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Dr Jeffrey Bradstreet has now treated over 2,000 autistic children with our GcMAF and

the results are well established. In 15% GcMAF makes no difference. 85% improve, if
only a little, and of them 15% have their autism eradicated. In all 3,000 children have
been treated with our GcMAF with similar results.
And Dr Bradstreet has published a paper: Initial Observations of Elevated Alpha-NAcetylgalactosaminidase Activity Associated with Autism and Observed
Reductions from GC ProteinMacrophage Activating Factor Injections which is
ground breaking in its discoveries.
With Dr Bradstreet we ourselves published a groundbreaking paper in Frontiers in
Neurology on the 2nd January 2014 where we identify, for the first time, the point in
the human brain where autism resides.
In our opinion Autism tends to be caused by the MMR and other vaccines putting
viruses and mercury into children. A shortage of lipids may contribute. Another Italian
court has awarded 178,000 against the government to a family whos child contracted
autism from MMR.
These viruses sabotage the immune system by sending out nagalase to prevent the
production of the childs GcMAF, and therefore become chronic.
Autism is usually a viral disease to a greater or lesser extent, with viruses in the brain
and the stomach. In 15% of children viruses are negligible, and GcMAF probably will
not help. In 85% viruses are involved, and they will respond to GcMAF. In 15% of
children autism is mainly a viral disease, and these children make full recoveries.
Children can begin to respond inside 5 weeks. If nothing happens in 16 weeks, their
autism may not be viral. If they respond, GcMAF should be continued for typically 24
weeks, or 8 weeks after they appear to be recovered, to ensure the viruses does not
Our GcMAF simply rebuilds the immune system, which then attacks the viruses that
cause autism. Improvements in the child are often seen as early as five weeks about
the same time it often takes to permanently eradicate the herpes virus. We recommend
a child starts at 0.03ml, with a second 0.03 dose in three days, to build up to a twice
weekly 0.1ml dose as soon as possible. Make sure he eats plenty of lipids. But see Dr
Antonuccis recommendations below.
Children with autism often have very high levels of vitamin D3, occasionally toxic
levels (and low levels of D2) which may be produced by gut bacteria. We do not
recommend administering vitamin D3, which may result in severe hyperactivity, unless
the child has had a vitamin D level test.

Nagalase Blood Test

Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses

Is it worth taking a nagalase test? If you have a disease like cancer or autism, you know
you have high nagalase.
The problem with the test is you need to find a local laboratory who will withdraw your
blood into a syringe, spin it down in a centrifuge to extract the yellow serum, and pack
the serum to keep it cool for dispatch.
If you use ELN, its been taking 5 weeks to get results back, so its only useful after
youve been on GcMAF for 8 weeks and compare the first and second results. And by
then you are 8+5=13 weeks down the track. In autism your child should have
responded, and obviously so, before then. However, in long term diseases like stage 4
cancer, nagalase at 13 weeks may be the first definite indicator you get.
So if you decide to do nagalase, we recommend taking the Nagalase blood sample just
before commencing GcMAF (dont wait for the results) and every 8 weeks throughout
treatment. A drop in Nagalase levels shows you are a responder, and that the grip of the
disease is being broken. The cost of a Nagalase blood test is 50 euros from European
Laboratory of Nutrients (ELN) plus any additional costs from your Doctor or Clinic to
extract and prepare the blood sample. A healthy level is below 0.65 nmol/min/mg
Do not believe ELN when they say a healthy level is 0.95. If you stop GcMAF at a
nagalase level of below 0.95, the nagalase will take over again within a few weeks, your
own GcMAF will never recover, and your immune system will collapse again. The
proper level is below 0.65.
Please click here to download an ELN blood test request form and here for more
information concerning Nagalase
ELNs website is and their New Jersey USA
address is also at the top of their homepage.

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