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Distance Education Council

Minutes o t!e "#
$eetin% o t!e Distance Education Council !eld on
&ednesda'( t!e )*
Ma+c!( ,*)* at )*-** a$ in t!e .oa+d Roo$( .loc/01( IGNOU
Ca$2us( Ne3 Del!i0))**41-
The following members were present:
1. Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, VC, IGN! Chairman
". #r. N $ %a&mi, 'e(retar), !GC *ember
+. Prof. Naresh #a,hi(h, VC, V*! *ember
-. #r. '. .. 'ingh .ha,a/ria, *ember .*, IGN! *ember
0. Prof. P. P/r/shotam Rao, *ember .*, IGN! *ember
1. Prof. 'an,eep 'an(heti, NIT, '/rathkal *ember
2. Prof. *anj/lika 'ri3asta3a, #ire(tor, #4C 'e(retar)
The following members (o/l, not atten, the meeting:
*s. Vibha P/ri #as, 'e(retar), *5R# 6 nominee7 Prof. 5.$ Ranganath, #ire(tor, N$$C7
Prof. $.% .akshi, #ire(tor, I888, !ni3ersit) of #elhi7 Prof. %al)ani $nb/(hel3an, Vi(e
Chan(ellor, TN!7 Prof. $r/n 'a,h/, 9ormer Professor, !ni3ersit) of P/ne7 (o/l, not
atten, the meeting.
The Chairman, #istan(e 4,/(ation Co/n(il wel(ome, all the members. 5e wel(ome,
the new members an, appre(iate, the (ontrib/tion of the o/tgoing members. In his
opening remarks he briefl) ,welt /pon the str/(t/ral (hanges that are (oming /p in the
higher e,/(ation s)stem.
Thereafter the following agen,a items were taken /p for ,is(/ssion:
Ite$ No- "#-)6 To coni+$ t!e Minutes o t!e "7
Meetin% o t!e Distance
Education Council !eld on )1
No8e$9e+( ,**: and action ta/en
The min/tes of the +-th *eeting were (ir(/late, to all the Co/n(il *embers. No
(omments were re(ei3e, an, the min/tes were (onfirme,.
Thereafter the $(tion taken report was presente, b) the #ire(tor, #4C whi(h was also
Ite$ No- "#-,6 Le%al o2inion on t!e ;oint Co$$ittee o UGC0AICTE0DEC
The Co/n(il note, the legal opinion re(ei3e, from $,3o(ate, *r. N. */rali %/maran on the
roles, powers an, stat/tor) a/thorit) of the :oint Committee of the !GC, $ICT4 ; #4C. It
note, the stan, taken b) the !GC in its (o/nter affi,a3it file, before the $n,hra Pra,esh
5igh Co/rt. It was $8' note, b) the Co/n(il that the :oint Committee is a Committee of
!GC<$ICT4 ; #4C to streamline the pro(ess of re(ognition an, to a3oi, the ,/pli(ation of
efforts b) these three ape= bo,ies, an, the #4C has not ,elegate, an) of its stat/tor)
a/thorit) to the :oint Committee. The *o! was signe, with !GC an, $ICT4 to foster
single win,ow pro(essing for re(ognition of general, te(hni(al an, professional
programmes offere, thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e b) an Instit/tion. The *o! was pla(e, before
the >?
.oar, of *anagement meeting of IGN! hel, on "".?0.?2 an, was also note, in
the ">
meeting of the #istan(e 4,/(ation Co/n(il hel, on "?
:/ne, "??2. The !GC has
alrea,) (omm/ni(ate, the a((eptan(e of the *o! b) the Commission. The $ICT4 till ,ate
has not (omm/ni(ate, an) a((eptan(e of the *o! b) its Co/n(il. It was also note, that in
so far as the reg/lation of ,istan(e e,/(ation is (on(erne,, the #istan(e 4,/(ation
Co/n(il is the sole 'tat/tor) a/thorit) to reg/late the ,istan(e e,/(ation in the (o/ntr) as
per the IGN! $(t 1>@0, passe, b) the Parliament of In,ia. It was reiterate, that the
IGN! ma) take steps as ,eeme, ne(essar) for promotion, (oor,ination an,
maintenan(e of stan,ar,s, thro/gh #4C. The (o/n(il also note, the Powers an, 9/n(tions
of #4C as per IGN! $(t 1>@0.
