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1- What are the differences between bulk deformation processes and sheet metal processes? Answer. In bulk
deformation, the shape changes are significant, and the work parts have a low area-to-volume ratio. In sheet
metal processes, the area-to-volume ratio is high.
2- Etrusion is a fundamental shaping process. !escribe it.
Answer. Etrusion is a compression process in which the work material is forced to flow through a die
orifice, thereb" forcing its cross section to assume the profile of the orifice.
#- Wh" is the term press working often used for sheet metal processes?
Answer. $he term press working is used because most sheet metal operations are performed on presses.
%- What is the difference between deep drawing and bar drawing?
Answer. !eep drawing is a sheet metal forming process used to fabricate cup-shaped parts& bar drawing
is a bulk deformation process used to reduce the diameter of a c"lindrical work part.
'- Indicate the mathematical e(uation for the flow curve.
Answer. $he flow curve is defined in E(. )1*.1+ as Y
, K-
.- /ist some of the products produced on a rolling mill. Answer. 0olled products include flat sheet and plate
stock, round bar and rod stock, rails, structural shapes such as I-beams and channels.
1- What is draft in a rolling operation?
Answer. !raft is the difference between the starting thickness and the final thickness as the workpiece
passes between the two opposing rolls.
*- What is sticking in a hot rolling operation?
Answer. 2ticking is a condition in hot rolling in which the surface of the workpiece adheres to the rolls
as the piece passes between the rolls, causing severe deformation of the metal below the surface in order
to allow passage through the roll gap.
3- Identif" some of the wa"s in which force in flat rolling can be reduced.
Answer. Wa"s to reduce force in flat rolling include )1+ use hot rolling, )2+ reduce draft in each pass, and
)#+ use smaller diameter rolls.
13.13 !istinguish between direct and indirect etrusion. Answer. In direct etrusion, also known as
forward etrusion, a metal billet is loaded into a container, and a ram compresses the material, forcing it
to flow through a die opening at the opposite end of the container. In indirect etrusion, also known as
backward etrusion, the die is incorporated into the ram, and as the ram compresses into the metal billet,
the metal is forced to flow through the die opening in a direction that is opposite )backwards+ of the ram
14- 5ame some products that are produced b" etrusion.
Answer. 6roducts produced b" continuous etrusion include structural shapes )window frames, shower
stalls, channels+, tubes and pipes, and rods of various cross sections. 6roducts made b" discrete etrusion
include toothpaste tubes, aluminium beverage cans, and batter" cases.
11- In blanking of a circular sheet metal part, is the clearance applied to the punch diameter or the die diameter?
Answer. $he die diameter e(uals the blank diameter, and the punch diameter is smaller b" twice the
Multiple C!i"e QUESTIONS
1- Which of the following is t"pical of the starting work geometr" in sheet metal processes7 )a+ high
volume-to-area ratio or )b+ low volume-to-area ratio?
Answer. )b+.
2- $he flow curve epresses the behaviour of a metal in which of the following regions of the stress-strain curve7
)a+ elastic region or )b+ plastic region?
Answer. )b+.
#- $he average flow stress is the flow stress multiplied b" which of the following factors7 )a+ n, )b+ )18n+, )c+
19n, or )d+ 19)18n+, where n is the strain hardening eponent?
Answer. )d+.
%- :ot working of metals refers to which one of the following temperature regions relative to the melting point
of the given metal on an absolute temperature scale7 )a+ room temperature, )b+ 4.2T
, )c+ 4.%T
, or )d+
Answer. )d+.
'- $he starting workpiece in steel hot rolling of plate and sheet stock is which of the following )one best
answer+7 )a+ bar stock, )b+ billet, )c+ bloom, )d+ slab, or )e+ wire stock?
Answer. )d+.
.- $he maimum possible draft in a rolling operation depends on which of the following parameters )two correct
answers+7 )a+ coefficient of friction between roll and work, )b+ roll diameter, )c+ roll velocit", )d+ stock
thickness, )e+ strain, and )f+ strength coefficient of the work metal?
Answer. )a+ and )b+.
1- Which of the following are alternative names for indirect etrusion )two correct answers+7 )a+ backward
etrusion, )b+ direct etrusion, )c+ forward etrusion, )d+ impact etrusion, and )e+ reverse etrusion?
Answer. )a+ and )e+.
*- $he production of tubing is possible in indirect etrusion but not in direct etrusion7 )a+ true or )b+ false?
Answer. )b+. $ube and pipe cross sections can be produced b" either direct or indirect etrusion.
