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1.Research utilization is a process that begins with:

A) A clinical problem that needs to be solved
B) A problem-focused trigger
C) A knowledge-focused trigger or research finding
D) A well-worded clinical question
2.If a specific nursing procedure in a hospital were odified on the basis of research
findings! this would be an e"aple of:
A) Conceptual or indirect utilization
B) Persuasive utilization
C) #irect or instruental utilization
D) None of the above
$.%hich of the following is an e"aple of a s&steatic re'iew(
A) An evidence report from A!"
B) A meta-anal#sis in the Cochrane Collaboration
C) A metas#nthesis in a $ournal
#) All of the abo'e
).*ost e'idence hierarchies put which of the following at the pinnacle(
A) !andomized clinical trials
+) *eta-anal&ses of ultiple clinical trials
C) %etas#ntheses
D) "ualit# improvement pro$ects
,.%hich of the following is not a a-or barrier to research utilization in nursing(
A) .he absence of clinicall& rele'ant nursing studies
B) &he inadequate preparation of man# nurses for criticall# evaluating nursing studies
C) &he failure of hospitals and other organizations to reward nurses for 'BP efforts or
to give them adequate release time
D) &he scarcit# of published replication of nursing studies that show promise for 'BP
/.%hich of the following odels was e"plicitl& de'eloped with the idea that indi'idual
nurses could engage in R0-t&pe acti'ities(
A) (owa %odel
B) )ttawa %odel
C) Cochrane %odel
#) 1tetler *odel
Page *
2.In the following clinical 3uestion! what is the outcoe( 4%hat is the effect of
rela"ation therap& 'ersus biofeedback on the functional abilit& of patients with
rheuatoid arthritis(5
A) 6unctional abilit&
B) !heumatoid arthritis
C) Biofeedbac+
D) !ela,ation therap#
7.In the following clinical 3uestion! what is the e"posure( 4#oes taking
antidepressants affect the risk of suicide for cogniti'el& ipaired adolescents(5
A) Adolescence
B) -uicide
C) Antidepressant use
D) Cognitive impairment
8.%hat are the two coponents of clinical foreground 3uestions about eaning and
A) Population and intervention
B) Comparison and situation
C) Process and outcome
#) 9opulation and situation
1:.%hich of the following is a 3uestion that would be asked as part of the process of
appraising research e'idence(
A) .here can ( find the evidence/
+) ;ow rigorous and reliable is the e'idence(
C) .hat t#pe of trigger should ( use/
D) (s a relevant s#stematic review available/
11.%hich of the following can be used to criticall& appraise clinical practice guidelines(
A) An A!" evidence report
B) &he (owa model
C) .he A<R== instruent
D) A criticall# appraised topic 0CA&)
12.Assessing the ipleentation potential of a nursing inno'ation includes which of
the following acti'ities(
A) Determining the clinical relevance of the innovation
+) Assessing its costs and benefits
C) 'valuating the scientific merits of relevant studies
D) All of the above
1$.Research utilization is essentiall& s&non&ous with e'idence-based practice.
A) &rue
+) 6alse
1)..he e'idence-based practice o'eent originated in the 0nited 1tates.
A) &rue
+) 6alse
1,.A well-known earl& nursing research utilization pro-ect is the C0R> pro-ect.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
1/.A t&pical e'idence hierarch& ranks the strength of e'idence for all t&pes of clinical
3uestions! including 3uestions about inter'entions! diagnosis! prognosis! and
A) &rue
+) 6alse
12.A etas&nthesis integrates knowledge fro ultiple 3ualitati'e studies.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
17.In a eta-anal&sis! the unit of anal&sis is an indi'idual stud& rather than an
indi'idual stud& participant.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
18..he #iffusion of Inno'ations .heor& was de'eloped b& 1tetler.
A) &rue
+) 6alse
2:.9IC?. is the acron& for coponents of clinical foreground 3uestions.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
21.1&steatic re'iews are a ke& resource for answering clinical background 3uestions.
A) &rue
+) 6alse
22.A ke& step in an indi'idual =+9 effort is to integrate appraised research e'idence
with local conte"tual inforation.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
2$.9roble-focused triggers in the Iowa *odel are ore akin to an =+9 path than a
research utilization path.
A) .rue
B) 1alse
2).An iportant aspect of assessing the ipleentation potential of an inno'ation is
e'aluating the transferabilit& of the findings to a new setting.
A) .rue
B) 1alse

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