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What it takes to be a goog project

1. What primary characteristic distinguishes the very successful project managers
from the more mediocre project managers?
The primary characteristics disntinguishes the very successful project manager from
the more mediocre project managers are:
being a good communicator: included being persuasive or being able to sell
ones ideas.
Organizational skills: included in this category were planning and goal-setting
abilities, along with the ability to be analytical.
The most imortant characteristics was that the successful project manager was
their problem finding ability. Because of their exceptional communication skills,
goal clarity, and planning, effective project managers were aware of issues
before they became problems
Also, the skills involved developing empathetic relationships with other
members of the project team.
2. In Table 3, match the rankings between skills and problems. Why arent the top
skills matched to the main problems?
Because what was found underscores the claim that the primary problems of project
managers are not technical, but human.
Improving project managers technological capabilities will be helpful only to the
extent that this improves their ability to communicate, be organized, build teams,
provide leadership, and deal comfortably with change. The challenge for technical
managers, or for those moving from technical into managerial positions, is to recognize
the need for, and to develop where necessary, their interpersonal skills.

3. In Table 1, which of the problems are related to project setup (perhaps occurring
before a project manager was selected) and which are related to the project
managers skills?
The problems are related to project setup are resources inadequate, meeting
deadlines, changes in goals and resources, and confincts between departaments or
And the problems are related to the skills of project manager are unclear
goals/direction, team members uncommitted, insufficient planning and breakdown of
4. How does Table 1 compare to the discussion in the chapter?
The table 1 contain the project managament problems and explain that these
breakdowns occur as a result of the ambiguity surrounding the project, but also result
from diffi culties in coordinating and integrating diverse perspectives and personalities.
The project managers challenge is to handle communication breakdowns as they arise
rather than being able to predict (and control) communication problems be fore they
5. How does Table 2 compare to the discussion in the chapter?
The table contain the neccesary skills to be a project manager, it is clear that either
project managers require certain skills in order to deal effectively with the factors most
likely to create problems for them in managing the project, or because certain
problems are most likely to confront project managers, they require particular skills in
order to handle them.

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