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1. Referencias sobre conciencia.

1.1 Libros y captulos de libro.
Baars, B J. (1997)
In the Theater of Consciousness. The Workspace of the Mind.
Oxford University Press, New York.
Capafons A. (2001)
Sntesis, Madrid.
Chalmers, D J. (1996)
The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Crick, F. (1994)
La bsqueda cientfica del alma: una revolucionaria hiptesis para el siglo XXI.
Debate, Madrid.
Damasio, Antonio R (1994)
Descartes' Error
Avon Books. New York
Damasio, Antonio R (1995)
El error de Descartes
Drakontos, Grijalbo-Mondadori. Barcelona.
Damasio, Antonio R (1999)
The Feeling of What Happens
William Heinemann. London
Damasio, Antonio R (1999)
La sensacin de lo que ocurre
Debate, Barcelona
Deikman A J (1982)
The observing self.
Beacon, Boston.
Deikman A J (1986).
Intention, Self, and Spiritual Experience: A Functional Model of
Consciousness. En: (Ed), S. R. Hameroff. A. W. Kaszniak y A. C. Scott. Toward
a Science of Consciousness. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Damasio, A. (2004)
Looking for Spinoza
Dennett, D. C. (1993)
Consciousness Explained
Penguin Books, London
Dennett, D. C. (1996)
Kinds of Minds
Basic Books. New York

Denton D A. (2005)
The Primordial Emotions: The dawning of consciousness.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Edelman, G. M. (1987)
Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection.
Basic Books, New York
Edelman, G. M. (1989)
The remembered present. A Biological Theory of Consciousness.
Basic Books, New York
Edelman, G. M. (1992)
Bright Air, Brilliant Fire.
Basic Books, New York
Edelman, G. M., G. Tononi (2000)
A Universe of Consciousness
Basic Books, New York
Gebser, J. (1985)
The Ever-present Origin: Foundations of the Aperspectival World: a Contribution to the
History of the Awakening of Consciousness
Ohio University Press, Athens
Humphrey, N. (1993)
A History of the Mind
Vintage, London.
Huxley A. (2006)
Las puertas de la percepcin. Cielo e infierno.
Edhasa, Barcelona.
Kabat-Zinn J. (2004).
Vivir con plenitud las crisis..
Kairs, Barcelona.
Koch, C. (2005)
La consciencia. Una aproximacin neurobiologica
Ariel. Barcelona.

Laberge S. (1990).
Lucid Dreaming.
Ballantine Books, New York.
Llins R R. (2002)
I of the Vortex: From Neurons to Self.
The MIT Press.
Penrose R. (1995)
Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness.
Vintage, London.
Ramachandran V S y Hirstein W. (1999)
Three Laws of Qualia.
En: S Gallagher y J Shear, eds. Models of the Self.
Thorverton, Imprint Academic.

Searle, John, R. (2000)
El misterio de la conciencia
Paids, Barcelona
Searle J R. (1992)
The Rediscovery of the Mind.
The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Simn V. (2002).
La depresin como oportunidad.
En: Pallard F. ed. Depresin. Estado Actual.
Fundacin Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, Valencia.
Simn, V. M. (2005)
Orgenes y evolucin de la conciencia.
En: La profeca de Darwin.
Editado por: Julio Sanjun y Camilo Jos Cela Conde.
Ars Medica. Barcelona.
Simn, V. M. (2005)
La relacin mente-cuerpo desde una perspectiva actual
En: Morgado, I.:
Psicobiologa. De los Genes a la Cognicin y el Comportamiento.
Ariel Barcelona,
Simn, V. M. (2007)
Mindfulness y Neurobiologa
Revista de Psicoterapia, XVII (66-67): 5-30
Tart, Charles T. (2000)
States of Consciousness
Authors Guild Edition (

Wallace, B. A. (2000)
The Taboo of Subjectivity. Toward a new science of consciousness
Oxford University Press. Oxford
Wilber K. (1995)
Despus del Edn. Una visin transpersonal del desarrollo humano.
Kairs, Barcelona.
Wilber, K. (2000)
Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality
Shambhala. Boston & London
Williams M, Teasdale J, Segal Z & Kabat Zinn J. (2007)
The Mindful Way through Depression.
The Guilford Press, New York.
Zimmer C. The neurobiology of the self. Scientific American, Nov 2005: 64-71.

1.2 Artculos
Morin A. (2006).
Levels of consciousness and self-awareness: A comparison and integration of
various neurocognitive views. Conscious Cogn; 15(2): 358-71.


Simn, V. M. (2002)
Las trampas de la imaginacin
Psicothema, 14 (3): 643-650
Simn, V. M. (2003)
La deuda emocional
Psicothema, 15 (2): 328-334
Teasdale J D, Segal Z V, Williams J M G, Ridge V A, Soulsby J M, y Lau M A.
Prevention of Relapse/Recurrence in Major Depression by Mindfulness-Based
Cognitive Therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; 68, 4: 615-623.

1.3 WEB
Chalmers, D J.
First-Person Methods in the Science of Consciousness.
Mirar en Internet: Online papers on consciousness


2. Referencias sobre mindfulness.

2.1 Ver pgina web de Vicente Simn,
apartado Bibliografa:

2.2 Ver pgina de AMYS

(Asociacin Mindfulness y Salud):

2.2 WEB
Wolever R Q, Ladden L, Davis J Best J, Greeson J & Baime M (2007)
EMPOWER: Mindful Maintenance Therapist Manual.
(Unpublished treatment manual for NIH funded grants 5U01
AT004159 and 5U01 AT004158)
Duke University and University of Pennsylvania (respectively).



S Goldstein & E Goldstein: Mindful Solutions for Addiction and

Relapse Prevention
Mindfulness y Compasin. Vicente Simn (CD).
Consultar pgina web de Vicente Simn:
Consultar pgina web de Andrs Martn:
Material de Fernando de Torrijos (Director de MBSR
Material de Clara Badino (Argentina)

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