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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr.








Elena-Giorgiana SIMIONESCU*

Elena-Giorgiana SIMIONESCU**

Abstract: Studiul analizeaz

fazele de
desfurare ale infraciunii intenionate, etape pe care
le poate parcurge activitatea infracional din
momentul conceperii sale pn n momentul
producerii urmrilor socialmente periculoase.

This study analyzes the
development stagess of the intentional crime, steps
that the criminal activity can go through since its
conception until the moment of socially dangerous

Cuvinte cheie: activitate infracional,

infraciune, intenie, faz intern de desfurare a
activitii infracionale, faz extern de desfurare a
activitii infracionale

Key words: criminal activity, crime,

intention, internal phase of ongoing criminal activity,
external phase of ongoing criminal activity

1. Fazele de desfurarea ale

infraciunii intenionate: noiune, forme
n tiina dreptului penal, problema
periodizrii svririi infraciunii ntr-o faz
intern i o alta subsecvent, extern, se
contureaz1, de regul, n zona infraciunilor
intenionate, singurele apte de o desfurare
propriu-zis a segmentului subiectiv, iar
problema fazelor desfurrii activitii
infracionale pe o anume etapizare posibil n
plan obiectiv, se conturez numai n spectrul
singurele apte de o desfurare obiectiv pe
tot palierul de segmente pe care le propune
un iter criminis2.
complexe, mai nti n planul subiectivitii
autorului, iar apoi n planul executrii
materiale a hotrrii infracionale nu e
posibil i, deci, nu se poate pune dect n
cazul anumitor categorii de infraciuni care,
prin structura, lor se preteaz la o posibil
desfurare pe etape sau faze; este cazul

1. The development stages of the

crime intended: concept, types
In the science of penal law, the problem
of the crime periodization in an internal stage
and another subsequent, external, emerges24,
usually in the intentional crimes, the only
ones able of an actual development of the
subjective segment, and the problem of the
development of criminal activity on a certain
staging possible in an objective plan, it is
outlined only in the spectrum of intentional
crime committed, the only capable of being
objective across the plateau of segments that
proposes an iter criminis25.
The problem of this complex
deployment, firstly in the author's
subjectivity plan, and then in the material
execution plan of the criminal judgment is
not possible and therefore can be put only to
certain categories of offenses, which by their
structure lead to a possible progress in stages
or phases, it is the case of intentional crimes.
Such a discussion cannot be addressed for
misconduct crimes26.

Lect. univ. dr., Departamentul tiine Juridice, Facultatea de Relaii Internaionale, Drept i tiine
Administrative, Universitatea Constantin Brncui din Tg-Jiu
University Lecturer, PhD, Department of Juridical Sciences, Faculty of International Relations, Law and
Administrative Sciences Constantin Brncui University of Tg-Jiu
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2012


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

infraciunilor intenionate. O asemenea

discuie nu poate fi abordat n cazul
infraciunilor din culp3.
Ca orice fapt a omului, infraciunea
presupune o desfurare n timp i spaiu,
parcurgnd mai multe momente sau faze,
fiecare avnd un anumit rol n raport cu
rezultatul final al acesteia. Fiind o activitate
uman, svrirea infraciunii se prezint, n
cele mai multe cazuri, ca o nlnuire de
momente4: ea ncepe cu o perioad de
elaborare psihic intern care se ncheie cu
hotrrea de a svri fapta i continu cu
perioada extern care cuprinde actele de
pregtire i trecerea la executarea activitii
infracionale, terminndu-se, de cele mai
multe ori, cu producerea rezultatului
socialmente periculos.
Se cunoate deja faptul c orice
infraciune are un coninut obiectiv i un
coninut subiectiv. Atitudinea psihic este
premergtoare atitudinii fizice, deoarece,
ntotdeauna se formeaz mai nti gndul de
a svri un fapt i apoi se realizeaz faptul
n sine; mai mult, aceast subsecven exist
totdeauna, chiar dac este marcat de un
interval de timp, fie i de lungimea unei
subiectiv, care se formeaz de la nceput
integral i rmne identic (invariabil), i
coninutul obiectiv, care se realizeaz
progresiv i oscileaz la fiecare moment
infraciunii5. Aceste forme sunt variaiuni
care privesc aceeai activitate fizic (acelai
fapt) n diferite momente ale desfurrii
acesteia, fapt pentru care se impune
infraciunii parcurs de activitatea fizic.
Momentele acestea nu reprezint altceva
dect fazele pe care le poate parcurge
activitatea infracional n cazul comiterii
infraciunilor intenionate.
Ca urmare, fazele de desfurarea
ale infraciunii intenionate sunt acele etape
pe care le poate parcurge activitatea
infracional din momentul conceperii sale

