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FA226416 - Ver. 2.

0 - Using ASE2000 to control relay output with Direct Operate in an ION meter
using DNP protocol

Using ASE2000 to control relay output with Direct Operate in an ION meter using
DNP protocol
In cases where there isa problemusing DNP protocol orthe usage is not trivial, a test set is
necessary to identify and troubleshoot the issue.
Product Line
Any ION meter that support DNP protocol.
ASE2000test setwill be used for this demonstration.
ION8600 meter.
To test and verifyimplementation of DNPprotocol in ION meters.
ASE2000 can be used as a master station simulator for DNP3.0 protocol. A trial version can be
downloaded from Applied Systems Engineering website:
- Refer to DNP 3.0 and PowerLogic ION Technology technical note (70072-0105-02) to setup ION
meter as DNP slave. This document has DNP architecture overview as well.
- Refer to PowerLogic ION8650 DNP 3.0 device profile technical note (70022-0126-00) for
description of DNP 3.0 communication protocol employed by each ION meter.
This article demonstrates how touse ASE2000 to control a relay output blockusing Direct Operate
function in an ION meter using DNP protocol for:
- Binary Output
The following table describes how Control Relay Block is implemented in anION meter; refer to
ION Reference for complete documentaion.

* Note that the minimum On-time supported is 20 ms for the ION7700, ION7550, ION7650, and
ION8600 meters and 2 seconds for ION7300 series meters.
Two tests will be performed:
- Test 1: Latching Relay ON/OFF
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- Test 2: Close Breaker/Relay, Lower Transformer Tap

It is necessary to setup the ION meter to be able to accept theDirect Operatecommand.
a) Create a DNP Slave Import module.
b) Change the setup registers as:

1. File > Select Protocol:

2. In Properties > Protocol-specific:

- (Host tab) set the IP Address:

Note the port 20000 which is the default DNP port over Ethernet communication.
- (Exchange Defaults tab) set the slave address; by default this is 100 for ethernet connected ION

3. In Exchange List window,openthe Direct Operate Relay property window(double click):

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Note the following:
-Application Layer Function: Direct Operate
- Object 12: Control Block
- Variation 1: Control Relay Output Block
4. Open the Object Properties and set as shown below:

Open the Qualifier Setup and set as shown below:

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This is the point in the DNP Slave Import module inour example (refer to screen shot shown in
section 'b' above). Multiple DNP Slave Import modules will have different point numbers; set
5. Click on 'Send Once' on the toolbar to initiate the command:

After accepting:

Confirm the control command by checking the output of the ION module:

6. In order to set the relay back to OFF, make the modification inQualifier Setupas shown below:
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And click on 'Send Once' on the toolbar:

7. Open the Object Properties and set as shown below:

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Referring to the Control Relay Output Blocktable, relay 2 will remain ON for X ms. In this test the
ONTime (close) is set to 5000 ms, meaning after 5000 ms, the relay will automaticallyswitch to
OFF (open).
Open the Qualifier Setup and set as shown below:

Note that both relay 1 and relay 2 on the output of DNP Slave Import moduleare bothassigned
topoint 0.
8. Click on 'Send Once' andimmediately (before the 5000 ms durationcomes to an end)observe
the output of the DNP Slave Import module:

Note that relay 1 remains at 0 asexplained inControl Relay Blocktable,marked as 'No change'.
9. Another way to determine the operationof relay 2 isto initiate the Direct Operate Relay
command andsendtwo 'Class 0 Data' consecutively; the firstwithin the 5 second and the second,
5 secondslater:

FA226416|2.0|Published date: 24-Jul-2014

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