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qQT Quick

1. Introduction
a. QML Syntax
- A declarative markup language
- Language runtime integrated with QT
- Qt Created ICE support
- Graphical design tool
- C++ API for integration with Qt applications
- QML is based on javascript
b. Basic user interface composition skills
c. What is QML?
- Declarative
- Typeless
- Describes the user interface
- UI specified as a tree:
import Qt 5.1 // Bring in the Qt module, version 5.1
// Define a lightblue rectangle
Rectangle{ // This is an "element"
width:400; height:400 // these are properties
color: "lightblue"
Multiline comment
To run this: qmlviewer rectangle.qml
- Modules brought in with the import keyword
- Elements
a. Item is the root of all Elements
- Not visible
- Used as a container / top-level element
b. May be states, elements, models, paths, etc...
c. May extend with custom elements
d. Are described/defined by properties:
- Standard properties:
height: 40
text: "Hello"
- Grouped properties: (i.e. namespaces)
Text { "Helvetica"
font.pixelSize: 24
- Identity property: gives the element a name
Text {
id: text
text: "Hello world"
If an id is not specified, the element is not available for modificati
Kind of a poor mans' private scope
- Custom properties
Rectangle {
property real mass: 100.0 // Notice it is typed
Circle {
property real radius: 100.0 // Notice it is typed
- Binding properties
Property Binding = referring to the value of another property
import Qt 5.1
Item {
width:400; height:200
x: 100; y: 50
width: height=*2; height:100 // Notice expression
color: "lightblue"
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width:200; height:100
color: "lightblue"
TextInput {
x:20;y:20; // position is relative to the parent
text: "Qt Quick"
onTextChanged:color="green" // Eventing and Property binding
e. id property
- Lets other elements to refer to it
- Used to create relationships between elements
- If there is none, your element is not available for modification.
Kind of a poor mans' private scope

import Qt 5.1
Item {
width: 300; height: 115 // necessary, as the default 0x0
Text {
id: text_element
x: 50; y: 50
text: "Qt Quick" "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize: 50
Rectangle {
x: 50; y: 75; height: 5
width: text_element.width // referring to the previous item's width
color: "green"
- Methods
- All methods are public in QML
- There are some utility functions in the Qt. namespace
- Types
- Numbers (int and real)
- Boolean: true false
- Strings
- Constants: AlignLeft
- Lists: [...]
- Scripts
Bits of code that affect properties
- Others:
colors, dates, teims, rects, points, sizes, 3D vectors
usually created with constructors
2. Composing User Interfaces
1. Nested Elements
- Elements are most often nested
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width: 400; height: 400
color: "lightblue"
x:50; y:50; width:300; height:300
Rectangle {
x:200; y:150; width:50; height:50
- Each element is positioned relative to it's parent
- Nesting hides scope
2. Graphical Elements
- Colors, gradients and images
- Create appealing UIs
- "red", "green"
- "#ffffff"
- Qt.rgba(0,0.5,0,1)
- opacity property runs from 0.0 to 1.0

- Images
- Represented with the Images element
- use the source property
- using absolute URLs
- or relative to the QML file
- transformations
- scale, rotation
- about an axis or central point
- transformOrigin: the point which the transformation is centered
transformOrigin: Item.Top
- Gradients
- Contains two or more GradientStop elements each with:
- a position between 0 to 1
- a color
- The start and stop points are on the top and bottom edges of the item an
d cannot be repositioned
- Issues:
- CPU intensive
- may not be animated as you expect
- Use image gradients instead
- Gradients override color definitions
3. Text Elements
- Displaying text
- Use the Text element
- Height and width are determined from content
- You may use html in the value
- Handling text input
- Use the TextInput element

4. Anchor Layout
- Allow elements to be placed in an intuitive way
- Maintain spatial relationships between elements
- Used to position and align itmes
- Line up the edges or central lines of items
- Anchors refer to:
- Other items (centerIn, fill)
- Anchors of other items (left, top)
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width: 400; height: 400
color: "lightblue"
id: rectangle1
Text {
text: "Centered text"; color: "green" "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize: 32
anchors.centerIn: rectangle1 // if Rectangle parent did not have an id,
we could specify "parent"
// anchors.right: parent.right <== ties it to the right side of the pare
nt element
- Margins
- Just like html:
topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin, leftMargin
- Are only used if the correspoinding anchors are used
i.e. leftMargin needs left to be defined
2. User Interaction
1. Implementing user interaction

