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HR planning process

1. Forecasting
2. Goal setting and strategic planning
3. Program implementation and


Predict areas within the organization

where there will be labor shortage or

Transitional Matrix

a chart that lists job categories held in one

period and shows proportion of
employees in each of those job categories
in a future period.

2nd step in HR Planning: Goal setting

and strategic planning

Purpose of setting specific numerical goals

is to focus attention on the
problem/provide a basis for measuring the
organizations success in addressing labor

First three ways you can do to reduce

a surplus?

1. Downsizing
2. Pay reductions
3. Demotions

The next three ways you can use to

reduce a surplus?

Methods to avoid a shortage?

Pro: Fast Results

Con: Hurt future recruiting

1. Transfers
2. Work sharing
Fast methods, consequences to
human suffering are less severe
3. Hiring Freeze
Slow method, less painful then layoffs


All companies have to make

decisions in three areas of recruiting:

Personal Policies

Any activity carried on by the organization

with the primary purpose of identifying and
attracting potential employees.
1. Personnel policies
2. Recruitment sources
3. Characteristics and behavior of the
An organizations _________are its decisions
about how it will carry out HR management,
including how it will fill job vacancies.

Job Posting

Process of communicating information about a

job vacancy

Yield Ratios

A ratio that expresses percentage of applicants

who successfully move from one stage of the
recruitment and selection process to the next.

Cost per hire

Find cost of using a particular recruitment

source for a particular type of vacancy.

Ch. 5 Summary

First step in HR planning is personnel

forecasting. Through trend analysis and good
judgment, planner determines supply and
demand for HR.
Next step - determine labor demand for
workers in various job categories.
Analysis of a
transitional matrix
helps identify which job
categories can be filled
internally and where
high turnover is likely.


Personal Selection

Process through which organizations

make decisions about who will

Criteria for measuring the effectiveness of

selection tools and methods?

1. Method provides reliable information.

2. Method provides valid information.
3. Information can be generalized to apply to
4. Method offers high utility.
5. The selection criteria are legal.


Extent to which a measurement is free

from random error.


Extent to which performance on a

measure (such as a test score) is related to
what the measure is designed to assess
(such as job performance).

3 ways the Federal Government measures

validity by the Uniform Guidelines on

1. Criterion-related
2. Content

Employee Selection Procedures?

3. Construct

Predictive Validation

Research that uses test scores of all

applicants and looks for a relationship
between scores and future performance of
applicants who were hired.

Concurrent Validation

Research that consists of administering a

test to people who currently hold a job,
and then comparing their scores to
existing measures of job performance

Content Validity

Consistency between test items or

problems and kinds of situations or
problems that occur on the job.

Construct Validity

Consistency between a high score on a

test and high level of a construct (i.e.,
intelligence or leadership ability) as well as
between mastery of this construct and
successful performance of the job.

Generalizable Selection

Method applies not only to the conditions

in which the method was originally
developed job, organization, people,
time period, etc.

4 things used to gather background



Application Forms

Low-cost way to gather basic data from

applicants such as
Contact information
Work experience
Educational background
Technical experience
Memberships in professional or trade

Background Checks

Way to verify that applicants are as they

represent themselves.

Types of Employment Tests

1. Aptitude Test
2. Achievement Test

1. Access how well a person can learn or

acquire skills and abilities
2. Measure a persons existing knowledge
and skills.

Application forms
Reference checks
Background checks

Five major personality dimensions

measured by personality inventories?
1. Sociable, gregarious, assertive, expressive
2. Emotionally stable, secure, content
3. Courteous, trusting, good-natured,
tolerant, cooperative, forgiving
4. Dependable, organized, preserving,
thorough, achievement-oriented
5. Curious, imaginative, artistically sensitive,
broad-minded, playful



Interviewing Effectively

Multiple Hurdle Model

Compensatory Model

How do organizations select Employees?

Multiple Hurdle Model

Process of arriving at a selection decision

by eliminating some candidates at each
stage of the selection process.