The Co/n(il note, the ,iffi(/lties arising be(a/se of the non<workable (la/ses of the
*o! signe, b) the three bo,ies namel) !GC, $ICT4 an, #4C. The Co/n(il also note,
the ,/ration of the :oint Committee whi(h is en,ing on >
*a) "?1?.
Ite$ No- "#-"6 Te++ito+ial ;u+isdiction in oe+in% 2+o%+a$$es t!+ou%! distance
The Co/n(il in its "@
meeting hel, on "+
*ar(h, "??2, ha, ,e(i,e, that j/ris,i(tion for
offering programmes thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e will be as per the $(ts an, 'tat/tes of the
(on(erne, /ni3ersit). 5owe3er, in the ninth :oint Committee of !GC<$ICT4 ; #4C hel, on
12.?@."??> regar,ing territorial j/ris,i(tion for offering programmes thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e,
it was ,e(i,e, that the latest !GC notifi(ations will pre3ail o3er all pre3io/s notifi(ations an,
(ir(/lars of the #4C.
The Co/n(il (onsi,ere, the roles an, responsibilit) an, the a/thorit) of the :oint
Committee an, ,e(i,e, that the :oint Committee (an not s/per(e,e the 'tat/tor) $/thorit)
of the #istan(e 4,/(ation Co/n(il. The Co/n(il note, that the ,istan(e e,/(ation an,
online e,/(ation (annot ha3e the Territorial :/ris,i(tion an, it was ,e(i,e, that in (ase of
Central !ni3ersities an, the 'tate !ni3ersities, the Territorial :/ris,i(tion will be as per their
$(ts an, 'tat/tes for offering programmes thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e. The Territorial
:/ris,i(tion in (ase of #eeme, !ni3ersities will be as per !GC whi(h man,ates the prior
appro3al of the !GC for opening Centres 6 off Camp/s Centres o/tsi,e the 5ea,A/arters.
The Territorial :/ris,i(tion in (ase of Pri3ate Instit/tions Bother than !ni3ersitiesC will be as
,e(i,e, b) the :oint Committee.
Ite$ No- "#-76 P+o2osal o+ +e8ision o no+$s and %uidelines o+ +elease o
de8elo2$ent %+ants
The Co/n(il note, the re3ise, norms ,e3elope, b) the #istan(e 4,/(ation Co/n(il an, it
a/thori&e, the Chairman, #4C to (onstit/te a Committee for re3ising the e=isting norms for
,e3elopment assistan(e. It was also ,e(i,e, that the ,e3elopment assistan(e (an be gi3en
for establishment of Resear(h Centres7 resear(h fellowships an, PG s(holarships. The
Co/n(il also ,e(i,e, to (onstit/te a s(holarship s(heme whi(h (an be name, as #4C
fellowship for resear(h an, post gra,/ate st/,ies. It a/thori&e, the Chairman, #4C to
(onstit/te a Committee for preparing a ,etaile, proposal on the !GC pattern. The Co/n(il
also ,e(i,e, that the ,e3elopment assistan(e (an be pro3i,e, as blo(k grant an, the
!ni3ersities ma) be reA/este, to s/bmit proposals to #4C for appropriation in 3ario/s
hea,s s/bje(t to a ma=im/m limit of "?D for (onstr/(tion a(ti3ities. The Co/n(il ,e(i,e, to
,o awa) with the pra(ti(e of pro(/ring pre re(eipt bills before the release of the grants. It
,esire, that the grants ma) be release, thro/gh ele(troni( transfer an, there is no nee, for
an) re(eipt of the pre re(eipt bills for this p/rpose.
Ite$ No- "#-#6 Re2o+ts o all t!e 8isits o+ +eco%nition < a22+o8al
The re(ommen,ations of the ,/l) (onstit/te, e=pert Committees were a((epte, b) the
Co/n(il an, the re(ognition was a((or,e, to the following Instit/tions along with the
programmes as re(ommen,e, b) the 4=pert Committees.
Uni8e+sit'<Institution Reco$$ended Pe+iod o
Utta+ P+ades!
