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Advanced English Discovery Speech

Elaine Yan 11EN3

The year is 1945, and I, Percy Spencer, am working in the radar tube division of the Raytheon Corporation. One day,
I was was working on building magnetrons for a radar set, when I discovered something quite bizarre: the
chocolate bar I left in my pocket had melted. It was definitely not hot- and I began to investigate.
I grabbed a couple of popcorn kernels- placed them in front of the magnetron and to my disbelief- they popped,
making popcorn. Little did I know that I had just unexpectedly discovered the concept behind my latest invention.
Fast forward to today- it is 1967 and today I present to you- the microwave oven, which I have spent the past
twenty years developing. This appliance is going to revolutionise meal preparation.
Are you tired of waiting for the oven to preheat, and the stove to warm up? Look no further, the microwave is
instant and ecient- simply place your item in the appliance, set the timer and within minutes your food is ready
and cooked to perfection.
Are you tired of burning the insides of your mouth on hot food out the oven? Say goodbye to resting times and
hello to a full degree of control over the temperature of your food. Unlike conventional ovens which heat up to
unnecessarily high temperatures, the microwave allows YOU to decide how hot you want your food.
Do you ever come home with the dread of spending hours cooking for you family? Look no further, the microwave
is convenient and fast- whilst also saving 80% of the energy associated with using the oven.
Are you tired of spending hours scrubbing thick layers of grease o your oven walls? With the microwave, meal
preparation is clean and ecient. It heats food using its own water content, meaning you never have to worry
about oil and tar buildups ever again.
The microwave is truly the ultimate 20th century appliance- with individuals in our society becoming more
occupied and living faster paced lifestyles, there it a demand for a quick alternative to the traditional stove and
The microwave may also lead to the rise of new industries. Exhibit A- the instant popcorn bag, which I have
prepared earlier in less time than I have been speaking for! Simply place in the microwave, and in seconds you
have a delicious snack- no fuss and no mess!
My discovery, the microwave will be transformative to the broader society- not only will time be saved, leading to
higher productivity, it will stimulate new ideas and inventions

The year is 1945, and I, Percy Spencer, am working in

Do you ever come home with the dread of spending

the radar tube design division of the Raytheon

Corporation. One day, I was was working on building

hours cooking for you family? Look no further, the

magnetrons for a radar set, when I discovered

something quite bizarre: the chocolate bar I left in my

microwave is convenient and fast- whilst also saving

pocket had melted. It was definitely not hot- and I

began to investigate.

80% of the energy associated with using the oven.

I grabbed a couple of popcorn kernels- placed them in

Are you tired of spending hours scrubbing thick layers

front of the magnetron and to my disbelief- they

of grease o your oven walls? With the microwave,

popped, making popcorn. Little did I know that I had

meal preparation is clean and ecient. It heats food

just unexpectedly discovered the concept behind my

using its own water content, meaning you never have

latest invention.

to worry about oil and tar buildups ever again.

Fast forward to today- it is 1967 and today I present to

The microwave is truly the ultimate 20th century

you- the microwave oven, which I have spent the past

appliance- with individuals in our society becoming

more occupied and living faster paced lifestyles, there

twenty years developing. This appliance is going to

is a demand for a quick alternative to the traditional
revolutionise meal preparation.

stove and oven.

Are you tired of waiting for the oven to preheat, and

The microwave may also lead to the rise of new

the stove to warm up? Look no further, the microwave

industries. Exhibit A- the instant popcorn bag, which I

have prepared earlier in less time than I have been

is instant and ecient- simply place your item in the

speaking for! Simply place in the microwave, and in
appliance, set the timer and within minutes your food

seconds you have a delicious snack- no fuss and no

is ready and cooked to perfection.


Are you tired of burning the insides of your mouth on

My discovery, the microwave will be transformative to

hot food out the oven? Say goodbye to resting times

and hello to a full degree of control over the

the broader society- not only will time be saved,

temperature of your food. Unlike conventional ovens

which heat up to unnecessarily high temperatures, the

leading to higher productivity, it will stimulate new

microwave allows YOU to decide how hot you want

your food.

ideas and inventions.

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