Like any act of the man, the crime

involves a conduct in time and space,
following several moments or phases, each
with a specific role in relation to its final
result. As a human activity, the commitment
of the crime is presented, in most cases, as a
chain of moments27: it begins with a period
of mental and internal preparation ending
with the decision of committing the crime
and continuing with an external period that
includes training and the passage to
execution of the criminal activity, ending
most of the time with a result socially
It is already known that any crime has an
objective and subjective content. The
psychological attitude is prior to the physical
attitude, because firstly it is formed the
thought of committing a fact and then it is
realized the fact itself; moreover, this
subsequence always exists, even if it is
marked by a period of time, sometimes the
length of a moment.
The difference between the subjective
content, which is formed from the beginning
(invariably), and the target content, which
varies progressively and at each step
realized, it forms the basis of the crime28.
These forms are variations relating to the
same physical activity (same act) in different
stages of its deployment, for which it
requires knowledge "the road of the crime"
covered by the physical activity. Moments
like these are nothing but stages through
which the criminal activity can go through if
the crime is committed intentionally.
Therefore, the development stages of
the offense intended are those steps that the
criminal activity can browse through since
its conception until the moment of socially
dangerous consequences29.
In another view30, the development
stages of the crime intended can be defined
as being those steps that the criminal activity
can browse through from the first external
symptoms until the time of the outcome or in
some cases, depletion of the material

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2012


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

pn n momentul producerii urmrilor

socialmente periculoase6.
ntr-o alt viziune7,
fazele de
desfurare ale infraciunii intenionate pot
fi definite ca fiind acele etape pe care le
poate parcurge activitatea infracional din
momentul primei manifestri exterioare i
pn n momentul producerii rezultatului sau
n unele cazuri, a epuizrii activitii
Doctrina penal8 este unanim n a
distinge dou perioade n care se desfoar
activitatea infracional: perioada sau faza
intern (psihic, spiritual, subiectiv) i
perioada sau faza extern.
Aa cum am mai spus, activitatea
fizic este precedat de atitudinea psihic,
deci, nainte de nceperea activitii fizice
exist o perioad spiritual.
Activitii fizice trebuie s-i succead
anumite urmri i dup efectuarea acesteia,
avem o perioad a urmrilor. Cu alte
cuvinte, realizarea activitii fizice se
ncadreaz ntre perioada spiritual care se
nvecineaz cu punctul de plecare al acestei
activiti i perioada urmrilor care este
vecin cu punctul ei terminal, alctuind o
perioad mediat, denumit perioada
Perioada executrii se ncadreaz n
etapa sau faza extern a activitii
infracionale i const n acte efectuate n
vederea realizrii (executrii sau nfptuirii)
rezoluiei infracionale, perioad care ncepe
din momentul n care s-a trecut la o
manifestare extern i se termin n
momentul cnd activitatea fizic a fost
efectuat n ntregime.
2. Perioada intern
Perioada spiritual, care prin esena
sa este intern, deoarece se desfoar n
mintea omului i nu se poate cunoate dect
atunci cnd s-a trecut la perioada de
executare, la acte de conduit (ex post),
cunoate trei faze sau momente, care pot
dura mai mult sau mai puin timp ori care se
disting numai ideal:

The criminal doctrine31 is unanimous to
distinguish two periods in which it is
developed the criminal activity: the internal
period or stage (mental, spiritual, subjective)
and the external period or stage.
As I said, the physical activity is
preceded by a mental attitude, so, before the
beginning of the physical activity there is a
spiritual period.
After the physical activity there have to
be some consequences and after this, we
have a period of consequences. In other
words, making the physical activity is
between the spiritual period bordering the
starting point of this work and the
consequences period which is adjacent to its
terminal point, forming a median period,
called execution period32
The execution period is in the external
stage or period of the criminal activity and
consists of acts done to achieve (performance
or implementing) the criminal resolution,
period beginning from the time that passed to
an external manifestation and ends when the
physical activity has fully been made.
2. Internal period
The spiritual period, which by its nature
is internal, because it is carried in the human
mind and cannot be known until he passed to
the execution period, to acts of conduct (ex
post), is familiar with three phases or
moments that can take more or less time or
which are distinguished only ideally:
9 the stage or moment of designing the
idea, so, when it is born, when the
idea germinates crimes, the reason
that interests the criminologists and
individualization of punishment;
9 the stage or moment of deliberating33,
moment when there are balanced and
compared the reasons for and against
the idea of committing the crime;
9 the stage or the moment of decision,
it is the time when the decision to
commit the offense is taken; it is the

