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NAB Planning Template and Checklist

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FT 14101
FT 14102
FT 14103
FT 14105

Negotiation Plannin

Arrangement is typically a trade off to settle a contention or issue or a circumstance in a manner to prof
could be expected. Transaction, in a business connection, might be utilized for offering, buying, staff (e.
advances) and transactions, alongside else other possibilities that you feel are pertinent for your busine

There are no rules, it can get worse

Prepare, do your homework

Consider every aspect of negotiation

Ask for a complete deal

Be Innovative

Learn to say NO
Learn to live with silence

Important Aspects in a Negotiatio



These are the gatherings included in arrangement vying for best conclusion for them.


These are the cravings, concerns, and apprehensions that underlie individuals' positions. It might be substa
or employments or impalpable like right, status and so forth. Concentrating on investments of each one ga
concealed issues and distinguish which issues are of most extreme concern.


These constitute all the parameters of bargaining mix. Parties negotiate to get maximum value out of nego


Its an acronym for Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement. It is the blueprint you would take if current
gatherings don't achieve an assention. Without comprehension BATNA, it gets to be difficult to touch base
along these lines its the main impetus behind a fruitful arrangement. It is frequently seen as a state of pow


There are various boundaries to an effective transaction. On the off chance that the other party is dangero
to touch base at an ideal result. A few hindrances are mystery and double dealing, uncompromising nature
individual predispositions.


Strategic maneuvers an essential part in arrangement. Be that as it may, it totally relies on the other party
that you are capable however the other party doesn't see you that way, your position has a tendency to w


Morals are general societal guidelines one needs to stick to amid the whole arrangement period. One ough
worth for both the gatherings by all reasonable means. One ought to be difficult for the issue and delicate

Four Principles of Negotiation


Separate the people from the problem

Moderators are passionate people with alternate points of view and convictions. Attempt to assemble a w
alternate arbitrators free of whether your concur or oppose this idea.


Focus on interests, not positions:

Contrasts in hobbies characterize the true issue. Engages can incorporate monetary prosperity, security, h
and a feeling of having a place. Individuals listen better in the event that they think you comprehend them
hobbies. Attain this by revealing to you really admire their investments.


Invent options for mutual gain:

In a loose climate, conceptualize potential results among yourselves and, if conceivable, with the other sid
condemning the plans.


Insist on objective criteria

Create reasonable gauges and systems for assessing the alternatives that are autonomous of each arbitrat

Any negotiation has three stages, namely, pre stage, during stage
Each of these stages have been explained in detail bel

1. Planning and preparation for negotiation: PRE Stage

The imperativeness of planning can't be overemphasized. Moderators who are better arranged revel in va
they comprehend one's objectives and diversions fine to understandable them effectively, are prepared t
the other party's offers all the more adequately and proficiently and set high yet achievable yearnings re
might be better seen by noting the accompanying inquiries deliberate

2. Goals and objectives: why are we negotiating?

The negotiating party should ask the question What is our overall goal? and find a clear answer befo

What are our concerns, needs, wants and desires? What do we need from the agreement, no matter wha
is a nice-to-gain element? This is worked out to be able to trade-off effective

This appraisal is possible by appropriately distinguishing all the issues included. With the general obje
particular issues need to be arranged for the last assention? Can any of the issue be broken down further
issues that are uncovered, the better off, one will be. At that point, we have to prioritize each one issu
essentialness in the general setting by relegating it a score.


Having a clear BATNA protects us from having a deal we would be better off not having. The value of ev
based on the scoring system identified previously.

4. Resistance Point (RV)

This is the worst agreement we would be willing to accept before walking off. It depends a lot on the BAT
at the same time rather than each issue independently.

The Other Side

Now, putting ourselves in the shoes of the other part (party with whom we intend to negotiate), we need

Zone of possible agreement (ZOPA)

It is the range between the two parties resistance points representing the set of mutually acce

Target value (TV)

This is set considering the bargaining zone and by summing up the other sides sit


What is the relationship prevailing between the negotiating parties? This would determine the future co
tactic or action we consider during the negotiation process. Can we trust the other party? What do we k
styles and tactics? How important is sustaining a good relationship with the other

What is the strategy?

1. Competing : This type of strategy is assertive and uncooperative. A person pursues his/her own interest
by making appropriate use of power. This is a power-oriented strategy where negotiator with strong
negotiating tries to win the deal. Because their style can dominate the bargaining process, competitive n
importance of relationships.

