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1. What are called fissile isotopes?

These fuels undergo fission process. When unstable heavy nuclear is bombarded with
neutrons, it splits into two fragments of approximately equal mass. A large amount of heat is
released during this fission process.
2. What are the conditions satisfied to sustain nuclear fission process?
1. The neutrons emitted in fission must have adequate energy to cause fission of another
2. The number of neutrons produced must be able not only to sustain the fission process
but also to increase the rate of fission.
3. The fission process must liberate the energy.
4. It must be possible to control the rate of energy liberation.
3. How does neutron evaporation refer?
The excited nucleus which always has an excess of neutrons relative to its fragment
products, ejects or boils off a large number of neutrons in one lot and the residual nucleus
breaks into two similar fragments both having nearly the same N/Z ratio called neutron
4. Mention the types of hydrogen fusion.
[i] Magnetic confinement uses magnetic and electric fields to heat and squeeze the
hydrogen plasma.
[ii] Inertial confinement uses laser beams or ion beams to squeeze and heat the hydrogen
5. Distinguish between fission and nuclear.
[Anna Univ. Nov2007]
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
It is the process of breaking a heavy It is a process of fusing two light nuclei
nucleus with some projectiles into into single nucleus with the liberation of
two or more light fragments with a large amount of heat.
liberation of a large amount of
This process results in the emission This process does not emit any kind of
of radioactive rays.
radioactive rays.
place This process takes place at very high
ordinary temperature [nearly at about 105 K].
The mass number and atomic The mass number and atomic number of
number and atomic number of the the product is higher than that of the
daughter elements [new elements] starting elements.
are considerably lower than that of
the parent nucleus.
This process gives rise to chain This process does not give rise to chain
During nuclear fission, neutrons are During nuclear fusion, protons are


Nuclear fission can be performed Nuclear fusion cannot be performed

under controlled conditions.
under controlled conditions.
6. List down the requirements of a moderator.
[i] It should have as low atomic mass number as possible, and
[ii] Its neutron absorbing ability should be as low as possible.
7. What is nuclear chain reaction classified?
For k =, the operation of the reactor is said to be exactly critical which is for steady-power
operation. If K1, the reactor is sub critical and the number of neutrons is going down. On the
other hand, if K1, the system is supercritical.
8. What are the processes involved in nuclear composition of Gamma-ray Burst fireballs?
1. Neutronization in the central engine.
2. Nucleosynthesis in the fireball as it expands and cools, and
3. Spallation of nuclei in subsequent internal shocks.
9. State the role of fuel fabrication in nuclear fuel cycle.
Nuclear fuel fabrication converts the enriched UF6 into fuel for nuclear power reactors.
10. State the benefit of reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
Reprocessing enables recycling of the uranium and plutonium into fresh fuel, and
produces a significantly reduced amount of waste [compared with treating all used fuel as
11.Name primary and secondary nuclear fuels used in nuclear power
(I) U235is primary fuel
(II)U233 and PU239 are secondary fuels
12.What are called fissile isotopes?
These fuels undergo fission process. When unstable heavy nuclear is bombarded with
neutrons it spilts into two fragement of approximately equal mass. Large amount of heat is
released during this fission process
13.How can we define fertile fuels?
U235 is produced by nuclear reaction of thorium element.PU239 is produced by neutron irradiation
of U238 . These PU239 and U233 can be fissioned by neutrons. U238 and Th232 are known as fertile
14.What is nuclear fission?
Nuclear fission is the process of splitting of nucleus into two almost equal fragments
accompanied by the release of heat.
15.What are the conditions satisfied to sustain nuclear fission process?
The fission process must liberate the energy
It must be possible to control the rate of energy liberation

16.How is nuclear energy calculated?

Nuclear energy is measured by albert Einstein formula,

E= mc2
C=velocity or the speed of light
17.What is called cosmium?
The hypothetical nuclide is called as cosmium.
18.Define the term photofission.
photons from nuclear reaction are capable of fissioning a number of heavy nuclides
called photofission
19.What is nuclear fusion?
Nuclear fusion is the process of cobining of fusing two lighter nuclei into a stable and
heavier nuclide. In this process also large amount of energy is released because mass of the
product nucleus is less very when compared to mass of the two nuclei which are fussed
20.Give the steps of proton-proton chain of fusion reaction?
Two pairs of protons from to make two deuterium atoms
Beryllium-6 decays into two helium-4 atoms.
21.Mention the types of hydrogen fusion.
Magnetic confinement uses magnetic and electric fields to heat squeeze the
hydrogen plasma.
Inertial confinement uses laser beams or ion beams to squeeze and heat hydrogen
22.Define chain reaction.
This chain reaction is the process in which the number of neutrons keeps on
multiplying rapidly during the fission till whole of the fissionable material is disintegrated.
23.Define multiplication factor or reproduction factor.
This condition can be conveniently expressed in the form of multiplication factor or
reproduction factor of the system which may be defined as
K=Number neutrons in any particular generation
Number neutrons in the preceding generation
24.What are the requirements to sustain the nuclear chain reaction?
The fission process must liberate the energy
It must be possible to control the rate of energy liberation
25.Iist down the requirements of a moderator.
It should have as low atomic mass number as possible and
Its neutron absorbing ability should be as low as possible
26.What is neutron generation?

Neutron generation is the time that elapses between the birth of a neutron and the birth of
neutrons from the subsequent fission which is caused by the given neutron.
27.Defne the term critical mass?
The point at which the chain reaction can become self-sustaining is known as critical mass.
28.Name few common enrichment techniques employed in nuclear fuel cycle.
Gaseous diffusion
Gas centrifuge
Thermal diffusion
29.state the role of fuel fabrication in nuclear fuel cycle.
Nuclear fuel fabrication converts the enriched UF6 into fuel for nuclear power reactors.
30.Name the methods used to concentrate and purify uranium.
Non exchange, and
Solvent extraction

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