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Marwan, 2014, Industry Employment Practices Program Evaluation SMK 1 Transverse

Valley West Pasaman. Thesis. Graduate Program, Faculty of Engineering, State University of
This study examines the industry work practice program Light Vehicle Engineering
department at SMK 1 Valley Crossing. In the implementation of the program of work prkatik
industry, students have not been guided properly, the teachers involved in the implementation
of industrial work practices are not in accordance with the competencies of students, Prakerin
management activities that are less well managed. Program evaluation is needed to determine
the success of a program so that a decision can be made to the program being evaluated. This
study aims to reveal Prakerin program elements using a model-UCLA CSE Program
Evaluation (Center for the Study of Evaluation - University of California Los Angeles).
The methodology used is a combination method (Mixed Methods) with sequential
explanatory design. The experiment was conducted in the department of engineering light
vehicle SMK 1 Transverse Valley West Pasaman. Respondents for the study of quantitative
data is a class XI student majoring TKR year in 2012, which has been carrying out industrial
work practices, while respondents to the qualitative data is Prakerin Committee SMK 1
Valley Crossing, Vice Principal of Infrastructure, Light Vehicle Engineering Department
Chairman, Committee Prakerin , Teacher Productive Light Vehicle Engineering, Master
Monitoring, and Party World Business / Industrial World. The technique of collecting data
through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Quantitative data analysis techniques
using percentage analysis, qualitative data was dinalisis with several steps, namely, data
collection, data reduction, verification of data, display of data, further conclusions. Merging
quantitative and qualitative data serve to reinforce, prove, extend, and deepen the quantitative
data were conducted in the first phase.
This study found that the level of achievement of the program's phases: Needs Assessment
Prakerin obtained an average score of 4.03 (81%) with good judgment. Stages of Planning
Program obtained an average score of 3.38 (68%) with adequate assessment. Formative
Evaluation phases obtained an average score of 3.73 (75%) with adequate assessment.
Evaluation summative phases obtained an average score of 3.67 (73%) with adequate
assessment. It can be concluded that the industry work practice program at SMK 1 Valley
Crossing is still in the category of pretty, needs to be improved, especially in planning the
program components.

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