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Content & Assignments: Three Appreciation Games

Begin by making a list of 10 things you love. As you do it, notice how you feel. It may serve as a graphic
demonstration of the joys of "The Appreciation Games," our first topic. I think it is wonderful to spend time in
contemplation of all that you appreciate in your life, and to share in the results of our thoughts of what we
Abraham says that appreciation is the highest vibration we know. What we call "being in love" includes also the
vibration of yearning, and is not pure. But when you appreciate, you automatically allow your vibration to return to
the high, fast vibration of your core. If you tried writing the list of 10 things you love, I bet you clearly demonstrated
the upswelling of joy caused by writing a letter of appreciation.
So that is the first of the three promised appreciation games.
The second is "What do I like about this?" Abraham tells the story of the man in his car who invented the game
when he was stuck in traffic. He said it was very easy to notice what he didn`t like about that. So he determinedly
decided to notice what he did like about it. That his car was reliable and comfortable and his air conditioning was
great even though it was warm outside. That his car phone gave him access to the outside world. That he had an off
button on his car phone that allowed him to shut out the outside world! That there was a very pretty girl in the
next car, and he`d been beside her for a long time. He really liked that!
My experience with "What do I like about this?" is to incorporate it in any part of my day, whether I was actively
liking the day, or not. Just the activity of basking in my appreciation of what is going on, enhances my awareness and
makes me more mindful of how good my life is and how much I love so much of what is in my experience. In the
grocery store, I can like the abundance of healthful, inexpensive, beautifully prepared and presented food. I can like
the cheerful staff, and compliment them on how much I like to shop there. I can appreciate the cleanliness of the
store, and how they carry my favorite brands. I can like that I have the money to put one of these and one of those
and several of these in my basket. I can notice my basket is moving gracefully about the store before me, making it
simple for me to carry all the wonderful food I am wanting to buy. I can like that I have a reliable car to get me to
and from the store, and that the store provides nice men to bag my groceries and put them in my trunk.
In every moment there is at least that much, and probably much more, to like, if we look for what we like about
this. And of course, Law of Attraction gives us more of what we like to notice, just as soon as we put our focus
The third appreciation game is "Book of Positive Aspects." It is "What do I like about this" focused and made more
emphatic by writing it down, preserving, and accumulating it. We have used it a lot on the Abraham Internet mailing
list as a way of dealing with people with whom we are experiencing conflict, but Abraham`s definition of it is even
Here's what the Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 381, says about "BOPA."
"Your Book of Positive Aspects
You are upon the brink of magnificent, deliberate creating. You have been the creators of your experience from the
day that you emerged into this body. Now you will be the deliberate creators of your experience. Trust that which
comes forth from within you.
If you will buy a new notebook, and call it your Book of Positive Aspects, and spend 10 minutes each day writing
positive aspects about your home, your body, your work, your relationships...If you will wake up every morning
acknowledging that you have re-emerged into the physical and that today you will look for reasons to feel
good...And if you will pay attention to the way you are feeling, and utilize the process of pivoting [we will cover
pivoting in detail next week] is our absolute promise to you, that -- within 30 days -- you will see such a
dramatic turn of events in your life experience, that you will not believe you are the same person."
So, Abraham says that BOPA can be used for all aspects of your life, expanding on the many things you already
know you love, everyone you know, your body, your work, your prosperity and so on.

When you are appreciating someone, and they are unable to uplift themselves to the level of your vibration, they
vibrate right out of your experience. Most people you love will be uplifted by your appreciation to a new level of
appreciation and connectedness for themselves.
That is the "content" of class 1. We covered 3 appreciation processes. "The Appreciation Game" was done as "10
things I love", "What do I like about this" was explained, and "Book of Positive Aspects" was also explored.
Assignment on Appreciation Games
The assignment is to actually practice using the Book of Positive Aspects. Start out by making a list of people, living
and dead, as you can think of in your life who have influenced you significantly. I came up with 75 in the first 10
minutes! Think of immediate family, extended family, teachers, friends, lovers, co-workers, students, employees,
employers, acquaintances in the community, writers whose works you have studied, people you have tried to
I noticed in doing this exercise that there were several people I went to school with over 20 years ago on my list
that I could immediately think of NOTHING good about! I have not thought of these people in years, but my
vibration of resistance/resentment was right where I left it, 20 years ago! BOPA was a great opportunity for me to
easily clear out some underlying resistance that has been there, negatively affecting my life until now.
Then pick 2 people from your list who are easy to adore, and 2 who are more of a challenge. Find a notebook, and
write the names of each on the top of a fresh page. Then, on that page, write as many positive aspects as you can
think of for that person. Do the people you adore first, so it is easier to get the ball rolling. Sometimes it is easier
to see a good quality in the "challenging" people after you have appreciated it a friend or family member. Abraham
says, if you can't think of anything good at all, make something up!
Note that when you are doing the BOPA, you might discover yourself trying to do positive aspects of one person
you are having trouble with, and noticing that instead you are thinking of someone else behaving in a similar way
from your past. Should this happen, go ahead and write a BOPA page on the person from the past as well.
After you have done this exercise, please consider sharing your results with the Abraham List at,
either by sharing a couple of your lists, and/or by sharing you reactions/feelings/comments about the BOPA
process. Feel free to make comments about your experience with the two other appreciation games, as well.I hope
all this is clear and fun for you to do.

Content & Assignment: Segment Intending & Pivoting

"When your thought is in sync with that which comes forth from within, doors will open -- and everything that is
action-oriented will be smooth-flowing and easy for you." Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 381
Segment Intending and Pivoting go in one class because they are the backbone processes to help you take charge of
what you are thinking. Here's how the Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 381, defines pivoting:
"Pivot -- To consciously change the direction of one's thought. To deliberately choose a thought that is in vibrational
harmony with one's desire."
In order to understand the importance of pivoting when we have a negative thought (other than that it just FEELS
BETTER,) it helps to explore what Abraham has taught about our guidance system.
Guidance System and Pivoting
Abe teaches that negative thoughts generate negative emotions. Any negative emotion is a message from your Inner
Being that you are thinking a negative thought. When you are thinking a negative thought, it is starting the ball
rolling toward a negative outcome in your life.Your Inner Being uses the negative emotion to signal you that it is
time to change the thought you are thinking.

It is much easier to monitor your emotions than it is to monitor your thoughts. We have way too many thoughts,
and many of them are so habitual, it is hard for us to even catch them on the way through. It just feels normal to
think negatively, we have been doing it for so long. And I am motivated to change the thoughts by knowing it will
make me feel better rather than worse.
In order to lessen negative emotion in our lives, we first learn to find the thoughts that are causing the fear, anger
or frustration and get better at changing the thoughts, so the thoughts come up less and less often and you feel
good more and more often. This is the crux of pivoting.
John McCurdy (a wonderful metaphysical teacher on the Abraham List) came up with a saying that really jelled the
concept for me - "If I am feeling negative emotion, I am thinking something that isn't true. Period."
If you have followed negative thoughts into a really bad place, so you are deep into pain, it is hard to pivot. At that
point, Abe says it is best to just go to sleep, see a movie, read a book, swim, walk, fantasize about sex or distract
yourself in some way so that you get back to your feel good state.
Then from that feel good state, when you have the first twinge of negative emotion, now, THAT is the time to jump
on it, and really notice the thought that is playing at the moment. It is a thought that your IB is checking right out of
your experience on. That particular thought isn't TRUE in the cosmic sense of the word, though it may be fact in
your current context. If you think, "I am not enough," or "I can't trust myself," then your IB is out of there!
The moment your Inner Being stops flowing through you, you feel negative emotion.You stop, notice you are feeling
bad, and look for the thought that caused the emotion.You notice it is a habitual thought of "I am not enough." You
say to yourself, "Well, John McCurdy says this negative emotion means this thought isn't true. What is the truth
about me? What do I want to believe about myself? I want to believe that I am enough. I want to know that I am
wonderful, in fact."
If you feel better with what you said to yourself, your pivot is successful. Feeling a sense of relief is a clear sign of a
neatly executed pivot! Abraham says that we never go back to the original vibration on that subject, after we pivot
on it even once. It may reoccur often for awhile, but it will be easier to recognize and shift each time.
It is not your past that is causing your pain, it is your thoughts about the past that cause you pain. And the pain is
not just the consequence of the thought, it is the absence of your Inner Being. That is what is intolerable.
It is good that it is intolerable. Otherwise, we would continue to dwell in the negative space that causes us to
miscreate in our lives. The pain of our IB withdrawing from us is the guidance system that tells us when we are
doing a good job with our thoughts, and when we are wildly off track.
Abraham often makes the comparison of pulling your hand away quickly when you touch a hot stove. Would you
want to make your hand numb, so you can rest it there while your flesh is burned and destroyed? NO! You want
your hand to become even more sensitive, so that you feel the heat from right above the stove, so you never even
have to put your hand directly on it to know it isn't good for you.
That's what we are striving to do. To use the negative emotion as a signal that what we are thinking is too hot to
handle! That there is a cooler, more comfortable truth lying at a higher, faster frequency than the "truth" we have
decided to focus on in the moment. I just got an image of being in a scorching desert at midday, vs. high up on a
mountain side where the view is sublime and the air is cool and clear. Pivoting is moving in the second it takes to
change a thought from being scorched to feeling refreshed.
Segment Intending
Segment intending is dividing your day into recognizable intervals and consciously setting different intentions for
each segment. For example, when you first wake up in the morning, you are in the "awake but still in bed segment."
Then you might move into the "preparing for the day segment which includes showering, dressing, making
breakfast." Then it might be the "commute to work" segment. And then the "day at work" segment. Even within
your work day, you have different segments - "meeting with a committee," "talking to customers on the phone,"
"having lunch with your friends."

Each segment has a purpose, and you can state your intentions briefly at the beginning of each segment. For
example, for sleeping at night, you might set your intention to re-emerge into nonphysical energy of your core, have
your body be relaxed, refreshed and restored, have wonderful dreams, and be more and more aware of your Inner
Being's messages to you through your dreams. These are different intentions than your commute to work, which
you might prefer to be safe, fun, quick, efficient, easy and uplifting.
As you start segment intending, you discover that the segments start conforming to your new intentions.
Sometimes it takes a few conscious intentions to overcome the inertia of years of complaining about commuting,
but your experience begins to shift in the direction you are wanting. As you do it, look for evidence that a shift is
occurring, and celebrate even the smallest, more on target event.
When you start getting good at segment intending, pivoting becomes less necessary. But even when you segment
intend, sometimes you notice something in the environment that is not part of your intention, and by focusing on
it, you can create negative emotion, whether it be fear or anger or frustration. That's when you want to remember
to pivot and reaffirm your positive intention.
Here's what the Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 379, says about segment intending:
"All is well with you. There is not something that you should be doing that you are not doing.You don`t have any
ground to make up for.You have not been lying around not doing your work.You are in the perfect place. And we
see this as a sort of turning point where the majority of that which you will attract from this point forward will be
more in harmony with your wanting.
Make more decisions in every day. More decisions about what you want. And let your first and foremost -- and
most often -- decision be, "I want to feel good." Because unless you are in the place of feeling good, unless you are
in that place of full connectedness, you don`t have much of value to give to anyone else.
"I want to feel good! I really, really want to feel good! Therefore, I will look for reasons to feel good.
When you get into your automobile, make your statement of intent: "I am wanting to travel safely this distance. I
am wanting to be very efficient. I am wanting to have a pleasant drive. I am wanting to be very clear. I am wanting to
have a happy heart as I drive..."
As you make those sorts of statements, you set your own vibrational tone so that anything that is around you that
is not in harmony with that, simply cannot be where you are.
When you emerge into the day, let your vibration be the dominant one.Your vibration of joy, your vibration of
growth, your vibration of freedom, your vibration of love, your vibration of all is well. And anybody that is out there
vibrating in discord with that -- will vibrate someplace else.
You will begin to see a dramatic difference in the way others are responding to you. Some of them will find reasons
to go someplace else. Others, that you do not know, that will satisfy intentions that are deep and powerful within
you, will begin gravitating into your experience.
Assignment: Segment Intending & Pivoting
Identify recurring segments in your particular day, and then pick one. Write a clear segment intention for that part
of your day, and share it with the Abraham List if you would like an audience for your work.

