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... through Bertha Dudde

End of the world conflagration....
Establishing diine order....
!t is i"#ossible to restore worldl$ order again as long as #eo#le are
full of hatred and en$% for these are God&o##osing 'ualities which
will hae to destro$ all order% since an$thing that is o##osed to God
is also in o##osition to diine order. (nd this is a state of e)tre"e
heartlessness which will neer "anifest itself constructiel$ but will
alwa$s hae a destructie effect.
*nderstandabl$% a destructie state li+e that cannot go on
indefinitel$% and therefore God ,i"self will call a halt to it in a wa$
which% ad"ittedl$% will also result in enor"ous disorder% but in
which God-s wisdo" is neertheless recognised as the onl$ "eans
to restore order again.
,u"anit$ itself will "a+e no atte"#t to end a battle which causes
suffering and boundless "iser$ across the whole world.
.onse'uentl$% it "ust be ended in a different wa$/ neertheless% it
will not reduce the suffering on earth because it is needed b$ the
hu"an race.
0eo#le "ust return to the old order% the$ "ust learn again to forego
their neighbour-s #ossessions% which the$ as#ire to own and for
which the$ fight with the "ost a##alling wea#ons. 1heir addiction
to earthl$ co""odities will cause the world conflagration% which will
be difficult to e)tinguish.... 2et #eo#le will not achiee an$ earthl$
gain% on the contrar$% the$ will incur i""ense losses% the e)tent of
which hu"anit$ has no +nowledge of. For eer$ ictor$ will hae
been bought at the e)#ense of indescribable losses% both in regards
to "aterial assets as well as to hu"an life.
,oweer% hu"anit$ has beco"e insensitie to such losses% it
ignores what hu"an will has caused% and thus, divine will itself
shall intervene in order to forcibly initiate a change of world
events.... because #eo#le-s thin+ing can onl$ be turned around
when the$ feel that the$ are hel#less% that a stronger 0ower than
the"seles ta+es the control out of their hands and utterl$ shatters
their will.
1he s#iritual dar+ness the$ are in is the cause of their heartless
actions% whereas their heartlessness is the cause of dar+ness
again.... 1he$ "ust realise in a flash that their thin+ing is wrong%
that the$ are chasing after the wrong goals and that the$ will co"e
to a deadloc+ if the$ don-t return to diine order and radicall$
change their wa$ of life.
1he diine interention is intended to cause this flash of realisation%
een though the$ are still far re"oed fro" belieing in a higher
0ower% Which controls their destin$....
3eertheless% the$ can onl$ attain faith through deliberation% and
their thin+ing shall be sti"ulated when the$ see that eer$thing
turns out differentl$ than it was hu"anl$ #ossible to foresee.
1he s#iritual as well as earthl$ chaos con4ured u# b$ hu"an
deter"ination would% without God-s interention% increase and lead
to final destruction% because hu"anit$ no longer res#ects diine
order% a#art fro" a few who are deoted to God and strie to fulfil
,is will.
But the$ do not arrest the #rocess of deelo#"ent% the$ are "erel$
the cause for intensified "easures against diine order/ and the
ti"e has co"e when hu"anit$ sub4ects itself to God-s adersar$
and their thoughts and actions beco"e increasingl$ uncaring.
God-s interention will entail ine)#ressible suffering and destitution
but it is the onl$ o#tion to lead #eo#le bac+ to diine order and to
change their s#iritual state% although this will onl$ be the case with
a s"all a"ount of #eo#le. (nd therefore the ti"e of the final
annihilation of those who are inconertible is co"ing eer closer% as
is #roclai"ed in Word and 5cri#ture....
6 0ublished b$ friends of new reelations of God 6
!nfor"ation% download of all translated reelations% the"e&boo+lets

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