- [Mouse Areas]
- Placed and resized like ordinary items
- use anchors if necessary
- Two ways to monitor mouse input:
- handle signals
- dynamic property bindings
- Hints and tips
- A mouse area only responds to its acceptedButtons
- the handlers are not called for other buttons, but
- any click involving an allowed button is reported
- the pressedButtons property contains all buttons
- even non-allowed buttons, if an allowed button is also pressed
- With hoverEnabled set to false
- containsMouse can be true if the mouse area is clicked
- [Keyboard Input]
- Two choices: TextInput and TextEdit
- Navigation between elements
- changing the focused element
- directional: arrow keys, tab, backtab
- Use to assign next focused element
- Use KeyNavigation.right for right key
- Use KeyNavigation.left for left key

- [Raw keyboard Input]
- Can be handled by items
- With predefined handlers for commonly used keys
- full key event information is also available
- The same focus mechanism is used as for ordinary text input
- Key handling is not an inherited property of items
- But, is enabled by using the Keys attached property
- Key events can be forwarded to other objects
- Enabled by usin the Keys.forwardTo attached property
- Accepts a list of objects
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width: 400; height: 400; color: "black"
Image {
id: rocket
x: 150; y: 150
source: "../images/rocket.svg"
transformOrigin: Item.Center
rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation - 10) % 360
rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation + 10) % 360
focus: true
// Or, you can inspect events
Keys.onPressed: {
if(event.key == Qt.Key_Left)
rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation - 10) % 360
else if(event.key == Qt.Key_Right)
rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation + 10) % 360
- [Focus]
- UIs with one TextInput, focus is automatically assigned
- If TextInput has no text you cannot click it unless it has a width or uses
- Set the focus property to assign focus
- [Focus Scopes]
- Focus scopes are used to manage focus for items
- FocusScope delegates focus to one of its children
- When the focus scope loses focus
- remembers which one has the focus
- When the focus scope gains focus again
- restores focus to the previously active item
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width: 400; height: 200

// Nice gradient background image
Image {
source: "../images/background.png"
// Top Button
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.topMargin: 15
width: 350; height: 75
color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? "green" : Qt.rgba(1.0,0.25,0.25,0.5)
radius: 10 // curved corners
// Button image
Image {
id: image1
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
source: "../images/rocket.svg"
scale: 0.4
// Create a clickable area
MouseArea {
id: mouse_area
anchors.fill: parent // All of the parent is clickable
onPressed: parent.color = "green" // signal handler
onReleased: parent.color = "black" // signal handler
hoverEnabled: true // will receive hover events
// Adjacent button image text
Text {
text: "Launch"
anchors.left: image1.right
anchors.leftMargin: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Bottom Button
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 15
width: 350; height: 75
color: Qt.rgba(1.0,0.25,0.25,0.5)
radius: 10 // curved corners
// Button image
Image {
id: image2
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
source: "../images/clear.svg"
scale: 0.4
// Create a clickable area
MouseArea {
id: mouse_area
anchors.fill: parent // All of the parent is clickable
onPressed: parent.color = "green" // signal handler
onReleased: parent.color = "black" // signal handler
hoverEnabled: true // will receive hover events
// Adjacent button image text
Text {
text: "Clear"
anchors.left: image2.right
anchors.leftMargin: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// text input
TextInput {
id: name_field
anchors.left:parent.left; y:16
text: "Field 1"; font.pixelSize: 32
color: focus ? "black":"gray"
focus: true address_field
TextInput {
id: address_field
anchors.left:parent.left; y:16
text: "Field 1"; font.pixelSize: 32
color: focus ? "black":"gray" name_field
2. State Handling
- [States]
- States manage named items
- Represented by the State element
- Each item can define a set of states
- With the states property
- Current state is set with the state property
- Properties are set when a state is entered
- Can also
- Modify anchors
- change the parents of items
- run scripts
import Qt 5.1
Rectangle {
width: 150; height: 250

