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Character Design Sheet Explained

Page 1 This page contains the first initial ideas that I had thought of for the boy and dad
character. I wanted to incorporate fantasy elements to their designs so I used the mood
boards I had created for reference. For the boy character, I wanted him to have quite a
simple design (everyday) outfit so I went with a t-shirt and shorts. Also, as he was going to
be exploring, I thought that a bag attached to his belt would be quite practical. Similarly, for
the dad I wanted to go for explorer type clothing to reflect his background. In terms of their
hairstyles, I have experimented with a few yet tried to make them slightly similar. Even
though I liked these designs, I think that I will continue to explore them in order to fit their
personality and the overall theme of the story.

Page 2 On page 2, I have produced another image that draws upon the design of the boy
in the previous image. Overall, from this image I think that the build of the boy and the
personality I tried to conveyed worked although, Im still not sure about the boys facial
features as I think he still looks abit too old for the age of the boy Im trying to go for which
is 10. Also, I think that the hairstyle is perhaps a bit too futuristic so I will address this in later
design sheets. The image after the boy is of the dad. I wanted to explore different clothing
types and styles in order to see which one would suit him and the story the best. I
particularly liked the design on the end as it does say explorer although, I may not make
the design as complicated as this as Im trying to go for a cartoony type feel.

Page 3 On page 3 I have produced some facial designs for the possible characters that I
wanted to include in my story. I was debating whether to go with a father figure or mother
figure at this time, or even a sibling. However, I decided that a father figure would probably
be best. Also, I looked at different ages of females and males in order to get an idea of facial
features etc

Page 4 Continuing from pages 2 and 3, this page contains a concept art of a dad and boy
character idea that I had. For inspiration, I looked at Fable for the clothing as I was debating
whether to have the time period set in the Victorian/Edwardian times. Although, after
looking at this, I decided that a fantasy/cartoon type setting would fit the story best.

Page 5 On page 5, I have created an alternative main character that is female. I wanted to
see whether the story would be better suited with a female character interacting with a
father figure. However, after receiving feedback from my peers, I discovered that the
relationship between the father and son would be better. However, looking at the design of
the girl, I liked the boots that I had created so I may include this in my future design sheets.
With relation to the image of the dad, I continued to explore the different variations I could
do with his outfit and came up with this. Overall, I really liked the look of the top and baggy
trousers with the sash so I think I will design this further. Although, I wasnt too sure about
the scarf even though it was a nice touch. Furthermore, in terms of all these designs at this
point, I think I will address facial features such as the eye shape in order to illustrate a
fantasy/cartoon theme.

Page 6 on page 6, I have created alternative facial design sheets for the boy as I wanted
to see which face shape would suit him the best. Overall, I really liked the design of the third
one at the top as I think that the short hair and big eyes really capture the age he is ment to
be. Although, I may take some aspects from the other designs e.g. the nose designs and
incorporate it into his final design

Page 7 On page 7, I have included a colour design sheet (black and white) of the boy
character in an outfit design that I had built upon. Even though I like certain aspects of this
design, for e.g. the boots, outfit and hair design, Im still not sure about the eye shape and
the build of the character. I think that the eyes are perhaps too small and the boy looks
more like a teenager rather than a 10 year old.

Page 8 On page 8, I have included design sheets of the boys expressions in order to
convey his personality and to get an idea of different expressions. The faces on the bottom
where the first colour sheets that I did, I thought that his design looked a lot better in terms
of looking more like the character I want to portray although I think the eyes could be
improved. At the time I was thinking of making them a really dark brown or even black as it
creates a more youthful look. For the image on the top, I used the next character idea sheet
as a basis but then altered his hair styles to see which one would be best. Overall, I think
that I will go for the first one but I will adjust this later.

Page 9 on page 9, I have designed another character outfit for the boy. I think that the
longsleeved shirt was a good idea so I will elaborate on this in later designs. However, I dont
think I will use the top as I want him to have a more casual look. Also, in this image I think
that the shorts are abit too short so I will make them longer. Page 10 contains the same
image but in colour. I liked the colour schemes used in this image so I will use these and
perhaps explore it abit more later.

Page 11 on page 11, I have included more sketches and lineart that builds upon the
expression sheets from earlier. In the top image, I drew the boy in different styles that I am
interested, this consists of Anime, cartoon, and fantasy. From this exercise, I liked the look of
the first image although, I think I may draw upon the eyes that I used in the last one.

