic patients (48-54).
A large body of experimental evidence exists attesting to the presence of increased
oxidative stress in diabetes. Superoxide radical production was reported to be increased in
insulin-dependent, non-ketotic, diabetic subjects (55). Hydrogen peroxide production was
shown to be increased in experimental diabetes (56) and in nondiabetic cataractous lens
(57). Increased glycation end products have also been detected in STZ-diabetic rat lens
crystallin (58). Lipid peroxidation in diabetic VLDL and LDL was preventable by dietary
supplementation with vitamin E (59). Lipid peroxide levels in diabetic individuals with micro-
and macro-angiopathies were elevated compared to non-diabetic controls, and were
significantly correlated with duration of diabetes and the presence of ischemic heart disease
(60). Also, erythrocytes of STZ-induced diabetic rats (61-63) and diabetic patients (64-65)
were more susceptible to peroxidation in vitro. Low-density lipoproteins of diabetic subjects
were also more susceptible to phenylhydrazine-induced oxidation and this was associated
with an increased level of arachidonic acid in the LDLs of diabetic patients (65).
Impaired antioxidant scavenging in types I and II diabetes in humans and experimental
diabetes in animals has also been reported. Both increases and decreases in activities of key
antioxidant enzymes, namely catalase, MnSOD and CuZnSOD, GSHPx, and GRD have been
extensively documented (19,27,64,66-73). The disturbed antioxidant activities in STZ-
diabetic rats could be completely reversed by insulin treatment (61,70) or partially reversed
by vanadate treatment (72). Changes were tissue-specific (62,71), both quantitatively and
qualitatively. Pancreas and heart were noticeably less robust than liver and kidney in
antioxidant enzyme activities, as previously determined in non-diabetic mice (74). Change
in food intake and severe loss of weight with diabetic induction by STZ injection did not
account for the changes in antioxidant enzymes observed (75). In the spontaneously diabetic
BB rat, dramatic shifts in pancreatic antioxidant enzyme activities occurred before any
pancreatic insulitis (which is evidence of onset of diabetic symptomatology) was detectable.
Time-dependent changes included declining CuZnSOD and GSHPx activities in pancreas,
with total SOD remaining high due to elevated activity levels of MnSOD (76). Total
pancreatic SOD activity in BB rats was significantly lower than in Wistar rats, which the
authors concluded may constitute a diabetic proneness factor (77).
Link between hyperqlvcemia and increased oxidative stress
It is now recognized that the autoxidation of glucose and of glycated proteins can
generate ROS, especially in the presence of transition metals (17,78).
Hunt et al. (79) have
demonstrated that peroxidation and glycosylation of LDL occur concomitantly in diabetes
mellitus. An increase in the glycS& form of erythrocyte CuZnSOD was found in diabetic
patients (80). Increased glycation was subsequently shown to be accompanied by enzyme
inactivation (81). Diabetic endothelial cell dysfunction caused by hyperglycemia has been
shown to be free-radical mediated (82,83). Glucose can be a source of superoxide ions (84),
and hence, hyperglycemia, the essential identifying feature of diabetes, may itself contribute
to increased oxidative stress. The mechanism may involve slow enolization of
monosaccharides to produce ene-diols, which react nonenzymatically with oxygen to yield
a semidione radical and superoxide (18). The semidione radical can then decay to a l-
hydroxyalkyl radical and hydrogen peroxide at physiological pH.
Catalysis by excess trace metal ions (e.g., Cu, Fe2) is a prerequisite for most
autoxidation reactions (23,78). Superoxide can reductively mobilize iron ions from ferritin
(85&Z), and is known to be elevated in polymorphonuclear leukocytes of diabetic individuals
(55,87). Superoxide dismutases normally effectively scavenge superoxide radicals (28);
however, this defense may be inadequate in the diabetic state, due either to reduced
synthesis, or to inactivation by glycosylation (76,80). Increased oxidative stress may result
in Fe2 release from mitochondria (88). In addition, an increase in hydrogen peroxide
production in diabetic tissues (17,27), could lead to release of iron from heme proteins, such
as hemoglobin and myoglobin (89,90). Indirect evidence of increased hydrogen peroxide
formation in diabetes has been obtained from experiments in which albumin solutions were
incubated with varying concentrations of glucose (91) and from studies of insulin-mediated
production of hydrogen peroxide in rat epididymal fat cells (92). Thus, highly-reactive
hydroxyl radicals could be formed in vivo (29) and mechanistic explanations exist for the
increased activity of ROS in diabetes mellitus (6,19, 79).