3- Which of the following stress or strength parameters is used in the computation of the force in an etrusion
operation )one best answer+7 )a+ average flow stress, )b+ compression strength, )c+ final flow stress, )d+
tensile strength, )e+ "ield strength?
Answer. )a+.
14- In which of the following etrusion operation is friction a factor in determining the etrusion force )one best
answer+7 )a+ direct etrusion or )b+ indirect etrusion?
Answer. )a+.
11- ; circular sheet metal slug produced in a hole punching operation will have the same diameter as which of
the following7 )a+ the die opening or )b+ the punch?
Answer. )a+.
12- $he cutting force in a sheet metal blanking operation depends on which mechanical propert" of the metal
)one correct answer+7 )a+ compressive strength, )b+ modulus of elasticit", )c+ shear strength, )d+ strain rate, )e+
tensile strength, or )f+ "ield strength?
Answer. )c+.
1#- $he holding force in drawing is most likel" to be )a+ greater than, )b+ e(ual to, or )c+ less than the maimum
drawing force?
Answer. )c+.
1- $he strength coefficient , ''4 <6a and strain-hardening eponent , 4.22 for a certain metal. !uring a
forming operation, the final true strain that the metal eperiences , 4.*'. !etermine the flow stress at this strain
and the average flow stress that the metal eperienced during the operation.
S!luti!n7 =low stress Y
, ''4)4.*'+
, %&' M#()
;verage flow stress fY, ''4)4.*'+
91.22 , *&% M#()
2- ; metal has a flow curve with parameters7 strength coefficient , *'4 <6a and strain-hardening eponent ,
4.#4. ; tensile specimen of the metal with gage length , 144 mm is stretched to a length , 1'1 mm. !etermine
the flow stress at the new length and the average flow stress that the metal has been sub>ected to during the
S!luti!n7 - , ln )1'19144+ , ln 1.'1 , 4.%'1
=low stress Y
, *'4)4.%'1+
, ++,)* M#()
;verage flow stress fY, *'4)4.%'1+
91.#4 , %'*), M#()
&- =or a certain metal, the strength coefficient , 144 <6a and strain-hardening eponent , 4.21.
!etermine the average flow stress that the metal eperiences if it is sub>ected to a stress that is e(ual to its
strength coefficient K.
S!luti!n7 Y
, K , 144 , K-
, 144-
- must be e(ual to 1.4.
fY, 144)1.4+
91.21 , 14491.21 , %%')2 M#(
%- !etermine the value of the strain-hardening eponent for a metal that will cause the average flow stress to be
#9% of the final flow stress after deformation.
S!luti!n7 fY, 4.1' Y
9)18n+ , 4.1' K-
19)18n+ , 4.1'
1 , 4.1')18n+ , 4.1' 8 4.1'n
4.2' , 4.1'n n . /)&&&
'- ; 2.4 in thick slab is 14.4 in wide and 12.4 ft long. $hickness is to be reduced in three steps in a hot rolling
operation. Each step will reduce the slab to 1'? of its previous thickness. It is epected that for this metal and
reduction, the slab will widen b" #? in each step. If the entr" speed of the slab in the first step is %4 ft9min, and
roll speed is the same for the three steps, determine7 )a+ length and )b+ eit velocit" of the slab after the final
S!luti!n0 )a+ ;fter three passes, t
, )4.1'+)4.1'+)4.1'+)2.4+ , 4.*%% in
, )1.4#+)1.4#+)1.4#+)14.4+ , 14.321 in
, t
)2.4+)14.4+)12 12+ , )4.*%%+)14.321+L
, )2.4+)14.4+)12 12+9)4.*%%+)14.321+ , #12.# in , 2+)/2% 1t
)b+ @iven that roll speed is the same at all three stands and that t
, t
.- !etermine the blanking force re(uired in 6roblem 24.2, if the steel has shear strength , #2' <6a and the
tensile strength is %'4 <6a.
S!luti!n7 F , StL
t , 2.4 mm from 6roblem 24.2.
L , AD , 1'A , 2#'..' mm
F , #2')2.4+)2#'..'+ , '%&22// N
1- !etermine the tonnage re(uirement for the blanking operation in 6roblem 24.%, given that the stainless steel
has a shear strength , .44 <6a.
S!luti!n7 F , StL
t , % mm from 6roblem 24.%.
L , *' 8 '4 8 2' 8 2' 8 #' 8 2' 8 2' 8 '4 , #24 mm
F , .44)%.4+)#24+ , 3+42/// N) $his is about 4+)& t!ns

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