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DIRA Software application.

General description
DIRA Software application
Version 2.08.5XX
General description
DIRA Software application. General description
Table of contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................... 4
2. References.......................................................................................................... 5
3. Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations.............................................................
4. Important !arnin"s.......................................................................................... #
5. Important pre$e%istin" e%perience and s&ills..................................................'
. (onventions..................................................................................................... 1)
#. DIRA *oft!are applications...........................................................................11
DIRA Software application. General description
1. Introduction
This doc!ent represents a co!!on description of DIRA Software " that is a co!ple# of
applications intended for i!a$e ac%isition fro! DIRA detectors &ein$ nder control of #'ra(
e%ip!ent) as well as for anal(sis and trans!ittance of i!a$es within DI*+, networ-. These
software applications can &e applied while perfor!in$ stdies) &oth in !edicine) and in
.eterinar( science.
/or installation) se) ad0st!ent and tro&leshootin$ of the DIRA Software (o shall se
!anals specified in the list $i.en in chapter 2.
The doc!ents are !eant for the operators) ph(sicians and ad!inistrators) wor-in$ with
DIRA Software. See 1ser definitions in chapter 3.
DIRA Software co!ponent desi$nations are descri&ed in chapter 2.
DIRA Software application. General description
2. References
4. DIRA Software application. General description 5this doc!ent6
2. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. +perator7s fnctions
3. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. 8h(sician9s fnctions
3. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. 8rint ,odle
5. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. 8h(sician9s .iewer
:. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. Report ,odle
2. DIRA Software application. 1ser7s ,anal. DI*+, software applications
8. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. DI*+, tilities
;. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. Installation
40. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. Ad!inistrator7s fnctions of !ain
44. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. Settin$s of !ain application
42. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. Detector tilities
43. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. *o!!on tilities
43. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. The list of spporta&le X'Ra(
45. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. DI*+, confor!ance state!ent
Stora$e Ser.ices
4:. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. DI*+, confor!ance state!ent
42. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. DI*+, confor!ance state!ent
8rint Ser.ices
48. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. DI*+, confor!ance state!ent
/ile ,edia Stora$e Ser.ices
4;. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. Data description
20. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. <rrors and =o$s
24. DIRA Software application. Ad!inistrator7s Gide. =ocali>ation
DIRA Software application. General description
3. Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations
Ter!s and a&&re.iations are sed thro$h the entire DIRA software doc!entation are
descri&ed in ta&les &elow?
@S @or-Station
DA Data&ase
+S +peratin$ s(ste!
see *h. see *hapter of this doc!ent
/i$. see fi$re
BIS Bospital infor!ation s(ste!
RIS Radiolo$ical infor!ation s(ste!
8A*S 8ictre$ and co!!nication s(ste!
DI*+, Di$ital I!a$in$ and *o!!nications in ,edicine
+ Term Description
4 +perator 1ser operatin$ #'ra( e%ip!ent ai!ed at
dia$nostic i!a$e ac%isition.
2 8h(sician 1ser anal(>in$ i!a$es and co!pilin$ a !edical
3 Ad!inistrator 1ser e#ectin$ S@ installation) ad0st!ent and
tro&leshootin$. These fnctions !a( &e
e#ected &( a en$ineer.
The followin$ ter!s are sed as s(non(!s?
+ Term *,non,m
4 +r$an Aod( 8art
2 8ro0ection View 8osition
3 Ad!inistrator en$ineer
The followin$ ter!s are sed to specif( the followin$ entities?
The software) S@ <ntire co!ple# of DIRA Software applications
DIRA Software application. General description
4. Important warnins
*ecurit, re-uirements
The installed software !a( &e s&0ect to .irs attac-s. Virses !a( arri.e fro! the Internet
or fro! an( e#ternal !edia) sch as floppies) *Ds or !e!or( card de.ices. Dependin$ on a .irs
t(pe) .irses can case co!pter failres and fll( destrct the software. =i%idation of sch
failres can lead to si$nificant costs.
,a-e sre to protect (or s(ste! a$ainst .irses?
Do not connect the wor-station with installed software to the Internet.
Aefore sin$ an( !edia) chec- it with an p'to'date anti'.irs pro$ra!.
Install .endor'reco!!ended anti'.irs software in the local networ-.
*tora"e re-uirements
The S@ has the local data &ase for te!porar( i!a$e stora$e. Since the +S and @S sed
can not $arantee an a&soltel( relia&le stora$e) the ser shall se a 8A*S to store the
i!a$es or print a hard cop(.
,edical instittion shall pro.ide the standard data &ac-p procedres i!ple!entation on
e#ternal !edia.
Installed soft!are re-uirements
Additional software is installed &( a s(ste! ad!inistrator of the !edical instittion and
shall &e appro.ed &( the spplier.
