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Basic Layout has the main image on one side of A4 and the other page has the article

contents which allows the reader to focus on one side and read all of the
information without having to navigate from page to page thus easier for the reader.
Column Width has a small width so it uses
the space efficiently. A line has been used to
make the alignments more clear and it also
helps the branding of the magazine of
having a classic aesthetic.
Font (type & size) varies as the bolder text are the
answers from Lil Wayne thus easier to differentiate.
And the grab quote has a different font to grab the
attention of the target audience.
Use of Space has been utilised, as the text is an
appropriate size and the main image tasks the whole
of an A4 size thus not clustered together.
Colours have been kept simple due
to the black and white colour
scheme kept through. This is also
applied on the image through the
pale background however the only
tings stand out are colours of Lil
Waynes clothing which gives the
connotation of Lil Wayne standing
out in the rap industry.
Branding is kept
through the design of
the magazine being
minimalistic and classic
through the black
white colour scheme.
The branding of Lil
Wayne is also
sustained through him
wearing the outlandish
clothing and hence his
outlandish rapper
Image/ Text Integration has been kept simple since a pale background
on the image and is kept separate from the articles text. The text has
been kept simple since there are no font effects applied other than the
drop cap.
Image follows convention as it is
related to the artist in the article and
related to the front cover. Mise-en-
scene has been applied as Lil Wayne
has a ghetto expression showing his
diamond teeth to follow the
braggadocio lifestyle of a rapper. A
long shot has been used to allow the
audience to see the attire of Lil Wayne
and the target audience of young
males would recognise the street
wear fashion and thus helping with
the branding of Lil Wayne as he is in
tune with the rap look.
Language is aggressive and informal (with use
of slang) which follows the nature of rap music
for example Banging in the whip. The target
audience of the magazine which would be
young males in America / UK would know
what this means and thus not have an issue.
Due to this it would follow direct address since
it builds a friendly relationship to the reader.
Design is minimalistic so the experience of the
magazine is fluid and no difficulties as the text
is kept in columns and the image takes up a
whole page with a pale background hence
easier on the eyes.
Overall Impression is minimalistic
through the predominant black and
white on the text side of the article
this also follows the front cover of
black and white. This therefore
follows the house style and
branding of the magazine through
the classic feel of the article. This
has the connotation to the target
audience that they are the authentic
deal and not a gimmick.
Drop Cap on the speech
mark allows the grab
quote to be easier to
recognise, as people
would become more
interested by a snippet of
the article.
Denotation is that Lil
Wayne is looking ghetto
to the audience.
Connotation is that Lil Wayne is an
outlandish rapper through the
unusual dress sense. This is
because conventionally the target
audience of rap listeners would
expect the rapper to be in
expensive designer items and not
shorts an a beach hat.

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