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My Class Notes

Level 3 | Unit 5
Review the key information presented in this unit. If you dont remember the language, vocabulary or phrases listed, go
back and review the unit.
Repasa el vocabulario clave presentado en esta unidad. Si no recuerdas las expresiones, el vocabulario o las frases de la
lista, vuelve a repasar la unidad.
You can use these structures to give advice to friends and coworkers.
Puedes usar estas estructuras para dar consejo a amigos o compaeros de trabajo.

Should and Must


Debera y Debe



I / He / She / We / You / They

should go.

shouldnt watch.

I / He / She / We / You / They

must hurry.

mustnt touch.

We use:
should and shouldnt to give advice. You should take your camera. You shouldnt eat so quickly.
must when somethings necessary. I must go to the bank.
mustnt when its necessary not to do something. You mustnt copy in the exam.
must is stronger than should.
Revsalo en Language Structure: Should, Must, and Have to

Different words are used to express advice and obligations. Make sure to use the correct one!
Usamos diferentes palabras para dar consejos y expresar obligacin. Asegrate de usar la correcta!

Should vs. Must, Have to


Debera vs. Debe, Tener que

Should / Shouldn't

Must / Mustn't

Have to / Don't have to

Expressing positive/negative advice

Expressing positive/negative obligation*

Expressing an obligation/nonobligation created by someone else

*Obligation is much stronger than advice.

Revsalo en Language Structure: Should, Must, and Have to

My Class Notes
Level 3 | Unit 5
Here are some typical phrases that you can use to give advice to friends.
Estas son algunas frases tpicas que puedes usar para aconsejar a tus amigos.

Giving Advice


Dar Consejos

advice phrases + base verb

I think you should

I don't think you should

Why don't you ?

Revsalo en Useful Phrases: Giving Advice

These expressions are frequently used when describing quantities.

Estas expresiones son usadas frecuentemente para describir cantidades.

Review: Quantifiers with Countable and Uncountable Nouns


Repaso: Cuantificadores con Sustantivos Contables e Incontables

Quantifiers for Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

We have
There are

a couple of eggs.
a few eggs.
several eggs.
some eggs.
many eggs.
a lot of eggs.
plenty of eggs.

We dont have
There arent

any eggs.
a lot of eggs.
many eggs.

How many eggs do you have?

Not many. / None. / A couple. / A few.

We have
There is

some bread.
a lot of bread.
plenty of bread.
a little (not much) bread.

We dont have
There isnt

How much bread do you have?

Not much. / A little. / A lot.

any bread.
a lot of bread.
much bread.

Countable AND Uncountable Nouns

Sometimes, the same noun can be countable and uncountable, often with a change of meaning.




There are two hairs in my food!

I dont have much hair. I am bald.


We have one light in our bedroom.

There is too much light. I cant sleep!


There are a lot of different noises in

the city.

It is hard to work when there is a lot

of noise.


I wrote five papers this semester.

There is no more paper in the printer.


Our house has many rooms.

Is there room for me to sit there?


Ive seen that movie five times!

What time is it?


Romeo and Juliet is one of

Shakespeares greatest works.

I dont have any money. I need work!

Revsalo en Vocabulary in Context: Review of Countable v. Uncountable Nouns

My Class Notes
Level 3 | Unit 5
Use the following expressions to talk about quantities in a positive or negative way.
Usa las siguientes expresiones para hablar sobre cantidades en sentido positivo o negativo.

Quantifiers: Too Much, Too Many, Enough

Cuantificadores: Demasiado/Demasiados(as)/(no lo)Suficiente


Too and enough are used in the following ways:

too + adjective / adverb
A gym membership is too expensive. We should just attend some aerobics classes.
too + much / many + noun
This pizza has too many calories. We should have a salad instead.
adjective / adverb + enough
She isnt healthy enough to participate in the event.
enough + (adjective) + noun
I only have enough time to exercise twice a week.
She doesnt eat enough healthy food to obtain the vitamins her body needs.
Typical constructions are:
to + for + noun / pronoun + infinitive
She ran too quickly for me to follow her.
enough + plural / uncountable noun + infinitive
He doesnt have enough resources to live a healthy lifestyle.
Revsalo en Vocabulary in Context: Quantifiers Too much/Too many/(not)Enough

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