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Add an indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.

1. Why does a surgeon wear a mask during operations?

. . . So if a
goes wrong, n

can identify her.

1. I put my soda down on the table, but _______________________ moved it!

2. The party is going to be great! _________________________ will be there.
3. Does ___________________ have change for a dollar so I can buy a soda?

2. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what does garlic do?
. . . It keeps e
3. What runs all the time without ever getting a
. . . your refrigerator

4. I was disappointed because _____________ that I invited came to the party.

5. Rachel was so popular that __________________ wanted to sit next to her.

4. Boy: This scale is broken.

Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: It tells e
a different weight.

6. ___________________ left the freezer open, and the ice cream melted.
7. The teacher said I could bring cupcakes for ________________ in the class.

5. What can you lose and n

. . . your temper

8. Henry was surprised that _________________ sent him a birthday card in the
mail, but did not sign the card.

6. What time is it when you find King Kong in your bed?

. . . Time to sleep s

9. That painting is so simple. _____________________ could have painted it.

10. The teacher passed the math tests out to ________________, and the room was
suddenly quiet.

7. What has n
. . . the word noise

11. ____________________ can bake a cake like Grandma Anna. Hers are the best!
12. Has _____________________ seen my blue notebook? I cant find it anywhere!

else can find for you?

left but a

nose when it loses an eye?

8. How are banks and trees alike?

. . . They have branches e

9. What did one eye say to the other?

. . . Between you and me, s


13. _________________ called my house, but they hung up without saying a word.
14. The third question on the test was so difficult that _________________ could
answer it.

10. Which moves faster, heat or cold?

. . . Heat. a
can catch cold.

Underline the most appropriate indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.

1. I saw ( one , someone , somebody ) enter your house.

Encircle the pronoun in each sentence. Write S if the pronoun is a Subject Pronoun and O
if it is Object Pronoun.
_________ 1. I will go to your house later.

2. ( Someone, either, neither ) of us are going to the practice. We are both not feeling well.

_________ 2. Mom invited them to play pretend cooking.

3. Has ( anyone , someone, some ) seen my assignment notebook?

_________ 3. The waiter gave us a huge serving of nachos.

4. ( Each , Some , Many ) workers did not go to work yesterday because of the typhoon.

_________ 4. Daddy ordered it together with cheese and salsa dip.

5. I heard a lot of people are going to the tree planting. How about in 4-E, is ( anyone,
everyone, somebody ) participating too?

_________ 5. She studied very well for the test.

_________ 6. Mom will give her a surprise later.

6. ( Most , All , Many ) cupcakes were sold in the morning. Nothing was left to sell in the
7. Ms. Mojica was disappointed because (everyone , nobody , one ) got perfect in the easy

_________ 7. We are excited to go to the Manila Ocean Park.

_________ 8. She kept the doll inside the cabinet.
_________ 9. They performed very well last night.

8. Lance and Sam like Nerf. ( Neither, Either, Both) have their own Nerf guns.
_________ 10. Kimberlyn introduced me to everybody.
9. ( Everybody, All, Anyone ) from ages 18 and up can already vote.
_________ 11. You are a very good girl.
10. ( Each , Someone , Everyone ) eagerly recited his part of the dialogue.
_________ 12. Dad will bring you to school.

11. ( Some , No one, Nothing ) can be excused from taking the quarterly test. Everyone
must take it.

_________ 13. He is practicing basketball at the court.

_________ 14. It is a very talkative bird.

Underline the pronouns and circle the antecedent.

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct homophone and writing it in the blank.

1. What was so strange about the ride?

1. After he was sick for several days, his face was ___________________(pail/pale).

2. Someone wrote a song about Mrs. Ayotte.

2. She purchased a beautiful new gown _________________(for/four) the dance.

3. That is not the curious thing, however.

3. Walking down the _______________(Ill/aisle/isle) to get married can be scary.

4. I think the test was very difficult.

4. Glass containers have been ________________(band/banned) on the beach.

5. Long ago, a train rolled into town, but no one got off.

5. The baker systematically kneaded the _____________(doe/dough) for the bread.

6. Who will go with the baby to the park?

6. Id rather receive my _________________(male/mail) electronically than on paper.

7. The gloves are mine.

7. He was considered __________________(bald/bawled) because he had no hair.

8. We searched everywhere trying to ________________(fined/find) our lost dog.

8. Which is the house for sale?

9. My favorite stringed instrument is the ___________(base/bass) because it is so big.

9. Tony said these are the world's smallest birds.

10. The fight __________________(scene/seen) in the movie was extremely exciting!

10. Albert Einstein devoted his life to science.

11. Though he was already tired, the farmer had to ________(so/sew/sow) the seeds.

11. Years later many thought Mark had been guilty.

12. Annabella sat on the bottom ________________(stair/stare) without being noticed.

12. Those are the books Molly read last summer.

13. After running out of _____________(flour/flower), the baker had to stop baking.

13. Who came into the store late?

14. Fierce winds _________________(blew/blue) all night during the thunderstorm.

14. Everything in the window is on sale.

15. Rover sat and scratched the place where the ______________(flea/flee) bit him.

15. The book on the table is mine.

16. The government has the right to __________(sees/seas/seize) the stolen property.

Read the paragraphs and select the best title.

My fifth grade class went on a field trip to a pumpkin farm. We rode over the farm
in a wagon pulled by a tractor. The corn maze was fun to walk through although I
got lost. There was a petting zoo with pigs, rabbits, goats and other animals. As we
left each student got to choose a pumpkin to take home.
Titles: (1) Getting Lost
(2) A Trip to the Petting Zoo
(3) Our Fifth Grade Class Trip

Thanksgiving is a special holiday for our family. All of my relatives go to my

grandmothers house. She prepares many tasty dishes. The children play in the
barn and run all over the farm. The best part of Thanksgiving is seeing my relatives
and sharing our blessings with each other.
Titles: (1) Playing In The Barn
(2) My Thanksgiving
(3) Grandmothers House

Family is the most important thing in the world. It was difficult to choose a family
member to write about because they are all very special. In the end, I decided to
tell you about the oldest member of my family, my grandfather. First I will tell you
about his life in the past, then about my life with him now.
Titles: (1) The oldest person in your family
(2) Lucky people
(3) A special family member
Read the paragraph and write a title for it.
Our school has a terrific football team. They have won all of their games. The
reason they win most of them is because Zach, the quarterback, runs so fast and
moves quickly. Most of our students and parents attend the games because they
are so exciting and so much fun to watch. If we win two more games we will be the
District Champs.


No one
No one

1. anything, no one/
2. everyone/
3. anywhere
4. everyone/
5. no one/nobody
6. somewhere
7. nothing
8. everywhere
9. something
10. Anybody

1. someone
2. Neither
3. anyone
4. many
5. veryone
6. all
7. nobody
8. both
9. anyone
10. Each
11. no one

1. I S
2. Them O
3. Us O
4. It O
5. She S
6. Her O
7. We S
8. She O
9. They S
10. Me O
11. You S
12. You O
13. He S
14. It - S

1. Pale
2. For
3. Aisle
4. Banned
5. Dough
6. Mail
7. Bald
8. Find
9. Bass

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