Another possible link between hyperglycemia and oxidative stress relates to the
aldose reductase-catalyzed formation of sorbitol from glucose in the presence of
hyperglycemia, a process implicated in certain diabetic complications, notably those involving
the eye (93). The action of aldose reductase utilizes NADPH, a reducing co-factor for GRD
(22). As a result, levels of NADPH may become limiting, with an ensuing impairment in
antioxidant capacity (83,94). A detailed understanding of the complex interrelationships of
glycation, flux through the polyol pathway, arachidonic acid metabolism, trace metal ion
release and autoxidation of proteins is gradually emerging (29,83,95), but many uncertainties
still remain.
Hvperalvcemia and development of complications
There has been much controversy concerning the extent to which rigorous control of
blood glucose levels can influence the rate and extent to which various diabetic complications
develop. In both experimental and clinical diabetes, correlations have been noted between
indices of oxidative damage in plasma, red blood cells and other tissues of diabetic subjects
and experimentally diabetic animals and the severity of diabetic complications
(19,33,45,46,52,54,60,64). A detailed study by Pirart (96) involving 4,400 patients followed
for a period of 26 years suggested a causal link between hyperglycemia and the development
of retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. On the other hand, a report by Raskin and
Rosenstock (97) pointed out that there are wide variations in the occurrence of diabetic
complications, with some individuals never developing them regardless of the extent of
diabetic control and others showing severe complications despite apparently good diabetic
control. The results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) demonstrate
unequivocally that improved glycemic control delays the onset and slows the progression of
retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy in type I diabetes (98); however, the application
of these findings to type II diabetes is somewhat problematic, since rigorous blood glucose
control requires insulin levels which may themselves be pathology-producing (10, 99). What
does seem clear is that persistent hyperglycemia is highly correlated with an increased
incidence and severity of complications - especially retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy
(15, 100,101).
Micronutrients are involved in the complex processes of development of the secondary
complications of diabetes mellitus in a number of different areas. They may be integral
components of antioxidant enzymes (e.g., Cu, Zn and Mn in the case of the superoxide
dismutases, and Se for GSHPx), cofactors in a variety of enzymatic processes of importance
in glucose and lipid metabolism (e.g., Zn, Mn, Cu), or potential pro-oxidant catalysts (e.g., Cu,
Fe). Other micronutrients which may influence the progression of diabetes are themselves
recognized antioxidants, especially ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a-tocopherol (vitamin E).
Still other micronutrients are relevant to diabetes since it has been shown that glucose
intolerance developed when these elements were deficient, either experimentally or due to
nutritional inadequacy (e.g. chromium, copper, manganese, and possibly selenium).
That the concentrations of these trace elements and vitamins may be altered in
diabetes has been well-established (11!12,14, 102-l 08). Surveys of human diabetic subjects
have revealed a variety of significant changes in trace metal status (109-l 11). The following
sections will focus on changes in micronutrient status which could affect oxidative status, and
hence the development of diabetic complications. We will also review some investigations
of the effects of micronutrient supplementation on micro- and macrovascular changes in types
I and II diabetes. First we will consider those micronutrients, namely zinc, ascorbic acid, a-
tocopherol and selenium, whose role in the progression of diabetes can clearly be linked to
their behavior as antioxidants; and then we will review other micronutrients of potential
interest in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its secondary complications.
Numerous studies have found decreases in physiological measures of zinc status,
hyperzincuria and indications of zinc malabsorption in both type I and type II diabetic
individuals (112-123). Experimental investigations of altered zinc excretion and distribution
in diabetic animals have demonstrated a close association between the onset of diabetes and
alterations in zinc metabolism (106,124-l 27). Diabetic patients with congestive heart failure
(CHF) had significantly lower serum zinc levels and increased zinc excretion compared to
diabetic patients without CHF (128). Similarly, zinc excretion was found to be greatly
increased in patients with incipient diabetic nephropathy, as detected by appearance of
microalbuminuria (129).