Page 13 On page 13, this was more exploration of the boys outfit designs as I wanted to
see whether he should have a jacket or just a t-shirt. Below, I drew the boy just wearing a tshirt and shorts because I think this will be the look I will go for.

Page 14 draws upon the coloured image for earlier and page 15 contains the colour
scheme that I was thinking of going with although, I will change the build and facial features
of the boy to make him look younger.

Page 16 sketch of the boys hairstyles from earlier

Page 18 on page 18, I have included a design of a mask idea that I was thinking of for the
boy. Initially, I wanted to just create an interesting, maybe scary looking mask so I went with
the design of a dragon. For reference, I looked at masks from China, Japan and Africa.

Overall, I really liked this design, although I dont really think that it would suit the boy
character so I will see whether it would be better for the dad.

Page 19 on page 19, I have created another mask design for the boy and I think that this
one would suit him and the story a lot more. For inspiration, I looked at water masks as I
want the masks in my story to be related to the elements (fire, water and nature). Also, I
looked at water creatures for features such as scales etc to put on the design.

Page 20 on page 20, I have included a close up design of the boy. Even though I have
changed the eye shapes and design now, I liked the look of his hair and the shirt so I will use
this later on.

Page 21 page 21 contains a close up of the final design that I would like to do for the boy
character. I think that the features look a lot more youthful for the boy and I like the colour
scheme in this design as I think this reflects the background that he is from.

Page 22 On page 22, I have included a design of the dad in an idle pose. This is the design
that I will go for in the final design although, I think that I will alter the colour scheme slightly
and perhaps add a few more features on his attire.

Page 23 on this page I have drawn the dad in a sitting pose which is a feature in the
animatic. Even though these are earlier designs, I liked the way that it conveys his
personality so I will use this for later designs.

Page 24 this draws upon the design from page 23. Simularly to what I mentioned earlier, I
liked the design of the dad in this one, for example the shirt, trousers and boots although, I
have updated this now where he has a long sleeved shirt which is similar to the boy, made
the sash hang more loosely to reflect his background/explorer personality, and more detail
on the boots.

Page 25 draws upon page 23 but from a different angle and looks more into the details of
his face. In terms of his facial features, I think that I will change his eyes to match the shape
and design of the boy and perhaps add a beard/stubble and age detail for him to look abit
older and more like an older dad.
Pages 26 and 27 draw upon earlier pages but are sketches.

Page 28 this is a design sheet of the bird character and the colour scheme that it will
have. Overall, using the reference provided, I wanted to create a fantasy looking bird with
vibrant colours so I produced this design. Overall, I really liked the colours and shape of the
bird but I think that I will add some features to it as its a delivery bird. For e.g. a satchel bag?
And a hat for comic effect?

Page 29 contains the final turnaround of the boy character and his colour schemes. I am
pleased with the design of this character as I think it reflects the personality and theme of

the story. Also, I think that he looks more like a 10 year old boy and I think his outfit is
simple, yet contains detail of the setting.

Page 30 more expression sheets and colour. The expression sheets have been updated to
fit the final design of the boy.

Page 31 the first image contains specific poses of the boy character as I wanted to see
whether his design worked or not. I think that the middle image works the best to reflect his
personality and the events he will face where he has to solve the puzzles. The colour
turnaround of the dad in below this image and here I included the shading in order to get an
idea of the sort of material his clothes would be.

Page 32 on page 32, I have included the final expression sheets and character turnaround
of the dad character in colour. Similarly to the final boy design, I think that this design sheet
is successful because I think that this design would fit his personality and the theme of the
story. Also, I like the way that I have contrasted yet compared the blue colour scheme of the
boy and red for the dad with regard to the colour schemes of the masks. Furthermore, I
think that the long-sleeved shirt for the dad too and the loosely hung sash really helps to
convey his background of being an explorer.

Page 33 Similarly to the previous page, I have included a larger image of the dads final
design in order to get a better look at his characteristics and colour schemes.

Page 34 contains earlier turnaround designs of the boy that were near finalising. The only
changes were the shorts length and the design of the boots. This is clear on page 35 too of
the bigger image of the boy in an idle pose.

Page 36 just contains another sketch of the dads earlier designs.

Page 37 -> is a sketch of the dads earlier mask design which was taken from the boys design.
On page 38 I have included the sketches of the dads final design idea.

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