2. Collaborating : This type of strategy is both assertive and cooperative. When collaborating, a person i
involve solving tough problems in creative ways resulting in solution which satisfies both the parties. Co
negotiations to understand the concerns and interests of the other parties and thus arrive at a r

3. Compromising : This type of strategy is in the idle of both assertiveness and cooperativeness. The object
mutually acceptable solution which partially satisfies both the parties. This negotiation results in closing th
fair and equal for all parties involved in the negotiation. Compromisers can be useful when there is limite

4. Accommodating : This type of strategy is unassertive and cooperative. When accommodating, a person
and satisfies concerns of the other party. The attention is given to preserving personal relationships. Acco
while negotiating to get a fair deal, especially if the other party is not sensitive towards mainta

5. Avoiding : This type of strategy is unassertive and uncooperative. A person tends to tends to defer an
aspects of negotiating. The conflict is not paid attention to and may result in diplomatically sidestepping t
withdrawing from the threatening situation. However, an avoiding person may be perceived as t


Who are the deciders and influencers for all the parties involved? This would help us in knowing the limit
involved and how far recommendations of line of action would work.

DURING stage

The place of negotiation The manner in which the negotiation process proceeds depends on whose terr
selling takes place at the customers place. In the case of a diplomatic outcome, neutral territor


The best time to begin the negotiation is when all parties have adequate information and know what to
when the meeting takes place and the provision for breaks built in will determine the extent of concentr


How is the interaction going to take place- phone, face-to-face or correspondence? Each of these facilitato
the choice of one over the other should be made according to the case at han

Intangible factors

These factors often affect negotiation in a negative way and remain out of the negotiators awareness. T
existence is to try and see what is not there? One way to uncover intangibles is to ask questions an
listeners/observers along.


Claiming value versus creating value

Typically the value creation stage will precede the value claiming stage and the challenge is to balance th
transition from one stage to the other.

Sticking to principles versus being resilient

Effective negotiators are thoughtful about the distinction between issues of principle where firmness is
compromise and accommodation are the best route to a mutually acceptable out

Sticking with strategy versus being opportunistic

Strong preparation is necessary to manage this paradox and see if there is an opportunity to move out o
new information that may emerge.

Honest and open versus closes and opaque

This is about being clear on,

o How open and honest should I be with the other party?
o What information should not be revealed at any cost?

Few Tips

Effective communication is essential in any ne

To effectively negotiate people must be able to exchange ideas, issues

and arguments through their communication.
Effective communication involves not making use of tough words that
comprehend but communicating your ideas in as simple language
A good negotiator is able to skillfully position his argument in fron
in such a manner that there is possibility of maximum value creation du

Listening is highly important

Listening actively is one of the most important tool during

Not listening to the other party creates a sense of unimportance and d
of other party in the negotiation resulting in the destructio
Listening actively to the issues and concerns of the other party can
their real areas of interests which can then be used to form even bette
can be used as additional points of negotiating.

Read the mind of other people

A skilled negotiator is able to read the minds of other

He can formulate and change his proposals according to the interests

Silence as a negotiating act

There are times during negotiations when stakes are high, tensions
negotiating environment and there are counter proposals from everywhere.
knows the power of silence in such situations
It is better to keep silent and patient than going on with unthough
Keeping silent creates a void in the communication to which the other
pulled in to fill the void. In this way the counter argument put forth b
countered by himself or if a new pitch is made by you has higher impact
Many times there are instances where in you have no answers to the q
being discussed during the negotiation, by not replying or further discu
able to handle the issues
Asking for a break is another form of the silence tactic. It signals t
with the counter proposal. If the other person reacts on it then it si
further room for negotiating.

Uncover the hidden interests and object

Every participant in a negotiation has hidden agenda and issues. A go

try and uncover these hidden interests and therefore try and create a be
By asking questions you can decipher other persons needs and interest
as essential parameters in negotiation
Ask follow up questions to infer the deeper meanin
Feel free to question the responses
Observe the non-verbal reactions that can signal further p

Dual Concern Model

Understand where your party stands to benefit

From a relational outcome: sacrifices or concessions have to be made

party happy
From objective outcome

Consider using experts

Try to bring in the views of experts.

Consult experts on the views and opinions put forth by both you and
negotiation. This helps validate the arguments
It also helps in creating a standard

The art of Persuasion

The objective is to inspire or coerce the other party to agree to

conditions. Persuasion is an art.
By putting forth proposals that are of interest to other party or ind
ground to influence and inspire them
It is the use of other, less obvious motivators that makes the differe
barter and those who negotiate
If you reinforce other partys performance when you reach an agreement
a sincere smile or gesture you can establish a reinforced relations

POST stage

Implementation: Make sure that provisions of the agreement are carried out. It should be taken by the
negotiation ideally.
Monitoring: Keep track of the compliance and evaluate the outcome

Few Tips

Even if you were not able to come to a consensus with the other
which gives the message that business might be possible next time. It re
and your company.

