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AN02e Unit02: A New Nation Ch.

FS: A Match Made in Hell.
Do Now: The Electoral College (see link at end of these notes) and follow instructions on Schoology.
I. Election of 1796
A. First election with political parties.
B. John Adams- Federalist
C. Thomas Jefferson- Democratic Republican
II. Concerns with the Election
A. Electoral College: 71 votes for J Adams, 68 for T. Jefferson
B. Most votes gets you the Presidency. 2nd most votes gets you the Vice-Presidency
C. Sectionalism raises its head. (North for Adams, South for Jefferson)
III. The End of Beautiful Friendship: The French
A. Claim that John Jays 1794 treaty with the British was a betrayal of French-American
Alliance of 1778
B. French Seize American Ships & refuse to accept American Ambassador
C. XYZ Affair: Three low level French officials will speak with American ministers but only
allow a meeting with French Foreign minister if a fee of $250,000 is paid.
D. Major Anti-French sentiment in the US. 1798- Dept. of the Navy created. Orders to seize
French vessels. An army is raised and Washington is called out of retirement (Becomes
Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General)
IV. 1798: Alien and Sedition Acts
A. Pres. John Adams Administration is criticized by all concerned. British Immigrants, Irish
Immigrants, French Immigrants, Democratic-Republicans, etc
B. The Acts were to diminish the threat to the government from domestic saboteurs.
Alien Acts=> Raised residence requirements for citizenship. Gave President authority to
deport/ jail undesirable aliens.
Sedition Act: Fines/ Jail for anyone hindering government actions by spreading malicious
C. How can a president use these powers?
V. Nullification and the possible dissolution of Constitutional Bonds
A. Null and Void
B. President Washington Dies: The French honor the fallen leader and improve relations
with the US.
C. Election of 1800 and the Nullification issue. Americans vote with their emotions.
Materials/ Resources: Electoral College data <

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