Content & Assignment: Positive What Ifs

"What else could reality be, if it wasn't what it is?" - Dr. Lee Gibson, 9/2/97
Positive What Ifs

Abraham has said that our ability to create is conditioned by two factors, our level of desire (wanting) and our
level of resistance. Our resistance includes our negative habits of thought (beliefs.) The "positive what if" technique
is one of the most powerful they have shared with us and is designed to reduce our resistance to the good that is
natural to us. Abraham has sometimes summarized the creation process as "want it, and don`t resist it, and it is."
It is important, in learning to use positive what ifs, to be very aware of our guidance system. To notice and know if a
statement we make to ourselves makes us feel better or worse. The what ifs are, by definition, positive, only if they
make us feel GOOD! Or at least, better.
Think about how often people come up with negative what ifs - the Murphy's Law type thinking - if something bad
can happen, it will! Well, we can train ourselves to think of the most positive outcomes that can happen instead, to
use our imagination to create wonderful day dreams instead of fearful ones. Since Abraham says, and research
confirms, that our mind cannot tell the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a real one, our
vibration reflects the result of our positive or negative flights of fancy. And we create our lives, based on the
vibration we are resonating with in the moment.
Essentially, the positive what if process is designed to replace worry thoughts with delightful fantasy. In fact, the
what ifs release us to fantasize wildly! They give us permission to think ANYTHING, no matter how untrue, that
will make us feel better and lighten our vibration. What ifs let us roam entirely free of reality, and get truly creative,
seeking that which makes us relax, and preferably, laugh about what has made us stressed. What a relief that is!
Hypothetical sample of positive what ifs:
What if you are feeling a bit jealous of someone who has a life you judge to be the kind of life you want? Here's all
the steps to take to use positive what ifs to make it more possible for you to attract the prosperity you desire.
First, you must get yourself to the place where you believe and put out there that the only thing that matters is that
you feel good. Until then, you are sending conflicting messages to the Universe, and your guidance will not be clear.
So you start making "what if" statements to yourself, with the only intention that you leave yourself in a better
vibratory place on the subject than where you started.
So you say, "what if I believe that he doesn't deserve that kind of life, I am the one who deserves it." Chances are
that makes you feel bad, because your Inner Being knows that you both deserve it. So you say, "what if we both
could have that kind of life, there is abundance for all, and no competition." That might make you feel a little better.
Or not. Only you can find the feeling place of slightly purer vibration than before. Then you try "I know Abe says all
is truly well, and I really am closer to a life like that than I sometimes think I am." That might feel better. What if
something happens next Wednesday to shift my life in that direction in a big way? What if someone gives me a
lottery ticket worth a million dollars? What if I get a check in the mail next week for $2500? What if I were wearing
that gorgeous outfit that I saw at the mall last week when I go out on Friday night? What if I won an all expense
paid trip to the Cannes Film Festival and my favorite movie star falls in love with me?
You see, positive what ifs don't have to be true, they only need to make you feel better. And what will make you feel
better will be different than what would make anyone else feel better. So only you can really make up your what ifs.
But every day for a month, when the resistance on the subject comes up, you can shift the vibration just a little with
silly, fun, true or outrageous what ifs. At the end of the month, Abe says we can have reduced 90% of the resistance
on the subject we have been carrying around for life. Then next month you can work on another subject. There is
no end to the fun you can have.

Don't try to make the what ifs solve the problem. Just remember that the intent is to make you feel just a little
better in the moment. And every day the vibration gets easier to shift, and the game gets to be a little more fun,
until at the end of the month you are playing the game in every conversation you have! (If you are like me, that is...)
This is a real life example, I (Connee) had of using positive what ifs when I noticed some negative emotion:
"I had a wonderful experience in my favorite local park with a gimpy goose. He was a gosling from this year, young
and unable to fly, and limping badly. All of the flock had crossed the big mowed field from the pond, and were
feeding happily in the deep edge vegetation by the shady woods. This last gosling was having trouble walking across
the mowed field, and it was taking him much longer than the others to get to the good food. He was alone.
I felt myself loving the lone goose, even though the healthy geese had blocked my entry (hissing and flapping) from
the trail I first wanted to go on. I kept wondering as I walked, why it was so much easier to love the gimpy goose. I
finally realized that that endearing sensation was my Inner Being's presence. So I started thinking about the gimpy
goose. At first, it felt bad. I was thinking he was hurting and lonely. Then I started doing positive what ifs about the
gimpy goose. What if he managed to live until his wings grew in and discovered that instead of hobbling, he could
soar? What if all the extra work of compensating for the gimpy leg made him strong, and he found he was the
strongest flyer of the geese, and often took his turn leading the flock in the air, and making it easier for the weaker
geese to rest in his current? What if the limp was just an injury rather than a permanent problem, and he quickly
healed and became a strong and healthy goose? What if the determination required to keep going under trying
circumstances made him a wise goose in consciousness, and he turned into the goose flock shaman? What if he is
the first goose to re-emerge into nonphysical from this flock, and all the other young geese, being tuned into pure
positive energy, can feel the exhilaration and joy and wisdom conveyed from this goose's re-emergence? What if
this goose is a cranky, gimpy goose in this lifetime, lonely and upset, but reemerges early and returns in a strong
healthy goose body again? What if other geese, observing this cranky goose, make a more conscious decision from
the contrast to be happy ducky geese? <grin>
Wow, I was soaring! My Inner Being was showing me how to use the loving attraction and resulting painful feelings
of looking at the gimpy goose to expand my consciousness of the value of every life! And once I was soaring, I could
see that the experience of this goose could be just fine for him, whether it was a triumphant or a disappointing
experience in my opinion!"
Using the positive what ifs, in this case, took me from a position of feeling bad to a place of feeling good in just a
couple of minutes. And permanently increased my vibration when I look at the lives of people around me who are
"gimpy" in some way at this moment. I know now, from my goose what ifs, that I have no idea of the value of this
experience for this person, and it is not up to me to judge them as broken, or needing my sympathy.
In fact, from this experience, I was able to deduce my favorite statement now, "I trust that my Inner Being always
takes me from where I am now, by the shortest route, to where I most want to be. And the shortest route doesn't
always go through the nicest neighborhood."
So when I see someone, like the gimpy goose, going through a bad neighborhood, I am more likely to remember
that their Inner Being is right there guiding them through the experience. And I quickly remember back to times in
my life of pain or injury or suffering, that I wouldn't trade for anything now because of all I learned from the
experience. And I feel good, regardless of the current condition of the other person. This is what Abraham calls
unconditional love. Seeing the truth, and staying connected, regardless of the conditions.
So, the road to unconditional love is paved with positive what ifs!
This week, notice a subject that is bothering you, even a little bit. Test your guidance system with a couple of
negative what ifs, just to make sure you are in tune with noticing negative emotion. For example, suppose you think
that what is bothering is that you are feeling lonely tonight. A negative what if might be, "What if I never again have
good company in the evening!" Chances are, that will make you feel pretty bad! Then try a more positive what if,
"What if, now that I am getting good at deliberate creation, I can create companionship for myself that is better
than it has ever been before?" Test that out with your guidance system - does it feel a bit better, or not. If not, keep
looking for statements that feel good. Some may feel really good, some just marginally better. Try to get sensitive to

the degrees of feeling - some will be much worse, some a little worse, some pretty neutral, some just a bit better,
some good, and others great! Allow yourself to experiment with expanding your thinking into the humorous and
even bizarre. You get extra credit points if you can come up with what ifs that make you laugh. You get even more
points if you share with your facilitator and make me laugh! Have fun with all of this!

Content & Assignment: Scripting

" ost of you are not writing a very deliberate script. Most of you are responding to conditions; you are talking
about what happened. You are talking about what is or what has been. Most of you are not being deliberate about
what you want. And sometimes, in the beginning, even though you state clearly what you want, you offer equal or
greater resistance...You must want it and allow it and it is. Or want it and believe it and it is. Now we are saying to
you in even more deliberate terms, want it and don`t resist it, and it is. Every single time without exception.

Notes from the Abe Session from Dallas 1995. (Thanks to Bobbi, on the Abraham list, for the transcript!)
"SCRIPTING is where you take some bugaboo that has been really bothering you and literally change your
vibrational habit about it.
Just play with it, most of all be easy about it and have fun with it. We can make so much work of these processes
that in time you get overwhelmed just with the process. And we want to bring simplicity to your life.
We want you to realize that you've got a guidance system with you in every moment. So at any moment that you
are vibrationally out of synch with your source energy you feel it. So if you feel negative emotion, if it's fear or
anger or frustration or resentment or disappointment or loneliness or anger or guilt or any of those emotions just
stop & say hmmmm what am I pushing against, (what's bothering me), because there is always something, and as
soon as you've identified what you are trying to say no to, then say, "what's the obvious yes", and just by doing that
usually the resistance will lift, or soften substantially."
"On a recent tape, Abraham explains about scripting and then adds: 'You do not script to get the thing you are
scripting. You script because you want to feel good. And in order to feel good you write about something you
That is interesting. I think it implies that if you script about that one thing you WANT, you cannot do otherwise but
come from a place of lack. But if you script for the fun of scripting, that will (re)connect you to your stream. The fun
of this is: you can script about one thing and manifest another. If (example) I feel the lack of a mate and that is an
issue for me, I can script about beautiful sunsets and reconnect in doing so. And that good feeling might resolve my
resistance to the mate... That is also the common denominator of all their techniques: reconnecting yourself."
Malik de Kok <>
In teaching scripting, Abraham often talks about the movie "Delirium," with John Candy. In it, he plays a soap opera
script writer, who has an accident and wakes up in the hospital. Only the hospital is the one he has written about in
the soap, and he knows it is not real. All the doctors are the actors, but they are acting like doctors. The normal set
is just a few rooms, but when he looks out the window the whole town is there. He goes crazy and tries to
escape, telling everyone he has written them and they aren`t real. Soon someone says to him, "well, if you wrote it,
and you don`t like it, change the script." And he discovers he can do that! He just writes it the way he wants it. For
example, he calls about his car, and they tell him that it will take a week to fix it. He frowns at first, and then goes
back to his typewriter and writes "His car was repaired immediately." And the phone rings and it is the garage,
telling him his car has already been repaired.
Abraham says that Esther, in watching this movie couldn`t stop laughing. She said to Jerry - "they think it is a movie,
but it is real!" Abraham has often described how Esther will notice she is in a bad place vibrationally on a subject,

