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The Fault in Our Stars

Hazel un adolescente de diecisis aos, que padece cncer de pulmn, que se ve obligada por sus
padres a concurrir a un grupo de apoyo para jvenes afectados por la enfermedad, en el cual
conoce y se enamora de un joven llamado Augustu, exjugador de baloncesto que tiene amputada
una pierna, juntos visitan al autor del libro un dolor imperial en msterdam, en el viaje le cuenta
que su cncer le ha vuelto, tiempo despus Gus muere.

The Fault in Our Stars

Hazel is sixteen years old adolescent that suffers lung
cancer that is forced by their parents to join to a
support group for youths affected by the illness, in
which knows and falls in love with a called youth Gus,
Former basketball player that has amputate a leg,
together they visit the author of the book an imperial
pain in msterdam, in the trip it counts him that their
cancer has returned him, time later Gus dies.

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