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SAMPLE PAPER-4 (unsolved)
Class XI
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 90
General Instructions:
a) All ues!io"s i" #o!h !he se$!io"s are $om%ulsory&
#) Marks 'or ues!io"s are i"di$a!ed a(ai"s! ea$h&
$) )ues!io" No *+3 a"d *3+*, are -ery shor!+a"swer ues!io"s $arryi"( * mark ea$h& They are
reuired !o #e a"swered i" o"e se"!e"$e ea$h&
d) )ues!io" No ,+. a"d */+*. are shor!+a"swer ues!io"s $arryi"( 3 marks ea$h& A"swer !o
!hem should "o! "ormally ex$eed 00 words ea$h&
e) )ues!io"s No 9 a"d *9+10 are also shor!+a"swer ues!io"s $arryi"( , marks ea$h& A"swer !o
!hem should "o! "ormally ex$eed 20 words ea$h&
') )ues!io"s No *0+*1 a"d 1*+13 are lo"(+a"swer ues!io"s $arryi"( 0 marks ea$h& A"swer !o
!hem should "o! "ormally ex$eed *00 words ea$h&
() )ues!io" No 1, is OT3A $arryi"( *0 marks ( / marks ea$h)&
h) A"swer should #e #rie' a"d !o !he %oi"! a"d !he a#o-e word limi! #e adhered !o as 'ar as

Section A
*: 4hi$h o' !he 'ollowi"( is $orre$! i' 0
r = !he -aria#le 5 a"d 6 are7
a) I"de%e"de"! #) 8i"early rela!ed $) No! li"early rela!ed d) No"e o' !hese&
1: 4hi$h o' !he 'ollowi"( is $orre$! 'or a #ar dia(ram7
a) I! is o"e dime"sio"al dia(ram& #) I! is !wo dime"sio"al dia(ram& $) I! is a dia(ram wi!h "o
dime"sio"& d) No"e o' !hese&
3: The i!ems ha-i"( !he hi(hes! wei(h! i" $o"sumers %ri$e i"dex 'or i"dus!rial workers is:
a) Clo!hi"(& #)9ood& $) :ousi"(& d) No"e o' !hese&
,: ;ro#lem o' $hoi$e is u"a-oida#le i" !he ordi"ary #usi"ess o' li'e& :ow7
/: The 'ollowi"( are !he sales 'i(ures o' T&<s o' a 'irm =A> duri"( 1002+10**&
6ear 1002 100. 1009 10*0 10** 10*1
Sales i" *000 u"i!s 1*// 110* 11/0 1*90 109/ 1*20
;lo! !he a#o-e da!a o" Time+series (ra%h&

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Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s
0: 9i"d ou! mode o' !he 'ollowi"( da!a:
4a(es (I" ?s) 100 300 ,00 /00 000 200 .00 900
No o' workers / *. 3. 20 90 9/ 9. *00

2: Cal$ula!e !he $oe''i$ie"! o' $orrela!io" #e!wee" 5 a"d 6 a"d $omme"! o" !heir rela!io"shi%&
5 +3 +1 +* * 1 3
6 9 , * * , 9

.: A(e dis!ri#u!io" o' *00 li'e i"sura"$e %oli$y holders is as 'ollow:
A(e as o" "eares! #ir!hday *2+*9 10+1/ 10+3/ 30+,0 ,*+/0 /*+// /0+00 0*+20
Num#er 9 *0 *1 10 *, *1 0 /
Cal$ula!e mea" de-ia!io" 'rom !he media" a(e&
9: @raw a =less !ha" o(i-e> 'rom !he 'ollowi"( da!a a"d he"$e 'i"d ou! !he -alue o' media":
Class 10+1/ 1/+30 30+3/ 3/+,0 ,0+,/ ,/+/0 /0+// //+00
9reue"$y 0 9 *3 13 *9 */ 9 0

*0: a) 4ha! are !he meri!s a"d limi!a!io"s o' dia(ramma!i$ re%rese"!a!io" o' s!a!is!i$al da!a7
#) ?e%air a #la"k !a#le !o show !he dis!ri#u!io" o' %o%ula!io" a$$ordi"( !o sex a"d $ore
reli(io"s i" !hree a(e (rou%s i" @elhi a"d Mum#ai&

**: Cal$ula!e ra"k $oe''i$ie"! o' $orrela!io"s #e!wee" years o' ser-i$e a"d e''i$ie"$y ra!i"(:
;erso"s A 3 C @ E 9 A : I B
6ears o' ser-i$e 1, 30 *1 1/ 19 *9 *0 *0 ** 2
E''i$ie"$y ra!i"( 00 /* ., 00 ,/ .* 21 92 91 20

*1: a) The $o"sumer %ri$e i"dex 'or Bu"e 100/ was *1/& The 'ood i"dex was *10 a"d !ha! o' o!her
i!ems *3/& 4ha! is !he %er$e"!a(e o' !o!al wei(h! (i-e" !o 'ood7
#) 4ha! are !he im%or!a"$es o' $o"sumer %ri$e i"dex7

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Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s
SECI"# $

*3: 4ha! is disi"-es!me"!7
*,: 4ha! do you mea" #y (row!h7
*/: S!a!e !hree reaso"s 'or de-elo%me"! o' railways i" I"dia&
*0: 56C is a mul!i"a!io"al $om%a"y ma"u'a$!uri"( !oys i" I"dia &!hey ha-e $urre"!ly 1D000 la#ours
worki"( i" !he $om%a"y& :owe-er !hey ha-e %la""ed !o #ri"( hi(h s%eed ma$hi"e whi$h will
elimi"a!e *D/00 la#ours re"deri"( !hem Eo#less& 4hi$h -alue is $om%romised i" !his $ase7 @o
!hey ha-e a"y #e!!er al!er"a!i-e7
*2: 3rie'ly dis$uss !he !wo ki"ds o' measuresD i" whi$h "ew e$o"omi$ %oli$y $a" #e $lassi'ied&
*.: 4ha! do you mea" #y i"'a"! mor!ali!y ra!e a"d ma!er"al mor!ali!y ra!e7 4ha! were !hese ra!es
i" I"diaD Chi"a a"d ;akis!a" i" 10037
*9: @is!i"(uish #e!wee" !ari'' a"d "o" !ari'' #arriers& 4hy should !hese #e remo-ed !o %romo!e
10: Ex%lai" !he mo!i-es #ehi"d sys!ema!i$ de+i"dus!rialiFa!io" i" I"dia duri"( !he $olo"ial %eriod&
1*: 4ri!e a #rie' his!ory o' 'i-e year %la"s i" I"dia&
11: G9ea!ures o' I"dia" a(ri$ul!ure i!sel' ex%lai" !he s!ory o' i!s #a$kward"essH& ;u! ou! your -iews
i" re'ere"$e !o !his s!a!eme"!&
13: a) Ai-e a" ou!li"e o' !he s!ra!e(y o' de-elo%me"! ado%!ed #y I"dia a"d ;akis!a" a'!er
#) 4ha! are =li#er!y i"di$a!ors> o' de-elo%me"!7
1,: OT3A )ues!io"s (*0 Marks)

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