In vitro studies (130,131) and investigations of the effects of zinc deficiency on glucose
intolerance (132-l 36) have corroborated an interaction of zinc in insulin sensitivity and as
a modulator of insulin action. However, the involvement of zinc in the progression of diabetes
is most likely related to its role as an antioxidant micronutrient (137). Zinc protects sulfhydryl
groups against oxidation and inhibits the production of ROS by pro-oxidant transition metals,
presumably by competing with Fe and Cu for binding sites on cell membranes and some
proteins (138).
In viva, a marginal deficiency of zinc increased the teratogenic effects of STZ-induced
diabetes in rats (139). Although zinc stimulated hydrogen peroxide production in isolated rat
adipocytes (140); this is unlikely to occur in viva (141). lntraperitoneal (i.p.) administration
of zinc, 100 mg/kg body weight, normalized hyperglycemia in STZdiabetic rats within 3 hours
(141). Oral administration of ZnCI,, 210 mg/kg body weight, lowered blood glucose by an
average of 50% within 2 hours. However, a hyperglycemic effect in both diabetic and non-
diabetic rats was observed when zinc sulfate, 25 umol i.p., was administered acutely (142).
Zinc inhibited hydroxyl ion formation catalyzed by a citrate-iron complex in the
hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase reaction in vitro (143) enhanced immune function (144) and
stimulated hexose uptake in rat adipocytes in vitro (141) alone, or in combination with other
trace metals (145).
Studies of zinc supplementation of diabetic individuals have yielded mixed results
(123,146). Zinc supplementation (50 mglday for 1 month) in type I diabetic subjects resulted
in significantly increased percent glycosylated hemoglobin (123) a measure of diabetic
control (147). This was an unanticipated negative finding, but consistent with the
hyperglycemic effect noted above (142). In type II diabetics, zinc sulfate, 220 mg 3 times/day
for 6-8 weeks produced no effect on glycosylated hemoglobin, but did increase lymphocyte
response to phytohemagglutinin, especially in those patients who had shown low serum zinc
values initially (146).
Ascorbic acid
Numerous studies have documented decreases in plasma and tissue levels of
ascorbic acid in animals with chemically-induced diabetes (149-l 50). Levels of plasma
ascorbic acid were found to be significantly lower in both type I and type II diabetic subjects
compared to nondiabetic controls in most studies (151-l 57). However, in one study in which
both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects had markedly higher than usual dietary vitamin C
intakes, no differences between groups were detected (158). Mononuclear leukocyte
ascorbic acid (MN-AA) levels were reduced by 33% in type I diabetics as compared to
nondiabetic individuals (155). MN-AA levels are generally considered as an indicator of
tissue vitamin C status; thus, this result suggests an impaired tissue ascorbate storage
associated with diabetes.
Ascorbic acid is known as a prominent plasma antioxidant (159); therefore, a negative
correlation between plasma aswrbate and increased oxidative stress might be expected. In
fact, in the one study which did not demonstrate significantly decreased plasma aswrbate
in association with diabetes, plasma aswrbate levels were negatively correlated with percent
glywsylated hemoglobin. This result could be interpreted as suggesting that poor diabetic
control results in a faster rate of ascorbate depletion (158). Nonetheless, studies of the
relationship between reduced ascorbate status and the degree of metabolic control in
diabetics have shown a positive correlation in one case (160) but none in another (161).
Diabetic patients affected with microalbuminuria were shown to have a greatly
increased ratio of urinary ascorbic acid excretion to creatinine and an impaired tubular
reabsorption of ascorbic acid, which could be a marker of renal tubular damage (157).
Another possible source of compromised ascorbate status in diabetic individuals is
competitive inhibition between glucose and ascorbic acid, which share a close structural
homology and possibly occupy common membrane transport sites (153). It has been
postulated that the low plasma ascorbate levels in diabetes are a consequence of high
turnover rates, with increased oxidation to the oxidized form, dehydroascorbate (DHA)
Ascorbic acid is a co-factor of proline hydroxylase, an enzyme involved in the
biosynthesis and post-translational modification of collagen; thus, ascorbic acid deficiency
could be expected to adversely affect capillary membrane integrity (162). In fact,
abnormalities of DHAlAA metabolism were more pronounced in type II diabetic patients with
microangiopathy as compared to those without (161). Altered metabolic turnover of
ascorbate in various tissues of experimentally diabetic animals have also been reported
The general consensus that ascorbate levels are reduced in diabetes has given rise
to numerous investigations of the possible beneficial effects of ascorbate supplementation
in this condition. Supplementation of diabetic subjects with ascorbic acid for varying lengths
of time has confirmed that ascorbate handling in diabetics is defective (161) and therefore
does not necessarily improve tissue ascorbate levels. Some studies have provided evidence
for partial reversal of some diabetes-related abnormalities, such as the accumulation of
sorbitol in red cells (163) and the leakage of lens proteins in aqueous and vitreous humor of
STZdiabetic rats (164). Other investigators suggest that diets adequate in vitamin C for the
general population may be inadequate for the diabetic population, which may suffer from a
virtual state of intracellular scurvy unless dietary intakes are well above the recommended
levels (158).