Rectangle {
id: stop_light
x: 25; y: 15; width: 100; height: 100
Rectangle {
id: go_light
x: 25; y: 135; width: 100; height: 100
states: [
State {
name: "stop"
// Element that specifies property changes for a named element
PropertyChanges {target: stop_light; color: "red"}
PropertyChanges {target: go_light; color: "black"}
State {
name: "go"
PropertyChanges {target: stop_light; color: "black"}
PropertyChanges {target: go_light; color: "red"}
// define an initial state
state: stop
// Toggle states
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: parent.state == "stop" ? parent.state = "go" : parent.state = "
- [State Conditions]
- Let the State decide when to be active
- using conditinos to determine if a state is active
- Define the when property
- using an expression that evaluates to true or false
- only one state in a states list should be active
- Ensure when is true for only one state

import Qt 5.1

Rectangle {
width: 150; height: 250

TextInput {
id: text_field
text: "Enter text..."
Image {
id: clear_button
source: "../images/clear.svg"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: text_field.text = ""
// Default state and current state is implicit
states: [
State {
name: "with text"
when: text_field.text != ""
PropertyChanges {target:clear_button; opacity: 1.0}
State {
name: "without text"
when: text_field.text == ""
PropertyChanges {target:clear_button; opacity: 0.0}
PropertyChanges {target:text_area; focus:true}
2. Transitions
- Define how items change when switching states
- Applied to two or more states
- Usually describe how items are animated
import Qt 5.1

Rectangle {
width: 150; height: 250

TextInput {
id: text_field
text: "Enter text..."
Image {
id: clear_button
source: "../images/clear.svg"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: text_field.text = ""
// Default state and current state is implicit
states: [
State {
name: "with text"
when: text_field.text != ""
PropertyChanges {target:clear_button; opacity: 1.0}
State {
name: "without text"
when: text_field.text == ""
PropertyChanges {target:clear_button; opacity: 0.0}
PropertyChanges {target:text_area; focus:true}
// Work in conjunction with states
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "stop"; to: "go" // states
PropertyAnimation {
target: stop_light
properties: "color"; duration: 1000
Transition {
from: "go"; to: "stop" // states
PropertyAnimation {
target: stop_light
properties: "color"; duration: 1000
// Or you could:
Transition {
from: "*"; to: "*" // any states
PropertyAnimation {
target: stop_light
properties: "color"; duration: 1000
//...And reversible:
Transition {
from: "stop"; to: "go" // states
reversible: true // No need to define two transitions!
PropertyAnimation {
target: stop_light
properties: "color"; duration: 1000
3. Animations

