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The Function or purpose of Mtik and examine how Mtik utilize in the

analysis of Abhidhammapitaka
Mtik means matrix or schedule of categories. The function of Mtik is
for analysis, synthesis, and systematization the dhamma in Abhidhamma. In fact
the Mtik were established in early period for the purpose of tabulation and
classification in order to preserve and establish the dhamma and also for
memorization purpose.(D.N Sangti Sutta)

Two Complementary Method in Mtik

In order to manifest the nature of the dhammas, the Abhidhamma resorts to
two complementary methods: analysis and synthesis. The analytical method
dominates in the Dhammasagan , here we find a complete catalogue of the
dhammas, each with a brief definition. The synthetical method is more
characteristic of the Pat t hna
, we find an exhaustive catalogue of the
conditional relations of the dhammas. Analysis shows that the world of
experience is resolvable into a plurality of factors; synthesis shows that these
factors are co-connected and co-dependent existing in them of relationships.
DhammasaganI used the analytical method and applied Mtik, showing the
psychological ethical phenomena. In Patthna
used the synthesis method and

applied the Mtik, showing the phenomena are related and conditioned

How the Mtik is utilized in the Analysis in Dhammasamgani

The Dhammasamgani begins a list of terms called Mtik. A close
examination reveals it as embracing the entire universe, analysis and classifying
it under a great number of psychological, ethical, and doctrinal aspects. These
classifications are arranged in groups, of three terms( Tika) and two terms
(duka).It listed 122 Abhidhamma-mtik, 22 are Tika-Mtik which are the
fundamental dhammas are to be distributed, 100 are Duka-Mtik used as a basis
for classification. It also listed 42 Suttanta-Mtik, it has the name most probably
due to the sources and terms can be traced back to Sutta Pit aka, especially in the
Sangiti Sutta of the Digha-NikAya and the Aguttara-NikAya. They are deal
more with dhamma relate to sila, samdhi, and ditthi
than with nma and rpa as
in the Abhidhamma-mtik.
Some examples of the Tika-Mtik and duka-Mtik are given as:
States that are kammically wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral;
States that are associated with pleasant feeling, painful feeling, and neutral
States that are conditioned, unconditioned;
States that are mundane, supra-mundane; and so forth.

Here showing how Mtik utilizes the tika and duka: The sense-sphere

citta arises due to the activity of the sense either kammically wholesome,
unwholesome, and neutral.( tika)The fine-material-sphere, the higher level of
citta can be cultivated by meditative training, it analyses with five jhna stages.
The immaterial-sphere citta is analysed with the four stages. Finally, the
supra-mundane citta belongs to the four stages of enlightenment. The first
three stages belong to the mundane realm, still bond to the Samsra, whereas
the supra-mundane is beyond the Samsra. Above except sense-sphere citta all
are belong to kammically wholesome. This example not only shows us that what
states are kammically wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral, also shows us what
states are mundane and supra-mundane. ( duka)This is how Mtik used in the
The Abhidhamma Methodology represented in Dhammasangani
Firstly, Abhidhamma method is literal discourse on the dhamma. It takes no
account of the personal inclination and cognition capacities of the listener. In
contrast, Suttanta method is decorated on the dhamma, it uses the simile and
metaphor, etc.
Secondly, the Abhidhamma method of exposition, it restricts itself to terms
that are valid from the stand point of ultimate truth: dhamma, their
characteristic, function and relations, their ontological ultimate into bare nmarpa phenomena that are Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta. In contrast, in the Sutta
the Buddha makes use of conventional language and accepts conventional truth,
for example,the Buddha speaks of you, man, woman, etc, as though they were
concrete realities.
In conclusion, Dhammasagan plays an important role of Abhidhamma of

showing that constituent of existence and the nAma and rUpa in internal and
external world. It states the conditioned realities of citta, cetasika and rpa,
whereas the unconditioned reality(duka) , Nibbna. Therefore, the practitioner
can see the nAma and rUpa as the constituents of aggregates and merely
phenomena thus they are anicca, dukkha, and anatta, when one has gone beyond
the five aggregates, then it belongs to the supra-mundane citta.

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