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To: Parks and Recreation Commission
TimMoore, Pu b l icW orks Su p erintendent j
Date: Octob er 22, 201 4
Re: NamethePark Contest
Attached is acomp il ed l ist of thetop choices fromp ark and recreation commission memb ers.
Thenext step in thep rocess wil l b etodeterminehowtob ring a recommendationtotheCity
Cou ncil .
201 4NamethePark Contest
Park Board
Su ggested Park Name
W hy
Sel ectl ons
1 1 854Park
Theyear Stil l waterwas official l y incorp orateas a city
Lu mb er Baron' s shap ed Stil l waterb u t somewerethou ght tob emorep iratethan
1 Barons Park
anything el se. Either namewou l d b einteresting, yet not hardtorememb er
1 Bl u ff Park Becau seits on theBl u ff.
1 BridgeViewPark Boththehistoric and thenewcontemp orary b ridgecan b eviewed this p ark
1 Bridges Park
Viewof twob ridges
4 BridgeviewPark (5 su b mittal s)
BridgeviewPark as theb ridgewil l b ein view.
Viewof b othb ridges
AftertheCayu gaTowb oat that was l ocatedformany years on the siteof thenewSt.
Croix riverfront p ark. TheCayu gatowb oat was b u il d in 1 929. Al ongtimel andmark
forb oaters on theSt. Croix, the1 20foot towb oat oncehou sed offices fortheAip l e
BargeCo. and was donated tothecity in 1 998. City official s original l y thou ght the
Cayu gamight b etu rned intosomesort of fl oating mu seu mb u t decided against it du e
1 Cayu gaPark
toenvironmental issu es. Al thou ghtheCayu gawas eventu al l y scrap p ed it had l ots of
p ersonal ity and was afamil iarsight forb oaters. Naming thep ark after it wil l al l owit
memory tol iveon. I havesomep hotos that I took of thetowb oats shortl y b eforeit
was dismantl ed al ong withtheactu al namefromtheb oat that I reu sed b eforeit
cou l d b edestroyed and had restored. It nowoccu p ies a p l aceof honorin thel iving
roomof ou r condooverl ooking theSt. Croix Riverat Su nnysideMarina.
1 Croix ViewPark (3 su b mittal s)
Croix - thenamefor river.
It is theviewof theSt. Croix River
Becau seb y b anning anything witha p erson' s namein it, you effectivel y el iminated al l
historicsignificanceof thep ark' s l ocation. Theonl y thing you can nowsay ab ou tthe
1 DacotahPark
l and is that therewas a rail road on it. Dacotahwou l d b eaftertheoriginal nameof
It is a nativeamerican word. I havefou nd several transl ations, su ch as thefol l owing:
Stil l W aters, Smokey W aters, End of theTrail , and H il l top Town. I b el ieveit derives
1 Kab ekonian Park
fromtheOjib wa. I b el ievethat giving thep ark a traditional Stil l water nameor word is
imp ortant, not onl y toresidents, b u t tovisitors interested in Stil l water' s history.
1 Lac LaCroix Park Original name, FrenchforLakeof theCross
LakeSt. Croix Landing Landing on LakeSt. Croix
Many p eop l edon' t knowtheLAKE is thereand I think it shou l d b ein honorof the
2 LakeSt. Croix Park
river not thetown.
1 Landmark Park Stil l wateris thel andmark fortheb irthp l aceof MN
Stil l waters Icon. Being wewil l b esoon retiring theLift Bridgefrommotorvehicl e
3 Lift BridgePark (3 Su b mittal s)
u sageaftersomany years of service, it' s onl y ap p rop riatetohonor it. Thetiming is
al soap p rop riate.
Loggers Landing
In honorof ou rtown' s richb eginnings
2 Loggers Park
1 Logger' s Park Du etoou rl ogging history
Lu mb erjacks drovel ogs tooStil l waterfromtheBoomSiteNorthof Stil l waterwhere
they werecu t. Lu mb erjacks in Stil l waterthen marked thel ogs toob esol d toodown
2 Lu mb erjack Park (5 su b mittal s)
rivercities for newconstru ctionjob s
ExtensiveLogging in area
Becau seof thehistory of thel ogging indu stry in Stil l waterand forLu mb erjack Days
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201 4NamethePark Contest
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Du etoal l thel u mb er mil l s in thep ast, on this site, and arou nd this area. Al soshou l d
3 Lu mb ermil l Park
interp ret theremaining l u mb ermil l fou ndation and remnants sofu tu regenerations
wil l u nderstand theamazing historical and cu l tu ral context of this area.