and sit down with her laptop to write out a new script, outlining all the parts, which helps her get to the feeling
place of relaxation and acceptance and gratitude for the new situation about to unfold in her life.
One good way to start a script is the phrase, "If I had it my way . . . " Abraham says we can have it our way, if we can
vibrate it and allow it. So sitting down to write a new script is fun and rewarding, because it is a quick way to
manifest changes in your vibration, which soon manifests changes in your life.
There are a number of different methods for writing scripts, and they all work. One is to just write about your
vision, as in the following script.
Sample script: posted by Janet Davis <101741.2254@CompuServe.COM> to abraham_hicks.
I see all of us filled with and surrounded by love in all our lives, feeling warm and at ease with ourselves. Feeling
loved, all the time. We are the adored children of a doting universe. Everyone we come in contact with uplifts, loves
and warms us to the depths of our souls. Everywhere we look we see love and light. All the love that we are
reflects back to us from the thousand tiny reflective surfaces of our lives, and we receive small flashes of love from
every direction, even the most unexpected places! We feel secure and loved in all we do, everywhere we are, no
matter whether we are with others or alone. We are loved! This love fills us and then overflows us, flowing out to
warm everyone who comes in contact with us. We are welling pools of love, and that love attracts loving individuals
into our lives, who reflect back to us more of the same! There is much love for us EVERYWHERE! How wonderful
to be so surrounded by and filled with love! And so it is!
Another way is to focus on what you love, as in the following script:
Posted by Marta: to abraham_hicks.
I love people who genuinely like themselves. I love people who can laugh and can laugh at themselves. I love people
who make me laugh. I love people who love to play, are curious, intelligent and yet have an endless sense this is not
the be all and end all. I love people who make me think. I love people who love to learn. I love people who let me
be. I love people who listen and speak with an open heart and an open mind. I appreciate deeply the courage of
people who will tell me their truth even when I know I might not want to hear it. I love creative, imaginative people
who see connections I don't see. I love people who take risks and think for themselves. I love people who can hug
with ease and have a twinkle in their eye. I love people who are up to some mischief...they don't always follow "the
Rules!" I love people who are trying to grow ...intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I love people who allow
themselves to admit a mistake and I love people who allow me to make mine. I love generous, passionate,
compassionate pure positive energy people ...I love you guys...
A friend shared a script with me recently about her perfect mate, and it occurred to me as she was reading it, that
it was a script about him, rather than about her. It felt kind of clinical to me, and I didn't notice the excitement that
builds in a script where 17 seconds is actually being achieved over and over. Almost every sentence started with "he
is." Our point of power is with "I am."
I suggested she might try rewriting it beginning, "I am a wonderful wife. I have a wonderful husband. Let me fill you
in on all we have been doing since we got married." And then, as she got to each of the details, to begin writing a
little story that she remembered about their time together illustrating that detail from the list of mate
characteristics she had already compiled. "He gives me flowers, especially roses" becomes: "I remember how, one
Saturday during our whirlwind courtship, on the first week anniversary of our first kiss, he sent me roses. And what
roses! Oceania roses - the longest stems I have ever seen! They are the most delicate peach color, and the
fragrance was exquisite. Each one was more perfect than the next. The mass of a dozen of them was so awesome,
and I was able slip two out, and put one in a bud vase in the bathroom, and another in my bedroom, so that
everywhere I went that day in my home, I was reminded of the glory of him. In one short week, it felt like he
changed everything in my whole life. I felt settled, sure and secure, in the midst of the greatest excitement I had
ever experienced. I just glowed that day when I thought about him, and now, here, 10 years later, I still do. He is still
that romantic. What a guy!"
Can you feel the difference? I can, I have goose bumps. The script that I wrote about my perfect mate before I met
David was so detailed that Ca Ley believed it was true. She missed the first line that said it was a script. When she
was reading it, her husband (at the time) came over and she was exclaiming, "look what Connee has created", and

he was saying, "Ca Ley, it is just a script." And she said, "no it can't be, look at all these details." And then she said
that it was amazing, when she got done, she felt like he was as real to her as I was (since we were virtual friends
only at that point.)
When she can vibrate him real enough, the "he is" that he is already, will be in *her* life. But we can really only
vibrate "I am," so always start with yourself, and get specific on details that you can really believe and revel in.
Whatever method you choose, write something that makes you feel good! I write scripts often, and what I notice is
that, although the details sometimes change dramatically, the manifestation usually has the same feeling as the
original script!
Take a desire you have for your life, and write a new script about actually having it happen for you. Allow yourself at
least 15 minutes when you can dream and write, dream again and write. Writing focuses your attention, and allows
you to be more consistently positive than just thinking about your desires. Have fun with it! Make it as elaborate as
you like. As long as the details feel good, you are doing very well!

Content & Assignment: The Focus Wheel

"The purpose of the Focus Wheel is to feel relief."

"The following is an excerpt of how Abraham answered someone who was asking about poor eyesight. It is from
the tape done in Los Angeles in December 1995. They called it a "focus wheel"
Draw a circle on a paper. Make it about the size of a doubled up fist. Now write, in little letters like you're writing
around the dial on a clock.
About where 12:00 is write:

I love my physical body.

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

My body has treated me so very well.

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

This physical mechanism is magnificent!

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

Ingenious invention this physical body

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

Nonphysical really outdid itself with this physical body.

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

Amazing muscles, vessels, organs, nerves.

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:

This body thrives

Then in another place around the dial a bit further write:
I feel good in my body.
Then go back to the first thing that you have written, read it & draw an arrow from the words inward to the center
of the circle. And then the next, read it & draw it inward, inward inward, & right in the center of the circle write
We call this a focus wheel because in the time you were writing your thoughts about your physical body were pure
thoughts. No contradictory vibration anywhere there. So law of attraction is now responding to pure vibration & in
those 2 minutes you would accomplish about 5 years worth of eye push ups. Just remember that what you are
wanting to do. Now somewhere on your paper draw a little circle & that circle is your creation box, it is your
creative arena. & inside it write the word purify. For that is what this creation box will do for you, it will help you to
purify your own thought in relation to any desire you may have. Then watch what happens.
Bobbi Wexler,
The focus wheel process is about purifying your vibration on a particular subject. Remeber, Abraham has said,
"Want it, and vibrate it, and it is." Our job is to make our vibration higher, faster and purer, all the time. And all the
Abraham processes are designed to do that in one way or another. However, Abraham has stated on several tapes
that the focus wheel is particularly good for taking a conflicting vibration and making it more aligned.
Abraham also often says that it is easier to get to a place of pure vibration by using general statements than specific
ones. Each statement in the focus wheel needs to be checked out inside us to see if we truly feel good when we
write it. Otherwise, change it to another statement you can feel good about. By adding one general statement on
top of the others around the wheel, we gradually get to a more and more specific statement that still allows us to
feel good. It doesn't really matter how many statements you have, Abraham has given examples with as few as six
statements. I have done them with as many as 20 or 25. Put in as many as you can playfully, easily, joyously think up,
and declare it complete because it feels that way to you!
I believe, and my IB has confirmed that, at least for me, there is special power in the focus wheel BECAUSE of
turning the page. Thinking in a circle format is an intensifying activity, that seems to align the energy quicker and
more fully, stimulating creativity and the flow of ideas. Perhaps it has to do with thinking it out in a circle creating a
stronger electromagnetic field, which aligns the energy more easily, bringing greater order and flow. Maybe the
circle motion connects the two sides of the brain more easily?
There is an old folk song called "It's a Gift to be Simple" and one of the lines is, "till by turning and turning we come
round right." That is what the focus wheel does for me, it helps me to come round right in my thinking about the
topic and allow my cork to float.
Abraham has explained that the purpose of the focus wheel process is to adopt a belief that you want to have that
you do not already. They said that when you begin you already know the end result. I interpreted that to mean that
the belief you are shooting for is the statement that eventually ends up in the middle.
On the outside of the circle, the statements that you write around it are supposed to be things that you already
believe / have little resistance to that would support the belief you want. The example at this workshop was that
the guy wanted to be drumming on tour with a band. So they suggested statements like, "People love to hear me
play." (the guy agreed), and "I enjoy playing with others.", and "I enjoy playing for others." (agreed with both). They
did toss out a few satatements with which he didn't agree, and also said there was one to which he nodded "yes",
but vibrated "no" (didn't tell us which one). They suggested he play with it.
Andy Harrington,
Another sample focus wheel:
Focus wheel for aligning energy in direction of, allowing more abundance in the form of from the
mouth of Esther/Abe.


Things are getting better and better for me.


I know that the universe is abundant in all things.


As I learn to align with the things that I want, they will flow to me.


I am abundant in many ways! I am feeling more alive, vital and full of energy.


There are all kinds of ways for dollars to flow to me. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the


I know that abundance abounds. and I am getting closer to more avenues through which it will flow to
me. I can feel it now.


It is exhilarating to find things that I want, and it is so satisfying to know that the universe will find a way to
deliver it.


All things that I want are flowing to me.


At the very center write: ABUNDANCE ABOUNDS!


I know that dollars are on their way to me, because I am experiencing it as so.

Take a desire you have for your life, perhaps one that hasn't come to fruition quickly. Allow yourself at least 15
minutes when you can play with a focus wheel on this subject. Writing focuses your attention, and allows you to be
more consistently positive than just thinking about your desires. Have fun with it! Make it as elaborate as you like.
As long as the details feel good, you are doing very well!

Content & Assignment: The Why Game

"When you start adding the "whys" to what you want, then you really begin to vibrate in concert with that which
you are, and when you begin to vibrate in concert with that which you are, oceans part and mountains move, and
people come out the woodwork to accommodate you.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar, p. 35.
"When you talk about what you want and why you want it, it always brings you to your center. It always brings you
to the vibration of your Core, and when you vibrate in harmony with that which is the Core of you, then you have
the perspective of your Inner Being.
As you start talking about why you want to be over there, you'll vibrate as if you are over there. Then your
vibration in your Now is that point of attraction, and over there comes here where you are and becomes your
physical awareness.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar, p. 409.
I have never heard Abraham talk specifically about this powerful process by calling it "the Why Game." I learned it
with that name from Andy Harrington, the former list owner of the Abraham-Hicks mailing list, who said he learned
it years ago from Abraham.Yet, if you look at the Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar, the back side of the pages
for the first 512 pages, which we generally refer to as Place Mat process, actually are "The Why Game." Place
Matting is not described until page 514.

