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Lab 7: Digital to Analog Converter

Bronwyn Duffield
PHYS 102L Setion !!1
A DAC i" an eletroni o#$onent t%at onvert" digital logi level" into an analog
voltage& DAC" and ADC" %ave beo#e inrea"ingly i#$ortant due to t%eir role in data
a'ui"ition& (n #any of t%e $reviou" lab" we %ave done) data i" vi"uali*ed t%roug% t%e u"e
of an o"illo"o$e or variou" ot%er #ulti#eter") %owever) DA+ i" needed to reord)
$roe"") and vi"uali*e data& ,ne way to #ea"ure "ignal" and tran"fer t%e data into a
o#$uter i" by u"ing a DA+ board& -%e DA+ board" u"ed in t%e lab ontain ADC and
DAC o#$onent" t%at allow in$ut and out$ut of analog and digital "ignal" in addition to
digital in$ut.out$ut %annel"&
Section A: LabVIEW DAC and Analog Output VIs
-%e DA+ board t%at we u"e ontain" 2 DAC" labeled DAC0 and DAC1& (n t%i"
"etion we $ratied ae""ing t%e# u"ing variou" Lab/(01 /("&
-%e fir"t $art of t%i" "etion inluded writing a /( u"ing t%e AO Generate
Waveform "ub2/( fro# t%e utilitie" #enu& ( #ade a /( t%at out$ut a "ine wave and below
i" t%e /( t%at ( built& -%e out$ut of t%e /( wa" di"$layed on t%e o"illo"o$e and t%e
out$ut on t%e o"illo"o$e wa" t%e "a#e a" t%e out$ut on t%e wavefor# gra$%&
-%e "eond $art of t%i" "etion inluded adding a DC off"et to t%e wavefor#& Below i"
t%e /( ( built to inor$orate t%i"& -%e out$ut on t%e o"illo"o$e wa" t%e "a#e a" t%e
out$ut on t%e wavefor# gra$%&
-%e t%ird $art of t%e "etion inluded adding a "eond wavefor#) one of w%i% wa"
trigono#etri) and t%e ot%er non2trigono#etri& ( #y a"e) ( u"ed a "ine wave and a
"'uare wave& Below i" t%e /( ( wrote for t%i" $art&
-%e la"t $art of t%i" "etion inluded e3luding any value" le"" t%an *ero fro# t%e out$ut&
( deided to u"e 4u"t one wavefor# for t%i" "etion beau"e w%en ( u"ed two) t%e out$ut
on t%e o"illo"o$e wa" not w%at ( e3$eted& ( u"ed a "ine wave in$ut and o#$ared t%e
o"illo"o$e out$ut wit% t%e out$ut di"$layed on t%e wavefor# gra$%& -%e wave" t%at
a$$eared were t%e "a#e& Below i" t%e /( ( u"ed&
-%e gra$% above "%ow" a "ine wave wit% t%e value" below *ero li$$ed to *ero&
Section : Introduction to Analog!to!Digital Conversion
-%i" "etion of t%e lab $ertain" to Analog to Digital Conver"ion u"ing Lab/(01&
Alt%oug% t%e DA+ board t%at wa" u"ed already %a" ADC") t%ey were not i#$le#ented in
t%i" lab& -%e overall goal of t%i" "etion of t%e lab wa" to obtain an analog "ignal fro# t%e
DA+ board and u"e it to out$ut a digital "ignal ba5 to t%e board& ( built a "i#$le
"taira"e ADC u"ing a DAC /( t%at wa" built aording to t%e following diagra#&
-%e above $iture "%ow" t%e diagra# of t%e ADC %ardware t%at wa" u"ed in t%i" "etion&
-%e "lanted line re$re"ent" t%e divi"ion between w%at wa" done on t%e breadboard and
w%at wa" done in Lab/(01& /in i" t%e in$ut voltage t%at wa" digiti*ed&
Section C: Staircase"Counter"Digital!#amp ADC
(n t%i" "etion of t%e lab we i#$le#ented t%e $ur$o"e of t%e $reviou" "etion& Below i"
t%e blo5 diagra# "%owing t%e "ue""ion of "te$" t%at i" needed&
( wrote a /( i#$le#enting t%e blo5 diagra# u"ing a !2bit ounter) !2bit DAC) and ( "et 6
7fro# t%e DAC8 to give a full range of u$ to 9 / for t%e referene voltage& -%e referene
voltage wa" "ent out fro# DAC0 and t%e digital out$ut of t%e :11 o#$arator wa" "ent in
t%roug% PA0& -%e voltage an be ontinuou"ly #ea"ured until t%e S-,P button i" $u"%ed&
Below i" t%e /(&
Boolean array
Waveform Chart
stop 1
-%e iruit wa" driven by a 100 H* "ignal& -%e fir"t "ignal t%at ( u"ed wa" a "ine wave
w%i% wa" fairly $rei"e) %owever t%ere "till wa" "o#e noi"e and di"tortion& -riangle and
Sawtoot% wave" au"ed t%e #o"t di"tortion) and "'uare wave" $roved to be t%e be"t
%oie& A" t%e fre'ueny inrea"ed) t%e out$ut bea#e very di"torted and t%erefore t%e
%ig%e"t fre'ueny t%at ( wa" able to ob"erve wa" a$$ro3i#ately 100 H*&

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