Vitamin C supplementation mitigated against glycation of hemoglobin and other
proteins (164,165). Ascorbate supplementation of STZ-diabetic rats resulted in increased
plasma levels of tocopherol and retinol, but did not alleviate elevations of malondialdehyde
(MDA) or diene conjugates, both measures of lipid susceptibility to peroxidation (167).
Overall, despite some antioxidant effects of supplemental vitamin C, results are not generally
encouraging (161,167,168). Indeed, it has been suggested that the pro-oxidant properties
of ascorbic acid (35,169) and the defective ascorbate handling in diabetes (161) may
seriously compromise any beneficial effects of ascorbate supplementation in diabetes.
Tocooherols and Selenium
In contrast to the situation with ascorbic acid, plasma levels of vitamin E (a mixture of
tocopherols, principally a- and y-tocopherols) tend to be increased in chemically-induced or
genetic diabetes in experimental animals (71,150,170,171) and in human diabetic subjects
(172,173). Levels of vitamin E in other tissues are not consistently affected in diabetes (12).
Elevated levels of vitamin E have been noted in liver of STZ-diabetic rats (71) and in serum,
heart, testes and thymus of spontaneously diabetic BB rats (171). However, a lack of vitamin
E in particular tissues may be involved in an increased propensity for platelet aggregation
in type I diabetic individuals and contribute to the development of macroangiopathy and
Vitamin E content of platelets was shown to be inversely correlated with ADP-induced
platelet aggregability and TXA, production in STZ-diabetic rats (174) and in human diabetic
subjects (33). Vitamin E is the only lipophilic antioxidant in blood (175) and the principal
chain-breaking antioxidant within mammalian membranes (23). Vitamin E deficiency in rats
resulted in decreased pancreatic MnSOD (108,176) heart GSHPx and hepatic catalase (5)
but increases in muscle and adipose tissue GSHPx activity levels and a significant increase
in oxidant stress, as measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and/or diene
conjugates (22,108,177). Vitamin E-deficient, diabetic rats were shown to have significantly
elevated percent glycosylated hemoglobin levels compared to vitamin-E sufficient diabetic
animals, suggesting a close link between glycation and oxidant stress (108).
In the BB rat, elevated vitamin E levels could be restored to normal by insulin
treatment, suggesting that the raised tocopherol concentrations were a consequence of the
diabetic state (171). The failure of Vrano et al. (178) to demonstrate increases in plasma
tocopherol levels in a group of elderly (aged 70-80) diabetics receiving intensive insulin
therapy may have been due to an effect of insulin on plasma vitamin E. The level of plasma
lipoproteins, which are the principal carriers of vitamin E in the blood, may also affect plasma
vitamin E levels (179). A recent study in types I and II diabetics has suggested that variability
in plasma vitamin E levels in diabetes may be related to the associated hyperlipidemia and,
in particular, to levels of non-HDL cholesterol (179).
In terms of vitamin E supplementation in diabetes, Ross et al. (180) have
demonstrated beneficial effects on cataractogenesis in diabetic rats. Also, thrombin-induced
platelet thromboxane A, (TxAJ, vascular prostacyclin (PGI,) and lipid peroxide levels in STZ-
diabetic rats were restored to normal levels by 2-3 months on a high vitamin E diet (174).
Supplemental vitamin E decreased plasma triglycerides, platelet lipid biosynthesis and urine
ketone bodies but did not affect platelet reactivity in the STZ-diabetic animal model (181).
In type I human diabetics given 400 mg D,La-tocopherol acetate daily for 4 weeks,
metabolic control was not affected but a lesser diabetes-associated elevation in platelet
thromboxane & production in response to ADP or collagen stimulation was observed (182).
