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Bio paper 1

1. A. illium region of abosorption of nutrients from intestine(glucose/ aa) into bl ood.

A vast capillary bed exist taking in the nutreints
They are connect to gether to finally form the Hepatic portal vein that carries blood
from the illium to the liver. Thus the blood transported in this vessel is very rich in

b. during abosorption of nutrients into blood in the villi region active transport occur. This requires
Oxygen, to generate the energy for active transport. The oxgen is taken from the RBC/Blood in this
region. Thus the blood that enter the hepatic portal vein is deoxygenated. Plus all living tissue in the
region respire too.

c. mention production of bile which neutralise and emulsify fat

glucose conversion into glycogen under insulin
Deamination of excess AA to produce urea,
Breaking down of Toxins

2. A.Flattened; increase; drops; higher; into; alveoli

b. A goblet cells/mucus producing cells produces mucus that moisten as well as trap microbes
B. Cilliated epitheilum/epithelial cell the rythmic movements of cilia will push dust/pathogen
carrying mucus towards the pharynx

3. Check for proper reactants and products/ formulae/balancing

b. 4.97
c. i. to maintain a constant light intensity as well as a constant temperature. If too close the water in
the syringe will warm up and this will affect the rate.
ii. the process of photosyntheis takes place there by producing excess amounts of oxygen increasing the
pressure. This causes the menicus to move down so that more volume to accommodate gained.
iii. proper labeling of axis. Straight lines connecting the plots.

D.e . what is a limiting facter that controls the rate of photosynthesis. As the amounts of CO2
increase, the rate of photosynthesis increases. High light this by including values from the table and
4. A cell membrane; B- Cytoplasm; C- Nucleic material/ single choromosome; D - cell wall

b.CO2 ; composting/ eq;

molecules such as co2,methane abosorb/trap heat
heat radiation out of the atmosphere into space is limited.
More molecules means more heat trapping there by increasing the global temperture.
c. i. mention the genral trend is increasing the levels
lowest value and year/ highest value and the period
Rapid increase and a fast deline and relevant time periods.

ii. Acid rain reduces the soil and water pH levels making both places acidic. Affects plant growth, and
survival of other organisms.
iii. using better quality material/fuel with very low or no Sulfur content; using other forms of energy
such as electricity.
Purification of exhaust air;eq.

6. pollen of same flower landing on the stigma of the same flower

Pollen of a different flower of the same tree or from a different tree of same sp. Lands on the stigma.

b. i. RR ; rr

7. The cromosomal composition of the child is a mixture of half of its fathers and half of its mothers.
Because during fertlization two haploid gametes (sperm (father)+ egg(mom) fuse.
Thus the diploid offspring will only have half of each parents chromosomes


8. i. Milk fat is broken down by the fat digesting enzyme into fatty acids and glycerol. Release of fatty
acids increases the acidity of the medium thereby reducing the pH.

ii. average drop in pH - (8.7 7.7)/2 = 5.0

rate of drop 5.0/4min = 1.25/min

iii. bile emlsify fats and increases the surface area. Thus higher efficiency of enzyme action.

9. a. bottom soya food; middle level trout; top level - human

C. prevents predator attacks from birds, etc.

d. dead trout decomposes due activity of decompoers. these decomposers use the glucose they
obtained from the dead matter to respire. During respiration CO2 is released into the atm .


Biio paper 2

1. B. i. B;
ii. D.
iii. 50%
i. C ;
ii. it has all the food groups representing a balanced diet.; low fat content espcially low sat. fats.
Low sugar and salts. Also enough calories per meal.

b. ii . Generalist
iii. red bellied wood pecker and northern cardinal
They are infrequent visitors to the area; and their meal type may be different (carnivorous,etc.,
They may not prefer the food types available in the bowls

4. X - Iris; Y - Retina; Z - Optic nerve

b. the width of the lens alters, Accomodation of the lense.
When looking at distant object the lense thins while for close objects the lense become thick.
c. i. Lable and scales of axis; plotting the points ; line graph

ii. iii. read off the graph


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