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Sveuilite Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku

Elektrotehniki fakultet


Trea godina preddiplomskoga sveuilinoga studija
Smjer Raunarstvo

Vokabular iz lekcije
a) Prijevodni zadaci s hrvatskoga na engleski jezik i obrnuto
Translate the following sentences in either English or Croatian
e.g. The function of transistor is to amplify current. _____________________________________________
Funckija je tranzistora pojaavanje struje.
b) Popunjavanje tablice s vie oblika (imenica, glagol, pridjev) iste rijei
Complete the table with the missing words. Pay attention to spelling



To function


c) Definiranje pojma vlastitim rijeima na engleskom jeziku

Provide a definition of the following items
e.g. junction ____________________________________________________________________________
junction a place/point of meeting
d) Nadopunjavanje reenica/teksta ponuenim rijeima u tonome obliku. Meutim, bit e ponueno vie
rijei, no to je praznih mjesta, stoga metoda eliminacije nee biti mogua
Complete the text with the proper form of the words from the box
to emit

to collect



to resist

The function of a transistor is ____________________ current. Transistors are also applied to amplify
_____________________ where in many circuits a _____________________ is used to convert the
changing current to a changing voltage. A transistor may be used as a _____________________ and as an
amplifier. There are two types of standard transistors; __________________ and PNP with different circuit
symbols. B stands for ___________________, C for ____________________ and E for

The function of a transistor is to amplify current. Transistors are also applied to amplify voltage where in
many circuits a resistor is used to convert the changing current to a changing voltage. A transistor may be
used as a switch and as an amplifier. There are two types of standard transistors; NPN and PNP with
different circuit symbols. B stands for base, C for collector and E for emitter.

e) Saimanje lekcije u par reenica

Write down a few sentences (at least five) about transistors (definition of a transistor, functions of a
transistor, two types of standard transistors and their differences, the reason for the NPN type being
the most commonly used, testing a transistor with a multimeter and in a simple switching circuit,
Darlington pair)


Vokabular iz lekcije
a) Prijevodni zadaci s hrvatskoga na engleski jezik i obrnuto
Translate the following sentences in either English or Croatian
e.g. Microprocessors are vital to many of the products we use every day. ____________________________
Microprocesori su iznimno vani dijelovi ureaja koje svakodnevno koristimo.
b) Povezivanje izraza i njihova znaenja
Match the words with their meanings
e.g. binary a combination of two things; a pair
c) Definiranje pojma vlastitim rijeima na engleskom jeziku
Provide a definition of the following items
e.g. switch ______________________________________________________________________________
switch a device for making and breaking a connection in an electric circuit
d) Izdvajanje uljeza u slijedu gdje su ostale rijei sinonimne (odnosno imaju slino ili isto znaenje) i
objanjavanje razloga izdvajanja
Underline the word which is the odd one out and explain it

Unlike, same, comparable, match

Unlike, same, comparable, match

Unlike is an antonym, i.e. it

means the opposite of equivalent

e) Nadopunjavanje reenica/teksta ponuenim rijeima u tonome obliku. Meutim, bit e ponueno vie
rijei, no to je praznih mjesta, stoga metoda eliminacije nee biti mogua

Complete the text with the proper form of the words from the box



to process

e.g. There is no English __________________ for bon appetit so we have adopted the French expression.
There is no English equivalent for bon appetit so we have adopted the French expression.
e.g. She was in a terrible ______________________ when we arrived.
She was in a terrible state when we arrived.
e.g. They developed a new and simpler __________, so we could easily understand their scientific research.
They developed a new and simpler notation, so we could easily understand their scientific research.
e.g. They have developed a new method for ____________________ data in a computer.
They have developed a new method for processing data in a computer.
e) Saimanje lekcije u par reenica
Write down a few sentences (at least five) about how transistors work (the relationship of
microprocessors and transistors, what led to the development of microprocessors, binary functionality
of transistors, parts of a switched electronic circuit, the relationship of binary code and transistors)

a) Zero conditional
Zadatak nadopunjavanja praznina glagolom iz zagrade u tonome glagolskome obliku. Oba dijela reenice
moraju biti tona da bi se dobio 1 bod.
Complete the gaps to make Zero conditional
e.g. If you ____________________ (heat) water to 100C, it __________________ (boil).
If you heat water to 100C, it boils.

b) First conditional
1. Zadatak nadopunjavanja praznina glagolom iz zagrade u tonome glagolskome obliku. Oba dijela
reenice moraju biti tona da bi se dobio 1 bod.
Put the verbs into the correct First conditional form
e.g. If I _________________ (study), I _________________ (get) good grades.
If I study, I will get good grades.

2. Transformacijski zadatak gdje ete na osnovu zadane reenice trebati napraviti kondicionalnu reenicu, a
bit e naznaeno da se pritom treba upotrijebiti prvi kondicional.
Comment on the situations using First conditional
e.g. Rachel might fail her driving test. She can take it again. ______________________________________
If Rachel fails her driving test, she can/will take it again.

c) Second conditional
1. Zadatak nadopunjavanja praznina glagolom iz zagrade u tonome glagolskome obliku. Oba dijela
reenice moraju biti tona da bi se dobio 1 bod.
Put the verbs into the correct form to make Second conditional
e.g. If I __________________ (to be) a boy, I ________________ (understand).
If I were a boy, I would understand.

