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The time has now come when existing pattern of University education requires change. The
University education has to be such that it is able to meet the specialised needs of the modern
society. For the Universities through their students have to pour info the country useful citizens. The
Universities most act as the store house of spiritual and moral knowledge. A purely humanistic or
purely scientific education will not do ; even a blend of the two may fail to achieve the needful. If
we require on the one hand more doctors than engineers; on the other hand we require as many
teachers. Education in Agriculture is no less important.
In order to preserve the international character of a university the students must enjoy the freedom of
movement. Today travel has become so fast and easy that the world is a much smaller place.
Journeys are shorter in terms of time if not distance. The movement of teachers and students alike
between universities shall help to breakdown narrow nationalism. Today a proper understanding and
respect for the achievements of others is essential. For in the field of technology, engineering and
medical science more so in space exploration, the other countries of the world have greatly
advanced. It is essential that the universities help to develop a universal respect for all achievements.
With the growth of specialisation, two major difficulties appear before universities. First it is easy to
lose sight of the object of education by becoming involved in technical details. Secondly, by
moulding itself to the needs of the students and the needs of the state, it may lose its power to mould
the students into reasonable and responsible men. The need of the students for university education
is purely economical. He has no more glamour of university education except for employment
For this reason the university has not only to provide specialised training to the students. It has also
to make the students capable of thinking for themselves and capable of expressing the results of their
thoughts to others. The universities must produce complete human beings who are able to take their
proper place in the society. They must bring credit to their education both for their professional
knowledge and as men.
The university education must create a sense of realisation on the part of the students that they have
definite duties towards human society. They must cultivate ability in the students to behave in a
reasonable way, to behave in a moderate, nonviolent and peaceful way. The rowdy, lawless nd
destructive tendency of the students is to be curbed immediately. Thejf universities through students
must spread their influence to the society. The kind of mental and moral frustration with which the
student walks out of university is not healthy.
To create a balanced sense of obligation and understanding, the pursuit of knowledge must not only
be confined to science, classics or medicine etc. With all the reasonable knowledge accumulated it
must be turned to good account. The conflict between man and society must be resolved. The
universities must mmy advocate that there is no conflict between disciplines, between humanism and
science. The central character of all knowledge must continue to remain man, his possibilities,
limitations and the depths he can sink to. The practical application of knowledge along with the
comprehensive understanding of man and his needs is the foremost duty of the university.
A university truly national in character it the crying need of the time. The dry and negative
university education is doing more harm to the nation than a foreign aggression The recent
destructive tendencies of the students is a serious warning to all right thinking educationists.

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