Compensatory Model

Process of arriving at a selection decision

in which a very high score on one type of
assessment can make up for a low score
on another.

Ch. 6 Summary

Be prepared
Put applicant at ease
Ask about past behavior
Take notes
At the end of the interview, make
sure the candidate knows what to
expect next

Selection typically begins with a review of

candidates applications and rsums.
The organization administers tests to
candidates who meet basic requirements,
and qualified candidates undergo one or
more interviews.
Organizations check references and
conduct background checks.
A candidate is selected to fill each vacant


Ch. 6 Summary
Organizations need to measure
success of selection methods. Criteria
used include?

Ch. 6 Summary Cont.

An important principle of selection is to

combine several sources of information
about candidates, rather than relying
solely on interviews or a single type of
Sources should be chosen carefully to
relate to characteristics identified in job
description to increase validity of decision
Organizations are more likely to make
decisions that are fair and unbiased and
choose the best candidate.

Ch. 6 Summary Cont.

Selection process must be conducted in a

way that avoids discrimination and
provides access to persons with
Selection methods must be valid for job
performance, and scores may not be
adjusted to discriminate against or give
preference to any group.
Focus on finding the person who will be
best fit with job and organization. This
includes an assessment of ability and




An organizations planned efforts to help

employees acquire job-related
knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors,
with the goal of applying these on the

Instructional design

A process of systematically developing

training to meet specified needs.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Computer application that automates the

administration, development, and delivery
of training programs.
Training needs
Training outcomes
Associated rewards

Needs Assessment

Process of evaluating the organization,

individual employees, and employees
tasks to determine what kinds of training,
if any, are necessary.

Needs Assessment answers three


1. Organization
2. Person
3. Task

1. What is the context in which training will

2. Who needs training?
3. What subjects should training cover?


Process for determining appropriateness

of training by evaluating characteristics of
the organization.
the organizations strategy,
resources available for training, and
Managements support for training


Process of determining individuals needs

and readiness for training.


Process of identifying and analyzing tasks

to be trained.

Readiness for training:

A combination of employee characteristics

and positive work environment that
permit training.

Training Methods

1. Presentation (trainees receive info

provided by others)
2. Hands-on(trainees are actively involved
in trying out skills)
3. Group-building (trainees share ideas
and experiences, build group identities,
learn about interpersonal relationships
and the group)


Involves receiving training via internet or


Electronic performance support system

Provide access to skills training,

information, and expert advice when a
problem occurs on the job.


Training method that represents a real-life

situation (avatars, virtual reality)

Case studies

Detailed descriptions of a situation that

training study and discuss

Business games

Require trainees to gather and analyze

information and make decisions that
influence the outcome.


On the job use of knowledge, skills and

behaviors learned in training.


Training designed to prepare employees,

familiarize new employees with the
organizations rules, policies, procedures

Organizations need to establish training programs that are effective, teach what they are
designed to teach and skills and behaviors that will help the organization achieve its goals.

Organizations create such programs through instructional design which begins with a needs

The organization then ensures readiness for training.

Next the organization plans and implements a training program and evaluates the results.

Needs assessment consists of an organization, person and task analysis.

Readiness for training is a combination of employee characteristics and positive work

environment that permit training.

Planning begins with establishing objectives for the program.

Based on the objectives, the planner decides:

Who will provide the training

What topics the training will cover

What training methods to use

How to evaluate the training

Training methods selected should be related to the objectives and content of the training

Training methods may include presentation methods, hands-on methods, or group-building


Implementation should apply principles of learning.

Effective training communicates learning objectives, presents information in distinctive and

memorable ways, and helps trainees link subject matter to jobs.

Evaluation of training should look for transfer of training by measuring whether employees are
performing tasks taught in training.

Assessment of training also should evaluate training outcomes.

Organizations should provide for orientation because no matter how realistic the information
provided during employment interviews and site visits, people feel shock and surprise when
they start a new job, and they need to learn the details of how to perform the job.

Diversity training is designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills
needed to work with a diverse workforce.

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