)- !. P. Rajarshi Tan,on pen !ni3ersit),
Ees + Eears
Uni8e+sit'<Institution Reco$$ended Pe+iod o
,- Pon,i(herr) !ni3ersit), Pon,i(herr) Ees + Eears
And!+a P+ades!
"- Rashtri)a 'anskrit Vi,)apeetha, Tir/pati Ees + Eears
*aharshi *arkan,eshwar !ni3ersit),
Ees + Eears
#- N*I*' !ni3ersit), */mbai Ees + Eears
4- #r. #. E. Patil !ni3ersit), P/ne Ees + Eears
=- Instit/te of Rail Transport, New #elhi Report awaite,
1- .harati)a Vi,)a 9o/n,ation, .angalore Report awaite,
:- .alaji Instit/te of *o,ern *anagement, P/ne Ees + Eears
)*- */mbai 4,/(ation Tr/st, */mbai Ees + Eears
))- Rashtrabhasha Pra(har 'amiti, Far,ha Ees + Eears
),- ')mbiosis Centre 9or #istan(e 8earning, P/ne Report awaite,
Ta$il Nadu
)" Confe,eration of In,ian In,/str) Instit/te of
8ogisti(s, Chennai
Ees + Eears
Utta+ P+ades!
)7- .8' Instit/te of *anagement, Gha&iaba, Ees 1 Eear
And!+a P+ades!
)#- $(har)a Nagarj/na !ni3ersit), G/nt/r Ees + Eears
)4- $n,hra !ni3ersit), Visakhapatnam Ees + Eears
)=- 'ri Pa,ma3ati *ahila Vis3a3i,)ala)am, Tir/pati Ees + Eears
)1- Ga/hati !ni3ersit), G/wahati Ees + Eears
):- %/r/kshetra !ni3ersit), %/r/kshetra Ees + Eears
,*- .angalore !ni3ersit), .angalore Ees 1 Eear
,)- National 8aw '(hool of In,ia !ni3ersit),
Ees + Eears
,,- P/njabi !ni3ersit), Patiala Ees + Eears
!ni3ersit) of */mbai, */mbai
Ees + Eears
,7- North *aharashtra !ni3ersit), :algaon Ees + Eears B"?1?
,#- 'ant Ga,ge .aba $mra3ati !ni3ersit),
Ees + Eears
Ta$il Nadu
,4- $lagappa !ni3ersit), %araik/,i Ees + Eears
,=- *a,/rai %amaraj !ni3ersit), *a,/rai Ees + Eears
The Co/n(il also ,esire, that the obser3ations of the 4=pert Committees where3er
mentions ma) be (omm/ni(ate, to the (on(erne, Instit/tions for the (omplian(e.
Ite$ No- "#-46 An' ot!e+ Ite$ 3it! t!e 2e+$ission o t!e C!ai+
The following agen,a were taken an, the ,e(ision a((or,e, as /n,er:
Status o Reco%nition6
The Co/n(il note, the stat/s of appli(ations of Instit/tions who ha3e applie, to #4C for
re(ognition. The Co/n(il ratifie, the ,e(ision taken b) the Chairman, #4C for e=tension
of re(ognition for the Instit/tions who ha3e applie, to #4C an, whose 3isits are /n,er
pro(ess. The Co/n(il note, the shortage of staff at #4C an, ,esire, that more staff
ma) be engage, for timel) (ompletion of the pro(ess of re(ognition of the Instit/tions.
The Co/n(il ,esire, that the 3isits ma) be (on,/(te, within si= moths of a((eptan(e of
the proposals (omplete in all respe(ts. The Co/n(il also ,e(i,e, to a/thori&e Chairman,
#4C to (ontin/e with the formation of the Committees ,rawing e=perts from the panel
s/bmitte, b) the $ICT4 an, the !GC nominees as pro3i,e, b) !GC.
Status o Plan G+ant +ecei8ed +o$ MHRD and +eleased 9' DEC
The Co/n(il note, the stat/s of the grants re(ei3e, from *5R# an, the ,isb/rsement
b) the #4C. The Co/n(il also p/t on re(or, its appre(iation for the #4C for timel)
,isb/rsement of the grants.
