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Identify and implement integrated strategies of communication that maximize the range of Avaaz campaigns, as well as
disseminate information in a democratic way, revolutionizing the way of difficult and important world topics have being
Qualifications and Skills
Strategy communication and information
Editing and writing journalistic texts;
Development of digital content for social media;
Writing production in general;
Research in scientific databases and reference
Complementary Knowledge
Fluent English;
SEO knowledge;
Online courses of investigative journalism and
mobile journalism at Knight Center for Journalism
in the Americas.

Experience and Employment History
Oct- 2014 | Communi cati on consul tant and Journal i st
Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health, Ministry of Health | Brasilia-DF/Brazil
Communication consultancy and public relations; Improvement of the existing communication strategies and creation of new
communication channels; Text production of journalistic texts for disseminate actions and strategies of Special Secretariat for
Indigenous Health (SESAI/MS) regarding the defense of the right to health of indigenous in Brazil.
Sept- 2014 | Communi cati on consul tant and Journal i st
Brazilian Center for Health Studies | Brasilia-DF/Brazil
Communication consultancy and public relations; Text production of journalistic texts for disseminate actions and strategies
of Brazilian Center for Health Studies (CEBES) regarding the defense of the Brazilians right to health; Dissemination,
updating and analysis of social media; Interviews on audio and video; Photography; Internet browsing of relevant reports.
Jun- 2009 Aug- 2014 | Journal i st and Wri t i ng Bureau
Primary Health Care Department, Ministry of Health | Braslia-DF/Brazil
Writing of journalistic texts for disseminate actions, programs and strategies of Primary Health Care Department
(DAB/SAS/MS); Text production of texts and writing Bureau of Brazilian Journal of Family Health Care (editions 21-37);
Restructure of DABs Portal; Design and implementation of strategies for Educommunication in different media.
Oct- 2005 - May- 2009 | I nf ormati on Anal yst and Researcher
The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology | Braslia-DF/Brazil
Research, data analysis and text production in the project Map of Digital Inclusion in Brazil, from the Brazilian Institute of
Information in Science and Technology (IBICT/MCT).
2012 | Master s i n I nf ormati on Sci ence at Uni versi ty of Brasi l i a
Research on communication of health information and information literacy in project of the Faculty of Information
Science (FCI), from University of Brasilia, in a partnership with the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).
2005 | Bachel or s i n Li brari anshi p at Uni versi ty of Brasi l i a
Dborah Proena
+55 61 81518508

Rua 20 Sul Bloco C apto 502. guas Claras/DF. Brazil.

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