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

- faza sau momentul conceperii ideii,

deci, cnd se nate, cnd ncolete ideea
infracional, motivaie care intereseaz pe
criminologi i judectori n operaiunea de
individualizare a pedepsei;
- faza sau momentul deliberrii10,
moment n care se cntresc, se compar
motivele pro i contra ideii de a svri
- faza sau momentul deciziei n care
se ia hotrrea de a se comite infraciunea;
este cel mai important moment al etapei
interne, care se poate realiza ntr-o perioad
de timp mai ndelungat (n caz de
premeditare) sau mai scurt (n caz de
intenie repentin i intenie format n
condiii obinuite)11.
Aceast perioad intern, subiectiv,
psihic nu are relevan penal12, nu se
incrimineaz. n acest sens, s-au adus
urmtoarele argumente13:
- hotrrea de a svri infraciunea
este un fenomen subiectiv care nu depete
forul interior al persoanei, exist doar n
contiina acesteia, nu produce nici urmri
socialmente periculoase, nici tulburare
social. Att n legiuirile vechi, ct i n
dreptul penal modern, simpla cugetare (nuda
cogitatio) nu a fost i nu este sancionat
(cogitationis poenam nemo patitur);
- o asemenea hotrre nu este
irevocabil, dimpotriv, de cele mai multe
ori, ea este revocat;
- din punct de vedere al politicii
penale, este bine s se ncurajeze
abandonarea gndului infracional, ceea ce
se face prin neincriminarea i nesancionarea
- hotrrea de a svri o infraciune
nu se poate incrimina, fiindc ea nu este o
fapt; de internis non judicat praetor,
spuneau juritii romani.
Avnd n vedere c, potrivit
dipoziiilor legale (art. 18 Cod penal), fapta
prevzut de legea penal prezint pericol
doar cnd are loc aciunea ori inaciunea,
simpla luare a hotrrii nu atrage
rspunderea penal, nici chiar atunci cnd

most important moment of the

internal stage, which can be realized
over a longer period of time (in case
of intent) or shorter (if the intention is
repeated and the intention formed
under normal conditions34).
This internal period, subjective,
psychological has no penal relevance35 andis
not incriminated. In this regard, there have
been brought the following arguments36:
- The decision to commit the crime is a
subjective phenomenon that does not exceed
the inner forum of the person, it exists only
in the persons consciousness, and it does not
consequences, not even social unrest. As the
old laws and in modern criminal law, the
mere thought (nuda cogitatio) was not and is
not sanctioned (cogitationis poenam nemo
- such a decision is not final, on the
contrary, it is often revoked;
- in terms of criminal policy, it is good to
encourage the abandonment of the criminal
thought, which is done by not incriminating
and not-sanctioning him;
- the decision to commit a crime cannot be
criminalized because it is not an act, the de
internis non judicat praetor, as Roman
jurists said.
Taking into account that, according to
legal provisions (art. 18 Penal Code), the fact
under the penal law is dangerous only when
there is action or inaction, by simply making
the decision does not attract criminal
liability, even when the decision was shared
with another person in oratorical form,
except37 for the case when sharing is not a
crime of self-reliant.
The general rule is that the previous
psychic criminal activity does not fall under
the provisions of criminal law, there are yet
some exceptions38:
The first exception is when his spiritual
period experiences an external side39, when
more people conceive, discuss and jointly
decide on criminal judgment, externalized
mental attitude, perceived and observed, case