2. Transformacijski zadatak gdje ete na osnovu zadane reenice trebati napraviti kondicionalnu reenicu, a
bit e naznaeno da se pritom treba upotrijebiti drugi kondicional.
Paraphrase the sentences using Second conditional
e.g. You can't look the word up because you haven't got a dictionary. _______________________________
If you had a dictionary, you could/would look the word up.

d) Third conditional
1. Zadatak nadopunjavanja praznina glagolom iz zagrade u tonome glagolskome obliku. Oba dijela
reenice moraju biti tona da bi se dobio 1 bod.
Put the verbs in the correct Third conditional verb form
e.g. If I ________________ (study), I ________________ (get) better grades at my first year.
If I had studied, I would have gotten better grades at my first year.
2. Transformacijski zadatak gdje ete na osnovu zadane reenice trebati napraviti kondicionalnu reenicu, a
bit e naznaeno da se pritom treba upotrijebiti trei kondicional.
Paraphrase the sentences using Third conditional
e.g. On Sunday the guests had to have their lunch inside. Unfortunately, it wasn't warm enough to have it
outside. ________________________________________________________________________________
If it had been warm enough, the guests would have had their lunch inside.

e) All conditionals
1. Transformacijski zadatak gdje ete na osnovu izvorne reenice morati nainiti svoju koristei neki od
kondicionala koji po sadraju najbolje odgovara. Nee biti naznaeno koji kondicional trebate koristiti, nego
ete to sami morati odrediti s obzirom na sadraj izvorne reenice
Make a conditional sentence that best fits the situation
e.g. You didn't know how unpopular Jason was when you invited him to your party. ___________________
If I had known how unpopular Jason was, I wouldn't have invited him to my party.
2. Zadatak nadopunjavanja reenica gdje je jedan dio pogodbene reenice ve rijeen te na osnovi
ponuenoga glagolskoga vremena morate odluiti koji je to kondicional i nadopuniti preostali dio reenice
Complete the conditional sentences and decide which type is used
1 If I had time, I _______________________ (go) shopping with you.
Type _______
If I had time, I would go shopping with you.
Type 2

3. Transformacijski zadatak gdje ete na osnovu izvorne reenice morati nainiti svoju koristei neki od
kondicionala koji po sadraju najbolje odgovara. Nee biti naznaeno koji kondicional trebate koristiti, nego
ete to sami morati odrediti s obzirom na sadraj izvorne reenice
Rewrite each of these sentences so they have the same meaning as the first. Use between 2 and 5
words, and do not change the word in brackets.
e.g. He doesn't understand because he never listens. ________________________________ understand. (if)
If he listened, he would understand.

4. Ispravljanje pogreaka u uporabi kondicionala gdje ete trebati precrtati dio koji smatrate pogrenim i
ispraviti reenicu. Ako budete smatrali da je reenica gramatiki tona, stavite kvaicu
Underline the incorrect part of the sentence and correct it. If the sentence is correct, tick it.
e. g. If I wake up late, my dad would took me home.
If a wake up late, my dad will take me home.

5. Zadatak objanjavanja razlika u znaenju pogodbenih reenica s obzirom na koriteni veznik/zamjenicu

(ovo se odnosi na sluajeve if vs. when, if vs. unless i if vs. in case)
Explain the meaning of the following sentences
e.g. a) If you hear from him, can you ring me? _________________________________________________
e.g. b) When you hear from him, can you ring me? ______________________________________________
a) A speaker might hear from someone.
b) A speaker will hear from someone.

6. Nadopunjavanje teksta rijeima if, when, unless i in case

Complete the text with if, when, unless and in case
Jake: A man is delivering a washing-machine this morning, but I have to go to work. I won't be here
_____________ he calls. Could you let him in for me, please, _______________ you are terribly busy?
Melanie: Oh, no problem.
Jake: Oh, thanks. ____________ you could do that, I'd be very grateful. I'll leave a message on his
answerphone. And _______________ he doesn't get the message, Ill put a note on the door, just to make
sure. He'll see it ______________ he comes.
Jake: A man is delivering a washing-machine this morning, but I have to go to work. I won't be here when
he calls. Could you let him in for me, please, unless you are terribly busy?
Melanie: Oh, no problem.
Jake: Oh, thanks. If you could do that, I'd be very grateful. I'll leave a message on his answerphone. And in
case he doesn't get the message, Ill put a note on the door, just to make sure. He'll see it when he comes.


Vokabular iz lekcije
a) Prijevodni zadaci s hrvatskoga na engleski i engleskoga na hrvatski jezik
Translate the following sentences in either English or Croatian
e. g. Computers are part of many machines that once required continual human supervision and control.
Raunala su sastavni dio mnogih strojeva koji su neko zahtijevali stalan ljudski nadzor i kontrolu.
b) Definiranje pojma vlastitim rijeima na engleskom jeziku
Provide a definition of the following items
e.g.vital ____________________________________________________________________________
vital extremely important

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