1sers are not allowed to?
access an( s(ste! folders and application folders withot per!issionC
install a software that is not listed in doc!entation and is not re%ired for proper
fnctionin$ of the nitC
se the file readDwrite de.ices for an( fnctions that are not listed in doc!entation.
insert an( !edia 5*D and DVD dis-s) !e!or( cards) floppies) etc.6 into readDwrite de.ices
withot$ the! tested a$ainst .irses.
Attention. If an( of the a&o.e re%ire!ents are not !et) the !anfactrer will not &e
responsi&le for an( !alfnction or hardware failre.
/$ra, e%amination re"istration re-uirements
1sin$ i!a$es withot re$istration na!e and patient ID for dia$nosin$ is not allowed.
Attention. The software can not ato!aticall( deter!ine the std( para!eters associated
with patient positionin$) laterali>ation) contrast a$ent properties and other para!eters that are
deter!ined &( the operator7s actions. These para!eters !st &e speri!posed on the #'ra( i!a$e
sin$ the application9s &rn fnctions.
Ima"e use for dia"nosin"
The @S with the installed software is intended for i!a$e ac%isition fro! a di$ital
detector for frther anal(sis &( the ph(sician. The anal(sis shall &e done sin$ speciali>ed
*o!pressed i!a$es and i!a$es e#ported to an( $raphics for!at are not sita&le for
dia$nosin$ prposesC
I!a$es containin$ artifacts are not allowed for dia$nosin$ prposesC
Bard copies of i!a$es printed on non'!edical printers are not sita&le for dia$nosin$
DIRA Software application. General description
0erformin" measurements
@hile !a-in$ !easre!ents sin$ software tools) (o shall notice that the accrac( of
!easre!ents !ade with displa( tools depends on a .ariet( of factors) sch as the si>e and
position of the area &ein$ !easred in relation to the srface of detector.
The !easre!ents of optical densit( are solel( intended for esti!atin$ relati.e densities of
&od( tisses. ,easre!ent reslts can &e sed for %alitati.e co!parison onl() for e#.? Ethis
tisse is of a hi$her percenta$e of dense than the other one7.
DI(12 use
DI*+, standard doesn7t re%ire fillin$ in all e#istin$ std( attri&te .alesC it si!pl(
!a-es it possi&le to Fdescri&eG the anal(sis in a !ore co!plete wa(. The !ore attri&te .ales
are filled in) the easier the anal(sis and the search of reslts are. The operator who perfor!s the
i!a$es is responsi&le for fillin$ in all e#istin$ attri&te .ales.
/$ra, settin" verification
The application software !a( pro.ide a S@ interface with the #'ra( e%ip!ent
5#'ra( $enerator) colli!ator) stand etc.) that is it !a( send and recei.e so!e data toDfro!
this e%ip!ent. Since the $i.en e%ip!ent !a( &e pro.ided with different .ersions of the
software the !anfactrer can not ensre correct data e#chan$e with !entioned de.ices. In an(
wa( the ser shall .erif( the #'ra( settin$s sin$ certified !eans in relation to this e%ip!ent 5for
e#. +peratin$ hardware console6 as well as chec- the .alidit( of the data recei.ed fro! the
DIRA Software application. General description
!. Important pre"e#istin e#perience and s$ills
The DIRA software doc!entations ass!e the reader shall &e fa!iliar with the operatin$
s(ste! on which software application has &een installed. The application is installed on the
co!pters) e%ipped with the @indows operatin$ s(ste!
The ser shall possess s-ills in operatin$ the @S principal hardware co!ponents? !onitor)
-e(&oard) !ose) *DDDVD"dri.e) flash'!e!or() etc. The operatin$ s-ills of these de.ices can
&e learned fro! the acco!pan(in$ doc!entation for the itself.
The operator and ph(sician are ass!ed to possess &asic fnctional -nowled$e of
operatin$ s(ste! and the followin$ s-ills?
application and conte#t !en and practical s-ill in wor-in$ with the !ens and
dialo$ windowsC
controls of the dialo$ &o#es? &ttons) edit fields) scroll &ars) co!&o &o#) chec- &o#)
radio &ttons) etc.C
&asic operational s-ills of controlsC
standard dialo$s? sa.eDload) print) color palette) etc.C
files) their t(pes and properties) operations with files? cop() !o.e) delete) restore)
open) close.
The ad!inistrator shall possess spple!entar( -nowled$e of @indows +S) DI*+, and
DIRA Software application. General description
%. &onventions
The -e(s of the -e(&oard shall &e denoted &( =atin letters in the wa( as the( are sall(
desi$nated on the -e(&oard. The na!e of the -e( will &e in &old withot the %otation !ar-s.