The functional significance of this finding is uncertain, however, since platelet function
(aggregation) was not detectably abnormal in the patients studied and was not affected by
vitamin E supplementation. However, at 1 g/day supplementation, elevated platelet
aggregability (which is commonly associated with diabetes) was restored to normal (183).
Moreover, low levels of platelet vitamin E were found in a group of type I diabetic subjects
(compared to age- and sex-matched controls) and a significantly negative correlation with
TxAz was discovered (33).
In a recent 4 month supplementation trial of type II diabetic subjects, 900 mg of vitamin
E/day lowered insulin resistance and improved glucose uptake as shown by euglycemic
glucose clamp assays performed both before and after the supplementation period (184).
The authors conclusion that vitamin E may be a useful adjunct in reducing oxidative stress
in type II diabetics confirms the findings from an earlier study by Ceriello et al. (185) in which
glycosylated hemoglobin and other proteins were significantly decreased after 2 months
treatment with either 600 or 1200 mg/d vitamin E. The potential for vitamin E in
pharmacological doses to be used as a means to delay or prevent secondary complications
of diabetes seems well established but requires further testing for long term efficacy.
The biochemical functions of selenium and vitamin E are interrelated, in that both are
essential components of the antioxidant defense system, and they appear to have synergistic
and compensatory effects in induced deficiency states of one or the other (175,186,187).
Selenium is normally present as part of the metalloenzyme, glutathione peroxidase,
or as selenoprotein P (188-190). At high levels, selenium is both toxic and carcinogenic
(188) yet its essentiality at low concentrations has been conclusively demonstrated both in
humans and in animals. Selenium deficiency has been definitively linked to Keshans
disease, which is endemic in selenium-poor areas of China and is one of the few diseases
definitively linked to ROS damage (191,192). Tissue-dependent changes in selenium
concentrations in STZdiabetic rats (193) and increases in serum selenium levels in diabetic
children (194) have been observed. A negative correlation between lipid peroxide levels and
selenium concentration in blood of type II diabetics suggests that a marginal deficiency of
selenium would tend to increase oxidant stress in viva (195).
Animals rendered deficient in either vitamin E or selenium show a marked increase in
susceptibility to the diabetogenic effects of STZ (42) with a combined deficiency of both
having additive effects. By contrast, vitamin E supplementation protected against STZ
diabetes induction (42).
In a tissue slice study of protection against lipid peroxidation by micronutrients (177)
vitamin E afforded the greatest protection in liver, heart and spleen; however, selenium was
more effective in kidney. The two were not synergistic in this experiment; however, when
administered at intermediate dosage levels of 200 IU/kg and 0.2 mg/kg, respectively, vitamin
E and selenium synergistically protected rats against lipid peroxidation, measured in vitro in
brain tissue (196).
Although vitamin C and E exert their primary antioxidant effects in distinct cellular
compartments (aqueous, for ascorbate, and lipophilic, for a-tocopherol), it is believed that
ascorbate plays an important role in preserving and recycling tocopherol by an action at
water/lipid interfaces (175,186,197).
Chromium is necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism (198). Its deficiency
results in glucose intolerance and insulin resistance both in experimental animals (199) and
in humans (200). Chromium supplementation improved glucose tolerance and insulin
resistance in 12 out of 15 controlled investigative trials (201,202) (or, for review, see 203).
In a 16-month study of supplementation with inorganic chromium (204) no change in
fasting blood glucose was seen; however, increased HDL and decreased VLDL levels in both
diabetic and nondiabetic subjects suggested a potential for improving lipid profiles of type II
diabetics with chromium, thereby lowering the risk of atherogenic complications. A significant
finding was the wide range of initial serum chromium values, all of which were assumed to
be within the normal range. It is not currently possible to accurately determine chromium
status (205); hence chromium deficiency can only be inferred (206,207). In vitro studies
have shown that chromium potentiates insulin action best when supplied in a biologically
active form, otten termed glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which seems to be a complex
containing nicotinic acid, trivalent chromium and glutathione (208). This might explain the
greater effectiveness of chromium-rich yeast supplementation (209) compared to inorganic
chromium supplementation (210). Other liganded forms of chromium are being proposed as
alternative biologically available chromium supplements (21 l), but these have only been tried
in vitro thus far.
The regulatory role of chromium in glucose and insulin metabolism appears to be more
of a nutritional, as distinct from a pharmacological, effect. Thus, chromium appears to be
most effective if at least a marginal chromium deficiency state exists, as shown in a study by
Polansky et al. (212). Supplementa!~chromiurn (200 ug/day) was given to type II diabetic
subjects on a low-chromium diet, with consequent beneficial effects on plasma glucose,
insulin and glucagon (212).