On the calendar for over 500 pages, the back side says to make a list of "Things I Intent to Do Today, and Things I
Intend to Be, Do & Have." And then on every one of these pages, it asks you at the bottom to answer the
question, "Why do I want it?... I want it because..."
The Why Game process is just to write down what you want, and then to also write down all the reasons why you
want it. Abraham says it is easier to come to the feeling place if you ask why. If you ask how - you always muck up
your vibration. But if you ask why, you get clearer and clearer on the feeling place. That feeling place may be what
you are ultimately seeking, rather than an object or a relationship or an experience. The why game lends great
clarity to the ultimate desire, which, for example, might be to feel powerful and sexy, rather than to drive a red
Corvette. And sometimes the person discovers just by asking why repeatedly, they can have that feeling in this
present moment, not after they get the Corvette. And then having achieve the feeling place, they discover they end
up having something, red Corvette or something even finer, that is totally congruent with that feeling place.
On page 111-115 of the calendar, Abraham describes more fully, why ask why!
"Select those desires or wants or intentions that are most important to you in this time and write each of them at
the top of a separate sheet of paper in this way:"
"I intend to receive..." and then write whatever it is that you are intending to receive. And then take each of those
sheets of paper, individually, and complete them one at a time, as follows: Below your statement of intent write,
"These are the reasons that I intend..." and then restate your intention. And write all of the reasons that you want
this." [Italics theirs, this is the Why game!]
"When you are writing, you are at the strongest point of focus that you can achieve with your conscious thinking
being. Write what flows forth from you. Not what someone else wants you to want, but that which is important to
you. Write as long as it flows forth naturally. Do not force it."
And "Then turn your sheet of paper to the other side, and write at the top: I know that this is... And then state and
write all the reasons that you know that you will achieve that which you have written on the other side. Again, let it
flow forth from you."
They go on to say on page 115, "On the first side of your paper you have stated your intention and below it [in
playing the Why game part] you have enhanced the wanting or the intending part of the equation for creation. On
the second side of the sheet, you have enhanced the allowing part of the equation for creation. And now it is
So the Why Game, coupled with remembering the reasons why we know we will achieve that which we intend (we
are beings of broader perspective, we know about deliberate creation and focus and Law of Attraction, and
Abraham processes!) fulfills the formula for creation - want it, and allow it, and it is!
Assignment: The Why Game
Pick one of the following two exercises:
1. Pick something from your creation box that really sings to you, or something you really want from the Universe's
side of your place mat. Write at the top of the page: I want _____________ because:. Then write for 10 minutes
(or until you run out of reasons) on why you want that particular thing. When you get to the end, look at what you
have written and see if it clarifies the experience you are wanting from what you want.
2. For an even deeper experience of the Why Game, do the following exercise with a friend.
Sit together, facing each other. Designate one person to start talking. The other person will be the questioner. Set a
timer for 5 minutes or have the questioner watch the clock. The questioner will ask the talker the following three
1. What do you really want?

2. What form do you see this taking?
3. What specific experience do you desire from what you want?
When the talker has answered the three questions, then the questioner proceeds to ask them again, just like the
first time. And then again. And again. Often, the third question gets directly to the why of the wanting, and becomes
the beginning for the next answer to "what do you really want." If the talker is still rolling and coming up with
different answers at the end of five minutes, keep asking!
If the talker just keeps repeating, "I really want a red car" at the top of his or her lungs, give it up! When the talker
does reach a satisfactory conclusion to what it is they really want, give him/her a chance to take a few notes on the
process, and then switch roles.
In the workshops that I teach, this version of the why game really helps people get very clear on what they most
want in their lives. It is often a feeling of self-love, or self-respect or joy or just feeling good that is behind whatever
the original wanting was. Or it may be a deep feeling of satisfaction from their life, or something else they feel
deeply. And I have seen several people get 4 or 5 layers deep into their wanting, and discover with joy that they are
*already* manifesting something in their lives that brings them the feeling they were looking outside themselves
with yearning to manifest.
The other benefit is that sometimes the person really is thinking small, and this process expands their vision of
what it is they really want.
For example, the last time I did it, I started out with "I want more students for my classes." As I went through the
process over and over, I started talking about having more students than I could reach or handle directly, like I have
now with these Internet classes. And then I talked of audio and videotapes and perhaps books. But my ultimate
what I really wanted was to telepathically uplift consciousness as a whole through my life and my work. And that
very afternoon, I came home and had evidence in my mail box that told me I had uplifted someone telepathically
who lived far away from me. The process really helped me see that I don`t have to go somewhere else or do
something else than I am already doing to accomplish what I most want. I just need to follow my bliss, stay focused
on doing my work, and all else falls into place from there!Have fun with the why game!

Content & Assignment: The Placemat Process

The Place Mat is one of the most powerful processes of deliberate creation offered, so far, because it helps you to
clearly focus, without resistance. A woman said, "Abraham, this is like magic!" Abraham replied, "It seems like magic
because you have been wanting these things for years but now you want with no resistance."
Abraham-Hicks Calendar, p. 517
The power of the Place Mat process is that it accomplishes the only two prerequisites to Deliberate Creating:
1. Identifying your object of desire (what you want)
2. Allowing it (having no resistance)
Want it, allow it, and it is!!!
Jerry and Esther call it the Place Mat process because they started using it as they traveled, eating in restaurants a
lot, simply writing on the back of a place mat.
Using the back of your Place Mat (or any other piece of paper), draw a "T" dividing the paper into two sections,
writing "ME" on the top of the left side and "UNIVERSE" on the top of the right side. On the left side (your side),
write those things that you are ready and willing to take action on now--those things that you really want or feel
inspired to do (not anything you think you "should" do or have any "obligation" to do, for there is resistance already
built into those).

On your side write things such as:
Look for more things to appreciate.
Be fully present in the moment.
Clean out my closet.
Write three thank you letters.
Achieve enlightenment (smile!).
On the right side (Universe's side), write anything you want to have, do, or be in your life that you are not ready to
take action on (or that you don't know how to do or think you don't have the resources to do. Then allow the
Universe, with its large and competent staff, to handle those things for you.
Your list can be very short and the Universe's list can be as long as you want it to be. The best part of writing
something on the Universe's side of the Place Mat is that there is no follow up for you to do.
You don't have to keep telling the Universe what you want.You really only need to tell the Universe once. The
advantage of continuing to think or talk or write about what you want is that you get clearer about it. The more
you focus your attention on it, the more you fine tune it.
As you say "I want it," the Universe begins it, and then you say "I would like it to be this way," and the Universe
modifies that, and then you say "A little bit of this would be nice," and the Universe adds that . . . .
Once you are clear about what you want, once you have zeroed in on it, it is on the way to you. It is done! The
manifestation of it will probably follow later, because there is most often enough resistance so that you don't have it
Remember that there is this constant steady Stream of Well-being (Pure Positive Energy) flowing to each of us, and
in the moment you say "I prefer" or "I like" or "I appreciate"--in that moment, the heavens literally part for you and
the Nonphysical Energies (you can call them "Fairies of theUniverse")--in that instant--begin orchestrating the
manifestation of your desire--in that very instant!
Faster than you can speak it, the Energy begins to flow, and circumstances and events, in an orchestration you
cannot begin to imagine, begin to take place in order to give you exactly what you want--and if it were not for your
resistance, it would come really fast.
The Universe will never fail you. The Universe will always give you what you have asked for.
The question is: How soon will you allow it? How many things will you use as your excuse to have resistance that
does not allow it? How long are you going to hang on to those habits of thought that don't let it in?
The good news is, if ever you are not letting it in, you've got a signal that's telling you. That's what negative emotion
is. Negative emotion means that in the moment you are vibrating in a place where you can't let it in--you are
When you are looking at the problem, you're resistant to a solution because when you're looking at the problem,
you're vibrating there. So the Energy of solution cannot come to you.
Sometimes people ask Abraham, "Shouldn't I face reality?" Abraham says, "No! Never face reality!! Never face reality
unless it is perfect in every way!"
All really is very well with you.Your job is just to relax and acknowledge that. Have fun with all of this. Don't make
too much of all of it. Don't act like it's life or death, because there isn't any death.

It's about Well-being that you're eking out or Well-being that you're allowing to flow rambunctiously! Well-being
Sometimes you have to step back from the circumstances or conditions of your moment in order to recognize
Lighten up--have fun with it!
Start using the Place Mat process--either on your activities for the day, or on a project, or a specific goal you want
to achieve.You only get the benefit if you choose to use it, and practice it just as you would any new
thing you are learning. I recommend using it every day. It is the most powerful technique I have found for me so far,
and I use it daily.
The list would love to hear some of your experiences with using it. I clearly KNOW that you are going to realize
some AMAZING results! And as Abraham says, "Have fun with all of this!"

Content & Assignment: 17 Seconds

"Line up your energy as often as you can. If two to three times per day, you can stop and find 68 seconds of pure
thought about something,YOU'VE PUT IN A VERY PRODUCTIVE DAY!!"
Abraham, quoted by Ca Ley Wong
Why 17 Seconds?

Abraham says that a thought reaches a combustion point at 17 seconds of pure undiluted focus. It draws another
thought to it and it is exponentially more powerful. At the end of another 17 seconds, 34 seconds total, the next
thought combusts, and by Law of Attraction, evolves to a higher level of energy. Again another 17 seconds to 51
seconds continues the process, and finally, if you can continue a pure thought for 68 seconds on any given subject, it
will be on its way to manifestation. The key word is pure, meaning positive focus, strong energy, no resistance; to
not slip into lackful thinking.
Abraham says the average person rarely finishes a single sentence without contradicting their energy, as in "I want a
new car, but it is too expensive." So they say most of us haven't had much experience with ever feeling the
combustion of thought that comes from 17+ seconds of pure thought.
In talking about the leverage of 17+17+17+17=68 seconds of pure thought, Abraham offers the following
17 seconds is worth 2,000 manhours (about a year at 40 hours per week of action taken)
34 seconds is worth 20,000 manhours (or about 10 years...)
51 seconds is worth 200,000 manhours (or about 100 years...)
68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 manhours (or about 1000 years...)
That's two MILLION manhours (or womanhours!) If we can learn to offer pure thought energy for 68 seconds at a
time, action becomes INCONSEQUENTIAL!
Here's a simple story of 68 seconds of pure thought from my experience:

I had a fun demonstration of deliberate creation while I was on vacation in New Mexico one year. I was coming
down the road from the Sandia Tram and realized that the one thing I really wanted in Albuquerque that I hadn't
done yet, was to see a road runner. I had never seen one before, and although I'd had a wonderful time birding all
week, seeing a Black headed grosbeak, western tanagers, scaled quail, Seller's jays, some kind of wonderful owl and
hawk, but I still hadn't seen a road runner.
So driving down the road, my friend Kate and I talked for 68 seconds about the wonder of road runners, how fun
they are, how excited we would be to see one, how great the birding had been since we got to New Mexico, etc.
And sure enough, we came round a corner at about 69 seconds, and there - on a fence post, no less, was our road
runner. Kate did a quick U turn and we spent ten minutes having the road runner experience. He (or she) preened
on the fence post for awhile, allowing me to take pictures profile and head on, then hopped down and ran into the
gully to catch and eat a lizard, then back on the fence and then down the other side to do some wing unfurling
behavior that looked like it could be mating behavior. All and all, a very satisfying 68 seconds of fun directed
thought! Obviously, my mother must never have told me that there wouldn't be enough road runners!
How to Get to 17 Seconds of Pure Thought:
Getting to 17 seconds of pure thought purely mentally is harder for me than doing it either out loud or in writing. I
find the discipline of speaking or writing helps keep other thoughts from being too distracting.
If I am going to do it in writing, I often put in the form of a letter to a friend from the vantage point of already
having accomplished what it is that I am wanting. Then I can describe the feelings and details of my new place of
being, and really get into the sense of actually being there. You may recognize this as the scripting process we
covered last week!
I also play the "68 second game" out loud, with some friends that I meet with in a group every week. The person
who facilitates gets to pick a subject, then everyone contributes to her 68 seconds. For example, I want to have a
beautiful wedding, so my week we did 68 seconds on how wonderful my ceremony was, and how much I loved
having a fun reception for all of my friends. They all chimed in on how much they enjoyed the party, how great the
band was, the deliciousness of the cake, the beauty of the decorations, etc. Our 68 seconds in the group often lasts
5 or 10 minutes!
And I know that if I am in a place I don't want to be emotionally, I can call any member of that group and ask them
to do 68 seconds with me on what I am wanting in that moment. I called a friend and asked her to do 68 seconds
with me on my wonderful relationship with my mother recently! It really helps to have some partners to do the
process with me.
If you have a friend who is also into Abraham processes, you might ask them to be a 68 second partner for you!
Start with Less Important Issues
Ca Ley Wong,, posted the following transcript to the Abraham mailing list on November 18,
Abraham: "Focus on nothing is more important than you feel good. Period. <cut> it is not necessary to focus on
feeling good about oneself, focus on feeling good; period. It is not necessary to feel good about your body, or about
your financial situation; find thoughts that make you feel good. Period.
We would recommend that you spend the first week writing 68 seconds about things that you don't care much
about, such as blue glass, butterflies, feathers. Because you will attract those things. This exercise will teach you two
things: one that you can focus for 68 seconds; two, that the universe does respond to a pure vibration. When you
have a level of confidence in the universe, then you can tackle your main issues.
We would every day, twice a day, write your 68 seconds about all areas in your life, relationship, abundance, house,
job, etc. You will find it very easy to do. For instance, on your house, appreciate how convenient it is. Appreciate the
thermostat that keeps the house at the perfect temperature. Appreciate the sewage system and the plumbing in

your bathroom. Appreciate the comfort of it. Know that this house will be temporary, that you will have may others
closer to the dream house you want, but meanwhile appreciate it.You see, there was 68 seconds.
So, all of you have major work to do in the next 30 days. Write as many 68 seconds as you can. And do it
Ease of Achieving 68 Seconds
Also from Ca Ley Wong, on November 18, 1996:
Abraham: "Realize that 68 seconds isn't hard to find. Throughout your day, you have thousands of opportunities to
do your 68 seconds. Even if your work schedule doubled, you could still find plenty of 68 seconds? Now, Esther
didn't believe us at first that 68 seconds were the equivalent of 2 million man-hours. She couldn't conceive it. But
since there isn't anything that we have said over the years that wasn't true, Esther now believes it and uses it.
So, we want to ask you, do YOU REALLY BELIEVE when we say that 68 seconds is the equivalent of 2 million manhours? Because if you did,YOU WOULD FIND THE TIME TO DO THEM!!!
Who would want to bang things into place, when they know that they can spend 68 seconds and have the universe
do it for them? Nobody, yet it is what the majority of you do. You would rather jump into action than do your 68
seconds.You would rather jump into action than align up your energy."
Also from Ca Ley, From, Abraham, Rye, NY, 10/96:
"The Recipe for deliberate creation has 10 parts:
5 parts of appreciating what is
2 parts of imagining a little better than what is
2 parts of looking for things that would make you feel better
1 part of quieting your mind, relaxing and not trying so hard, being at ease at it"

Do one of the following Techniques as your assignment:

Write a detailed, delicious description of one small aspect of something you want. For example, perhaps you want a
romantic relationship. Write the details of an evening you spent with your [imagined] loved one that you would
consider romantic, for example:
"Last night my new partner took me out for a romantic dinner. We went to an exquisite restaurant. The waiter was
remarkably attentive, when I got up to go to the salad bar, he folded my napkin for me and hung it neatly on the
arm of my chair. The view of the sunset out the window was exquisite! There were even deer grazing at the very
edge of the woods as it was getting to be dusk. Of course, it was hard to tear my eyes away from the beautiful blue
eyes of my partner to even see the sunset! I am so enraptured by this extraordinary being I have attracted into my
life. Our conversation was so delightful, bouncing between delicious sensual innuendo, and fun metaphysical debate.
In fact, I feel he is expanding my mind daily, with new ideas, practices, processes and ways of thinking. I have never
felt so stimulated, at all levels, with a partner before!"
Remember to place yourself squarely in the middle of the drama you are writing! Instead of saying "I see two
people on the beach, " say "My partner and I are walking hand in hand down a deserted beach on a warm, sultry
night, under a sky full of stars!"
An Alternative Technique for Those Who Prefer to Draw Than Write
Read the following description from Malik of a doodling technique for getting your 68 seconds of pure thought, and
try this one. Then submit a description of your doodle, or a discussion of how you felt about doodling to the group.

Malik de Kok <> from the Abraham mailing list offered the following wonderful technique for the
artistically inclined:
"I found that when I am scripting, on paper or via the keyboard, I manage to think of completely different things
while writing. So I don't get to 17 or more seconds of pure vibration and I can sense that it just doesn't take off. My
doodling works better.
I bought a very colorful set of 16 felt-tip markers with which the child in me is very happy. So when I get them out I
already start feeling semi-excited and appreciative before I have done anything else.
I take a blank sheet of paper for every subject. And then I doodle/draw the story or the perfect situation, while
telling it out loud to myself. (When I was a child I have seen entertainers do that sort of thing.) I have my favorite
color of blue reserved for myself, so I know that the blue figure is me. And then like a comic book, I just fill the
page with the ingredients until in some cases it is completely full; but at least until I feel that I have covered all the
main positive ingredients. And with everything I draw, I tell what it is and does and how I feel about it.
When I am finished I put the sheet in my Creation Box.
I see that this really keeps me focused and happy while doing it, sometimes way beyond 68 seconds. With other
techniques, I often have to set myself to doing them - this one I look forward to. I like it more than clipping pictures
from catalogues. In my experience, the speaking is essential. When I catch myself drawing while not speaking,
invariably my thoughts have wandered off to some other place... usually not in line with my desire."

Class Content & Assignment: Creation Box

" ur strongest wanting for you is that you lighten up. In other words, spend more time looking for things to laugh
about and play with. Play your way through this. When you follow your bliss -- it is always an easy
journey." (Abraham Calendar, p. 427.)
To do the creation box process, Abraham suggests literally taking a large box: they recommend a banker's box with
a cover. Then, write on the cover, "this is my creation box, it is my point of attraction." Look for things you want to
put in the box, cutting out pictures, doodling on index cards, writing out what you want, finding photographs of
how you want your body to look, etc. All of this you put into the box, and then leave it, knowing that as you vibrate
with it and allow it, it will come to you without effort. Or at least your Inner Being will let you know when action
needs to be taken.
Abraham also suggests that we go to our box periodically to play with our images, for the pleasure of the process,
as a catalyst to daydream and imagine more clearly!
The creation box process has led to the often offered exclamation around my house - "now that's a funny thing to
put in my/your box" when someone offers a negative thought. Then everyone laughs, and it's much more fun than
"cancel, cancel," the previously offered exclamation around here!
Abraham tells many stories of the effectiveness of Esther's creation box, including the ever famous story of the
Spurs tickets. She threw a brochure from the Spurs (the San Antonio basketball team) in her creation box, after
speculating it would be nice to buy some tickets for her daughter. Within an hour, a woman in the grocery store
line with her offered her some tickets!
Here`s a quote from a friend of mine about using her creation box:
"Last night I went through *all* my 'Town and Country' magazines and had a great time tearing out pictures. It
hadn't occurred to me to put things into my creation box just because I like them. I thought the process was more
powerful if each item was placed in with specific intent; but 'I like this!' seems to be specific enough."
Remember Abraham says that the Universe already knows what we want - everything we have ever praised,
appreciated, thrilled at, is waiting to be delivered to you as soon as you will allow them in. They say that if you could

see our lives from their perspective, things are piled up outside our door that we have been wanting, and our job is
just to open the door! So our job is to remind ourselves what we want, and spend some time playing with our
vibration so we are in harmony with our desires.
The value of the creation box playing is to lighten our vibration. To make it fun and delightful to play in the beauty
and wonder of the physical world, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. And to notice our point of attraction, and
what we are putting in it.
One of My Creation Box Stories
I have had a pearl necklace in my creation box for a year or so. I knew what color, and what size and what length,
and I knew what price I wanted to pay for it. I have looked at pearls in many places in this past year, and they have
been too big or too short or too expensive or too yellow... Each viewing helped me get clearer on exactly what I
wanted my strand to look like. And recently I was told that the pearl beds in Japan had a problem, and the price of
pearls was going to soar again. Amid all the contrast, I have just been holding steady in my knowing that my pearls
were going to be there one day. And last Saturday a friend I was having lunch with took me to a jeweler where I had
never been before because she wanted to get her ring cleaned. And there, in the first case, the first necklace in the
case, was a necklace of the size and length and color I was wanting. The price was good, but a bit more than I
wanted to pay. I said to the owner, "And is this the price on the tag?" And he said, "No, they're on sale, 25% off!" So
it was the right price, and I am now the proud owner of the perfect 30 inch strand of 6 mm. pearls that look
fabulous against my skin!
I am enjoying the result of my deliberate creation as much as I will enjoy having the pearls. If I had just taken the
money, (which I could have done) and bought the first strand I saw that were about the right length, size and color,
regardless of price, it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun. I love watching the fairies of the Universe
orchestrating the perfect rendezvous between me and what it is I am wanting!
Remember though, it is an important part of the process to have a little faith in the power of the Universe to bring
about your desire. During that year, I never doubted I would someday have my perfect pearls, or stomped my foot,
demanding to know where they were. I know that sometimes, if what I put in the box has a lot of conditions, it
takes a bit for the fairies to arrange the perfect rendezvous - in this case, with a tiny jewelry store in a town 15
miles from my home, which I had never heard of, and wouldn't ever have stumbled on without having lunch with my
friend a mile from there, and having her want to get her ring cleaned.
Week 3 Assignment: Creation Box
If possible, find a friend to play creation box with. Find a box that speaks to you, and gather magazines with
beautiful pictures and scissors. (I subscribe to several magazines like House & Garden and Travel & Leisure just for
this reason!) Set aside a time to get together to cut up the magazines and play with all the wonderful words and
images you find together. (If you can`t do it with a friend, then set aside some special time for yourself to do it.)
This can be a child-like time, ooohing and ahhhing over beautiful images, lovely thoughts, mind-expanding ideas,
gorgeous colors, if you allow yourself to really get into it. If it feels good, rip them out. Or if it feels better, be very
orderly and neat in your cutting. If you can`t find a picture of something you know that you want, make a doodle, a
drawing or write a description of it to add to your box.
Put anything you like into your box. It does not have to be serious, in fact, the lighter and more playful you make it,
the more successful you are likely to be!
Then, if you would like to do a written assignment, choose two of the images you find most appealing from your
playtime in your box, and write about them, finding the feeling place - what it would be like if you had them, or you
were there in that scene - and express it to the Abraham List. (Email David Gordon, for instructions on how to
subscribe to the list.)
Content & Assignment: Inclusion/Exclusion
"There is no such thing as exclusion and every time you try it, all you really do is include in your vibration
something that contradicts your desire. You see when you say Yes to something, you're including something you