Theshoddy mil l is p l aced there, and Commander Mil l can b eseen fromthep ark. It
al sois thel ocation of other mil l s in thep ast.
Thep ark is l ocated on a former siteof a mil l . Mil l s werea critical comp onenet of
3 Mil l Park (2 Su b mittal s)
Stil l water' s rich, river city history. It is ashort namethat is easil y rememb ered and
honors thememory of mil l s in Stil l water
1 Mil l SitePark
Continu es and encou rages thethou ght -l ineof l ogging history al ready in p l acethrou gh
u sageof p ark " names" b eginning with " Boomsite" totheNorth. Logical sequ ence,
encou rages p eop l etop onder (imagine) thel ogs coming down theriver and crashing
1 Mil l sitePark
at theBoomsite; then fl oating fu rtherSou thand b eing mil l ed at theM! Il site. Draws
attention tothehistorical imp ortanceof therel ationship b etween theriverand the
city. And l ast b u t not l east it val idates theShoddy Mil l .
Acomb ination of Ojib waand Dakota. Onl y Ju l y 29 and Sep temb er 29, 1 937, treaties
weresigned b etween theUSgovernment and thel ocal Ojib waand Dakotanations
that al l owed settl ement in theSt. Croix Val l ey. Mu chl iketheW akotaBridgein Sou th
Oj! kotaPark
St. Pau l / Newp ort, it is a mash -u p of thetwonames, and historical l y significant tothe
area. This wil l hel p fu tu regenerations rememb er thep eop l ethat werehereb efore
wesettl ed, and it' s a great name!
Theb oats area hu getou rist drawforStil l water; p roximity tothoseb oats wil l makeit
easy forfol ks, p articu l arl y tou rists, tofind it withou t difficu l ty. If, at sometimein the
1 Paddl eBoat Park (3 su b mittal s) fu tu re, theb oast weretob erel ocated, it wou l d stil l havehistorical significanceand
thenamecou l d b eretained.
Seems ap p rop riatesincetherearep addl eb oats in thearea
1 PromenadePark
It' s simp l eand exactl y what it means
2 RiversidePark
Ap tl y names thearea
Access toou r river city fromthesou thviatheRiver, l oop p aved trail , or vehicl eon
1 River Gate
H ighway 95.
2 River ViewPark (2 Su b mittal s)
3 Riverfront Park (2 su b mittal s) Cl osetotheriver
1 River' s EdgePark It is on theedgeor sideof theriver
1 RiversidePark (2 su b mittal s) It' s b esidetheriver
1 Rivertown Park
I ju st think that sou nded p retty l ogical and has anicering toit!
RiverviewPark (4Su b mittal s) Fromthis p ark, thereis a great viewof theriverb othu p streamand downstream.
1 Riverwal k Park
W al k al ong theriver
They al l haveaconnectiontotheareaor a history forthat site.
I b el ievethenameshou l d b esimp l eand p l ain, someonemight even say b oring! Every
city has oneof thesep arks and weshou l d nameit something that sou nds l ikeit has
5 Sawmil l Park (4Su b mittal s)
b een arou nd fora l ong time. Easy torememb er. Nothing trendy p l ease.
Thereu sed tob easawmil l on thep rop erty. Therock/ b rick chimney stru ctu reforthe
sawmil l is stil l standing and can b eseen fromthep ark. It is l ocated ju st tothewest of
thep ark on theedgeof theb l u ff ab oveH ighway 95.
Original u seof p rop erty was for H ersey Stap l es sawmil l
1 Sou thViewPark This wou l d b ethep ark that gives you aSou thernviewof l ift b ridge
Back in theearl y 1 840' s, steamb oats wereu sed tomoverafts of l ogs down riverfor
1 Steamb oat Park (2 Su b mittal s)
b u il ding smal l towns
Becau seweresp ect thenatu ral river 1 W il d River Park
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