Cos$ic .usiness Sc!ool
The Chairman, #4C ha, (onstit/te, an 4=pert Committee to 3isit the Cosmi( ./siness
'(hool, New #elhi an, s/bmit re(ommen,ations for a((or,ing re(ognition for ,istan(e
e,/(ation programme. 5owe3er, as per a ,e(ision taken in the last :oint Committee
meeting of !GC<$ICT4<#4C, it was ,e(i,e, that onl) s/(h programmes will be
(onsi,ere, whi(h are also offere, thro/gh reg/lar fa(e to fa(e mo,e. The Cosmi(
./siness '(hool is offering programmes onl) thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e an, is not offering
an) programme thro/gh reg/lar fa(e to fa(e mo,e.
The Co/n(il note, that the Cosmi( ./siness '(hool is not offering programmes thro/gh
reg/lar mo,e an, is also not re(ognise, b) the $ICT4. 5en(e the reA/est of the abo3e
Instit/tions ma) be kept in abe)an(e till s/(h time the abo3e Instit/tion is re(ognise, b)
$ICT4 for offering reg/lar programmes.
Clini$inds Acade$' o+ Clinical Resea+c!( T+ainin% and Mana%e$ent
The Instit/te Clinimin,s, $(a,em) for Clini(al Resear(h Training ; *anagement is a
pri3ate Instit/te establishe, /n,er the (ompanies $(t 1>01. The Instit/tions is offering
P.G. #iploma in Clini(al Resear(h thro/gh reg/lar mo,e. The Instit/te has so/ght
appro3al of 1" (ertifi(ate, #iploma an, P.G. #iploma le3el programmes in (lini(al
resear(h area. The Co/n(il note, that the Clinimin,s $(a,em) for (lini(al resear(h
training an, management is not re(ognise, b) the !GC or $ICT4 an, is not offering
programmes as per !GC nomen(lat/re. 5en(e the proposal of the Instit/tion ma) not
be (onsi,ere, b) the #4C.
Da'al9a%! Educational Institute( A%+a
The Co/n(il note, that on the re(ommen,ations of an 4=pert Committee that 3isite, the
#a)albagh 4,/(ational Instit/tion B,eeme, !ni3ersit)C, $gra, the :oint Committee of
!GC<$ICT4<#4C in its >
meeting ha, a((or,e, re(ognition to #a)albagh 4,/(ational
Instit/te, $gra for offering (ertain programmes thro/gh ,istan(e mo,e. Now the Instit/te
,esires to offer (ertain a,,itional programmes in a,,ition to the > san(tione,
programmes. It ,e(i,e, to (onsi,er the reA/est of the Instit/tion an, a/thori&e, the
Chairman, #4C to take a ,e(ision on the basis of the re(ommen,ations of a ,/l)
(onstit/te, e=pert Committee for the p/rpose.
To +ati' t!e decision to acco+d +eco%nition to SMU( Si//i$ and PTU( Pun?a9
The Co/n(il note, the a((eptan(e of the (omplian(e report s/bmitte, b) the 'ikkim
*anipal !ni3ersit), 'ikkim an, P/njab Te(hni(al !ni3ersit), P/njab. The Co/n(il ratifie,
the ,e(ision taken b) the Chairman, #4C to a((or, re(ognition to these !ni3ersities for
a perio, of three a(a,emi( )ears w.e.f. a(a,emi( )ear "??><1? to a(a,emi( )ear "?11<
1" for offering programmes thro/gh ,istan(e e,/(ation mo,e.
MoU o DEC 3it! TEC o Mau+itius-
The Co/n(il note, the 3isit report of the *a/ritian #elegation jointl) arrange, b) !GC,
I# an, #istan(e 4,/(ation Co/n(il at #4C on 0
*ar(h, "?1? at 1.?? pm. The Co/n(il
,e(i,e, to go ahea, with the *o! between T4C an, #4C an, a/thori&e, the
Chairman, #4C to take a ,e(ision in this regar,.
The meeting en,e, with a 3ote of thanks to the Chair.
@P+o- V- N- Ra?ase/!a+an PillaiA
#ate: 1?.?+."?1?
Time: 1?.?? am G 11.+? am
Pla(e: .oar, Room, IGN!, New #elhi

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