want. When you say No to something you're including something you don't want. So in all of this objectivity that
you`ve worked so hard to achieve, all you're really doing is messing up your own vibration."
"You live in a land of contrast because contrast is essential to decision. But if you will become includers of what you
do want rather than excluders of what you don't want, you'll purify your Energy. And when you begin to line up
your Energy, you will be amazed at how fast the Universe responds to you."
What is exclusion? It's simply focusing on what you don't want, which of course brings it right to you. There is
no exclusion. Most of us have been trained to be very objective - to explain what we don't want whenever we state
what we do want. But in our justifying of what we want, we don't allow it to come to us because we are offering
contradictory vibrations.
"You have been trained to exclude. You've been trained to say, "Watch out for that. I don't want that." And all along
you are including that thing you don't want. So when you say, "I want more money... I don't want debt," you're
actually including two contradictory vibrations within your vibration."
"Most people cannot make it through a whole sentence without contradicting the vibration of their desire. They
will say, "Abraham, I want to be well...I'm so tired of being sick.", "Abraham, I want more money...I'm very tired of
the struggle." They're outputting two contradictory vibrations, and the Universe is responding to both of them, so
nothing is changing for them."
Sometimes the exclusion is obvious. "I don`t want these darn mosquitoes biting me anymore!" Or, "I don`t want to
work hard." Or, "I'm tired of people ignoring me." When you catch yourself offering something you don`t want,
then quickly change your focus to what you do want. If you can't come up with something specific (what's the
opposite of annoying insects?), then generalize your desire. "I want peace and quiet while I enjoy being outside."
However, sometimes the excluding vibration is not so obvious. If your life is not perfect in every way, then it's because
you have resistance to what you want, or you are including what you don`t want (usually through the process of
excluding it.) As Abraham says, all you have to do is identify the desire and then achieve a vibrational match with it.
In recent tapes, Abraham seems to be more obvious in deliberately pointing out hidden resistance in the
questioner's vibration. Abraham will ask, "Tell us what you want." And then they will point out, "Can you see how
what you are saying is not a match to the vibration you are offering? Did you notice how much quicker and more
emphatically you responded to what you do NOT want, than to what you do not want?".
If you`ve been playing with the Abraham processes, you should be pretty good at noticing when you are including
what you don`t want. Negative emotion will always tell you when you are including contradictory energy. However,
what if you`ve defined your desires, done the processes, lined up the energy - and, you still don`t have what you
want. You may have hidden resistance. In stating your desires, you may also be subconsciously offering a
contradictory vibration. These pockets of hidden resistance may stem from old beliefs, habits of thought, or just not
paying enough attention to your emotions. This week's assignment is an exercise in finding your hidden resistance,
so you can get to a place of offering a purer vibration.
I (Margie) developed this process from listening to Abraham help people see where their vibration actually was in
relation to their desires. I've found that hidden resistance can be a very subtle offering, but once you figure it out,
you can't believe you didn't notice it sooner.
For this assignment, choose something major that you`ve been 'working` on for awhile. It should be something that
still hasn't shown up in your life yet, although you feel that you`ve released as much resistance as possible. Choose
something that you`ve written a script about, or done a focus wheel.
You can do this alone, or with a partner. I suggest a partner because usually someone else can hear your resistance
better than you can. Take some paper, choose your desire, and write 5 to 10 statements on why you want this.
Begin each statement with "I want ___(your desire)___ because............" Skip 3 or 4 lines between each statement.
The statements about why you want it should come very quickly. If they don`t, then pick another desire. Or go
back and do your homework on this one - scripting, focus wheels, etc.

Now go back to your first statement. Repeat it out loud, and then add this statement "and because I do NOT
want.......". For example, if you wrote: "I want a new red car because I love driving sexy cars," you would finish the
sentence with something like: "and because I don`t want to drive my ugly, unsexy car." After you write the NOT
sentence, take a moment to see how it feels. Does it feel neutral? Do you feel a little resistance? Or do you feel a
major pushing against what you do not want? By spending a few moments defining what you do not want, you are
finding areas of hidden resistance. These are the areas that you are trying to exclude when you make your
statements about what you want.
For this assignment, write up your statements and your feelings about any resistance you find. You may also want to
tell us which processes you are going to do to release the resistance.
Here's the example I went through creating this process for the first time. It had been three months since the
break up of my last relationship. I had attracted some men into my life, but it would only get to a certain point, and
then they would fade out. I had been doing all my work, and I had done some major resistance-releasing processes
on my last boyfriend. I should have had the perfect relationship, so what was the problem?
What I want: A perfect, intimate, fun, loving relationship with a man who loves and accepts me as I am.
1. I want this relationship because I want grow and learn more about myself in a loving relationship with a man.

And because I don`t want to do this on my own all the time. (How do I feel about this last statement: OK,
the on-my-own part doesn't feel totally neutral. I may have some resistance here, but it feels minor.)

2. I want this relationship because I want to laugh and have fun with a man.

And because I don`t want to do this with just my friends. (Neutral, I like hanging out with my friends.)
3. I want this relationship because I want a man who loves and accepts me.

Because I don`t want another Wayne. (Oh wow - major, major resistance. Major buttons pushed on being
accepted. I don`t want to be treated the way he treated me. I don`t want Wayne.Yuck, yuck, yuck - get that
Wayne thing out of here. OK, I thought I released Wayne with a major forgiveness exercise last month.
Obviously, there's more here.)
4. I want this relationship because I want to see where I'm vibrating right now and how good I am at deliberate

And because I don`t want to be creating by observing. (Neutral. I know I am a deliberate creator.)
5. I want this relationship because I want sex and intimacy with a man who is a match to my sexual desires.

And because I don`t want.... hmmm, because I don`t want... Well, just because I like it and I want it. No
resistance here. (No surprise.)

Follow up:
I had more statements, but I found exactly what I needed with the above. I had some hidden resistance pushing
against being alone. I also had much more resistance to my last boyfriend that I realized, especially in the area of
acceptance of who I am. So I got to work with my Abraham processes: I played the appreciation game with being
alone, and actually came to a place of realizing my life would be ok if I never settled down with a mate. I asked the
universe to show me clear examples of how people loved and accepted me for who I am.
It took me a month or two of not thinking about Wayne to get to a place where I could think about him without
the negative emotion. It took me almost a week after I decided that I would write about him in my Book of Positive
Aspects before I could actually sit down and do it. I waited until the energy was lined up, and then I did it. A few
days after that I received an email from the man who is now my current boyfriend. I am very, very happy with
where I'm vibrating right now in terms of 'perfect relationship with a man'. It's much better than I ever imagined. I
love this stuff!

[Note from Connee: Margie married that "current boyfriend" last year!]
Have fun with all of this. And remember,
"When it comes to cookie counters, most of our physical friends correctly apply the process of inclusion, rather
than exclusion. See all things as a cookie counter where you simply make your choice--and it is done."

Content & Assignment : Pie Charting

This lesson is based on Abraham's comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said,
"at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing
percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation." They suggest stopping in
any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation.
Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger
piece of the pie!
Create your pie chart by making a series of statements about your life in general, or about a particular area of your
life. Classify each statement as blame, guilt or appreciation. For example, if you were talking about your relationship
with your family, you could classify the statement, "I was abused as a child," as blame.You could call, "I know I should
see my mother more often," guilt. "I came from the world's greatest family" is obviously appreciation, but so is "I
can see that my parents did an amazing job of treating me better than they were treated as children." The latter
might be the statement of a person who has already worked through a lot of issues on being abused as a child.
I have discovered, in working with my clients and friends, that it is possible to simply look at two categories,
statements that feel good vs. statements that feel bad, instead of three. This allows you to avoid trying to separate
Blame vs. Guilt, which requires that you spend time examining in detail your negative thoughts. I see this as
desirable, because, by Law of Attraction, time spent focused on the negative creates more negative. The two
categories, Feels Good and Feels Bad, show you clearly what part of your thinking is taking you in the direction you
are wanting to go, and what part needs more attention.
Remember, first you identify those statements which make you feel bad, whether the emotion raised is anger, guilt,
fear, sadness, blame. Then, your ONLY job is to find a statement on the subject that makes you feel a little better. If
this is a really tough core issue for you, you may not be able to find a statement that immediately feels great. But if
you work at it, you can always find a statement that feels a little better. And the cumulative effect of many
statements that feel better is a definite rise in your vibration.
The focus wheel is an exercise that Abraham developed that cumulates more general statements on a subject that
make you feel better into a powerful tool for raising your vibration. Statements that are too specific don't feel
good. So, if you are working on prosperity, and you say something like, "I want an additional $500 by tomorrow," it
might feel bad, because that makes you feel like you need to know how to get it. But if you say, "I can see in my life
that I have always been supported in every circumstance, no matter how dire," that might make you feel better.
(Refer back to the lesson on focus wheels if you arenot clear on how to do one! That was lesson 5.)
Ultimately, working through the pie chart/focus wheel exercise not only teaches you how to uplift your vibration,
but it also helps to teach you to listen to your internal guidance system. Learning to notice which thoughts and
statements you make feel good vs. feel bad, is to learn to use the messages from your Inner Being as to which way
to move forward in your life to create all the love, peace, joy, prosperity and health you have ever wanted!
You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here's an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might
want to do some work:

Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an
additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.
1. General Mood: (e.g. I feel great most of the time. I've been feeling out of sorts lately. I always feel down in the
winter, etc.)
2. My Health and Fitness: (e.g. I'm in great shape and I love my body. I feel OK most of the time. I have a chronic
health problem, etc.)
3. My Friends: (e.g. I have the most amazing group of friends and I love them all. I feel lonely much of the time. I wish
I had a good friend to talk to in my life.)
4. My Job or Career or Life Work (e.g. I adore my job where I feel well rewarded. I'm unemployed. I wish I could
find something that suits me better.)
5. Money: (e.g. I am independently wealthy. I know God is my Source. There has always been enough for me. I'm in a
lot of debt.)
6. My Self Esteem: (e.g. My life is divine expression. I'm OK, I guess. I feel like I am never quite enough.)
7. My Family: (e.g. I have the world's most wonderful, loving family. I find it hard to get along with my sister. I haven't
seen any members of my family in 20 years. I have no family.)
8. My Significant Other: (e.g. I am happily married to a wonderful person. I am experiencing some difficulty in my
relationship. I am happily single. I hope I never have another relationship again!)
9. My Creativity: (e.g. I am an artist and I love the playfulness of my art. I find creative outlet in my hobbies. I haven't
felt creative in a long time.)
10. Other area not covered that is important to you: (e.g. I live to travel. My cat is my closest companion.
Sometimes it seems like nothing really matters to me.)
Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit
down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that
subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to
help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different
than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.
Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself
this important question. "Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?" I find that a very
motivating question, because if I've taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON'T want to live with that
negative vibration.
Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5)
if you don't know how to do that process.