@ith reference to alpha&et'di$ital -e() the s-etch representation can &e ad0acent to its
na!e. /or e#a!ple) the H " !eans) that for perfor!in$ an( action) the H'-e( shall &e pressed
and released. @ith reference to the control or fnctional -e() the s-etch representation is ad0acent
to it. /or e#a!ple) /4 " !eans press and release the first fnctional -e(. @ith reference to the
-e( controllin$ the crsor? p) down) to the left) to the ri$ht " onl( the s-etch representation is
$i.en. /or e#a!ple) ) .
In cases) when for reali>in$ an( action) the co!&ination of -e(s shall &e sed) these -e(s
are represented in &old withot the %otation !ar-s .ia pls !ar-. /or e#a!ple *trl I /3 "
I !eans that for reali>in$ the action) the -e( *trl shall &e pressed first and) withot releasin$
it) the third fnctional -e( /3) shall &e pressed) and then &oth the -e(s shall &e released.
4uttons and similar controls
The controls "the &ttons "are written as the &tton7s na!e in &old in %otation !ar-s. /or
e#a!ple) J1&K) J(ancelK. Instead of the &tton7s na!e) its $raphic representation cold &e
$i.en. /or e#a!ple) ) . If the &tton hasn7t $ot a na!e) its $raphic
representation is onl( $i.en. /or e#a!ple) ) .
The followin$ word'co!&inations? Fclic- the &ttonG) Fclic- &( !ose on the &ttonG)
Fselect the &ttonG !eans one and the sa!e action. It !eans) that it is necessar( to $ide the
!ose7s pointer to the &tton7s $raphic representation and press the !ose7s left &tton on it. As a
reslt) the &tton ta-es the depressed for!. Low the !ose7s left &tton is to &e released. The
&tton is lifted and the action for this &tton ta-es place.
That descri&ed a&o.e also relates to the control t(pes as? chec-'&tton) option'&tton.
1t5er controls
+ther controls are denoted &( their na!es) t(pe) in &old and in %otation !ar-s. /or
e#a!ple) Ta& EResearc56) Grop&o# E/$ra,6) ,en E7ind86) etc.
DIRA Software application. General description
'. DIRA Software applications
DIRA software contains the followin$ applications?
M *o!ponent Description 1sers See
4 /lro.e#e General S@ application of DIRA
Software co!ple#.
It is intended for i!a$e ac%isition
fro! DIRA detectors &ein$ nder
control of #'ra( e%ip!ent) as well
as for anal(sis and trans!ittance of
i!a$es within DI*+, networ-..
There is interface ad0st!ent !ode)
A8R 5Anato!icall( 8ro$ra!!ed
Radiolo$(6 and i!a$e processin$.
+perator N2O
8h(sician N3O
Ad!inistrator N40O
2 <d&View.e#e 8h(sician7s .iewer intended for
co!pilin$ !edical report incldin$
i!a$e anal(sis.
8h(sician N5O
3 <l8rint.dll ,odle for i!a$e printin$ +perator)
3 <lReport.dll ,odle for !edical report
8h(sician N:O
5 DXRSAd!in.e#e S@ Application for DIRA software
!ain para!eters ad0st!ent
Ad!inistrator N44O
: < S@ Application to ser.e series of
i!a$es &ein$ sent to 8A*S
Ad!inistrator N8O
2 <l8rintSetp.e#e S@ Application for printer
connection and ad0st!ent
8 8rinterSettin$s.e#e S@ Application for para!eter
ad0st!ent of printers with non
standard !edi! si>e
Ad!inistrator N8O
; *on.8rIcon.e#e S@ Application to create
!anfactre la&el for print !edi!
Ad!inistrator N8O
40 ,DView.e#e 8atient *Ds .iewer +perator)
44 <l,iniViewer.e#e ,ltiprpose DI*+, ,iniViewer. 8h(sician N2O
42 +pTools.e#e *DDDVD &rn tilit( Ad!inistrator N43O
43 Verif(.e#e DI*+, connection .erification
43 <lTner.e#e S@ Application to cali&rate
Ad!inistrator N42O
45 /loX82.e#e S@ Application to anal(>e detector
and post'processin$ filters.
Ad!inistrator N42O
DIRA Software application. General description
4: Tls<ditor.e#e S@ Application to create and edit
detector settin$s file
Ad!inistrator N42O
42 +r$anView.e#e S@ Application to create or$an
dia$ra! for <#posre attri&te
Ad!inistrator N43O
48 T/TTest.e#e S@ Application to test T/T
Ad!inistrator N43O
4; Test8ort.e#e S@ Application to test #'ra(
e%ip!ent connected .ia RS232
Ad!inistrator N43O
20 Test<#a!s.e#e S@ Application to test and
local data&ases
Ad!inistrator N43O

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