Manganese is actively accumulated within mammalian liver and pancreas, where it
is concentrated within the mitochondria and forms an integral and essential component of
a key mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme, MnSOD (213). Dietary deficiency of manganese
has been shown to reduce tissue MnSOD activities in rats (214) mice and chickens (215)
and also to enhance lipid peroxidation in rat tissue homogenates (216) and decrease
kidney GSHPx activity in pigs (217).
Manganese deficient, STZ-diabetic rats had compromised antioxidant enzyme
defenses, with further decreases in kidney and heart MnSOD and kidney CuZnSOD, as
compared to manganese sufficient diabetic animals (71). In addition, manganese
deficiency has been associated with diabetes-like glucose intolerance (218,219). In
guinea pigs, glucose intolerance induced by dietary manganese deficiency could be
reversed by manganese supplementation (220). Dietary supplementation prior to STZ
induction of diabetes prevented the development of hyperglycemia in rats (221); however,
acute intravenous administration of manganese resulted in hyperglycemia and
hypoinsulinemia (222) reminiscent of the situation with zinc (142).
Addition of 55 ppm manganese together with 1 ppm chromium (but not manganese
alone) to the feed of STZ-diabetic rats resulted in restoration of normoglycemia (223). In
oWbb mica, manganese supplementation (at 10 times normal levels) normalized activities of
the mitochondrial enzymes, succinate dehydrogenase and MnSOD, in brown adipose tissue,
as compared to the depressed levels of these enzymes in unsupplemented ob/ob mice (224).
In short-term studies, experimental diabetes has been associated with significant
increases in liver and kidney manganese as compared to insulin-treated or diabetic rats
(103,106). An increased urinary excretion of Mn in human diabetic subjects (225) and both
increases and decreases in blood Mn (12) have been reported. Some of the variability
reported may be due to differing macronutrient and/or protein content of the diets of trace
metal study subjects (104,226).
The mechanism by which manganese regulates cell function may relate to its effects
on calcium homeostasis (227) or it may be more closely allied with its known antioxidant
functions (228230). A liganded manganese complex, Desferal-Mn, was used successfully
to inhibit diquat-induced cataract formation in rabbit lenses (231) suggesting that manganese
can act as an effective antioxidant in viva. In that light, manganese supplementation may be
of more interest for long-term effects with regard to onset of complications than in short-term
glucose control. An acute study of manganese supplementation showed no effect of 15-30
mg manganese gluconate peros on plasma glucose in type II diabetic subjects (232). To our
knowledge, this is the only follow-up study to an intriguing anecdotal report (233) in which
MnCI, supplementation (at a dose of 3-5 mg) appeared to correct hyperglycemia within hours
in a severely insulin-resistant diabetic patient.
Comer and Iron
Copper has been shown to be elevated in experimentally diabetic rats, especially in
the kidney cortex (234,235). Kidney copper was 3-fold higher than normal at 2 weeks, and
7-fold higher at 4 weeks, following STZ injection (234). As copper is an enhancer of lipid
peroxidation and oxidative damage, this increase in copper concentration could exacerbate
oxidative stress in diabetes and the increased renal copper content may contribute to diabetic
nephropathy (12). Accumulation of copper in diabetic rats has been shown to be
independent of food intake (106) but may be due to enhanced intestinal absorption of copper
ions (124). In this regard, it is noteworthy that serum levels of copper were elevated in
diabetes mellitus and were highest in individuals with angiopathy and/or alterations in lipid
metabolism (113,236). Increases in serum copper (especially in combination with low Se
levels) have been shown to be associated with common carotid intimal media thickening
(237). In the presence of copper, glucose has been shown to promote the oxidation of
plasma low density lipoproteins, thereby markedly increasing their atherogenicity (79). Both
serum copper and the copper protein, ceruloplasmin, were elevated in type II diabetic
patients (113) compared to non-diabetic controls.