Content and Assignment: Prosperity Game

Every day when you wake up you fid an envelope under your pillow, or next to your bed, or in some other spot
that you can see and reach easily. When you open the envelope, you find that it contains a deposit slip and a note.
The note says "Dear {beloved child},

Since we love you so much, we have decided to give you an allowance for the rest of your life. Enclosed is your
today's installment. We have already deposited it in the bank on your behalf. We ask that as you go through your day

you will look for ideas of ways to use this money that would make your heart sing. When you think of an idea, go
ahead and write a check for it. We ask that you aim to empty your account by the end of each day - our goal is for
the money to be put to use as a means to facilitate your desires - there is no point in giving it to you if you are just
going to let it rot in the bank! We do not mind if you miss a few days every once in a while and catch up later (we
will continue to deposit every day anyway), but we prefer that you stay up to date with your spending as much as
possible. As you know, you can count on the amount to increase by $1000 every day. We are looking forward to
seeing you having plenty of fun with this.
Your secret admirers."
The reason that you will find this envelope under your pillow every morning is that you will put it there before you
go to sleep... Copy this note or print it out to put in the envelope. Make up a deposit slip and start with $1000, and
than increase the amount every day. You can make up your own checks and use them to spend the money. The
more realistic you make it feel, the better. Whenever you write a check write a short note on the back to remind
you what you were paying for, and what about it made your heart sing.
By the end of a year you will spend $67,000,000. By the end of 5 years you will be able to purchase Bill Gates'
house, paying cash for it...
Let the magic flow :)"
Thanks, Ilana, for describing your version of the game so perfectly!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abraham has offered us the prosperity game to get us to imagine bigger and become accustomed to flowing lots of
Many people on the list have described other tools than the one Ilana used above. Some make up spreadsheets and
use programs to track and write the checks. I have a journal that I put in the day's deposit in the left column, and
describe how I spend it in the right column. I do not actually write the checks when I play the game, but many
people do. Abraham says that Esther does!
Abraham has suggested that you do not just give the money away, but rather spend it on yourself and your dreams.
They have noted that if we are here only to give it away, we might as well croak (their deliberately disrespectful
word for death, since there is not death in nonphysical perspective) because we have ceased to flow the energy
that allows life.
Several people on the list have described setting up foundations to offer Abraham classes or buy art for the public,
acts they feel good about designed to uplift others. This seems to me to be within Abraham's guidelines. But family
of teacher siblings like to break the rules, anyway!!!
Abraham also advises against giving the money away to individuals, except in limited amounts. They have pointed
out that, In some cases, giving money away to an individual implies that, although we believe we are connected to
this endless stream of pure positive energy represented by the endlessly increasing deposits, we believe this other
one is not capable, or he does not have access himself. This belief can be disempowering to the other.
Therefore, when I think of buying a sports car for my husband, I can trust that he is taking care of purchasing that
with his ever increasing daily allotment, and think again about what I want for myself. Except on his birthday, our
anniversary, and other spontaneous occasions where it just brings me great joy to give something special away with
love, and I ignore Abraham's rules myself!
Begin spending your $1,000 more per day. If $1,000 the first day, $2,000 the next day, and $3,000 the third day don't
seem enough to get you excited, you may spend the first 15 days' allotment on the first day, to allow the total to
get up in bigger numbers quicker.

Begin asking the Universe to give you information on what would thrill, surprise and delight you that day. And
collect the delicious data that comes to you! Bask in the game. Play it because it is fun. If it feels hard, put it away for
a few days, and come back to it when you have more ideas that make it fun again.
Ultimately, if it is work, it isn't doing you any good. Play it for fun, or set it aside! All is well, either way!

Content & Assignment: Who Am I?

"Imagine your highest dream of who you want to become, and know that your greatest vision falls short of that
which the Divine has in store for you."
--from Ariel (quoted by Paula Sirois)
"What I write, say, think and feel today is setting my tone to the Universe to create what my whole life is going to
look like tomorrow."
Connee Chandler
Abraham has spoken on several tapes about "telling the Universe who you are." In fact, with each word we say,
thought we think, feeling we feel, we are telling the Universe who we are. And the Universe is endlessly responding.
The world you currently live in is the sum total of all the feelings, moods, words and thoughts that you have offered
in your life. Much of it has entered your experience by default. We absorb the mental climate of the culture around
us, which highlights fear, danger and sensationalism because it sells well in the media. We absorb the feelings of our
families, friends, teachers and mates.
Abraham teaches about deliberate creation. You become a deliberate creator at the point in your life where you
are willing to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you as being a vibrational match to what you
are offering to the Universe through your moods.
100% responsibility sounds really scary, because it means giving up the blame that we normally project on other
people when things go wrong. Many people substitute the blame with guilt, continuing to blame, but now blaming
themselves for what they don't like about their lives. It is still the vibration of blame, and things do not improve
We make the leap to true deliberate creation when we make a choice, even once, to find a thought that feels
better. With that thought, and the corresponding feeling, we change our mood. Once the tone we send to the
Universe changes, our experience changes. By Law of Attraction, it has to change.
While we continue to blame, complain, criticize and focus on our pain or anger, we create more like it in our lives.
As we make the choice to sometimes turn away from the stuff we don't like, and ponder things we like better, we
create more of what we like better. The easiest way for most people to ponder things they like better is to find
things to appreciate.
For some people, it is a simple choice. For others, it is very difficult to turn away from familiar patterns, however
painful, and make a new decision and a fresh start. For most people, it takes some effort to focus on more pleasant
thoughts for at least 17 seconds at a time, but the effort pays off a thousand fold.
Abraham lately has been quickly interrupting people in the workshops who want to offer a litany of problems. They
point out, often over and over again, that they are not helping the person by allowing them to vent their negative
emotion, because that is just creating a more extensive negative reality for them to pivot from. Some people simply
are unable to turn away from their negative recitation, and Abraham does not allow them to speak any more, but
turns to the next questioner who can speak on what they want rather than what they don't want.

Abraham says that our mothers have taught us that the way to get attention it to be a squeaky wheel. And so when
we throw a tantrum, and our mother gives us what we want, she is circumventing the Law of Attraction
temporarily. Thus, we learn that we get what we want by complaining and crying or getting angry. The Universe
doesn't work that way, though. The Universe responds only to our vibrational match to what we want. Otherwise,
the Universe gives us the negative match we are vibrating.
Abraham says that when it becomes as easy for us to list the things we want, as the things we don't want, then
there is a profound turn around in the manifestation in our lives. The "Who Am I?" process Abraham suggests is a
way to turn our powerful focus through writing to setting a tone we will delight in the Universe matching. You start
by asking the question "Who Is?" and then filling in your name.
"Who is Ilana?
She is clear minded... lots of fun... feels great in her body... has lots of beautiful clothes... her home really is in
order... has so much money that she does not pay too much attention as to what she spends... she has taken money
out of the equation, she just pretty much goes where she wants where she wants... because the dollars flow so
easily, she does not equate what she or her husband do with the dollars because they just do what they love and
the dollars flow with that too... People love being around her... she is a get about, she loves parties, she loves social
situations... And she is a home body, she loves her garden... she loves simple, elegant things, she doesn't like a lot of
clutter around her... Moderate jewelry, always expensive, moderate clothes, always expensive... she likes harmony
with her family and has it..."
"So, who is Doretta?
Doretta is fun-loving and brings her own panache to every situation she finds herself in. She loves to bring smiles to
the faces of the people around her. Especially to those who light up when they feel like they've been relieved of
some burden they've been carrying around. She adores finding the humor in even the most seemingly dire
Doretta really loves when she's excited about the projects she's working on. She loves when she feels inspired and
always manages to enlist the Universe's help to bring her something that rings her bells and whistles, so that she
feels like jumping right in to feel the thrill of watching her creations evolve. Doretta feels the highest of highs when
she feels led, when she KNOWS she's in partnership with the Universe in bringing into being that which never
existed before.
Doretta loves watching her life getting better and better every day. She loves to see herself evolve into living all
she's been dreaming about. She marvels as each manifestation appears in her life, just like she's been wanting. She
really gets off on being the most magnificent deliberate creator she can be. She loves the ease of it, all and each
new manifestation just makes it easier and easier to believe all can be had."
Both Ilana and Doretta found language to describe themselves that felt good and resonated with their desires. Each
of them made a powerful statement to the Universe in her writing, and both commented on how good the
exercise made them feel. That is the key, of course. In doing what makes us feel good, we are allowing the Universe
to create for us a beautiful life.
Write a powerful, delightful statement of who you are to the Universe, filling in details that bring you to a good
feeling place. Start by saying "Who is _____" and filling in the blank with your name. Writing is your strongest point
of focus. Notice also what you write and say about yourself in other places this week, so you see what you are
telling the Universe about yourself when you are not in full awareness of your deliberate creation. Begin to choose
to focus on thoughts that make you feel better and bring you pleasure in all areas of your life.


Catalog Game
David talking about making a list of qualities he wanted in his job, and he compared it to Abe's cookie counter
analogy - I want to choose this one and I want to choose that one. But he realized that the analogy didn't really
work for him, because someone else picked the ingredients and baked the cookies, and he wants to deliberately
create his perfect job.
So he created a new, improved analogy. It is like having a catalog of component parts of the job "system," and like
picking the parts of the computer system you want, you can flip through the pages and pick the parts of the job
system you want. Here's the page on job relationships, and here's the part about the feedback you get from your
fellow workers and supervisors and clients, and here's the part about the kind of clients you have, and here's the
part about the kinds of work that you do and how self-directed it all is, and here's the part on what hours you
work, how much vacation you get and how much freedom you have in deciding those hours and vacations, and
here's the section on how much you get paid, and how, and what the additional benefits are.
And like a computer system, you never get it done! If next week somebody has an idea that you like about how
your job system could work better, you can always trade up for a new, improved part or add an additional
peripheral that didn't even exist in your catalog at the time you designed the original system.
And like computers, if you get tired of expanding the current job system, you can always completely give away the
current system, and replace it with a new model that has entirely different basic components that better serve your
current needs.
And at some point, you can switch platforms entirely, and get the flexibility of self-motivated job system where you
are the boss, and the energy vortex begins in your location rather than being part of an already established
I love this new idea. You are just building systems from component parts in a catalog, ever interchangeable and
upgradable! And you never get it done. There are always new capabilities and dynamic improvements to try out and
play with and master!
And this game would work for new relationships, better health or whatever else you are wanting to create, too!
Thanks, David, for a great, flexible, creative game for us to play!

Dear Manager Letters

" Start delegating your requests to the manager in the sky called Law of Attraction. Be the visionary, and then get
out of your own way. That's all you need to do."
Abraham -- St. Louis, MO, 7/18/00
The Dear Manager Letter stems from Abrahams discussion of delegating all things to the Manager known as Law
of Attraction. For me, connection to Source feels best personalized, with a feeling of flowing love. Inspired by the
example of several friends, I extended what Abe said above to taking some time many mornings to begin expressing
my appreciation for my Manager on a corner of my morning placemat. (See Class 7, written by Judee Pouncey, for
more information on The Placemat Process.) Then it grew beyond the space on my placemat and became a process
of its own. The expression of appreciation in any way is a great way to get Source energy flowing. So I always
begin my dear Manager letters with an expression of how wonderful my life is already, and invite the flowing of
more good things which I know my Manager is already busy arranging for my life.
Over time, using these principles, my life has gotten rather thrilling! So for me, facing a good part of my reality is
already an easy way to get connected. Years ago, this would not have been true for me, and the gratitude part of
my letters would have been much shorter. It doesnt matter, any gratitude is a great start! If nothing else, being
grateful for being alive and starting to know that there is a Manager who brings great things to us in vibrational
harmony to our feeling good is a very good start. That is the beginning of all other grand possibilities!

