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Play: You can discard two Gold to export one of

them. Then, play a visible purple or brown card
from your table again. Then, roll the Indian die.
Exploit: Discard two Gold to export one of



Play: Construct a building or gain two Wood.

Then, you can discard Wood: for each discarded
Wood you can remove a destroyed marker.
exploit: Discard an Inhabitant and either a
Gold or a Wood to construct a building.
tile: Can store three additional Wood.

play : Subject to having at least six Inhabitants, look at an opponent's hand. Then, draw
up to two cards of your choice from your pile of
inactive cards.
exploit : Steal an Inhabitant from another
player. Then, draw a card of your choice from
your pile of inactive cards.
tile: Gain
, then
for each set of three
Gold in your town.

civic pride

play: play a visible purple card on your table

again or remove a destroyed marker. Then,
for each batch of eight people in your town, earn
a wood.
exploit: Discard a Gold to gain a Wood or
discard a Wood to gain a Gold.

civic pride

play: play a visible purple card on your table

again or remove a destroyed marker. Then,
you can discard a Gold to gain a Cowboy.
exploit: Discard a Gold or a Wood to build a

g old mine

Play: Gain a Gold. Then you can discard two

resources from Wood or Inhabitants to receive
two Gold.
Exploit: Gain a Gold.


Play : For each pink Home in your town gain

an Inhabitant.
exploit: On condition of having at least three
pink Homes, gain two Inhabitants.
tile: Add a pink Home.

general store

Play: Gain a Gold. Then, for each set of eight

Inhabitants in your town; gain a Gold.
exploit: Gain a Gold.

Play: Gain a Cowboy. Then you can discard

an Inhabitant and a Gold to gain a Cowboy and
steal a Peace pipe from another player.
exploit: Steal a Peace pipe from another
tile: Adds a Home. Gain
for each set of
two Cowboys in your town.


Play: Construct a building or gain two Wood.

Then, you can discard wood: for each discarded
Wood you can remove a destroyed marker.
exploit: Gain a Wood or remove a destroyed marker.


Play : For each pink Home in your town gain

an Inhabitant.
exploit: On condition of having at least three
pink Homes, gain two Inhabitants.
tile: Add a pink Home.


play : You can discard two Cowboys to place a

gray cube hung marker on the gallows tile
and, if you discard a Gold, gain a Lure.
exploit: Discard a Gold to gain a Lure.
tile: Gain
for each hung.

ho tel

play : On condition of having at least four

Lure, gain two Gold, six Inhabitants and lose a
Lure. Lastly, roll the Indian die.
exploit: Under condition of having at least
three Lure, gain a Gold and two Inhabitants.
tile: Adds a Home. Gain


salo on

Play: Gain a Lure. Then gain an Inhabitant,

and, either an Inhabitant or a Gold.
exploit: Discard a Gold to gain a Lure.
tile: Adds a Home. Gain

outlaws' hideout

play : You can discard a Gold or a Wood to

gain two resources among Gold and Wood.
Then, on condition of having more Gold than a
targeted town, steal a Cowboy in exchange for
an Inhabitant (the exchange is obligatory).
exploit: Gain a Cowboy or, the town targeted
at the time of this exploitation loses a Lure.


upon laying the tile: The blacksmith

card remains, as of its construction, on the
player's table. Gain a Cowboy. Then you can discard Gold or Wood: for each resource discarded,
gain a Cowboy.
permanently : If your town is attacked by
the Indians, immediately gain two Cowboys.
blacksmith acts like an additional Peace pipe.
tile: Adds a Home.


play: Gain a Gold. Then you can discard pairs

of Gold; for each pair discarded, export one of
the Gold. Then, roll the Indian die.
Exploit: Discard two Gold to export one of
tile: Can store four additional Gold. Adds two
Homes. Gain
, then
for each set of two
Gold exported.

snake oil salesman

play : Gain a Gold then, either a Gold or a

Wood. Then, if you discard an Inhabitant, gain
either a Gold or a Wood.
exploit: Gain a Gold, a Wood or a Lure.


upon laying the tile: The church card

remains, as of its construction, on the player's
permanently: If your town is attacked by
the Indians, your Inhabitants are not targetable.
church counts as an additional Lure.
tile: Adds a Home. Gain


upon laying the tile: Roll the Indian

play: You can discard a cow-boy to gain a
Gold for each remaining cow-boy. Then, roll the
Indian die.
exploit: Gain a Gold or a Lure.
tile: Adds a Home.


play: Gain two Wood. Then you can discard

batches of three Wood: for each batch discarded,
place a gray export marker cube on the
warehouse tile. Lastly, roll the Indian die.
exploit: Discard an Inhabitant or a Wood to
gain two Wood.
tile: For each export gain

stagecoach depo t

play : Gain a Gold. Then, on condition of

having more Lure than a targeted city, steal
five Inhabitants in exchange for two Gold (the
exchange is obligatory) and roll the Indian die.
exploit: Steal two Inhabitants from any
town. Then, if you have fewer than four Lure,
gain a Lure.
tile: Adds a Home. Gain


upon laying the tile: The stable card

remains, as from its construction, on the player's
table. Gain two Cowboys.
permanently: When you or one of your
immediate neighbors are attacked by the
Indians, stables lets you: discard one Gold to
give one of your Cowboys to the attacked town.
At the end of the attack, recover it (dead or alive)
and place it in your exported Gold box (it is no

longer a Cowboy but a hero, which acts like an exported

Gold). stables act like an additional Peace pipe.


upon laying the tile: The railroad card

remains, as of its construction, on the player's
table. Roll the Indian die.
permanently : On condition of constructing
a new building, you can discard a Gold to export
this Gold, gain two Inhabitants and roll the
Indian die.
tile: Gain

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