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hotrrea a fost mprtit altei persoane n

form oratoric, excepie14 face cazul cnd
mprtirea nu constituie infraciune desine-stttoare.
De la regula general, c procesul
psihic anterior activitii infracionale nu
cade sub prevederile legii penale, exist
totui unele excepii15:
O prim excepie o constituie cazul n
care perioada spiritual cunoate i o latur
extern16, cnd mai multe persoane concep,
delibereaz i decid n comun asupra
hotrrii infracionale, atitudine psihic
exteriorizat, perceput i constatat, caz n
care nu s-a realizat vreo manifestare extern
pentru executarea rezoluiunii, dar legea
poate face din manifestarea extern a
deliberrii i lurii deciziei, coninutul
obiectiv al unor infraciuni de sine stttoare.
Exemplu: complotul (art. 167 Cod penal),
asocierea pentru svrirea de infraciuni
(art. 133 Cod penal), proxenetismul prin
ndemn (art. 319 Cod penal), iniierea unor
structuri informative pe teritoriul Romniei
care pot aduce atingere siguranei naionale
(art. 19 Legea nr. 51/1991 privind sigurana
naional a Romniei). n aceste cazuri17,
este suficient s se iniieze asocierea, chiar
dac aceasta nu a avut loc ori nu s-a trecut la
comiterea faptelor pentru care infractorii s-au
constituit n complot sau asociaie
O a doua excepie o reprezint
situaia n care perioada spiritual poate avea
o faz extern, adiacent, moment n care
fptuitorul se destinuie, comunic verbal
altor persoane hotrrea de a comite o
infraciune, i exteriorizeaz gndul.
ntlnim aa-zisa faz oratorie18, n care
rezoluiunea de a svri o infraciune se
relev prin comunicarea verbal sau printrun alt mijloc. Exemplu: ameninarea (art.
193 Cod penal), care este periculoas prin
crearea strii de alarm i tulburare. ntr-o
alt opinie19, s-a exprimat prerea c, n
situaia ameninrii, ar exista o excepie de la
regula nepedepsirii hotrrii infracionale,

in which there has been no external event for

this execution, but the law can make from
the external manifestation of the deliberation
and the decision making, the objective
content of some independent crimes. For
example: the plot (art. 167 Penal Code),
association to commit a crime (art. 133 Penal
Code), pimping (art. 319 Penal Code), the
initiation of some informative structures in
Romania which may affect the national
security (Article . 19 Law no. 51/1991 on the
national security of Romania). In these
cases40, it is sufficient to initiate the
association, even if it has not been held or
there have not been committed the crimes for
which offenders were constituted to plot or
the criminal association, to realize the crime.
A second exception is when the
spiritual period may have an external stage,
adjacent, moment when the offender
confesses, verbally communicates to others
the decision to commit a crime, he
externalizes his thought. We encounter the
so-called oratory stage41, when the
termination of committing a crime is
revealed through verbal communication or
through other means. For example: the threat
(art. 193 Penal Code), which is dangerous by
creating a state of alarm and disorder.
In another opinion42 it was expressed the
view that in the situation of threat, there is an
exception regarding the judgment of criminal
impunity, because it is not simply a
communication to the victim of a decision
taken by the offender, but an act of execution
(action ), a crime consumed on its own, of
course, incriminated by the penal law. In this
situation, it is acknowledged that there may
be crime also in the absence of the three
general characteristics, of the material
element of the crime and its content, which is
not possible.
3. External period
The science of penal law 43designates
the moments that mark progressive stages of
achievement (varying in content in relation
to their proximity to the moment of reaching

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

deoarece ea nu este doar o simpl

comunicare ctre victim a unei hotrri
luate de infractor, ci un act de executare
(aciune), o infraciune consumat de sine
stttoare, firete, incriminat de legea
penal. n asemenea situaie, s-ar admite c
poate exista infraciunea i n lipsa celor trei
trsturi generale, a elementului material al
infraciunii i a coninutului acestuia, ceea ce
nu este posibil.
3. Perioada extern
tiina dreptului penal20 denumete
progresive de nfptuire (variabile prin
coninut n raport cu apropierea lor de
momentul atingerii rezultatului ilicit) faze ale
perioadei externe de svrire a infraciunii.
Sunt cunoscute ca faze ale desfurrii
activitii infracionale comisive intenionate
- faza actelor preparatorii (faza
actelor de pregtire) care se situeaz la
captul drumului infraciunii i const n acte
care pregtesc spiritual i material aciunea
- faza actelor de executare (faza
executrii propriu-zise, faza actelor de
svrire, faza execuiunii, faza svririi)
care se situeaz n itinere. Actele efectuate n
acest proces dinamic fac ca activitatea fizic
s treac de la pregtirea aciunii tipice la
executarea acesteia, activitate fizic ce
constituie latura obiectiv a infraciunii.
Ultimul moment al fazei executrii coincide
cu momentul final al fazei externe i,
totodat, cu punctul terminus n drumul
infracional, prin realizarea n ntregime a
activitii fizice indicat de verbum regens al
infraciunii21, deci prin realizarea laturii
obiective a acestei infraciuni.
- faza urmrilor se situeaz tot n
perioada extern a activitii infracionale i
ncepe din momentul n care activitatea fizic
a fost efectuat n ntregime pentru
nfptuirea rezoluiei infracionale, pn cnd
urmarea socialmente periculoas s-a produs,
deci faptul s-a consumat.