On the other hand, copper deficiency can also be atherogenic due to increased
oxidative stress (238). Nonenzymatic glycation has been implicated as the mechanism of
cellular damage in copper deficiency (239). Copper deficiency, but not zinc deficiency,
results in lowered activity of CuZnSOD (189,240). In order to maintain normal activities of
CuZnSOD under conditions of increased oxidative stress, such as inflammation, higher than
usual dietary intakes of copper were required in rats (241). In copper deficiency, a decline
in CuZnSOD activity was accompanied by increased lipid peroxidation in aortic and liver
tissues and erythrocytes of rats (242,243). Two selenium-dependent enzymes, type I S-
deiodinase and GSHPx in rat liver, were also found recently to be negatively affected by
dietary copper deficiency (244).
Iron status is little affected by diabetes per se; however, because of its role as a
catalyst in free radical generation, and the give state of increased oxidant stress in diabetes,
it is probably advisable for diabetic individuals to avoid excess iron. Idiopathic iron overload
may result in diabetic-like symptoms, and can be treated successfully with iron chelation
(245). In transfusion siderosis and idiopathic hemochromatosis, diseases in which
decompartmentalized iron is present in significant quantities, diabetes-like glucose
intolerance and subsequent development of microvascular complications are common (246).
Treatment of high-ferritin diabetes with desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, results in a
reduction in hyperglycemia and lipid abnormalities (247). Presence of free iron under
pathological conditions has been inferred on the basis of studies showing that deferoxamine,
a potent iron chelator, prevented endothelial injury mediated by oxidized LDL (248)
neutrophils (249) or xanthine-oxidase induced free radical generation (250).
Unlike zinc, chromium or copper, iron deficiency does not seem to be associated with
abnormalities of glucose metabolism (13). STZ-induced diabetes results in elevated hepatic
and kidney iron stores, but lower serum iron levels (13,104,106).
As a micronutrient, vanadium may be of little interest in the progression of diabetes,
since normal intakes are clearly well above marginal (251). However, the pharmacological
potential of this ultratrace element to improve glucose tolerance and alleviate insulin
insensitivity is attracting increasing attention (252-254). Both in vitro and in vivo studies have
demonstrated the insulin-mimetic properties of inorganic and organic forms of oxovanadium
compounds (252,255-258). Recent studies suggest a post-receptor mechanism for the in
vivo action of vanadate compounds (259) administered at low doses. At higher doses,
interpretation of results may be complicated by a somewhat variable response and possible
toxic effects (256,257,260). In rat studies, investigators have noted both pro-and anti-oxidant
effects of oxovanadium compounds (257,260). Cataract development, which is at least partly
an oxidative process, was prevented in STZ-rats by vanadium treatment (257,261). Sorbitol
accumulation also was significantly decreased (262). The presence or availability of reduced
glutathione may affect the redox potential of pharmacological doses of vanadium (32,263).
Supplementation with additional antioxidant, such as vitamin E, may also preclude any pro-
oxidant effects of vanadium (261,264).
Molybdenum and tungsten have been shown to have insulin-mimetic properties in rat
adipocyte suspensions in vitro (265). Improved glucose uptake was reminiscent of that seen
with vanadate (265). A recent in vivo trial of tungstate, administered at pharmacological
doses, has demonstrated a hypoglycemic action (probably non-specific) in rats (266). A
combination of lithium and vanadate effectively normalized decreased activities of GSHPx
and CAT, but not total SOD, and normalized hyperglycemia in diabetic rat liver (267). The
two ultratrace elements seemed to act synergistically, leading to a reduction in the effective
dosage of vanadium (267). The potential for amelioration of the oxidative stress of diabetes
by judicious combinations of ultratrace elements administered orally clearly deserves further
experimental evaluation.
Much progress has been made over the last few years in achieving a better
understanding of the onset and progress of diabetic complications. Several previously
disparate hypotheses of protein glycation, polyol pathway abnormalities, and
hyperinsulinema are increasingly being seen as part of interrelated biochemical processes.
That these processes are susceptible to dietary modulation is increasingly clear; however,
we are still a long way from being able to advise specific micronutrient supplementation for
optimal health in specific disorders, including diabetes (268,269). The overall impression
from studies to date is that diabetic individuals, both types I and II, may have somewhat
different nutrient requirements from the general population (270, 271). The fact of multiple
interactions and the dose-dependent pro- and anti-oxidant activities of many of the
micronutrients (272) require that we proceed with caution and avoid making any premature
recommendations. Future studies which more closely define status and requirements of both
metals and vitamins may enable such recommendations to be put forward on a more sound
scientific basis (273).
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Accepted for publication January 30, 1995.

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