Negotiators should enhance their reputation by working in a cons


Continue to learn from the experience as no two negotiations are

Make sure that the other party is also happy with negotiation an

When do we Re-Negotiate??

Parties try to re-negotiate when there is any dissatisfaction by the outcome of the previous round of
party to create more value post negotiation.
Create an opportunity to bring the parties together to revisit parts of agreement or whole in effect
The negotiator must may sure that the other party does not feel that they are being cheated by clearly
of re-negotiation proposal





nce in a manner to profit ourselves however much as

offering, buying, staff (e.g. contracts), obtaining (e.g.
ertinent for your business Principles of Negotiations:



itions. It might be substantial, for example, land, cash,

estments of each one gathering helps uncover

ximum value out of negotiation in terms of their

ou would take if current arrangement falls flat or the

be difficult to touch base at a choice in transaction and
ly seen as a state of power in transactions.

e other party is dangerous, it gets exceptionally hard

uncompromising nature, misfortune repugnance and

elies on the other party's observation. In the event

ion has a tendency to wind up weaker.

ement period. One ought to arrange to get greatest

or the issue and delicate on individuals.


ttempt to assemble a working association with

ry prosperity, security, having control over one's life

k you comprehend them and are thoughtful to their

vable, with the other side without judging and

nomous of each arbitrator's requests and weights.

ge, during stage and post stage.

ned in detail below.

ter arranged revel in various favorable circumstances

fectively, are prepared to comprehend and investigate
achievable yearnings regardless. The arranging stage
g inquiries deliberate

find a clear answer before embarking on any further

reement, no matter what and what do we require that

le to trade-off effectively.

d. With the general objective in point of view, what

e broken down further into different issues? The more
prioritize each one issue by recognizing its relative
gating it a score.

t having. The value of every BATNA should be scored


epends a lot on the BATNA and encompasses all issues


d to negotiate), we need to assess their goals, CNWD,

Seller RV

the set of mutually acceptable agreements.

g up the other sides situation.

determine the future consequences of every strategy,

her party? What do we know about the other partys
ationship with the other party?

ues his/her own interest at the expense of other party

e negotiator with strong instincts for all aspects of
g process, competitive negotiators often neglect the

collaborating, a person indulges in negotiations that

fies both the parties. Collaborators are good at using
ies and thus arrive at a resolving conclusion.

perativeness. The objective is to arrive at an expedient,

ation results in closing the deal quickly by doing what is
seful when there is limited time to complete the deal.

Maximum Value

Zone of possible Agre

commodating, a person neglects his/her own concerns

onal relationships. Accommodators have to be careful
sensitive towards maintaining relationship.

nds to tends to defer and dodge the confrontational

matically sidestepping the issue, postponing it or even
n may be perceived as tactful and diplomatic.

p us in knowing the limits to authority of all the parties

of action would work.

s depends on whose territory it takes place. Generally,

utcome, neutral territories are best advised.

mation and know what to expect. The time of the day

e the extent of concentration of the parties involved.

? Each of these facilitators has its own advantages and

ording to the case at hand.

egotiators awareness. The best way to identify their

les is to ask questions and another way is to take

challenge is to balance the emphasis and manage the


nciple where firmness is essential and issues where

mutually acceptable outcome.

portunity to move out of ones strategy in the light of


ial in any negotiation

nge ideas, issues, proposals, concerns

tough words that are difficult to
simple language as possible
argument in front of the other party
value creation during the negotiation





tant tool during negotiation

nimportance and disgrace in the minds
in the destruction of value
other party can help you understand
o form even better proposals or even
of negotiating.

er people

e minds of other people

to the interests of the other party

ating act

re high, tensions have filled the

from everywhere. A skilled negotiator
uch situations
on with unthought-of arguments and

o which the other party is many times

ument put forth by the other party is
has higher impact on the other party
answers to the questions or issues
or further discussing you are better
tic. It signals that you are not happy
on it then it signals that there is

s and objectives


and issues. A good negotiator should

y and create a better leveling ground
eeds and interests which can then act
the deeper meaning
signal further parameters

s have to be made to keep the other



of experts.
h by both you and the others in the
the arguments
a standard


party to agree to your terms and

an art.
ther party or individuals give you a
pire them
makes the difference between those who
each an agreement with something with
nforced relationship with others.




ds to benefit

Relational outcome


t should be taken by the people who were part of the

evaluate the outcome



with the other party, exit in a way

next time. It reflects well on you

orking in a consistent and a fair

negotiations are similar.

h negotiation and doesnt feel


f the previous round of negotiation or when there is

ment or whole in effect that it makes good sense.
eing cheated by clearly citing the terms and conditions



Violation of
terms of



Buyer RV

Zone of possible Agreement









Substantive outcome



Are partying
compyling to T&C



Agreement going
forward as discussed

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