illicit result) stages of the external period of

committing the crime. There are known as
stages of the criminal activity committed
intentionally the following:
(preparatory acts stage) which lies at the end
of the road of the crime and it consists of
acts which prepare spiritually and materially
the typical action;
- the execution acts stage (the actual
execution stage, the committing acts stage,
the execution stage, the committing stage)
which lies in ongoing. The acts done in this
dynamic process make the physical activity
to move from preparation to execution, this
physical activity constitutes the objective
side of the crime. The last moment of the
execution stage coincides with the final
moment of the external stage and also with
the terminus point in the criminal road by
making all physical activity indicated by the
verbum regens of the crime44, so by the
realization of the objective side of the crime.
- the consequences stage are also in the
external period of the criminal activity and it
begins when the physical work was done
entirely for carrying out the criminal
resolution, until the socially dangerous
consequence occurred, so the fact was
In some cases, the criminal activity
continues beyond the time of consumption,
because of the amplification of the initial
result or continuing the criminal activity, so
the consequences increase. It is the case of
continuing, continuous, progressive crime,
usually, in addition to the time consuming,
there is a moment of exhaustion which
coincides with the moment when there are
not possible other consequences, so the fact
Such stages are possible at any crime
committed, intended, likely to develop in
time, likely to last, but not required to all45,
meaning that the preparation stage of the
crime may be absent at the crimes that are
committed intentionally(spontaneous ).
There are times when the deployment

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infracional se prelungete dup momentul
consumrii, datorit amplificrii rezultatului
iniial sau continurii activitii infracionale,
progresive, de obicei, care, pe lng
momentul consumrii, cunosc un moment al
epuizrii care coincide cu momentul cnd nu
mai sunt posibile alte urmri, deci, faptul s-a
Astfel de faze sunt posibile la orice
susceptibil de desfurare n timp,
susceptibil de durat, ns nu sunt
obligatorii la toate22, n sensul c, faza de
pregtire a infraciunii poate lipsi la
infraciunile ce se comit cu intenie repentin
Exist situaii n care fazele de
defurare nu sunt posibile23:
- la infraciunile din culp simpl
(neglijena, nesocotina), acolo unde nu s-a
prevzut un rezultat i nu s-a urmrit un
anume scop, nu poate exista nici pregtirea,
nici ncercarea de executare, doar
consumarea infraciunii. Nici chiar la
infraciunile cu intenie indirect (eventual)
nu sunt posibile fazele, deoarece un rezultat
eventual, pe care autorul l prevede i chiar l
accept, nu-l urmrete; iar, cine nu
urmrete un rezultat, acela nu face nici
pregtire, nici ncercare de realizare. Acelai
lucru privete infraciunile comise din culp
cu prevedere, unde autorul, din uurin,
spernd c un anumit rezultat nu se va ivi,
nici nu se pregtete i nici nu nceac
realizarea lui.
- la infraciunile svrite prin
inaciune, fazele de desfurare nu sunt
posibile, ntruct inaciunea nu poate fi
ncercat i pn n momentul apariiei
rezultatului socialmente periculos, persoana
putea s acioneze, iar dac acesta s-a
produs, infraciunea s-a consumat.
- infraciunile cu execuie rapid nu
au o durat i nu comport faze de
desfurare. Exemplu: infraciunea de

