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In first week i work in routine We received many samples stool,urine,sputum and swap.

urine sample examine macroscopically and look for color,turbidity then analyse routeinly by stick
and recod the result centrifuge the urine tube then take sedement and examine microscopically .
for some urine specimen need culture ensure cup is sterile and culture in macconkay and blood
then icubate and notice the growth if presence make another test like antibiotic

stool sample look macroscopically for mucoid or watery and look under microscope take stool by
loop from different places look by microscore for presence WBCs,RBCs.parasite.
make ocult stool blood by kit if reagent change color to blue +ve result
We received ear swap , wound swap and skin swap only culture on macconkay and blood
sputum specimen :should be lequidied ans culture directly then examine microscobically if
specimen contain less than 10 squamous epithelial cells and more than 25 pus satisfactory
specimen , if not consider saliva .
We received csf sample and examine macroscopically and notice blood from puncture or csf
fluid if not hemogenus and make clot formation is puncture not significant.
examine mocroscopically for predence micro organism , WBCs, RBCs .
and culture in macckoncy . blood . choclate
in second week work in out (reception part )
In this part i learn who to deal with person and reaeive different specimen from patient ensure
srom names and the same in tubes if sample from out and take care when transfer it ware
gloves .
withdrow the blood from different person (phelebtomy procedure) childwen or old .
before phelebtomy we should see the request asf him whats your name ans shat tset need then
prapare the tube and put lable on tube or urine cup if needed ans write the name clear.
according to test requested uses tube if need CBC use tube with anticoagulant (violet cover) ,
for biochemiacal test uses plan tube (red cover) and for ESR test spesiaf tube tall with black
the tube with blie cover for pt and ptt test .
In third week I practise in biochemistry . this tests give indicator about health status of patient for
detect any defect in biological processes in body . this testing reading an explain according
acientific standard value (normal value) this values variation according kits uses
<br>All bio chemical test by plan tube without anticoagulant. before work on machine in beginning
day or it turn off the device should be calibrated the machine and record the result save in log in
book it we make analysis test for kidney function creatinine and BUN and connect with the result
of urine analysis if presence protei .
<br> Make tests analysis for liver function by analysis of enzyme ALT , AST and total bilirubin
and connect this result with urine . analysis for presence urobinologin. Make tests for triglyceride
and cholesterol if it increase percentage in blood lead to atheroscelorosis and MI make random or
fasting blood sugar for detect hyperglycemia .An arterial blood gas (ABG) test measures the
acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood from an arteryAn ABG
measures: Partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2). Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). . . The
pH measures hydrogen ions (H+) in blood. The pH of blood is usually between 7.35 and 7.45. A
pH of less than 7.0 is . Bicarbonate is a chemical (buffer) that keeps the pH of blood from
becoming too acidic or too basic.measure Oxygen content (O2CT) and oxygen saturation
(O2Sat) values

in hematology : CBC test (complete blood count ) give complete picture of blood
cells include WBCs , RBCs , Platelets .
the increase number of WBCs detect presence inflamation or genetic disease in
the number of platelets for hemorrhage disease and clotting defect.
The HB percentage in blood which indicate dor presence anemia and thalasemia
with MCV.
,ESR Test indicator for presence any inflamation non specific.
PT and PTT (APTT) hor pateint take comadin coagulation disease , patient need
enter surgerry.
before uses the device CBC or PT and PTT should be calibrated at end of shift
and at run the device after off.should be use clearance enzyme if uses many and
give un correct result example not read all parameter
the PT and PTTtube contain 9:1 of blood to anticoagulant
the ESR tube contain 4: 1 of blood to anticoagulant

i work this week in donation .

physicil examination for donor the color of skin , weight and he appear in good
ask your self 2 question if take 250 ml affect the donor
and the unite good for patient .
if yes make CBC if the hemogloin , WBCs ,and MCV are suitable take
consederation sex then ask the patient questions like if he make surgery , take
drug and suffer from disese such as D.M and others
and full the donor request.
write the full name of patient clear in CBC , Bio tube and unite and write serial
number in all.
the Bio tube for test the unite (HIV , syphilis , reverse blood group , HBsAg ,HC )
and make forward blood group
dont leave the donor alone and mont
learn who withdrow the blood by this needle
put the needle in shaker to mix with anticoagilant CPDA 1 for 35 day or SCAM
for 42 days keep the unite
the volume of unite 450 ml
the donation time 15 min
after end donation keep the donor untill rest
give him replacement fluid like juice

dont smok and drive untill 1 hour

in this week i work in blood bank

the first thing see the tempreture of freezing and refrigerator
seen the expiary date for platelets after 5 days un room tempreture with
aggitation , RBcs after 35 days depend on anticoagilant CPDA 1 for 35 day or
SCAM for 42 days in room tempreture and plasma aftes one year in freezing
cryoprecipitate the the expiary date of plasma
make ABO blood group by slide and tube method
make in direct coombs test and direct coombs test
make forward and reverse blood group for donor by gel method
and make tests the unite (HIV , syphilis , reverse blood group , HBsAg ,HC) by
make anti D titer and D week by gel for patient negative D antigen need blood
cross match for unite by suspention TBCs of donor with plasmsa of patient
separation unite to plasma and packed RBCs , plasma and platelets by
centirfuge and plasma expressor and take weight for se[arate componant .
repeat the blood group for unite befor preparation for patient
use computer system

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