- Can apply animations to user interfaces
- Can queue animatinos
- Can be applied to any visible element
- All animations are property animations
- Easing curves created variable speed animations
- Specialized Animations:
- NumberAnimation: for changes to numeric properties
- ColorAnimation: for changes to color properties
- RotationAnimation: for changes to oreintation of items
- Vertor3dAnimation: for motion in 3D space
- Example:
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
width: 400; height: 400
color: "lightblue"
Rectangle {
id: rectangle1
y: 150; width: 100; height: 100
color: "green"
NumberAnimation on x { // x is the property being acted upon
from: 0; to: 150
duration: 1000
// Or you may do it out-of-line
// You may do the same with NumberAnimation {...}
PropertyAnimation {
target: rectangle1
properties: "width,height"
from: 0; to: 100; duration: 1000
running: true // Whether the animation is enabled or disabled
- [Easing Curves]
- Specify with the easing.type property:
easing.type: "..."
- [SequentialAnimation]
- defines a sequence
SequentialAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
target: item1; properties: "scale"
from: 1.0 to: 0.5; duration: 1000
NumberAnimation {
target: item1; properties: "opacity"
from: 1.0 to: 0.0; duration: 1000
running: true
- [ParallelAnimation]
- defines a parallel group
- Animations will be synchronzied
ParallelAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
target: item1; properties: "scale"
from: 1.0 to: 0.5; duration: 1000
NumberAnimation {
target: item1; properties: "opacity"
from: 1.0 to: 0.0; duration: 1000
running: true
- [PauseAnimation]
SequentialAnimation {
PauseAnimation{ duration: 1000}
- [ColorAnimation]
ColorAnimation {
target: item1
property: "color"
from: Qt.rgba(0,0.5,0,1)
to: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,1)
duration: 1000
running: true
- [RotationAnimation]
- Easier to use than NumberAnimation
- Applied to the rotation of an item
- Value of the direction property controls rotation:
- RotationAnimation.Clockwise
- RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise
- RotationAnimation.Shortest - the direction of least angle between from a
nd to
Image {
id: item1
source: "../images/ball.png"
anchors.centerIn: parent
smooth: true
RotationAnimation on rotation {
from: 45; to: 315
direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest
3. Presenting Data
- Arranging Items
= Positioners
- Arrange items in standard layouts
- Column
- Row
- Grid
- Flow
- Anchors can be used inside of Column, Row, and Grid
= Repeaters
- for use with positioners
- using data from a model
- Examples:
import Qt 5.1

// Lays out the Rectangles left to right in a nice cube
Grid { // Positioner
x:15; y:15 // position of first item
width:300; height: 300
columns:2; rows:2; spacing:20
Rectangle{width: 125; height: 125; color:"red"}
Rectangle{width: 125; height: 125; color:"green"}
Rectangle{width: 125; height: 125; color:"sliver"}
Rectangle{width: 125; height: 125; color:"blue"}
// Now, the repeater
Rectangle { // Simply a space to contain our stuff
width:300; height: 300; color: "black"

Grid { // Positioner
x: 5; y: 5
rows: 5; columns: 5; spacing: 10
Repeater {
model: 24 // count of items
width: 70; height: 70; color: "lightgreen"
Text {
text: index // The count of the current item
font.pointSize: 30
anchors.centerIn: parent

- the model property can take an object or functyion:
model: {
var board=[true]
for(var i=1; i<64; i++)
board[i] = false;
= Consequently, other properties can take logic to - like color: {if x "bl
ack" else "green"}
= However, changing properties in bindings is expensive, as it's run on ea
ch iteration.
It's better to change your data model
- Data Models
- Pure
- ListModel
ListModel {
id: name_model
ListElement {name: "Alice"}
ListElement {name: "Bob"}
ListElement {name: "Jane"}
- ListModel is a dynamic list of items
- append
name_model.append({"name": "Victor"})
- remove
- move
name_model.move(1,2, number) // investigate - unclear example
- Defining Delegates
- Define a Component to use as the delegate (There is no delegate keyw
- Give it an id
- describes how the data will be displayed
- Properties of list elements can be referenced
- In the item inside a Component
- The parent property refers to the view
- A ListView attached property can also be used to access the view
Component {
id: name_delegate
Text {
text: name // the name property of the ListElements above
font.pixelSize: 32

- Using a List Model
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Repeater {
model: name_model // see above
delegate: name_delegate // see above
- XmlListModel

- Visual
- VisualItemModel
- Contains child items that are supplied to views
VisualItemModel {
id: labels
Rectangle {...all sorts of stuff...}
Rectangle {...more stuff...}
// Then, feed the model to a repeater
Column { // arranges the items
Repeater {model: labels} // emits the items
- VisualDataModel
- Contins an interface to an underlying model
- Supplies a delegate for rendering
- Views (works with pure models)
- ListView
- Shows a classic list
- Is flickable
ListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent
model: name_model // from above
delegate: name_delegate // from above
clip: true // overflow hidden
header: Rectangle {
width: parent.width; height: 10; color: "pink"
footer: Rectangle {
width: parent.width; height: 10; color: "lightblue"
highlight: Rectangle { // highlights the current item
width: parent.width; height: 10; color: "lightgray"
interactive:false // disables flicking
// To get the current item:
- GridView
Shows a classic grid

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