stages are not possible:46

- for the crimes of simple negligence
(negligence, recklessness), where there was
not thought a result and there was not
followed a particular purpose, there can be
no preparation or execution attempt, only
committing the crime. Even for the indirect
intentional crimes (possible), there are not
possible the stages, because a possible result,
that the author provides and even accepts, it
is not searched, and the person who does not
seek an outcome, he makes no training, and
no attempt to realize it. The same thing
concerns crime committed by fault with
provision, where the author, of ease, hoping
that a particular outcome will not occur,
neither prepares nor tries its achievement.
- the crimes committed by inaction, the
deployment stages are not possible, because
the inaction cannot be tested until the
emergence of the socially dangerous result,
the person may act, and if it occurred, the
offense was consumed.
- the crimes with fast execution have no
duration and no ongoing development stages.
For example: the crime of defamation
(Article 206 Penal Code) or assault (art. 239
Penal Code).
- the crimes whose objective content consists
of a training activity or attempt of other
activities. For example: illegally crossing the
state border, act incriminated by Law no.
56/1992 on the state border of Romania,
whose objective side consists of training. In
other words, it is not possible to prepare the
training or attempt to prepare.
1. George Antoniu, The attempt,
Societatea Tempus Publisinh House,
Bucharest, 1995;
2. Matei Basarab, Penal Law.
Genaral part, vol. I i II, Lumina Lex
Publising House, Bucharest, 2001;
3. Alexandru Boroi, Gheorghe
Nistoreanu, Penal Law. Genaral part, fourt

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

calomnie (art. 206 Cod penal) sau de ultraj

(art. 239 Cod penal).
- la infraciunile al cror coninut
obiectiv const ntr-o activitate de pregtire
ori ncercare a altor activiti. Exemplu:
trecerea frauduloas a frontierei de stat, fapt
incriminat prin Legea nr. 56/1992 privind
frontiera de stat a Romniei, a crei latur
obiectiv const ntr-o pregtire. Cu alte
cuvinte, nu este posibil pregtirea la
pregtire sau tentativa la pregtire.
1. George Antoniu, Tentativa, Editura
Societii Tempus, Bucureti, 1995;
2. Matei Basarab, Drept penal.
Partea general, vol. I i II, Editura Lumina
Lex, Bucureti, 2001;
3. Alexandru Boroi, Gheorghe
Nistoreanu, Drept penal. Partea general,
ediia a 4-a, Editura C.H.Beck, Bucureti,
4. Constantin Bulai, Bogdan Bulai,
Manual de drept penal. Partea general,
Editura All, Bucureti, 2007;
5. Constantin Butiuc, Elemente de
drept penal, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti,
6. Traian Dima, Drept Penal, Partea
general, vol. I, Editura Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 2004;
7. Vintil Dongoroz, Drept penal,
Reeditarea ediiei din 1939, Editura
Societii Tempus i Asociaia Romna de
tiine Penale, Bucureti, 2000;
8. Narcis Giurgiu, Legea penal i
infraciunea - doctrin, legislaie, practic
judiciar, Editura Gama, 1994
9. Constantin Mitrache, Cristian
Mitrache, Drept penal romn. Partea
general, Universul Juridic, Bucureti, 2011;
10. Florin Streteanu, Tratat de Drept
penal - Partea general, vol. I Editura C. H.
Beck, Bucureti, 2008
11. Mihail Udroiu, Drept penal.
Partea general. Partea special, Editura
C.H.Beck, Bucureti, 2011

Bucharest, 2010;
4. Constantin Bulai, Bogdan Bulai,
Manual of penal law. Genaral part, All
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007;
5. Constantin Butiuc, Elements of
penal law, Lumina Lex Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1998;
6. Traian Dima, Penal law, General
part, vol. I, Lumina Lex Publising House,
Bucharest, 2004;
7. Vintil Dongoroz, Penal law,
Republising the edition from 1939, Tempus
Society and the Romanian Association of
Penal Sciences Publishing House, Bucharest,
8. Narcis Giurgiu, Penal law i the
crime doctrine, legislation, jurisprudence.
Gama Publishing House, 1994
9. Constantin Mitrache, Cristian
Mitrache, Romanian Penal law. Genaral
part, Legal universe, Bucharest, 2011;
10. Florin Streteanu, Penal law treaty
General part, vol. I C. H. Beck Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2008
11. Mihail Udroiu, Penal law.
General part. Special part, C.H.Beck,
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011
12. Ion Oancea, Penal law treaty
General part, All Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1995;
13. Maria Zolyneak, M. I. Michinici,
Penal law. General part, Fundaia Chemarea
Publishing House, Iai, 1999.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2012


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012

12. Ion Oancea, Tratat de Drept

Penal. Partea general, Editura All,
Bucureti, 1995;
13. Maria Zolyneak, M. I. Michinici,
Drept penal. Partea general, Editura
Fundaiei Chemarea, Iai, 1999.

