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Fl eet Management

November, 2008
Def i ni t i on of Vehi c l e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 2
Define different types of vehicles (cars, trucks, tow-trucks, buldozers, cranes... ) according to
the needs.
Set Vi ew Pr of i l es f or Tec hni c al Obj ec t s
SAP 2008 / Page 3
Define view profile(s) used for fleet object data, to be assigned to various vehicle
Set Vi ew Pr of i l es f or Tec hni c al Obj ec t s
SAP 2008 / Page 4
Add specific tabs in the equipment master data record (tabs 130 & 140)
Set Vi ew Pr of i l es f or Tec hni c al Obj ec t s
SAP 2008 / Page 5
Optionally, different texts and icons can be assigned to the tabs
Assi gni ng Vi ew Pr of i l e t o Vehi c l e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 6
Assi gni ng Vi ew Pr of i l e t o Vehi c l e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 7
Assign previously defined view profiles to corresponding vehicles(fleet objects).
Assi gni ng Vi ew Pr of i l e t o Vehi c l e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 8
Default equipment category can be optionally assigned to Fleet object type, and
automatically added when new Fleet object (vehicle) is created.
Def i ne Consumabl e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 9
Define different types of consumables used by vehicles.
Def i ne Consumabl e Types
SAP 2008 / Page 10
Three consumable types can be assigned to each fleet object .
The settings are used solely for checking the permitted values and can be used for
reporting functions.
Def i ne Usage Types
SAP 2008 / Page 11
By defining usage types for fleet objects, usage of vehicles can be used as a
criteria for categorization if needed.
Def i ne Usage Types
SAP 2008 / Page 12
The settings are used solely for checking the permitted values and can be used
for reporting functions
Def i ne Engi ne Types
SAP 2008 / Page 13
In this IMG activity, different engine types for fleet objects can be defined.
Def i ne Engi ne Types
SAP 2008 / Page 14
The settings are used solely for checking the permitted values and can be used for
reporting functions
Def i ni ng Uni t s f or Moni t or i ng of Consumpt i on
SAP 2008 / Page 15
Specifies settings for determining the energy and fuel consumption of your fleet
Def i ni ng Uni t s f or Moni t or i ng of Consumpt i on
SAP 2008 / Page 16
Check the standard settings. Generally, you do not have to make any
Def i ni ng Spec i al Measur ement Posi t i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 17
Special measurement positions, used to perform fleet object-specific calculations
(for example, consumption), can be defined here.
Def i ni ng Spec i al Measur ement Posi t i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 18
In order to have the consumption calculated, there should be (based on criteria) at
least one relevant distance counter and one relevant fuel counter (if e.g. criteria is
consumption per distance).
Distance counter should have purpose: 1 Consumption - relevant distance counter
Def i ni ng Spec i al Measur ement Posi t i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 19
Fuel position has to have value 3 Consumption relevant fuel counter, defined as
Def i ni ng Spec i al Measur ement Posi t i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 20
Time has to be defined as time relevant counter for consumption.
The measurement item (position) must be entered in the corresponding counter
of the vehicle.
Def i ni ng Cal c ul at i on Met hod f or Consumpt i on
SAP 2008 / Page 21
Procedure for defining how the consumption values for fleet objects are
Def i ni ng Cal c ul at i on Met hod f or Consumpt i on
SAP 2008 / Page 22
Assign units and relevant counters defined in previous steps to create a calculation
Define periods for calculation of consumption for short and long periods.
Set t i ng up Spec i f i c Fl eet Obj ec t Fi el ds
SAP 2008 / Page 23
Define the field selection for the equipment master record.
Set t i ng up Spec i f i c Fl eet Obj ec t Fi el ds
SAP 2008 / Page 24
The fields provided here are specific
data fields from the equipment
master record for fleet management.
Influencing values can be set for all
fields specific for fleet object master
data. (e.g. setting the license plate to
be a mandatory field).
In general case no change has to be
done except in case of specific
Sel ec t i on Fi el ds f or Li st Pr oc essi ng
SAP 2008 / Page 25
Possible selection fields can be defined which occupy selection fields with
concrete values for list processing.
Sel ec t i on Fi el ds f or Li st Pr oc essi ng
SAP 2008 / Page 26
Each user can also
create their own selection
This IMG entry is
optional and in general
case doesnt have to be
maintained unless
Ac t i vat i ng Fl eet Spec i f i c Fi el ds i n t he
Ref er enc e Obj ec t Ar ea
SAP 2008 / Page 27
Define the field for the vehicle data (for example, license plate number), which is
displayed in the order or the notification in the reference object area.
Ac t i vat i ng Fl eet Spec i f i c Fi el ds i n t he
Ref er enc e Obj ec t Ar ea
SAP 2008 / Page 28
The system supports this display for the following reference object screens:
Equipment (O150)
Equipment + assembly (O110)
If this screen is activated, the current counter reading of the equipment is
displayed. New counter reading can be entered here.
Def i ni ng Tol er anc e Chec k
SAP 2008 / Page 29
Rules for consumption control can be defined in this IMG activity
Def i ni ng Tol er anc e Chec k
SAP 2008 / Page 30
In this IMG activity following can be set:
By how much percent the recorded quantity of consumed auxiliary- and expendable
material can be higher or lower than the long- or short term average consumption?
How should the system react to deviations? (e.g.If "error message" is specified as a
reaction, the system does not allow any update outside of the tolerance limit).
Cr eat i ng Gas St at i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 31
Cr eat i ng Gas St at i ons
SAP 2008 / Page 32
Define a gas station with plant and storage location and plant data used in the
consumption entry process for creation of MM documents.
Assi gni ng Mat er i al s
SAP 2008 / Page 33
Assi gni ng Mat er i al s
SAP 2008 / Page 34
Assign material numbers to the defined consumables and gas stations to be used
for creation of material documents in consumption recording ( transaction IFCU).
Def i ne Cost Obj ec t f or Mat er i al Doc ument s
SAP 2008 / Page 35
Def i ne Cost Obj ec t f or Mat er i al Doc ument s
SAP 2008 / Page 36
Define the movement type for goods issue and specify to which CO object the
settlement should be (for example, cost center, settlement order or standing
The information about the settlement type (for example, cost center, standing
order, settlement order) are passed on to the BAPI for goods movement.
PMI S Cust omi zi ng
SAP 2008 / Page 37
PMIS (Plant Maintenance Information System) can be used for reporting purpose
in fleet management (consumption reports).
PMIS S114 report in standard version provides data about consumed volume (or
mass) of fuel and covered distance(metric and US), but with additional
customizing and by defining additional user structures and reports the
functionalities can expanded to report on average consumption or costs.
PMI S Cust omi zi ng
SAP 2008 / Page 38
In order to use PMIS for reporting in Fleet Management it is required to transfer
the defined measuring points(counters) values to specific arguments and functions
in PMIS.
PMI S Cust omi zi ng
SAP 2008 / Page 39
This is done by assigning previously defined counters (positions) to the Key
figures and them as arguments to Functions in order to get the values during the
report execution.
The extended functionality customizing is intended for experienced PMIS users and
is covered in a separate document for this purpose.
SAP 2008 / Page 40
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