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Adapted Home Environments for People with Dementia

Modern technologies allow performing of ver different tas!s these das" #emote patient
care and control is one of s$ch" %t $tili&es vario$s technologies' from #(%D to )*N in order to
monitor patients in remote locations" Data collection f$nctions are performed + machiner of
different !ind" Machines are far more acc$rate' do not distort data +eca$se of tiredness or other
iss$es' can store m$ch more information than h$man memor ,at once-' etc" .herefore' different
technical sol$tions are everwhere in order to control literall everthing for vario$s p$rposes"
)ireless sensor networ!s ,)*N- are the /$intessence of h$man desire to control everthing"
)ireless sensors provide tremendo$s freedom for +eing installed almost anwhere necessar"
.he e0isting technologies of remote patient care are e0plored + man researches" .h$s'
for e0ample' 1insalleeh and colleag$es ,2334- developed the concept of possi+ilit of
management for the M$slims who perform their pilgrimage in Ma!!ah' *a$di Ara+ia" .he
proposed to $sed #(%D chips that $se radio5fre/$enc waves to transfer data +etween a reader
and #(%D tag for rather different p$rposes"
.he a$thors ,2334- state6 7#(%D is fast' relia+le' and does not re/$ire phsical sight or
contact +etween reader8scanner and the tagged item" .his non5line of sight propert ma!es #(%D
s$ita+le for o$r application' compared to +arcodes or other opticall read technologies"9
.herefore' it is possi+le to implement this sstem in case each pilgrim will accept the offer to
ta!e )*N sensor +ased on #(%D chip ,Al5*alman' 2313: 1insalleeh et al"' 2334-"
1l$etooth protocol can +e $sed within )*N as well" .h$s' Cheng and ;h$ang ,2313-
proposed in5home care patient monitoring sstem +ased on 1l$etooth technolog" .he a$thors
have e0plained the 1l$etooth $sage as the most appropriate one for s$ch !ind of sstem +eca$se
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of the following advantages of 1l$etooth for )*N6 Convenience' +$l!iness' acc$rac' and
According to Cheng and ;h$ang ,2313-' 1l$etooth technolog 7has +een specificall
designed as a low5cost' low5power' and small5si&e radio technolog' which is partic$larl
dedicated to short5range comm$nications"9 (ig$re < ,Cheng = ;h$ang' 2313- ill$strates the
wor! of 1l$etooth5ena+led sstem6
(ig$re <" 1l$etooth5Ena+led *stem
.he a$thors e0plored the capa+ilities of )LANs' created on the )i5(i technolog in
order to determine the most $sef$l one for their p$rposes" .he concl$ded the following6 it can
+e emploed in o+>ect positioning and location5aware applications rather s$ccessf$ll: however'
rigoro$s )i5(i device cali+ration is not appropriate for its $se for the a+ove5mentioned p$rposes
,Cheng = ;h$ang' 2313-"
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Another research' cond$cted + *hin and colleag$es ,233@- showed the following6 7.his
technolog is widel $sed in these das for %nternet connections" 1$t this is not proper for sensor
networ!ing +eca$se of its +$l! si&e and heav power cons$mption" *o we do not mention a+o$t
this technolog"9 .herefore' we can concl$de that )i5(i sho$ld +e $tili&ed for specific )*N
onl' s$ch as emergenc scenarios' for e0ample ,Gavrilovs!a = Atanasovs!i' 233@-"
.he research of .ownsend and Arms ,233A- s$pports the concl$sions of *hin et al" ,233@-
regarding )i5(i $se for )*N6 7)hile the data rates are certainl high eno$gh for
wireless sensor applications' the power re/$irements generall precl$de its $se in wireless sensor
applications"9 .he a$thors also disc$ss 1l$etooth protocol $sage for )*N and o$tline several
limitations6 1l$etooth s$pports star topolog onl: the n$m+er of nodes per piconet is low ,@ or
less-: snchroni&ation of sensor after sleep mode ta!es time and th$s' sstem power: etc"
*hin et al" ,233@- contin$ed their research in order e0plore ;ig1ee protocol as the most
$p5to5date for +eing applied for )*N" .he a$thors state that this protocol was developed as the
standard technolog for home a$tomation and slow rate data comm$nication" .herefore' it is
optimi&ed for low data d$t5ccle and low power cons$mption"
Clients Last Name Goes Here A
Al5*alman' M" ,2313-" Gro$p of Pilgrims Monitoring + $sing )ireless *ensor Networ!s" Imam
Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University College of Computer and Information Sciences,
Department of Computer Science' A5B2"
1insalleeh' H"' Mohammed' N"' *andh$' P" *"' Al>$mah' ("' = ($ng' 1" C" M" ,2334-" Csing
#(%D tags to %mprove Pilgrimage Management" Concordia University' 15<"
Cheng' H" ."' = ;h$ang' )" ,2313-" 1l$etooth5ena+led in5home patient monitoring sstem6 earl
detection of Al&heimers disease" IEEE Wireless Communications' @A5@4"
Gavrilovs!a' L" M"' = Atanasovs!i' D" M" ,233@-" Ena+ling Comm$nications in Emergenc
*cenarios" .elsi!s' *er+ia' B@5@B"
.ownsend' C"' = Arms' *" ,233A-" )ireless *ensor Networ!s6 Principles and Applications'
MicroStrain, Inc.' A?45AA4"
*hin' D" %"' H$h' *" E"' = Pa!' P" E" ,233@-" Patient Monitoring *stem $sing *ensor Networ!
1ased on the ;ig1ee #adio" th International Special !opic Conference on I!"B' !o#yo'

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