Narcis Giurgiu, Legea penal i infraciunea - doctrin, legislaie, practic judiciar, Editura Gama, 1994, p.
Drumul parcurs ntre prima manifestare i momentul terminal al activitii psihice se numete drumul
infraciunii(iter criminis): Vintil Dongoroz, Drept penal, Reeditarea ediiei din 1939, Editura Societii
Tempus i Asociaia Romna de tiine Penale, Bucureti, 2000, p. 208 sau calea infracional: Matei
Basarab, Drept penal, Partea general, vol. I, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 2001, p. 348;
Constantin Butiuc, Elemente de drept penal, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 1998, p. 32;
Traian Dima, Drept Penal, Partea general, Vol. I, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 2004, p. 251;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 207;
Alexandru Boroi, Gheorghe Nistoreanu, Drept penal. Partea general, ediia a 4-a, Editura All Beck,
Bucureti, 2004 , p. 153;
Ilie Pascu, Drept penal. Partea general, Editura Europa Nova, Bucureti, 2001, p. 203;
Vintil Dongoroz, Siegfried Kahane, Ion Oancea, Iosif Fodor, Nicoleta Iliescu, Constantin Bulai, Rodica
Mihaela Stnoiu, Explicaii teoretice ale Codului penal romn, Partea general, vol. I, Editura Academiei
Romne, Bucureti, 1969, p. 131;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
n literatura de specialitate, acest moment a mai fost denumit i lupta ideilor: Constantin Butiuc, op. cit., p.
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Constantin Mitrache, Cristian Mitrache, Drept penal romn, Partea general, Casa de Editur i Pres
ansa - SRL, Bucureti, 2002, p. 211;
Ion Oancea, Tratat de Drept Penal, Partea general, Editura All, Bucureti, 1994, p. 124;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Vintil Dongoroz i colaboratorii, op. cit., p. 133;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Narcis Giurgiu, op. cit., p. 182;
Vintil Dongoroz i colaboratorii, op. cit., p. 132;
Constantin Mitrache, Cristian Mitrache, op. cit., p. 211;
Ion Oancea, op. cit., p. 124
Narcis Girgiu, Penal law and the crime, doctrine, legislation, jurisprudence, Gama Publishing, 1994, page 178
The road between the first manifestation and the terminal moment of the psychological activity is called "the
road of the crime" (iter criminis): Vintil Dongoroz, Penal Law, Republishing edition of 1939, Tempus Society
and the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000, p 208 or "the criminal
path" Matei Basarab, Penal Law, General Part, Volume I, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001, p
Constantin Butiuc, Penal Law elements, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998, page 32
Traian Dima, Penal Law, General part, Vol. I, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004, p. 251;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 207;
Alexandru Boroi, Gheorghe Nistoreanu, Penal Law. General part, fourt edition, All Beck Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2004 , p. 153;
Ilie Pascu, Penal Law. General part, Europa Nova Publising House, Bucharest, 2001, p. 203;
Vintil Dongoroz, Siegfried Kahane, Ion Oancea, Iosif Fodor, Nicoleta Iliescu, Constantin Bulai, Rodica
Mihaela Stnoiu, Theoretical explanations of the Romanian Penal Code, General part, vol. I, Academia
Romna Publising House , Bucharest, 1969, p. 131;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2012


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2012


In littereture this moment was also called the battle of ideas, Constantin Butiuc, op. cit., p. 33;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Constantin Mitrache, Cristian Mitrache, Romanin Penal Law, Genaral part, ansa Publishing House- SRL,
Bucharest, 2002, p. 211;
36 36
Ion Oancea, Penal Law Treaty, Genaral part, All Publising House, Bucharest, 1994, p. 124;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Vintil Dongoroz et al, op. cit., p 133;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Vintil Dongoroz, op. cit., p. 208;
Matei Basarab, op. cit., p. 349;
Narcis Giurgiu, op. cit., p. 182;
Vintil Dongoroz et al, op. cit., p 132;
Constantin Mitrache, Cristian Mitrache, op. cit., p. 211;
46 46
Ion Oancea, op. cit., p. 124

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2012


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