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Tell Me About Your Self

My name Ramadhatil Mauraty . I graduated from Polytechnic Health
Nursing Department Banjarmasin 2016 with a value cumlaude. I have
followed the competency test and Letters Signs Nurse Registration I am a
nurse with experience in ICCU for 6 months and ACLS training for 6
months. I am always eager to study and deepen my knowledge and ability .
My goal is to become a professional and competent nurses in Critical Care
and achieve my Masters degree as a nurse specialist. I have the ability in
the field of Critical Care Nursing, I have BTCLS and ACLS Certification,

Saya adalah perawat yang berpengalaman di ICCU selama 3 bulan dan
HCU selama 2 bulan. Saya selalu bersemangat dalam belajar dan
memperdalam ilmu serta kemampuan saya. Tujuan saya adalah ingin
menjadi perawat yang professional dan kompeten di Critical Care serta
mencapai gelar Magister saya sebagai perawat spesialis.
2. What experience do you have in this field?
Saya mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di ICCU Rumah Sakit Swasta di
I have experience working in ICCU Hospital in Banjarbaru .
3. What do you know about this organization?
Saya mengetahui bahwa rumah sakit ini adalah rumah sakit terbaik
I know that this hospital is the best hospital
4. Why do you want to work for this organization?
Karena saya ingin mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan saya, meningkatkan
skill saya, menjadi perawat yang kompeten di bidang Critical Care, dan
saya rasa rumah sakit ini tepat untuk saya.
Because I want to apply my knowledge , improve my skills , being a nurse
is competent in the field of Critical Care , and I think the hospital is right
for me .
5. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?
Saya mempunyai intelektual yang tinggi, focus terhadap pekerjaan, cepat
tanggap, dan cepat dalam mengambil keputusan
I have a high intellectual , focus on work , quick response , and quick in
taking decisions
6. Why should we hire you?
Karena saya mempunyai kualitas serta kompeten.
Since I had quality and competent
7. Why do you want this position?
Karena saya punya kemampuan di Intensive Care, saya sudah melakukan
pelatihan Critical Care dan ACLS dan telah mendapatkan sertifikatnya.
Because I have the ability in Intensive Care , I 've done and Critical Care
ACLS training and have earned the certificate .
8. Are you applying for other jobs?
No, Im Not
9. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
Motivasi saya adalah orang tua dan keluarga besar saya, dan saya ingin
menyelesaikan pendidikan sampai mendapatkan gelar spesialis tepat pada
My motivation is the parents and my extended family , and I wanted to
complete his education to earn a specialist degree in a timely manner .
10. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
Sangat sesuai, karena saya sudah mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di
Rumah Sakit selama 6 bulan diruang Critical Care dan mengikuti pelatihan
BTCLS serta ACLS dan juga mengikuti berbagai seminar.
Very appropriate , since I already have experience of working in the
hospital for 6 months diruang Critical Care and BTCLS and ACLS
training and also participated in various seminars .
11. What kind of salary do you need?
I think thats a tough question. I want my salary in accordance with the
provisions of this Hospital
12. Are you a team player?
Yes, I am
13. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
There is no persons character that I dont want to work with. I can work
with everyone
14. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor!
Saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan supervisor
I do not have a problem with the supervisor
15. What is your greatest strength?
my ability to prioritize , my problem-solving skills , my ability to work
under pressure , my ability to focus on work , my professional skills , a
desire to keep learning and better yet , my positive attitude
16. What is your greatest weakness?
I tend to expect others to work as hard as I do , tend not to delegate tasks
to others because they feel able to do things better themselves . , But I
keep trying to overcome this weakness
17. Tell me about your dream job?
A job done with a sincere , heartfelt love of work, and have a great team ,
18. What has disappointed you about a job?
Pekerjaan yang tidak ada tantangan dan perubahan
The work is no challenge , and change
19. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
Seorang pemimpin yang bisa memimpin bawahannya, tegas dalam
pengambilan keputusan, dan bisa bertukar pendapat
A leader who can lead subordinates , firm in decision making , and can
exchange opinions
20. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure!.
Jika saya berada di bawah tekanan, saya berusaha untuk menjadikan
tekanan itu sebagai motivasi saya untuk tetap bekerja menjadi perawat
yang professional
If I am under pressure , I tried to make it as a motivational pressure me to
keep working into the professional nurse
21. Why do you think you would do well at this job?.
Karena saya sudah mempunyai kompetensi, dan sudah mengikuti pelatihan
di Critical Care dan ACLS, serta mempunyai berbagai sertifikat.
Since I already have the competence , and have training in Critical Care
and ACLS , and has various certificates .
22. What is more important to you: the money or the work?.
Uang itu penting, namun ada skill yang kita dapatkan dari pekerjaan jauh
lebih penting.
Money is important , but there are skills that we get from the work is much
more important .
23. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
Ya, Karena itu sudah menjadi bagian dari pekerjaan perawat, saya
meyakini bahwa perawat harus bekerja kapan saja diperlukan,
Yes , because it has become part of the work of nurses , I believe that
nurses have to work whenever needed ,
24. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
Jika memang itu adalah suatu keharusan saya bersedia, dan saya akan
berusaha untuk mencari pengalaman yang lebih banyak lagi. Namun saya
ingin tetap bekerja disini, karena saya ingin mengabdikan diri di daerah
saya sendiri.
If indeed it is a must I am willing , and I will try to seek more experience .
But I want to keep working here , because I want to devote myself in my
own area .
25. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
Saya harus memperbaiki dan belajar dari kesalahan saya.
I have to improve and learn from my mistakes .
26. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?.
Tidak, saya merasa saya harus lebih banyak belajar lagi dan menjadi lebih
baik lagi.
No, I feel I have much to learn and become better.
27. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
Pertama, saya akan belajar dengan mengikuti pelatihan tambahan.
Selanjutnya saya akan mencoba mencari berbagai pengalaman dari
berbagai tindakan di ICCU.
First , I will study with additional training . Next I will try to find a variety
of experiences of various actions in ICCU .
28. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
Saya ingin menjadi seorang perawat pelaksana, karena itu akan menambah
keterampilan saya juga langsung kontak dengan pasien.
I want to become a nurse , because it will add to the skills I also direct
contact with patients .
29. What is the toughest problem youve had to face, and how did you
overcome it?
Akibat saya kurang mau mendelegasikan pekerjaan saya, saya menjadi
kewalahan dalam mengatur waktu. Namun saya berusaha bekerja sama
dengan baik, karena saya adalah sebuah tim serta saya belajar
memanajemen waktu dengan baik
Due to my less willing to delegate my work , I became overwhelmed in the
set time . But I try to work just as well , because I was a team and learn to
manage my time well
30. Do you have any questions for me
Is there anything Ive mentioned that makes you think Im not the best
candidate for this job?

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