Below is a sample Dear Manager letter that reflects my gratitude for my life. As you may be able to feel, with
each 17 seconds spent in gratitude, my thoughts would combust and I would go off on another tangent of delight
for something else wonderful in my life. This is another Abe principle as we spend 17 seconds of pure thought on
anything, we attract more of the same. Thats why I did not censor the flow when it was feeling yummy, and why
this letter is so long. A short letter would do just as well, but I wanted to demonstrate just how wonderful life has
gotten for me through applying these principles. When ever you get enough of my gushing, just skip down to the
end for the assignment and do your own Manager letter that feels good to you.
My dear Manager,
Thank you for the incredible week I have had. Such fun visiting with friends - so many synchronicities in our
experience, so much love and laughter shared! For the beautiful flower arrangement I made in my class, and the
parting words of appreciation from the teacher that he enjoyed the letter I gave him which described how the love
he demonstrates for his work inspired me. For meeting someone new and having one of the most fun, leapfrogging conversations I've ever had in the first blush of meeting.
For the beauty of the Spring in Virginia. For having a home that people comment on all the time when they come
in about how great the energy feels there. For having a husband who adores me, who I adore. For getting my
website reviewed and beautifully classified by Netscapes reviewing program.
For having gorgeous flowers blooming in my garden and in four different rooms of my house. For Spring and the
time of excitement that occurs between the planting of the gladioli and liatris bulbs and their coming up. For new
dance videos on order. For the opportunity to teach a workshop tomorrow afternoon. And for the opportunity
to teach a workshop at the UCRS Eastern Conference in July.
For feeling physically better than I have in a long while. For finding ways to eat that increase my energy. For
delighting in good friends to play with many days every week. For prayer groups of many kinds that inspire my
soul and expand my capacity to love. For inspiration and great ideas for my writing. For a beautiful, dynamic,
healthy Mother who is independent and feisty.
For a great life that is ever expanding and filled with curiosity, learning and joy. For wonderful friends who share
my enthusiasm for life, who have wide open hearts, who are tapped in and turned on about their own lives. For
the Internet and the powerful connections I make through it, especially through the Abe list, which is over 670
members now! For my computer and the great way it serves me. For my car and the
beauty of my driving experience. For the prosperous way I feel when I slide into my leather seats and tune in my
CD player or an Abe tape and listen through the wonderful speakers all over the car. For my sun roof which helps
me enjoy the crystal beauty of our amazingly warm Spring weather.
For the alternating rain and sun that has made my garden thrive. For really getting a sense, driving through
beautiful neighborhoods last night, how exquisite landscaping takes a lovely house and makes it extraordinary. For
truly valuing the beauty of the flowering trees of Virginia. For the wonderful book with great stories and art that a
friend brought me to read. For the other wonderful books in different rooms of my house that I dip into when I
have a brief moment to connect with terrific authors. For the ever present "driftwood" in my life that allows me to
see where my vibration is tending.
For being surrounded by amazing people who I admire and appreciate, who are my peers and friends. For the
opportunities to travel and to connect with new people who also delight my heart. For the abundance which
makes this life of freedom and ease so comfortable. For an increasing ability to reach for a feeling of joy and have it
Dear Manager, I love my life. So much good is happening, and I trust that even more of all the things you know I
want are, as we speak, flowing into my life with grace and wonder. I choose to live in the innocence of the golden
child within me, the part that feels reverence and curiosity about all life, who is trusting, open hearted and

with joy. Who glows with the brilliance of the light within her and expresses her great love easily and gently to
anyone who is a match who wants to listen and love in return.
Please accept my thanks for all I have already been given, and in advance for all the good that is on its way to me
now. Please allow all of this good, or something even better, to flow to my dear mate, to my family members, to my
friends and various community members, to the people of the world and to all the life forms in the galaxy, to the
of the Universe expressed powerfully every where. May the energy of my heart ground Heaven on Earth, for me
and for others who are a vibrational match to it, today and every day!
Write a dear Manager letter, giving thanks and expressing your appreciation for anything in your life you can find to
appreciate. Feel free to make your Manager letter reflect the tone of your own relationship with your Manager,
businesslike, familiar, personal, logical, caring, distant, free. Whatever feels best to you is the perfect way to do it!
As you finish appreciating, invite your Manager to bring you whatever it is you want in your life. Be as specific or as
general as you like. Abraham says that it is easiest to be pure in more general statements, like the ones I made in
my letter, but if you can be pure and specific at the same time, more energy flows to fulfill the request. Be as
specific as you can and still feel good. It is the feeling that counts!
If you are part of the mailing list, feel free to post your Manager letter to the list.
The collective energy of hundreds of others reading your letter will give you a boost of energy. Otherwise, know
that even if no one else ever reads your letter, The Universe does!

The Emotional Meter & The Set Point Process

Emotional Set Point
You are here because you are wanting to really be Deliberate Creators. And we want you to know that a
Deliberate Creator is really a deliberate feeler. A Deliberate Creator is one who says, "I want so much to feel
good, because when I feel good, I'm in alignment with that which is my Source." A Deliberate Creator does not
demand that circumstances change so that you can have a better-feeling response to the circumstances. A
Deliberate Creator says, "I will choose--from what seems to be available--the very best-feeling thought, past,
present or future, that I can find, and I will fixate on it until it becomes the reason for my vibrational offering. And I
know that Law of Attraction will then accumulate around that vibrational offering. And then, I will reach for the
better thought and the better thought, and the better thought." And what you will discover is that there is always a
better thought.
There is always an even-happier thought than the happy thought you're thinking now. There is always even a better
feeling--your capacity to achieve a better feeling is unlimited.
For years, Abraham taught us to Follow Our Bliss. They recognized that many folks who come to Abraham are
teachers, who may encounter folks experiencing intense negative emotion, who do not have vibrational access to
bliss. The reason for this is that Law of Attraction has great momentum in the face of significant negative emotion,
and the possibilities of thoughts available are only in the less terrible range rather than the really delicious range.
So, what steps are best to take if you are feeling like you are in the black hole of despair? Abraham says that the
best first step is anger! Not to stay there, but to give you a lift up and an energy boost that can help you then
reach for the next step which is frustration and then the next which might be irritation, and then overwhelm
andthen neutrality and then hopefulness and then optimism...
So, here's an example.

Anger - I'm furious at my father for being such a damning influence when I was a child, laughing at me and criticising
me. All little kids make mistakes, it is part of learning. Good parents encourage their children to keep trying,
confident that they will succeed in the end. My Father was a bad father!
Frustration - Well, he may have been a terrible father, but I guess he did the best he knew how. His father probably
treated him the same way, maybe worse. So, maybe it isn't his fault that I feel that way if he couldn't have done any
better. But I am SO FRUSTRATED! I hate feeling this way about myself. I know intuitively I am a good person, and
these old tapes in my head keep taking me down and down and down!
Irritation - Well, I know from Abraham that I can find thoughts that feel better. But it is so darned irritating to have
to work hard to feel good. I bet other people feel good without working so hard at it. I wish it were easier for me
to feel good.
Overwhelm - I guess I could do the work to find thoughts that feel better, that Abraham saysis my real work. But I
have so many negative thoughts and it just feels totally too much to try to pick them apart one by one to rethink
this and that and the other things...
Neutrality - Well, I guess if Abraham says it is my real work, I could trust enough to try it. After all, I am not
enjoying what is happening now, so maybe if I tried something different I'd get a different result. I could do it as a
scientific experiment...
Hopefulness -What if I experimented with more positive thoughts and experienced more positive feelings and I
started feeling better more of the time? Abraham says that if I did that, more good things would flow into my life,
which would give me more reasons to feel good. And then, by Law of Attraction I'd actually have access to even
more posistive thoughts, and I might actually start enjoying my life and having fun.
Optimism - Well that thought actually felt good. I like the idea that my life is going to include more fun. I am even
starting to get the feeling of having fun in doing this process. I guess this Abraham stuff isn't so bad after all. In
fact, it feels like it is starting to work in my life. If I continue to do it, my life will get better. I am starting to be
aware that good things are flowing to me, right in this moment. I feel better. I can see that there are things around
me already to appreciate - look at that beautiful flowering tree - that lovely sunset - that exquisite bridge
construction. Life is good!
Your statements for these states of feeling will be different than what I have written here. But if you reach for the
feeling of relief, and trust that at each stage there will be a better feeling thought just a few minutes of trying away,
you will be able to move in just a little while to a slightly better feeling to a bit better feeling to a smidge better
feeling to a little easier feeling to an almost good feeling to a rather pleasant feeling to a slightly joyful feeling to a
very yummy feeling, indeed!
When I wrote the above message to the Abraham list, Amy responded:
Thank you Connee for writing this...helps me get clear on my setpoint. So Neutrality would be the next step?
Kinda taking the "wind" out of it like a "scientific experiment"...I like it.Very soothing...this am I was in that
overwhelmed feeling place that I have "so much to work on".....and the thought that, well, maybe it's not as much
as I think, and maybe I could just as a "scientific experiment," stop "working" on myself for a minute...sheesh. hmm,
that didn't feel as good as I thought it would. I think I'll just put all this stuff I want to change in a little basket for a
little while, and when the time is right , I can trust that it will be time to do the work. For today, I am pretty sure
the best thing I can do is enjoy the beautiful spring weather and acknowledge that there is farfarfar more well-being
than not, which is so easy to do on a day like today in appreciation.
And then I wrote back to her
For you, the most practiced next gentle step is appreciation! Every person will find a different thought that feels
better. For some folks, the scientific approach is practiced and easy. For others, finding something to praise or be
grateful for will be easier. Each of us is delightfully different! You really made the point so powerfully here. Thank

Assignment: The Set Point Exercise (Directly from Abraham!)
All anybody has to do is say, "Where am I and where do I want to be?" on any subject.
As you are moving through your day, try this exercise. When you find yourself feeling negative emotion or physical
sensation, which is just an exaggeration of resistance in your body, go to a piece of paper, or you can write it in
your computer, but write it. And write: Subject: and then write what you think this subject is, just a very brief
description. And then write: Current Set Point: And then think around the subject and it won't be hard because
you're already thinking around it, that's why you are having the emotion. Think around the subject and just even
talk out loud or write it is even better.
Write what's rolling through your mind on the subject that has produced the emotion. And as you write each
statement, ask yourself as the statements come, "What's the emotion that describes this?" And you'll find yourself
where you are on the vibrational meter, finding words that are all similar, that mean sort of the same thing. And
then say, My Current Emotional Set Point is:. And then write whatever it is.
Then write: My Emotional Goal. Not My Physical Body Improvement Goal, write My Emotional Goal:.
Now, of course, the optimum emotional goal would be ecstasy or passion or enthusiasm. But don't ask for an
emotional goal that's very far from where you are. Ask for an emotional goal that is not so far from where you
are. And then keep writing, trying to find sentences and statements and memories that give you that improved
feeling. And when the feeling is improved, now write: Current emotional set point: and put the new statement
there. And then, if you have time, continue the process and you will be amazed how, in this writing process, in this
focus on how I feel, and focus upon what thoughts are producing the feelings setting, you are sitting in, you can
move up this emotional scale fast. And every day you do it, you will feel less stiff. It is our promise to you.

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